
In order to hide from the eyeliner of his courtiers, Emperor Huan of Han conspired with the eunuchs in the toilet to get rid of his foreign relative Liang Jiyi, poisoned the emperor's foreign relative Liang Ji'er, and the toilet coup: Liu Zhi dodged Liang Ji's eyeliner in the toilet, found allies, and the Liang family was killed, and the puppet Tianzi relied on the eunuchs to successfully counterattack

author:The contemplative Tocqueville

Zhuge Liang wrote in the "Table of Renunciation": "When the former emperor was there, whenever he discussed this matter with his subjects, he did not hesitate to sigh and hate Huan and Lingye. The Huan in this Huan Ling refers to the Han Huan Emperor, the Han Huan Emperor and the later Han Ling Emperor, regarded as a typical Emperor Of Han, and the literati and inkers of all generations regarded the Han Huan Emperor as the faint heavenly son who corrupted the world, believing that it was he who led to the fall of the Han Dynasty, but was this really the case? If you are familiar with the Zizhi Tongjian, you will find that Emperor Huan of Han was a very capable king. As a puppet supported by the powerful ministers, Emperor Huan of Han relied on his own wisdom and courage to turn defeat into victory in a near-desperate situation, eliminated the powerful minister Liang Ji, killed the Liang family and its henchmen, and successfully restored the Great Han Dynasty. Whenever I read this history in the Zizhi Tongjian, I can't help but lament the decisiveness and scheming of the young Tianzi Emperor Huan of Han.

In order to hide from the eyeliner of his courtiers, Emperor Huan of Han conspired with the eunuchs in the toilet to get rid of his foreign relative Liang Jiyi, poisoned the emperor's foreign relative Liang Ji'er, and the toilet coup: Liu Zhi dodged Liang Ji's eyeliner in the toilet, found allies, and the Liang family was killed, and the puppet Tianzi relied on the eunuchs to successfully counterattack

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, poisoning the emperor's foreign relative Liang Ji</h1>

At the age of 15, Liu Zhi, the Marquis of Liwu, was welcomed into Luoyang, looking at the civil and military officials creeping down, Liu Zhi did not have a little joy in his heart, he knew that his position as the Son of Heaven was not the right way, he was not the bloodline of the former Tianzi, but just a small prince, the reason why he could be honored as the emperor, all depended on the support of the powerful minister Liang Ji, and Liang Ji's reason for choosing himself was very simple, that is, young, and young means good control, from the first moment he stepped into Luoyang, Liu Zhi understood, He was stepping into a cage made of gold, and he, the Son of Heaven, was nothing more than a canary raised by Liang Ji.

In order to hide from the eyeliner of his courtiers, Emperor Huan of Han conspired with the eunuchs in the toilet to get rid of his foreign relative Liang Jiyi, poisoned the emperor's foreign relative Liang Ji'er, and the toilet coup: Liu Zhi dodged Liang Ji's eyeliner in the toilet, found allies, and the Liang family was killed, and the puppet Tianzi relied on the eunuchs to successfully counterattack

Liang Ji, a powerful courtier, had a prominent family lineage, his father was the great general Liang Shang, and his sister was the empress of the Han Shun Emperor, and by virtue of the relationship between his father and sister, Liang Ji rose all the way to the great general and became the most powerful foreign relative during the Han Shun Emperor's period. Emperor Hanshun died young, leaving only a 2-year-old son, who was Emperor Chong of Han, but not long after, Emperor Chong of Han also fell ill and died. For a time, the royal family was cut off from the bloodline, and there was no master in the DPRK.

Liang Ji and the ministers discussed who to appoint as the king, the ministers wanted to choose a successor from the older princes, but the lustful Liang Ji vetoed one by one, Liang Ji was a power-hungry person, he wanted, not the son of heaven, but a puppet, if he was too old to control, so he must choose the small, so, under the auspices of Liang Ji, the 8-year-old Liu Ji was made emperor, that is, the Han Emperor. It is reasonable to say that with such a small emperor, Liang Ji should always be at ease, but who knows that although Liu Miao is small, he is very clever, and he actually saw through the essence of Liang Ji at a glance and shouted at Liang Ji: "General Baohu! When Liang Ji heard this, he was shocked and thought, "This guy, he can see through me at such a young age, and he must not be left behind." Liang Ji held a grudge in his heart, and later, he poisoned the food of the Han Emperor, resulting in the Han Emperor vomiting and dying, and he was only 9 years old when he died. Liang Ji's viciousness shocked the people of the world.

