
The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

author:Calligraphy newspaper

The Spring Festival is coming

All kinds of spring joint hit people's eyes

I have seen more of the content of the modern Spring League collection

Together, we listened to the famous masters of the book world talk about the Yang Lian

Admire the Ming and Qing dynasties and modern times

Literati and scholars wrote about the Yang Lian

Zhang Kunshan talks about the creation of Yang Lian

It seems that there are not many words in the works of Yanglian calligraphy, and the form of chapters is relatively fixed, but in fact, it is not, and the creation of Yanglian calligraphy is still quite difficult. First of all, it should be noted that the content of the joint sentences is neat and tidy, and only by writing the joint sentences in line with the requirements and specifications of the joint sentences can we talk about the creation of the calligraphy of the joint sentences.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Wu Changshuo

Hate no ten years to read strange books

Fortunately, I have two eyes and a wide range of friends

Secondly, we must pay attention to the contrast and echo relationship in the creation of The Calligraphy of the Yang Lian, and pay attention to the echo of the upper and lower, left and right, and the beginning and end between the joint sentences, and also pay attention to the staggered size and pitching. Third, we must pay attention to the charm and atmosphere of writing, and the pen and ink should be more thoughtful on the thick and dry wet.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

He Shaoji

A delight in the beauty of the day

The English word is good and ancient

Yun Ping talks about the creation of Yang Lian

In creating calligraphy works, we should pay attention to the following issues: First, the content. Before creation, it is necessary to choose the content of the conjunction, you can choose some artistic and beautiful sentences to write, and avoid choosing some artistic, sad, obscure and difficult to understand joint sentences.

Good joint sentences are easy for the writer to enter a relaxed creative state, and it is easier for the calligrapher to gradually enter the creative state. If the calligrapher can write his own joint, he may wish to write a self-written joint sentence, link the heart, and unite the heart and hand, which is easy to express the artistic effect of both the heart and the hand.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Liu Yong

Learn to be with heaven and man

Wen Ru Feng Shui is unintentional

The second is the structure of the word. The structure of the word will directly affect the creation effect of the calligraphy of the Yanglian, for example, if there are more words in the left and right structure of a couplet, the effect of writing will not be ideal; such as the strokes of the upper couplet are few, the strokes of the lower conjunction are more, and it is not easy to write the best effect.

The third is to choose the right book style. If you write cursive calligraphy, the size of the upper and lower characters does not need to correspond one by one, and the size can be changed according to the complexity and simplicity of the strokes and the posture of the words. Some books that must correspond to the effect, such as seal books, lishu, calligraphy, and xingshu, can not write the words into the same size, according to the glyphs, strokes, to adjust the relationship between words and words, pay attention to the change of ink color.

Fourth, the use of words should be coordinated. The most basic practice is to unify the use of simplified and traditional words when writing letters and writing books, and not mixing simple and traditional words.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Gao Gaoliang talked about the creation of Yang Lian

In the creation of calligraphy, we must first choose a good writing content. Singing praises to the party, the motherland, the new era, and the new life, the healthy and upward content is the main theme of the contemporary calligraphy creation of The Yanglian, and it cannot be abandoned.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

He Linghan

Wadangvin lives longer

The copper plate is rich and auspicious

In recent years, the China Book Association has advocated the creation of calligraphy with self-written poems and dictionaries, and put forward requirements for the majority of calligraphers to strengthen the cultivation of traditional culture, which is a major progress in contemporary calligraphy. In the previous national calligraphy exhibitions, there were problems such as the wrong side of the upper and lower links, the irregularities of the level and the level, the consistency of the content of the "joint palm union", and the upside down of the upper and lower links, which should arouse sufficient attention from contemporary calligraphers.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Lin Zexu

Baifu screen blossoms rich

Nine as shown in the picture around the bamboo peace

Secondly, we must pay attention to the accuracy of the words used in the creation of Yanglian calligraphy.

In general, the number of words in the calligraphy works is small, and the typos are easily recognized, which in turn will hinder the overall artistic effect of the work. No matter what kind of calligraphy is used to write the calligraphy works of The Yanglian, it is not possible to mix traditional and simple characters, typos should be prohibited, variants and vulgar characters should also be used cautiously, for some uncertain and inaccurate words, we must develop the habit of looking up dictionaries and reference books, and then make further identification.

