
Zeng Zhaoyi: Resolutely returned to China in the face of national difficulties, never married for the cause, but at the age of 55, she jumped off the tower and committed suicide, she came to life without marrying in full glory and only for the rest of her life for the founding of the country

author:Memoirs of Literature and History

I walked in the desolation of history, brushing aside the flowers that fascinated my eyes, and trance back to the midwinter of 1964. In the Linggu Temple on the eastern outskirts of Nanjing, a heavy voice fell on the ear, and under the blood of the sunset, it was the liberation of the life of a 55-year-old man.

She is Zeng Zhaoyi, a pearl left behind in history.

She dedicates all her bones and blood to the cause of the country, never asks for returns, and earnestly practices "falling red is not a merciless thing, turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers.". She is the eldest brother of Zeng Guofan, a well-known figure in history, the eldest great-granddaughter of Zeng Guohuang, who came with an ideal, but jumped in that cold and piercing day.

In the midst of the lush forest cultivation of bamboo and the quiet and quiet, Zeng Zhaoyi floated like duckweed. When the red sun shone on the land of Shenzhou, under the brilliant spring light of the sky, I could not find the soul of the hero who sacrificed his life for the country.

In that era of plum fragrance, in addition to the bloody struggle of the Chinese, I also saw countless devastation. The woman who was quite talented and knowledgeable could not resist the darkness of history after all, walked alone in the fog, helped others and gave up her own life.

In the pale and powerless air, it seemed that there were still a few words that could not be grasped: "I went to the Linggu Temple to relax." ”

Zeng Zhaoyi: Resolutely returned to China in the face of national difficulties, never married for the cause, but at the age of 55, she jumped off the tower and committed suicide, she came to life without marrying in full glory and only for the rest of her life for the founding of the country

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > she came in glory</h1>

I have to say that the descendants of the Zeng family are all talents in their respective fields. For example, Zeng Jihong is a famous mathematician who also knows a little about geography and astronomy; Zeng Zhaoxuan graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, a famous chemist and educator; Zeng Yunong graduated from the University of London with a doctorate and has read a lot of books since childhood.

There are many such examples, both boys and daughters, are determined to contribute to the motherland. Zeng Zhaoyi is one of them.

She was born in Wanyitang, Heye Township, Xiangxiang County, and began to study private schools from an early age. After being admitted to Changsha Yifang Girls' School, he was admitted to the Department of Foreign Languages of Nanjing Central University at the age of 20, and later changed to the Department of Chinese Languages. Zeng Zhaoyi grew up in such an environment with a strong atmosphere of traditional Chinese studies, so naturally he also developed a high interest in archaeology.

Fu Sinian is a Chinese historian and scholar, and also the second brother of Zeng Zhaoyi, Zeng Zhaoyi's brother-in-law, that is, because of Fu Sinian's advice, Zeng Zhaoyi decided to leave his hometown and go to England to study field archaeology.

Zeng Zhaoyi wrote an essay "Ancient Chinese Bronze Inscriptions and Patterns", in which he obtained a master's degree in literature in England and went to the research institute of the University of Berlin in Germany for internship. He returned to England in 1938 as a teaching assistant at the University of London.

As a student of archaeology, Zeng Zhaoyi will inevitably go to the museum to study, she saw the precious cultural relics that should have appeared in China through the transparent glass cover, her heart was very painful, as a Chinese, she was angry and helpless.

But because of this, she is even more determined to study well, in order to develop China's archaeology and protect the cultural relics belonging to China.

Zeng Zhaoyi: Resolutely returned to China in the face of national difficulties, never married for the cause, but at the age of 55, she jumped off the tower and committed suicide, she came to life without marrying in full glory and only for the rest of her life for the founding of the country

Later, Zeng Zhaoyi refused to be hired by the British university archaeology. She believes that at this time, at the moment of China's critical survival, she cannot do anything to leave the motherland comfortable and steal her life. In January 1939, she returned to Kunming, China, with her mother, to participate in archaeological work in Yunnan.

After a lot of collation and research, this landform in Yunnan has been designated as "Canghe Culture", and Zeng Zhaoyi and his related archaeologists have made great contributions to the archaeology of southwest China.

In 1940, Zeng Zhaoyi participated in the excavation of the Tomb of the Eastern Han Cliff in Pengshan County, Sichuan Province, and after research, he wrote a paper entitled "Han Costumes Seen in the Clay Figurines of Pengshan Mountain", which made a profound investigation of the Chuankang ethnic group.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zeng Zhaoyi opposed the Nationalist government's relocation of cultural relics to Taiwan. She told Hang Liwu, director of the Preparatory Department: "If the cultural relics are transported out on the way or after arriving in Taiwan, in case of any losses, the person who presides over this matter will always be a national sinner." Although Zeng Zhaoyi strongly opposed and repeatedly reported his remarks, he still did not stop the movement of cultural relics to Taiwan.

But fortunately, the reason that "the cultural relics are too big and too heavy to be packaged" was adopted, and some cultural relics were recovered, including the stepmother Pengding in the history textbook.

In 1955, Zeng Zhaoyi was 46 years old and had already experienced the grandeur of life. With her own enthusiasm and ability, she became the director of the Nanjing Museum.

