
Xinhua County People's Hospital went to Jinzishan Village to carry out health knowledge lectures and free clinics on "Oral Health and Whole Body Health"

author:Rednet Loudi Station
Xinhua County People's Hospital went to Jinzishan Village to carry out health knowledge lectures and free clinics on "Oral Health and Whole Body Health"

Xinhua County People's Hospital went to Jinzishan Village to carry out a lecture on health knowledge of "Oral Health and Whole Body Health".

Xinhua County People's Hospital went to Jinzishan Village to carry out health knowledge lectures and free clinics on "Oral Health and Whole Body Health"

Attending Physician of The Department of Stomatology Wu Qiong gave a lecture.

Xinhua County People's Hospital went to Jinzishan Village to carry out health knowledge lectures and free clinics on "Oral Health and Whole Body Health"

Free clinic site.

Red Network Moment Loudi September 26 news (correspondent Li Dehua Tang Jie) September 20 is the 33rd "National Love Tooth Day", in order to enhance the villagers' health awareness, popularize the knowledge of dental disease prevention and treatment, improve self-care ability, Xinhua County People's Hospital Graded Diagnosis and Treatment Office organized an expert delegation to Jinzishan Village, Shangdu Street, to carry out the "National Love Tooth Day" publicity and free clinic activities with the theme of "oral health, whole body health". The event attracted more than 110 people to participate, the scene was orderly, the villagers actively participated, and the atmosphere was active.

Wu Qiong, attending physician of the Department of Stomatology of the County People's Hospital, explained the four common oral diseases in a detailed manner in a pictured and textual manner, and made a key elaboration on how to do a good job in the daily maintenance of the oral cavity and brush the teeth correctly. She told everyone that oral diseases have a great impact on cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases and pregnant women, etc. To correctly understand oral diseases, once oral problems are found, they must accept standardized diagnosis and treatment in time. After the class, Dr. Wu organized the villagers present to carry out a prize quiz activity on dental health knowledge, and presented small prizes such as toothbrushes and toothpaste to the villagers who answered correctly.

Subsequently, Xiao Huixing, the attending physician of the Department of Five Senses of the County People's Hospital, explained the structure of the eye, the causes of cataracts, early symptoms and treatment methods in plain language. Diabetes specialist Wu Jie patiently and meticulously explained the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diabetes, and recommended that patients maintain an optimistic attitude, and smoothly control blood sugar through reasonable diet, exercise and rational medication to reduce the harm of diabetes.

After the lecture, the medical staff of the county people's hospital also carried out free blood pressure measurement, blood glucose measurement and other examinations for the villagers, patiently answered their health problems, and distributed health publicity materials.

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