In order to hide from the eyeliner of his courtiers, Emperor Huan of Han conspired with the eunuchs in the toilet to get rid of his foreign relative Liang Jiyi, poisoned the emperor's foreign relative Liang Ji'er, and the toilet coup: Liu Zhi dodged Liang Ji's eyeliner in the toilet, found allies, and the Liang family was killed, and the puppet Tianzi relied on the eunuchs to successfully counterattack

Liang Ji poisoned and killed the Emperor

Liang Ji not only dared to kill the ministers who opposed him, but even the Son of Heaven did not make a mistake. The young Liu Zhi understood that his current status was like that of Liu Yi, who was supported by Huo Guang, and Liang Ji's fierceness was more than a hundred times stronger than Huo Guang's, and if he resisted a little, he would end up like Liu Jiao.

Liu Zhi's situation at that time can be said to be quite desperate, but Liu Zhi is by no means an idle person, he must regain his own power.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, toilet coup: Liu Zhi dodged Liang Ji's eyeliner in the toilet and found an ally</h1>

In order to avoid arousing Liang Ji's suspicions, Liu Zhi, who had just entered the imperial court, could be described as obedient and respectful to Liang Ji.

Liang Ji wore shoes and carried a sword to the temple, Liu Zhi did not say anything, and was very respectful to him. Liang Ji brutally killed the loyal minister Li Gu Duqiao, and Liu Zhi did not say anything and agreed to everything. Liang Ji asked for a reward for his brothers and relatives, and Liu Zhi made Liang Ji's younger brother Liang Buqi The Marquis of Yingyang, Liang Meng the Marquis of Xijia, Liang Ji's nephew Liang Yin the Marquis of Xiangyi, and his wife Sun Shou the Prince of Xiangcheng. Langzhong Yuan zhu suggested that Liang Ji return the government to Tianzi, and Liang Ji put him to death, and Liu Zhi agreed, watching his loyalists who supported him beheaded. The local county guarded the tribute offered by the superior, Liu Zhi gave the superior to Liang Ji, and the inferior one kept to himself. Liu Zhi treated Liang Ji like his own father, and was very kind to him.

In order to hide from the eyeliner of his courtiers, Emperor Huan of Han conspired with the eunuchs in the toilet to get rid of his foreign relative Liang Jiyi, poisoned the emperor's foreign relative Liang Ji'er, and the toilet coup: Liu Zhi dodged Liang Ji's eyeliner in the toilet, found allies, and the Liang family was killed, and the puppet Tianzi relied on the eunuchs to successfully counterattack

Looking at this docile emperor, Liang Ji was very satisfied, thinking that he had really found a good puppet. But Liang Ji didn't know that Liu Zhi was obedient on the surface, but in fact he had already hidden the killing machine, and he didn't want to kill this powerful minister who was doing evil for a long time, and he didn't want to be a puppet for life. However, Liang Ji controlled the imperial court for many years, and the whole court was full of his people, Liu Zhi had no way to start, even if it was the inner palace, there were many eunuchs close to Liang Ji. It is not easy to get rid of Liang Ji's eyeliner.

Liu Zhi examined the people around him, and finally he found a person who had a conflict with Liang Ji, that is, the eunuch Tang Heng, who Liu Zhi believed would help him get rid of Liang Ji. However, Liang Ji had many henchmen, and he must not casually meet with Tang Heng, and he must find a way to avoid Liang Ji's eyeliner. Finally, Liu Zhi found a way, that is, to go to the toilet.

