
Zizhi Tongjian Volume III Zhou Ji III (VIII) Ganmao

author:Van Niss

Gan Mao , the official zuo cheng xiang of the Qin state , the grandfather of the famous prodigy Ganluo , was a native of Xia Cai (present-day Yingshang County, Anhui Province, and now there is a Ganluo village in Yingshang County).

The chronicle of Gan Mao is "History. The biography of Ganmao Lie, a lizi, is more detailed, and there are some places in the Zizhi Tongjian that are inexplicable.

In 310 BC, the cause was the year before.

In 308 BC, after reaching an agreement with the State of Wei, Gan Mao believed that the City of Yiyang in Korea was strong and had strong troops, and that it would take a long time to attack, and he gave the example of Zeng Zhan's murder of the same name, fearing that the King of Qin would listen to rumors and blame him during the attack on Yiyang, so he had an alliance. Li Lizi is the uncle of King Wu of Qin, Gongsun Yi is a mystery, some people say that he and Xiang Shou are the same person, some people say no, but there is a little consensus, he is the younger brother of King Zhaoxiang of Qin (the younger brother of King Wu of Qin).

In 307 BC, Gan Mao's army attacked Yiyang, and after five months of fighting, Li Lizi and Gongsun Yi did say bad things about Gan Mao.

At first, the strength of the troops given to Ganmao was insufficient, and only later. Gan Mao is not very trusted and talented as an outsider, but he is not a concubine. The vague point of the record here is why did the Qin state have to cut Down Yiyang? The "Records of History" said more clearly, King Wu of Qin very much wanted to go to Zhou Tianzi's territory to see, so he had to take Yiyang first. It can also be seen from here that the national strength of the Qin State at this time has reached a very willful point.

In August of the same year, King Wu of Qin was crushed to death by Ding because he and Lux Meng talked about lifting weights in a competition. His brother King Zhaoxiang of Qin succeeded to the throne, and the mother of King Zhaoxiang of Qin was The Eighth Son (Empress Xuan), the protagonist of the TV series "The Legend of Mi Yue".

306 BC, . Here is also more ambiguous, confusing, why did Gan Mao return Wu Sui to Korea, and why did Xiang Shou and Gongsun Yi oppose it? According to the joint "History", the Chu state and South Korea have been in conflict in recent years, before the Chu state attacked Korea, South Korea had asked the State of Qin for help, and Gan Mao suggested that the State of Qin rescue Korea in exchange for Korean support when Qin and Chu were fighting. Xiang Shou and Gongsun Yi were both people brought by Empress Xuan from the Chu state, and they were the Chu faction in the Qin state, while Gan Mao was the Han faction. In this way, it seems that Xiang Shou is not happy with Ganmao.

Here are two points: first, Gan Mao's sense of self-preservation is very strong, which is much stronger than Shang Martingale; second, Gan Mao, as an outsider, has not gained the real trust of the Qin state, and when he is framed, he has no own forces to speak for him.

According to the "Records of History", Gan Mao was later enshrined as Shangqing in the State of Qi, equivalent to the status of a chancellor, and eventually died in the State of Wei. Under the persuasion of Su Qin's younger brother Su Dai, the Qin state treated GanMao's family kindly, and later his grandson Ganluo, as a famous prodigy in ancient China, appeared on the historical stage in the Qin state, and he is still mentioned in many local operas.

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