
Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated

author:Xiaoya is on the balcony

Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated

There are many kinds of geraniums, the flowers are also very beautiful, and the flowering period is really very long, especially some earthy days, red and fiery flowers, all seasons can bloom, flower buds emerge one by one. Usually it is to water a little water, put it on the balcony, as long as you do not forget to water, it will always grow flower buds, always flowering.

Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated

There are many kinds of geraniums, really suitable for balcony families, and it is very easy to propagate cuttings, one plant can breed many trees, each kind of geranium flowering color is different, colorful, each is very beautiful. Common geranium species are summer roses, sweet oranges, snow white, dance dresses and so on.

Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated

1, how to raise geraniums in spring

Geranium to the spring, if it has been raised indoors, then it is best to move out of the indoor maintenance after the temperature rises, receive sufficient light, raise on a well-ventilated terrace, it will grow more vigorously, as long as the temperature is above zero, basically no problem, can be maintained outdoors.

Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated

In the spring, on the one hand, increase the light, if it is still only long leaves and does not flower, has been installing trees, that is, do not grow flower buds, we can water it with some fertilizer, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, watering point flowers can be more, it will soon flower.

Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated

2. Timely fertilization

At the right temperature, during the growth period and flowering period, we must remember to water it with some fertilizer, and when watering, put a little potassium dihydrogen phosphate, more flower buds, and can bloom almost every day. Especially small days, as long as the temperature is suitable, it will always flower, and the flowering of large flowers is also very gorgeous, but the flowering period will not be short, at least one season can bloom.

Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated

In addition, it should be noted that especially in the closed balcony of the geranium, whether it is a single-petal or a heavy petal, give fertilizer the line, so that it is not easy to eliminate buds, and especially when the temperature is about 20 degrees, the flowering is particularly brilliant, each time watering remember to give a little diluted fertilizer, you can also add a little saprophyte soil in the pot soil, add some organic fertilizer.

Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated

3. Keep the light in place

The potted geraniums raised on the balcony should be basked in more sun, otherwise although the plant grows very luxuriantly, it is only long leaves and does not flower, so it must be full of light.

Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated

In the summer, during the summer, the hottest time, it can be placed on the window sill on the balcony on the north side, in fact, as long as the ventilation is cool and the temperature is suitable, it will still bloom non-stop and spend the summer smoothly. Really on the balcony to raise a pot of geranium, flowers often bloom undefeated, see it blossom, every day there are flowers, really like it, the more you see the more you like, so happy. Some of the image sources are online, if there is any inappropriate, please contact to replace. Geraniums are raised like this, all year round, every day there are flowers, the more you look at the more you like!

Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated
Raise geraniums, pay attention to 3 points, flower buds one after another, often undefeated

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