Zeng Zhaoyi: Resolutely returned to China in the face of national difficulties, never married for the cause, but at the age of 55, she jumped off the tower and committed suicide, she came to life without marrying in full glory and only for the rest of her life for the founding of the country

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > lifelong non-marriage only for the cause of nation-building</h1>

Zeng Zhaoyi is a respectable independent woman. Her education from an early age and the wide range of knowledge of studying abroad made her very different from the traditional feudal women.

At that time, most women still believed that the husband and son were the final destination of a woman, and only a few people really had a deep understanding of the word "equality".

In Zeng Zhaoyi, let us see the brilliance of truly independent women, they are autonomous, excellent, intelligent, erudite, independent, and confident, they do not rely on men, and they still live their best appearance. Those who live by attachment to others are always the weak, and Zeng Zhaoyi is the strong.

Love is not the whole of life, you can use it as a spice for life.

Zeng Zhaoyi: Resolutely returned to China in the face of national difficulties, never married for the cause, but at the age of 55, she jumped off the tower and committed suicide, she came to life without marrying in full glory and only for the rest of her life for the founding of the country

Zeng Zhaoyi may have had a beautiful fantasy about his other half, but he was not attached. At first, she was still ignorant of her youth, and she was also confused about her sister's reluctance to marry, and her sister replied: "If you marry someone, you can only help a few people in a family, if you don't marry, you can serve tens of millions of people." ”

I admire the ideological realm of this sister, and I also admire Zeng Zhaoyi for practicing his life in the same way. They have truly achieved selfless dedication to the country, and Zeng Zhaoyi's sentence "I have long been married to the museum" is not a joke, but a fact. After years of serving the country, but never asking for anything in return, she believes that she should do what she should do, and strives to dedicate herself to the country.

When Zeng Zhaoyi gradually walked into the glory of the sunset, old age will slowly envelop her, but at this time, she is not helpless, because Zeng Zhaoyi has a goal in her heart that she wants to fight for, because Zeng Zhaoyi's soul is still full of burning enthusiasm, so she is not alone.

I will not be sad about the marriage, and I feel happy in my heart, after all, I still have the cause I have loved all my life - archaeology, and I still have the country that I have determined all my life - China!

Zeng Zhaoyi: Resolutely returned to China in the face of national difficulties, never married for the cause, but at the age of 55, she jumped off the tower and committed suicide, she came to life without marrying in full glory and only for the rest of her life for the founding of the country

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the sadness of the rest of my life</h1>

In that special era, Zeng Zhaoyi's family was undoubtedly full of dangers. In order to survive the difficulties, she took the initiative to participate in the land reform and took the initiative to participate in writing reviews. Day after day of mental torture kept hitting her passion. It's like real-time monitoring every day, and she needs to write all kinds of explanations, proofs, and self-examination.

This prominent identity is a double-edged sword, which brings Zeng Zhaoyi a good growth environment and material conditions, and also brings her endless torture. It cannot be avoided and it cannot be hidden.

In June 1957, Zeng Zhaoyi's second brother Zeng Zhaoyi was put on the right hat, and although Zeng Zhaoyi was constantly self-examining, he still could not escape the disaster.

Zeng Zhaoyi: Resolutely returned to China in the face of national difficulties, never married for the cause, but at the age of 55, she jumped off the tower and committed suicide, she came to life without marrying in full glory and only for the rest of her life for the founding of the country

Zeng Zhaoyi's nephew Zeng Xianluo was also unfortunately recruited, and he was dismissed from public office and forced to carry out labor education. In the end, Zeng Zhaoyi's mentor Hu Xiaoshi also drove the crane west.

All of this became the last straw that overwhelmed Zeng Zhaoyi, and the constant physical and mental torture had exhausted her. Because the archaeological cause that had been constantly being reviewed and consumed was shelved, she had no spare energy to think about anything else, and only hated her own incompetence.

She was worried all day, and her spirits were getting worse, and in 1964, she was admitted to the Dingshan Sanatorium in Nanjing because of depression. In fact, the disease has been hovering in the heart for a long time, and the pathos accumulated over the years are now sweeping in like a sea of mountains.

In December 1964, she came out of the hospital after seeing a doctor, and her face usually did not see any clues, and Zeng Zhaoyi told the driver that she wanted to go to Linggu Temple to relax. The driver drove to the Linggu Temple, and Zeng Zhaoyi gave the driver a bag of apples and instructed the driver to wait for her in the same place, but never returned. She flew from the tower and lived to the age of 55.

Zeng Zhaoyi: Resolutely returned to China in the face of national difficulties, never married for the cause, but at the age of 55, she jumped off the tower and committed suicide, she came to life without marrying in full glory and only for the rest of her life for the founding of the country

When the body was found, she also had a note in her pocket that read, "My death has nothing to do with the driver." Even at the last moment, she was worried about others. She is such a selfless and kind person.

It's just a pity that the middle of winter is about to pass, and the bright days of spring can be boiled out immediately, but they died at the tail of 1964.

The woman who had been obsessed with the cause of the country all her life returned to China with full of enthusiasm and ideals to serve the country, but when she left, she took away a lot of sadness for herself to taste. That year's winter, it seemed to be exceptionally cold and extraordinarily long.