
Study Party History, Enlighten Thought, Do Practical Things, Open a New Bureau 丨 Yongding: Niu Mu Po Li Party Banner Red Geng Continuing Blood And Saying Loyalty

author:Yongding News Network

Yongding News Network News (Xiongchuan) On October 15, more than 100 trainees who participated in the Yongding District Section-level Cadres Refresher Course, the Training Class for Middle-Aged and Young Cadres, the Training Class for United Front Work Committee Members, and Non-Party Personages went to Fujian Province to visit the study and education point of Party History - the Yongding Niumu Red Education Base to carry out party history study and education with the theme of "remembering the martyrs, passing on the torch, and continuing the red blood."

Study Party History, Enlighten Thought, Do Practical Things, Open a New Bureau 丨 Yongding: Niu Mu Po Li Party Banner Red Geng Continuing Blood And Saying Loyalty
Study Party History, Enlighten Thought, Do Practical Things, Open a New Bureau 丨 Yongding: Niu Mu Po Li Party Banner Red Geng Continuing Blood And Saying Loyalty

Under the leadership of the narrator, everyone seriously recalled the glory days of that year and reviewed the party's century-old history and struggle course. "Through today's study, I have a deeper understanding of the touching deeds that happened in Niu Mu Po and the arduous revolutionary struggle in those years." Que Canlu, a party member and cadre, said that it is necessary to draw strength from it, continue the red blood, write the determination to be loyal to the party with practical actions, and make a difference in promoting the high-quality development of Yongding's economy.

It has been learned that Niu Mu Po is a natural village in Xiashan Village, Qiling Town, Yongding District, and is a famous revolutionary base point village, where Mao Zedong, Su Yu, Zhang Dingcheng, Tan Zhenlin, and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation carried out great revolutionary practice, leaving behind touching stories such as Chen Tianyu wearing straw shoes to rescue Mao Zedong. The Yongding Niupu Red Education Base is composed of Chairman Mao's Memorial Pavilion, Rao Feng's Study Room, and Loyalty Hall. In 2021, the Yongding District Committee created the "Loyalty Pavilion" in Niumupu. The exhibition hall has a total of 28 exhibition rooms, which are divided into four parts: loyalty to the soul, loyalty to the family, loyalty to the party, and loyalty to the family style, showing the red gene of the people of Yongding who have always been red to the party and absolutely loyal.