
Dalian University of Technology, the first new formal university in the construction of China's industrial system

author:Shandong Education Perspective

Dalian University of Technology is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, a key construction university of the national "211 Project" and "985 Project", and a world-class university A construction university. With the aim of cultivating elite talents, promoting scientific and technological progress, inheriting excellent culture, and leading social trends, the school adheres to the spirit of "hai na bai chuan, self-improvement, virtue and dedication, and unity of knowledge and action" as the basic characteristics, and is committed to creating, discovering, imparting, preserving and applying knowledge, and has the courage to assume social responsibility, serve the country and benefit mankind.

Dalian University of Technology was established in April 1949 as the School of Engineering of Dalian University; in July 1950, the establishment of Dalian University was abolished, and the School of Engineering of Dalian University became independent dalian Institute of Technology; in October 1960, it was identified as a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education; in April 1986, it was established as a graduate school; in March 1988 it was renamed Dalian University of Technology; in 1996, it started the implementation of the "211 Project" construction, and the Ministry of Education, Liaoning Province, and Dalian City jointly built Dalian University of Technology; and in 2001 it was launched and implemented" The 985 Project was built by the Ministry of Education, Liaoning Province and Dalian City to jointly build Dalian University of Technology; in 2003, it was identified by the central government as a school for central management cadres. In December 2012, the Ministry of Education officially approved the construction of The Panjin Campus of Dalian University of Technology in accordance with the guiding ideology of "overall planning, dislocation development, adherence to standards and innovative models", and the same standard, grade and level as the main campus. In September 2017, with the approval of the State Council, it was selected into the list of world-class universities in the A category of construction universities.

The school has 4444 teaching staff, including 2889 full-time teachers. The school has 13 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering, 38 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences among part-time teachers, 10 members of the discipline review group of the Degree Committee of the State Council, 46 winners of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, 10 chief scientists of the "973 Program" project, 2 chief scientists of the "973 Program" Young Scientists Special Project, and 21 national candidates for the Million Talents Project. There are 18 young scientific and technological innovation leading talents selected in the Innovation Talent Promotion Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 17 winners of the Ministry of Education's Cross-century Excellent Talents Fund, 4 winners of the "National Teaching Famous Teacher Award", 68 famous teachers of undergraduate teaching in ordinary colleges and universities in Liaoning Province, 3 famous teachers of the "Xingliao Talents Program", 1048 doctoral tutors, 2444 master tutors, 988 senior professional and technical posts and 1555 deputy senior professional and technical posts among the teaching staff of the school. The total number of students in the school is 44829, including 25396 undergraduates, the total number of graduate students is 19433, of which 4659 are doctoral students (4430 full-time academic degree doctoral students, 155 full-time professional degree doctoral students, 74 part-time professional degree doctoral students), 14774 master's degree students (6554 full-time academic degree master's students, 5640 full-time professional degree master's students, and 2202 part-time professional degree master's students. 378 incumbents pursued master's degrees).

Dalian University of Technology, the first new formal university in the construction of China's industrial system

The school adheres to the principle of Lide tree as the foundation, attaches equal importance to undergraduate education and postgraduate education, and has formed a multidisciplinary education system with science and engineering as the mainstay, science, engineering, economics, management, literature, law, philosophy, and art. The school has a graduate school, the main campus has 21 independent colleges, the development zone campus has 3 independent colleges, the Panjin campus has 3 independent colleges, and there are 3 specialized colleges (innovation, international, remote) and 1 independent college (city college). There are 29 first-level discipline doctoral programs, 137 second-level discipline doctoral programs, 42 first-level discipline master's programs, 223 second-level discipline master's programs, 26 postdoctoral research mobile stations, as well as business administration (MBA, including EMBA), public administration (MPA), architecture, finance, applied statistics, art, translation, engineering management, journalism and communication, urban planning, Chinese international education, sports, electronic information, machinery, materials and chemical industry, resources and environment, energy and power, civil and hydraulic resources, There are 19 categories of master's degree conferring rights in biology and medicine, 4 doctoral professional degrees in electronic information, machinery, materials and chemical engineering, civil engineering and hydraulic engineering, and the right to award master's degrees on the job of university teachers. The school has 91 undergraduate majors, 80 undergraduate majors for enrollment, including 23 national-level characteristic majors, 40 national-level first-class undergraduate professional construction points of the "Double Ten Thousand Plan", 26 provincial-level first-class undergraduate professional construction points, 25 majors that have passed the national engineering education certification (evaluation), and 4 majors have been selected into the "Strong Foundation Plan" of the Ministry of Education. There are 4 national education and teaching bases (National Engineering Chemistry Teaching Base, National College Students Cultural Quality Education Base, National Integrated Circuit Talent Training Base, National Science Basic Science Research and Teaching Talent Training Base), 8 National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Centers (Basic Chemistry Experimental Teaching Center, Engineering Training Center, Electrical and Electronic Experimental Teaching Center, Basic Physics Experimental Teaching Center, Civil and Hydraulic Experimental Teaching Center, Liberal Arts Comprehensive Experimental Teaching Center, Chemical Comprehensive Experimental Teaching Center, Mechanical Engineering Experimental Teaching Center), 3 national virtual simulation experimental teaching centers (chemical virtual simulation experimental teaching center, electrical and electronic virtual simulation experimental teaching center, vehicle engineering virtual simulation experimental teaching center), 7 national teaching teams, is the national basic discipline top student training program 2.0 base selected universities, the Ministry of Education "three all-round education" comprehensive reform of the first ten pilot universities, the national implementation of engineering education reform of ten pilot schools, one of the ten pilot schools of the national implementation of engineering education reform. One of the first batch of pilot schools of the National Innovative Experimental Program for College Students, the first batch of National Colleges and Universities Practice Education Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base, the first batch of National Colleges and Universities With Typical Experience in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the first batch of National Demonstration Universities for Deepening innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform, one of the first batch of pilot universities of the Ministry of Education's "Outstanding Engineer Education and Training Program", and one of the first batch of pilot universities for public foreign language teaching reform of the Ministry of Education.