In order to hide from the eyeliner of his courtiers, Emperor Huan of Han conspired with the eunuchs in the toilet to get rid of his foreign relative Liang Jiyi, poisoned the emperor's foreign relative Liang Ji'er, and the toilet coup: Liu Zhi dodged Liang Ji's eyeliner in the toilet, found allies, and the Liang family was killed, and the puppet Tianzi relied on the eunuchs to successfully counterattack

Liu Zhi summoned Tang Heng to the toilet in the name of serving himself to the toilet, and Liu Zhi asked Tang Heng, "Do you know who is dissatisfied with Liang Ji in the DPRK?" Liu Zhi's words were very deliberate, if Tang Heng and Liang Ji had a contradiction, just to discuss getting rid of Liang Ji, if Tang Heng had no intention of confronting Liang Ji, he could also say that he wanted to eliminate the enemy for Liang Ji, for the sake of Liang Ji, so that no matter what the situation, he could protect himself. Fortunately, Tang Heng was in the former situation, and he really did not like Liang Ji. Tang Heng immediately replied to Liu Zhi, "Zhongchang Shi Shan Chao, Xu Huang, Gu Ying, and Zuo Wei were all privately dissatisfied with Liang Ji, but they were only hindered by Liang Ji's power and dared not speak out. Liu Zhi was overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately made clear to Tang Heng his intention to get rid of Liang Ji, and Tang Heng said after hearing this: "Liang Ji is a traitor of the country, and I want to get rid of it quickly." Liu Zhi immediately plotted with Tang Heng on how to get rid of Liang Ji.

Tang Heng carefully analyzed the situation, he believed that Liang Ji was ostensibly in power and opposition, but because of the usual flying and stumbling, offended many people, as long as we raised our arms, there will be someone to respond, but we must keep it secret, so Liu Zhi recruited Shan Chao, Xu Huang and other eunuchs, and the six of them made an alliance of blood and vowed never to leak secrets.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > third, the Liang family was killed, and the puppet Tianzi relied on eunuchs to successfully counterattack</h1>

Although Liu Zhi and the eunuchs kept secrets, the keen Liang Ji still noticed the abnormality, so he ordered the eunuch Zhang Yun, who was loyal to him, to enter the palace on duty to monitor Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi saw the situation, and the five eunuchs immediately decided to start the action immediately. In the name of Tianzi, Gu Yu ordered the arrest of Zhang Yun on the charge of": "From outside the palace, plotting to commit misdeeds." Liu Zhi ascended to the front hall, gathered all the Shangshu, declared Liang Ji guilty, and called on the Wenwu Hundred Officials to kill the state thief. Liu Zhi ordered Yin Xun, Yu Lang and the following officials to be armed to guard the Secretariat's Office, and at the same time ordered all the seal letters and runes representing the emperor to be sent to the palace to ensure that they always held power. Immediately afterward, Liu Zhi ordered Gu Yu to lead the urgently recruited left and right imperial stables, Tiger Warriors, Yulin Jun, etc., a total of about a thousand people, together with Zhang Biao, a lieutenant of the Gyeonggi Division, to raid Liang Ji's official residence and surround Liang Fu. He also sent Guanglu Xun Yuan Xu (袁盱) to "hold the festival" to confiscate the seal of the liang and Ji generals.

In order to hide from the eyeliner of his courtiers, Emperor Huan of Han conspired with the eunuchs in the toilet to get rid of his foreign relative Liang Jiyi, poisoned the emperor's foreign relative Liang Ji'er, and the toilet coup: Liu Zhi dodged Liang Ji's eyeliner in the toilet, found allies, and the Liang family was killed, and the puppet Tianzi relied on the eunuchs to successfully counterattack

Liang Ji and his wife Sun Shou saw that the outside was full of troops loyal to the emperor, and knowing that the general situation was gone, they both committed suicide, Liang Ji's relatives were all beheaded and killed, dozens of people were beheaded, and Liang Ji's close associate, The Lieutenant Hu Guang, was dismissed from his post. Situ Han ji and Sikong Sun Lang were arrested and imprisoned. More than 300 people were deposed, and because Liang Ji had previously been in power and was all his men, after hastily beheading and deposing, the imperial court was empty, which showed the great power of Liang Ji. However, such a huge Liang clique was completely destroyed in one day, and the people rejoiced when they learned that Liang Ji was killed.

