
During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the county seat of Shanxi fell successively

author:The two sides of the Yangtze River spoke softly

Yanggao County

  In early September 1937, the Japanese invading army broke through the Panshan defense line of Tianzhen, and on September 8, it besieged yanggao county, and the 414th regiment of the 61st Army defended the city. At dawn on the ninth day of the battle (the fifth day of the eighth lunar month), the Japanese army entered the city from the southeast city wall, and the defenders retreated from the south gate. When the Chamber of Commerce's Blame Guangyi and Sun Cunren saw the destruction of the city, they gathered the common people to welcome the enemy. The Japanese army escorted the crowd and more than 500 young adults and children they had captured to urn city and shot them with machine guns. On the twelfth day, more than three hundred people were slaughtered. Hao Tianfu's whole family of thirteen, unable to bear the humiliation, collectively threw themselves into the well and committed suicide. There are about 100 households that have been wiped out. On August 24, 1945, Luo Wenfang, deputy commander of the Yanbei Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, led a unit of the 48th Regiment and a county brigade to surround the county seat. On the twenty-fifth day (the eighteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar), the Japanese army withdrew, the pseudo-police surrendered, and the county town was liberated. (Yanggao County CPPCC Committee, County Chronicle Compilation Office)

  Tianzhen County

  On September 12, 1937 (the eighth day of the eighth month of the eighth lunar month), the Japanese army captured the county seat of Tianzhen. The enemy suffered more casualties in the siege, and after entering the city, he first captured more than 200 residents and asked them to move the sacks blocking the city gate. They were then gathered in the urn and stabbed to death with bayonets, followed by more than 2,200 civilians. Two hundred and ninety-three families were exterminated.

  In August 1945, after the surrender of Japan, Tianzhen was occupied by more than 500 puppet troops led by Zhang Rushan, Chai Yunshan, and Han Zhenjiang. On September 7 (the second day of the eighth lunar month), the Seventh Regiment, the Twentieth Regiment, the Independent Regiment and the Tianyang Detachment of the 13th Military Subdistrict of the Jicha Military Region surrounded Tianzhen City, killing Han Zhenjiang and injuring Chai Yunshan. Zhang Rushan fled in the morning of the eighth day, and Tianzhen was liberated. (Tianzhen County CPPCC Wang Ziying)

  Datong County

  On August 24, 1937, Japanese aircraft began bombing Datong, killing more than 100 residents. On September 11, the Thirty-fifth Army stationed in Datong City and the Nineteenth Army in the Julepu area blew up the Yuhe Bridge and began to retreat. Government offices also withdrew south with the army. On the twelfth day, Bai Weiwu, a county government clerk, Ma Yongkui, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and two foreign missionaries discussed welcoming the invading army. On the thirteenth day, the Japanese army entered the city. On September 1, 1945, Chu Xichun, commander of the Northern District of the Jin Sui Army, led more than 3,000 men of the Fourth Cavalry Division to take over the puppet regime. (Datong Municipal CPPCC Zhang Quancheng)

  Huairen County

  On September 13, 1937, the nationalist defenders and the county government abandoned the city and withdrew south. On the fourteenth day (the tenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar), the gentlemen Li Bingyin and Shi Shaohui gathered more than thirty people and went out of the city to meet the Japanese army. The Japanese did not fire a single shot and occupied Huairen County. On November 3, the Japanese army surrounded Liu Yanzhuang, killing 108 people and burning more than 300 houses. In August 1945, Japan announced its surrender. In September, all the Japanese troops withdrew, and the Second Theater took over the Huairen County regime. (Zhou Zijun, CPPCC Huairen County)

  Guangling County

  On September 13, 1937, the Japanese army attacked Guangling from Yanggao, and the first part of the 73rd Division of the Jin Sui Army and the first part of the 13th Army of the Central Army burned the ridge in the northwest of Guangling County, and fought against it, and the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties. On the fourteenth day of the 14th lunar month (the tenth day of the eighth lunar month), another part of the Japanese army marched west from Wei County and occupied the county seat of Guangling. After entering the city, he killed thirty-five people. Beginning on the sixteenth, Yang Chengwu's detachment recaptured the county town four times in one month. In early November, the Japanese army once again occupied Guangling and has been in control for a long time ever since. In early September 1945, the Japanese army withdrew and Guangling was recaptured. (GUANGLING COUNTY CPPCC)

  Hunyuan County

  At midnight on September 16, 1937 (the twelfth day of the eighth lunar month), the Japanese army passed from Datong to Hunyuan through the mouth of The City, first bombarded the city, saw no response, and then entered the city from the west gate. That night, he slept on the steps in front of the city's merchants. At eight o'clock in the morning, the Japanese army began to loot the business and households, rape women, and Latin arresters.