The school's engineering and chemistry disciplines have been selected into the list of national world-class discipline construction, and 20 first-class disciplines have been selected as first-class discipline construction projects in Liaoning Province, with rich resources and strong research strength. In the construction of a world-class university, the school focuses on the construction of 7 discipline groups such as chemistry and chemical engineering, construction engineering, equipment manufacturing, mechanics, information science, management engineering, mathematics and physics, covering 17 first-level disciplines. There are 4 national key disciplines in first-level disciplines and 6 national key disciplines in second-level disciplines. At present, there are 9 subject areas ranked among the top 1 percent in the world, engineering, chemistry, materials science, computer science and other 4 subject areas ranked among the top 1,000 in the world; 8 subject areas entered the top 500 of the QS World Subject Rankings; in the soft science, USNews and other discipline rankings, naval architecture and ocean engineering ranked 2nd in the world, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and civil engineering ranked 19th in the world, and computer science ranked 36th in the world In the 2020 Times China Subject Rankings, there are 30 disciplines on the list, including 6 A+ disciplines and 20 A disciplines; in the fourth round of national subject evaluation results, a total of 32 first-level disciplines participated, 7 disciplines entered Category A, and 19 disciplines entered Category B (including B+, 8); in the Shanghai Soft Subject Ranking, 14 disciplines entered the top 10% of the country. In the first professional degree level assessment in 2016, 1 A (Business Administration) and 1 A- (Public Administration) were awarded.

Dalian University of Technology, the first new formal university in the construction of China's industrial system

The university has a number of high-level scientific research platforms, and has established a national "2011 Collaborative Innovation Center" (Liaoning Major Equipment Manufacturing Collaborative Innovation Center), 3 state key laboratories (State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, State Key Laboratory of Industrial Equipment Structural Analysis), and 1 National Engineering Research Center (National Engineering Research Center of Shipbuilding Manufacturing). 6 national and local joint engineering research centers (engineering laboratories) (national and local joint engineering research centers for e-government simulation and simulation, national and local joint engineering laboratories for industrial equipment energy-saving control technology, national and local joint engineering research centers for advanced equipment design and CAE software development, national and local joint engineering laboratories for bridge and tunnel technology, national and local joint engineering laboratories for manufacturing management information technology, and national and local joint engineering research centers for comprehensive thermal energy utilization technology), 4 national international science and technology cooperation bases, 1 national university science and technology park (Dalian University of Technology National University Science and Technology Park), 1 national technology transfer center (Dalian University of Technology National Technology Transfer Center), 1 national technology center (Dalian University of Technology National Vibration and Strength Testing Center), 1 national intellectual property strategy implementation research base, 1 national intellectual property (Liaoning) training base, 1 ministry of education and provincial joint construction collaborative innovation center (Liaoning green chemical chemical industry province and ministry jointly built collaborative innovation center), 6 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education (Key Laboratory of Precision and Special Processing of the Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Industrial Ecology and Environmental Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Marine Energy Utilization and Energy Conservation of the Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Three-Beam Material Modification of the Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Intelligent Control and Optimization of Industrial Equipment of the Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Precision/Special Processing and Micromanufacturing Technology of the Ministry of Education), 3 Engineering Research Centers of the Ministry of Education (Engineering Research Center of Molded Building Materials products of the Ministry of Education, Engineering Research Center for Industrial Equipment Monitoring and Control of the Ministry of Education, Engineering Research Center for Advanced Polymers and Composite Materials of the Ministry of Education), 32 Key Laboratories of Liaoning Province, 12 Professional and Technical Innovation Centers of Liaoning Province, 14 Engineering Research Centers of Liaoning Province (Engineering Laboratories), 1 Joint Laboratory of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education, the first batch of national intellectual property demonstration universities, 1 of the first batch of national higher education scientific and technological achievements transformation and technology transfer bases, 5 new think tanks of Liaoning Provincial Colleges and Universities, and 10 provincial humanities and social science research bases 8 national innovation research groups, 4 innovation teams in key areas of the Ministry of Science and Technology Innovation Talent Promotion Plan, and 10 innovation teams of the Ministry of Education. Since 2001, the school has won a total of 58 national scientific and technological achievement awards, and 30 have been awarded by the first completed unit, including 2 first prizes for national technological inventions, 1 national scientific and technological progress award (innovation team), and 696 provincial and ministerial scientific and technological achievement awards. Since 2012, he has won 1 Chinese patent gold award, 2 silver awards and 9 excellence awards as the first completed unit.