After 13 years as a puppet, Liu Zhi finally took power and became the real emperor. The Liang family, which had been a disaster for the Three Dynasties, was finally completely eradicated, and the Great Han Dynasty was finally stabilized again. It was Liu Zhi's boldness that defeated the invincible warlord Liang Ji.

Later generations of Confucians always said that Liu Zhi was a dimwitted monarch, saying that he had caused the decline and fall of the Great Han, but without Liu Zhi's courage, I am afraid that the Great Han would have been overthrown by Liang Ji long ago, and Liang Ji would even dare to poison the Son of Heaven, who knows whether he would dare to usurp the throne next? Knowing that the historical lesson of the Usurpation of the throne by Wang Mang, a foreign relative of the Western Han Dynasty, has not passed for a long time, who can guarantee that Liang Ji will not usurp the throne?

The Confucians ridiculed Liu Zhi for reusing eunuchs, getting close to villains, and staying away from the sages, but for Liu Zhi at that time, who else could he rely on besides eunuchs? The ministers of the court were almost all Liang Ji's henchmen, and even Liu Zhi himself, every move was under Liang Ji's surveillance, except for the eunuchs who were waiting for him next to him, who else could he find?

In order to hide from the eyeliner of his courtiers, Emperor Huan of Han conspired with the eunuchs in the toilet to get rid of his foreign relative Liang Jiyi, poisoned the emperor's foreign relative Liang Ji'er, and the toilet coup: Liu Zhi dodged Liang Ji's eyeliner in the toilet, found allies, and the Liang family was killed, and the puppet Tianzi relied on the eunuchs to successfully counterattack

Liu Zhi's favor for the eunuchs after that was a kind of retribution, the eunuchs did save his life, Tang Heng and other five eunuchs, at that time and the emperor went to the tang fire, a little careless may be in a different place, this kind of friendship of common suffering is difficult to replace. For Liu Zhi, Tang Heng and the other five eunuchs were far more reliable than the ministers and Qingliu, and where were you Qingliu at that time? To be successful, you must draw on the power of all people, and you should not be prejudiced by who you are.

These profound truths are not seen in the Confucian classics, but they can be seen in the Zizhi Tongjian.

"Zizhi Tongjian" can be said to be a political textbook, Sima Guang himself went through decades of eunuch career to write this strange book, taking history as a mirror, which is the ultimate purpose of this book. Because of this, from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the Zizhi Tongjian has always been the standard textbook for emperors, so it was called "Emperor's Textbook" by Liang Qichao.

In order to hide from the eyeliner of his courtiers, Emperor Huan of Han conspired with the eunuchs in the toilet to get rid of his foreign relative Liang Jiyi, poisoned the emperor's foreign relative Liang Ji'er, and the toilet coup: Liu Zhi dodged Liang Ji's eyeliner in the toilet, found allies, and the Liang family was killed, and the puppet Tianzi relied on the eunuchs to successfully counterattack

Gu Yanwu, a famous scholar of the Ming and Qing dynasties, commented on the Zizhi Tongjian in the Rizhilu: With a lifetime of energy, it will become an indispensable book for future generations. Zeng Guofan, a famous minister of the late Qing Dynasty, commented on this book: Stealing the book of the sages and astonishing the world, Mo is good at Sima Wenzheng's "Zizhi Tongjian", and its arguments are eclectic and open-minded. Why Zeng Guofan admired the Zizhi Tongjian

This is because the "Zizhi Tongjian" is not only reasonable, but also has a change of power, that is, the so-called "reason for poor things and the right to hold on to saints." It is very difficult for a book to explain the reasoning clearly, but the "Zizhi Tongjian" not only talks about reasoning, but also knows how to talk about operation, how powerful it is, it is said that Zhu Yuanzhang has a special love for the "Zizhi Tongjian", and the Emperors of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, Qianlong and other emperors also read the Tongjian to learn the way of governing the country, and passed it on as a "royal approval".

The affirmation of so many politicians in the Zizhi Tongjian is enough to illustrate the problem.

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