Again, we must emphasize the artistic effect. I think that in addition to the long multi-character link of the main book, other calligraphy works should pay more attention to the degree of opening and closing of the knot, the ink color is rich in change and rhythm, and the calligraphy style of the upper and lower links is consistent and does not appear in the same position.

It is easy to express passion in the calligraphy works of Yang Lian, and to prevent writing from being too rough, it is necessary to strengthen the bookish atmosphere while expressing passion and skill.

Liu Hongyang talked about The Creation of Yang Lian

The so-called yanglian is a vertical strip, wood (stone or other material), carved or written ornaments suspended on the pillars. The hall of the ancient building often has four pillars in front and back, and the first two columns independently support the roof of the upper fang and the eaves part, commonly known as "eaves column" or "pillar", which is called "yang" in architecture, so the wooden link hanging on it is called "yang lian".

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Chen Hongshou

The forest flowers are still fragrant through the rain

Yerba Buena is left to its own leisure

Yanglian calligraphy is a form of calligraphy with strong practicality, which is lyrical, expressive and decorative. Excellent works have the dual aesthetic value of Yang Lian and calligraphy.

Literaryly, as a literary genre and cultural phenomenon that is appreciated by both the common sense of elegance and customs, it is conceived in the "Piao Language" and "Legal sentence", formed after the "Luo Wen" and "Vinaya Poems", and is independent of the "Piao Wen" and "Vinaya Poems". First of all, Yang Lian's creation should be lofty in intention, from the big picture, from the new place, from the strange place, with fresh, healthy, super easy quality.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Zeng Guofan

Left Qin Right Book XiangLe Eternal Day

Shiba herb motegi has a rich heart

The creation of Calligraphy needs to be full of passion, emotion gives life to Yanglian, and the emotion is sincere and warm in order to produce thrilling artistic appeal and persuasiveness. Whether it is an incisive theory or an implicit meaning, it must be refined, coupled with the long-term accumulation of life, emotion, thought, and art, in order to create excellent Calligraphy works. The content of excellent Calligraphy works is itself an excellent literary work, which is the premise of the creation of Yanglian calligraphy.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...


There is divine enlightenment in the mountains and rivers

Wind and rain I think of the ancients

From the perspective of calligraphy, the author's emotional expression and personality temperament should be conveyed with the help of pen and ink imagery, line form, power rhythm, and charm. Therefore, the calligraphy of the Yanglian is a work of art of the book and the book, and the two are indispensable.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...


Langyuan has many books with cranes

Spring City is full of flowers

Zhao Shanting talks about the creation of Yang Lian

The calligraphy has a long history, and the earliest known Chunlian calligraphy appeared in the Five Dynasties. Since then, not only has a new style of writing been created, but also slowly evolved into a form of calligraphy in later generations.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Weng Tonggong

The grass is very delicate

Fuso ascends to the sun

It was not until the Ming Dynasty that the calligraphy of The Yanglian began to be hung in the form of calligraphy in the halls, pavilions, columns or in the study hall, making the calligraphy of the Yanglian calligraphy a unique literary style and becoming more and more loved by people.

In the past 30 years, many calligraphy works have been exhibited and awarded by the China Book Association, including the national exhibition, the China Youth Exhibition, the Youth Exhibition and the Lanting Award, the highest award of Chinese calligraphy. From 1994 to the present, the China Book Association has held a total of six national calligraphy exhibitions, which have made the original monotonous, bland and stable calligraphy flourish, and the level of artistic creation has developed and improved. But some of these problems must also be brought to the attention of contemporary calligraphers.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Zhang Zhidong

The pen turns green and green

In front of the hall, the water bamboo cham Qinghua

Judging from the calligraphy works that can be seen so far, from the Ming and Qing dynasties to the mid-1980s, the calligraphy of The Yanglian calligraphy is generally not rich enough in style and style; the calligraphy is old, the penmanship is old, and the rules are not strange; except for the royal and high-ranking officials and nobles, most of the writing of the couplets is of a single color.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Lu Runxiu