The school is surrounded by mountains and seas, and the school conditions are excellent. It has formed a school-running pattern of one school, two places (Dalian City, Panjin City) and three districts (Dalian Lingshui Main Campus, Development Zone Campus, Panjin Campus), with a total area of 3.5713 million square meters and a construction area of about 1.8825 million square meters. The school library has a total of more than 3.66 million volumes (pieces) in physical collections, and has ordered 267 databases from 95 platforms, including about 1.75 million electronic books in Chinese and foreign languages and more than 48,000 electronic journals. The school's existing sports venues cover an area of 196,000 square meters. The school has a first-class smart campus environment, three campuses wired network, wireless network full coverage, campus card through the card, scan code, face recognition and other ways to achieve identity authentication, payment and consumption, and into the Dalian public transport application function, Dagong e station self-service area throughout the year for teachers and students to provide information self-service. Informatization construction and application are at the advanced level in domestic universities.

The school plans new deeds in the overall situation of national opening up, creates a new pattern of international schooling, actively participates in promoting the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" education action and building a community of human destiny under the guidance of the internationalization strategy of "taking me as the mainstay and running schools openly", and has established long-term and stable inter-university cooperation with 267 overseas well-known universities and 23 scientific research institutions in 39 countries and regions. At present, the school has 3 Sino-foreign cooperatively-run schools (the cooperative universities are Ritsumeikan University in Japan, the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, and the Belarusian State University), and 1 Sino-foreign cooperative education project (the cooperative university is the University of California, Irvine). The school has more than 150 overseas exchange projects, including national public assignments, joint training, exchange learning, short-term exchange visits, etc., and in recent years, it has sent students to foreign countries (borders) for long-term and short-term exchanges of more than 2,000 person-times a year; more than 700 long-term and short-term overseas experts and scholars are hired every year, nearly 20 national-level foreign cultural and educational expert projects have been approved, and more than 1,700 teachers have been sent abroad (for further study, participation in the conference) and visits every year; since 2020, the number of international students in the school has been 1242.

Facing the future, the school will inherit the red gene of Dagong, carry forward the spirit of Dagong, take the Lide tree as the foundation, take the construction of a world-class university with distinctive characteristics as the goal, practice the historical mission of "four services", deepen comprehensive reform, strengthen the connotation characteristics, and strive to promote the development of the school to achieve a new historical leap.

Applied Chemistry: The School relies on a number of national research platforms, including the "State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals" of Dalian University of Technology, the "National Laboratory of Clean Energy (preparation)", "State Key Laboratory of Catalysis Foundation", "State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics", and the Discipline Innovation Introduction Base of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education ("111 Program"). The discipline of chemistry is a first-class construction discipline of the national "double first-class" construction, and the ESI global ranking is the top 1‰ (chemistry). Break through the boundaries of "master's and doctoral" training, the first to create a new mechanism for the cultivation of innovative talents through the training of 8 years, and enter the academician, Yangtze River scholars, and outstanding young scientific research teams for "family-style" learning after entering the school. With the goal of cultivating chemists, the school adopts a new model of university-institute cooperation that integrates talent training, discipline construction and scientific research.

Applied Chemistry (Zhang Dayu Chemistry Basic Science Class, Science) is jointly run by Dalian University of Technology and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, relying on the School of Chemical Engineering and Zhang Dayu College. Establish a new mechanism for innovative talents cultivated through the 8-year "Master's and Doctoral Degrees", meet the requirements of the College's training plan, and ensure the research of all employees (This Master's and Doctoral Degrees)