  In August 1945, Japan surrendered unconditionally. On September 7, more than a thousand people from our county detachment and militia surrounded the county seat. On October 11, the 4th Brigade of the 4th Column of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region and the 12th Regiment of the Yanbei Military Region besieged the county seat. On the morning of the twelfth day (the sixth day of the ninth lunar month), a general attack was launched, and the commander of the puppet army, Wang Zihe, and the Japanese chief Dasong were killed, Suzuki was wounded and captured, and the puppet county magistrate Ma Liangtu was arrested, and the whole city was liberated. (Wang Daohe, Wang Xiu)

  San'in Prefecture

  On September 17, 1937 (the thirteenth day of the eighth lunar month), Japanese aircraft bombed San'in. On the eighteenth day, Wei Qinglong, the treasurer of the "Da Shun Tai" winery, and others, and the American priest Ai Shiniang led the crowd to meet the Japanese army, and the county seat of Shanyin County fell. In August 1945, the puppet government surrendered to Yan Xishan's troops, and the Japanese army withdrew to Datong with weapons. (Shanyin County CPPCC)

  Zuoyun County

  On September 16, 1937, the Japanese army invaded Zuoyun County. Government personnel were evacuated a few days ago. On the seventeenth day, the commander of the cavalry army Sun Changsheng led hundreds of men to defend the city, and the Japanese army began to attack the city that night, but it stopped due to rain. After dusk on the eighteenth day (the fourth day of the eighth lunar month), the defenders withdrew, and the Japanese army entered the city at eleven o'clock in the morning, and immediately began a massacre, killing 287 people. On September 19, Zhao Zhen, An Qin, and Mu Zongfanglian established the Public Security Maintenance Association, which was renamed the county office in October. On August 18, 1945, the Japanese army withdrew to Datong. Zhu Wenqing, the pseudo-county magistrate, and the pseudo-police captain called themselves "anyway" and were stationed on standby. On August 24, Qiao Richeng, who called himself "commander-in-chief of the Northern Jin Dynasty", occupied Zuoyun, and on August 29 (the twenty-second day of the seventh lunar month), the 32nd Regiment of the Eighth Route Army invaded the city, and the anti-Japanese government entered the city. (Zuoyun County CPPCC Literature and History Group)

  Lingqiu County

  September 20, 1937 (16 august of the lunar calendar). The Japanese invaded from the northeast of Lingqiu, occupied the county seat, and began a massacre, killing more than a thousand people in thirty-three days.

  On the night of October 22, the 687th Regiment of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army stormed the county seat, and the Japanese army withdrew from the county seat on the 23rd.

  At 5:00 p.m. on October 19, 1938, three or four hundred Japanese infantry and cavalry re-invaded the county seat from the northwest direction of Lingqiu City. Under the cover of more than 80 backbone members of the county self-defense corps, the organs at the guard level and the masses were safely transferred.

  On March 31, 1945 (the eighteenth day of the second lunar month), under the attack of the Sixth Regiment of the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Region and the Lingqiu Militia, all the Japanese troops withdrew from Lingqiu County. (Lingqiu County CPPCC Wu Guangen, County Chronicle Office Li Qinggui sorted)

  Right Jade County

  On September 20, 1937 (the sixteenth day of the eighth lunar month), the Japanese army approached the county seat of Youyu County. A battalion of the defender Zhao Chengshou's cavalry army, along with the county government and the Mengmeng, withdrew to the area around youyu Xishan. Liu Genyu, president of the Chamber of Commerce, Fan Ruiwu, principal of gao primary school, Liang Zhongchuan, Pei Shichun, and other local gentlemen, sent Li Qishan, Guan Yunshan, and a dozen other people to fly the Japanese flag to welcome the Japanese army into the city. The Japanese army passed through the city and attacked Liangcheng and Suiyuan. At that time, only one propaganda class remained. Local gentlemen and chambers of commerce set up a maintenance committee, and Fan Ruiwu was elected as the president of the maintenance guild, Hou Baoshan, as the head of the public security bureau. Soon after the Xuanfu class withdrew, Sun Chaoqun of the Sixth Regiment of Our Guard took over Youyu County on October 22, 1937 and dissolved the Maintenance Committee.

  On January 8, 1938 (the seventh day of the first lunar month), the Japanese army invaded and occupied Youyu County for the second time. The county government and the motion committee withdrew to the area around Youyu Xishan Mountain. The Japanese army formed the Right Jade County Office, and the governor Bai Tonghua.

  On August 16, 1945 (the ninth day of the seventh lunar month), the puppet county magistrate Yan Daben withdrew to Datong with the Japanese army, and the Tuohe Qing guerrillas recaptured the county seat. (Youyu County Zhiban Cao Manlao),

  Ying County

  On September 20, 1937 (the sixteenth day of the eighth lunar month), a unit of the Japanese army was driven from Datong to Ying County, and Zhang Hui'an and his students Tian Rubi and Gao Gaozhai organized a maintenance meeting, and they carried the sun flag in their hands and went to the West Gate to welcome the Japanese army into the city.