The sound of tea is a cacophony of flowers and rain

The curtain is clear through the bamboo smoke

In addition to the limitations of the times, there are problems in aesthetics, concepts and innovations. Since the Third National Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Engraving and the Fifth National Exhibition of Works of Young and Middle-Aged Calligraphy and Seal Engravers, there has gradually been the intervention of color propaganda and old age, and there have gradually been new breakthroughs in chapters and methods, and the face of taking the law has become increasingly diversified.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Dong Qichang

Kezhu contains Lan si

Cold lights illuminate the rain

Through the combing of the above situations, it is not difficult to find the problems:

First, insufficient attention is paid to the content of the Link. For example, most people can't write together, many people have not been able to choose the style of the book and the style of the book according to the artistic conception of the content of the link, some works are in the form of the content of the link but not the link, and some use the wrong content to create the calligraphy of the link, and they are wrong and do not know it.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Cao Hongxun

Idle cluster Lan Xu is a young long

Because of the observation of flowing water to understand the love text

The second is the relatively independent aesthetic of Yanglian calligraphy, and insufficient attention and practice are paid to it. For example, the book style and style suitable for flexible layout are too neat in the position of the upper and lower conjunctions, such as operators, the longitudinal length of the single link is not consistent, the lack of natural and flexible rhythm, in the case of poor echo of the calligraphy style itself, there is a lack of research on the size of the single word and reasonable interspersed.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Wang Wan

Passed on by the Lord to allow huai duofu

Longevity has been repeatedly praised

Third, the feasibility study of the innovation of the calligraphy and chapter method of the Yanglian calligraphy has not been enough. Either it is written in the same way and familiarly, or although some changes have been made, the taste is not high. The cooperation between the main character and the paragraph word is very empty, lacking organic connection; either it is dense and disorganized, or even the paragraph word affects the theme of the work and dominates the main body.

The fourth is to pay attention to the compatibility of the theme word and the style of the style of the model character, and the research is not enough. Although the style is only a supporting role, its number, size, distribution, color, font, style, and spacing should be explored.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Kang Youwei

Lan Qi Qing and Ying Qun Yu

Water is vain and quiet for a day

Fifth, insufficient attention is paid to the vermilion white, style, size, shape, number, position, and color of the printing clay. If the printing is used reasonably, it will be the finishing touch; if it is used irrationally, it will add chaos.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Strict repair

Full of poetry books Little Zou Lu

A family and Legu Tangyu

Sixth, paper, paper color, paper background pattern, decorative grid, handwriting color, book style, word size, how much to cooperate with and paste cut, should be elegant, bright, harmonious, to avoid vulgarization.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Hua Shikui

Feather achievements of linzi phoenix

Purple zhi vermilion flowers and leaves are lush

The above points are all to improve the artistry of The calligraphy of the Yanglian, the most important thing is still writing, and the improvement of the artistry of the calligraphy works of the Yanglian calligraphy must be regarded as the first priority.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...


The sound of birds wearing bamboo is terrifying

Into the eaves of the flower shadow falling cup plate

Zhang Ji talks about The Creation of Yang Lian

Due to the specificity of the form of Calligraphy, the following issues should be paid attention to when creating:

1. Avoid single form. Some people, writing The calligraphy works, especially the main book works, are displayed independently, the left and right correspond neatly, the glyphs are the same size, and the ink color is the same. In fact, in terms of formal expression, there is still a very large space for composition in the calligraphy works of Yang Lian.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Xie Xin

Carved bamboo inscription poems are busy with idle people

The horizontal sutra says that the swordsman bones the heart of the Buddha

2. Pursue the charm of the works. Creators of Yanglian calligraphy works are more likely to pay attention to the shape of single characters, thus ignoring the overall relationship between top and bottom and left and right, so the elements of related works such as the size of the knot, the broken echo of the pen, and the weight of the ink color should be comprehensively used. In order to achieve the overall effect of the calligraphy works, it is completely possible to break the strict layout corresponding to the upper and lower conjunctions, and then pursue changeable unity, breath access, and overall correspondence.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Wu Peng

Qingyun is brilliant in Xiaowei Phoenix

Manna was born by Ye Jiahe

3. Pay attention to the text content. In the calligraphy works of the Yang Lian, it is required that the content of the written text must be couplets. Now there are some calligraphy authors who are very careless and mistakenly write words and sentences with an equal number of words as couplets, and I have participated in the eighth and ninth national calligraphy and seal engraving exhibitions, the second Chinese Calligraphy Lanting Award "Anmei Cup" calligraphy seal engraving exhibition, Weng Tonggong Calligraphy Award and other large exhibitions and awards, this phenomenon is not uncommon.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Yu Right Ren

Books are golden and stone

The room has a fragrance of fern orchid

Secondly, many of the calligraphy works of Yanglian enrich the form of the work with long titles, but it should be noted that the content of the long text must be closely related to the content of the main text or the main body of calligraphy, and at the same time, attention should be paid to the elegance of the words.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Wu Hufan

Zhu Qilan said that spring is eternal

The water is quiet and the mountains are happy and the sky is followed

4. Strengthen the overall style. First of all, we must pay attention to the change and unity relationship between the main calligraphy of the Yang Lian and the falling style of the book. Under normal circumstances, the seal book can be inscribed with the inscription of the letter or the book of the line, the book of the book can be used with the letter or the chapter of the cursive inscription, the letter can be used in the letter or the inscription of the line, the line can be used as the line or cursive inscription, and the cursive can be used in cursive. In short, we must pay attention to the coordination between the main calligraphy and the style of the falling calligraphy.

Yang Xiaojun talks about the creation of Yang Lian

In the creation of Yanglian calligraphy, first of all, it is necessary to find out what occasions the created calligraphy works of Yanglian are used. Second, consider the content, size, word count, and color of the paper. Third, the content of transcription, excerpt or self-writing must be cautious and cautious, and if conditions permit, you can ask the experts of the Association to check it so as not to make mistakes. Fourth, we must pay attention to the standardization of the use of words, and do not mix traditional and simple words or appear illegible variants to cause hard injuries to the work.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

White plantain

Cherishing food and clothes is not to cherish the wealth and the original blessing

In order to seek fame and profit, we must seek ourselves and not others

Qiu Gaochi talks about the creation of Yang Lian

Yang Lian, commonly known as couplet, is a special style that pays attention to peace and fighting. In the creation of calligraphy, we must first pay attention to the choice of content, and there are two main ways to select content, one is to select the old system of Jialian of the predecessors; the other is to write a new system. If you have a certain foundation in old learning, it is best to write your own couplets, otherwise it is better to copy the excellent couplets of the ancients. To transcribe the couplets of the ancients, it is necessary to choose different contents according to the purpose of writing. That is, be sure to look at different occasions and choose different links to avoid making jokes.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Monopolize the most spring light

When it is cold and the weather is not cold

Secondly, when writing the Yang Lian, no matter what kind of book style is used, it is necessary to be solemn, and the work should not give people a feeling of mania and mania.

Liang Wei, a Qing dynasty, said: "Book couplets, it is advisable to be vigorous and ancient, not to be too stagnant, and to avoid being beautiful and not solemn." "Finally, the use of the couplet to print is also a link that cannot be taken lightly, and it is necessary to grasp the position of the paragraph, the size of the seal and the plutonium cover. Generally speaking, the upper paragraph starts from the bottom of the first word of the upper link, and the lower paragraph starts from the bottom of the second word of the lower link; if the long paragraph is dropped, it is generally slightly shorter than the main text, so that the works of the Yang Lian have a sense of jaggedness. The size of the paragraph depends on the size of the text, rather than small.

Regarding the use of seals, because the word spacing of the couplet is generally relatively large, it is advisable to use the seal to print two pieces of name or idle chapter, it is best to be zhu white, the first chapter must be used cautiously, and if the position of the first chapter is not well grasped, it is easy to become a "snake foot". Wu Changshuo is a master of modern calligraphy and painting seal engraving, and his use of seals is extremely exquisite, and the couplets he writes almost do not need to quote the first chapter, which may not be accidental.

The more you write, the more "tacky" you are! How to write a high style of Yang Lian's works...

Zhang asked Tao

Bo Yan watched the fish avoid shadows

Xiang Shen first congratulated the butterfly into a family