  On August 15, 1945, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally. On the twenty-third day (the sixteenth day of the seventh lunar month of the lunar calendar), the Japanese counselor Kataro Uemura led his troops to withdraw to Datong. The county seat was occupied by the Kuomintang local armed Qiao Richeng. (Ying County CPPCC Cultural and Historical Office)

  Pinglu County

  On September 26, 1937 (the 22nd day of the eighth lunar month), the Japanese army invaded Pinglu City. Liberation was made on August 18, 1945 (the eleventh day of the seventh lunar month). During this period, the Japanese army killed more than 4,000 people and killed 1,368 cadres and soldiers. (Pinglu County CPPCC)

  Shuo County

  On the evening of September 27, 1937 (the 23rd day of the eighth lunar month), thousands of japanese troops entered Shuoxian Chuan with thousands of independent mixed brigades. A company of he zhu guobu of the defenders' northeast army, together with the county magistrate Guo Tongren and the director of the public security bureau Bai Shengsheng, immediately mobilized the masses to block the three gates of the east, west, and north with dirt bags. The next morning, the Japanese army divided its troops into two ways to surround shuo county. The defenders of the city blocked the south gate again, vowing to coexist and die with the city. At about nine o'clock, the Japanese army broke through the door with tanks and immediately began a massacre that exterminated humanity. At that time, Jia Chengde, the chairman of the Shang Gong, Guo Tongren, the county magistrate, and his horse Ben, mixed with the crowd to escape, and the Japanese army escorted more than 2,000 people to the nancheng trench, stabbed to death with a bayonet from behind, and pushed them to the city trench. Jia and Guo Chong were not spared. The bodies filled a trench that was 100 meters long and nine meters deep and nine meters wide, and then poured with gasoline and burned. After that, countless women were raped to death or forced to commit suicide. For three consecutive days, about three thousand people were killed. Soon, most of the Japanese troops stationed in the county town were annihilated by the Jin Sui army. At the beginning of October, the Japanese army, together with the gendarmerie, finally occupied the county seat.

  From August 15 to 17, 1945, the people's armed forces led by Miao Shusen and Shi Lei of the Shenwu Detachment successively recaptured several forts outside the city. On the seventeenth day, the puppet county magistrate Xia Shengyu fled to Datong with the Japanese army. Two companies of our Shenwu detachment entered the county seat. The next day, the puppet police leaders Du Yutang and Wang Mou rebelled, and the Japanese army returned from Datong in the second half of the month to defend Shuo County with the Yan army. The Japanese troops from Zhangjiakou, Datong, and Suiyuan also came to Shuo County from Datong to Shuo County, and it was not until the autumn when the Northern Tongpu Railway was repaired to Taiyuan that the Japanese army withdrew from Shuo County to Taiyuan. (Gao Shiying, Vice Chairman of the Shuo County CPPCC Committee)

  Fanzhi County

  On the morning of September 28, 1937 (the twentieth day of the eighth lunar month), the Japanese army moved south from Ying County, the 203rd Brigade of the 34th Army of the Jin Sui Army struggled to resist, the commander of Liang Jiantang was shot and killed, and the Japanese army occupied Ruyuekou. On the 29th, it crossed the Tiejiaoling And occupied the county seat of Fanshi that night. In late October, the invading Japanese army withdrew west in an all-round way. At the beginning of November, the Fanzhi County Anti-Japanese National Salvation Battlefield Mobilization Committee was established, and on the 15th, the Fanzhi County Anti-Japanese Democratic Government was established. On October 2, 1938, the Japanese army of Ying County invaded from Ruyuekou for the second time, and the county seat of Fanzhi county fell again. On August 15, 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender. Except for one squad, the rest of the Japanese army withdrew in batches. In December, the Commander's Department of the Second Theater sent Zhu Bingjun to take over the power of Fanzhi County. (Fanzhi County CPPCC Committee, County Chronicle Compilation Office)

  Dai County

  On September 30, 1937, the Japanese army attacked Dai County from Fanzhi, the Jin Sui Army resisted for half an hour, and the Japanese army occupied the dai county town that night. The next day, Li Yisan, president of the Chamber of Commerce, came forward to set up the "Dai County Public Security Maintenance Association", with President Zhang Mingshen and Vice President Zhang Liankui. In January 1938, a pseudo-county office headed by Wang Wei was established. On September 13, 1945, (the eighth day of the eighth month of the eighth lunar month), Yan Xishan's military and political personnel entered the garrison. (Compiled by Guo Yu of the CPPCC County)

  Ningwu County

  On October 2, 1937 (the 28th day of the eighth lunar month), the Shuo County Army attacked the county seat of Ningwu County, and occupied the county seat in the evening of 9 inches. The army used traitors to lure the fleeing masses back to the city to work, and then gathered more than a thousand people in the square and shot them with machine guns. After a few days of searching and killing, the total number of victims totaled more than 2,200. On the thirteenth, the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army attacked the county seat, and the Japanese army withdrew overnight. After the Lantern Festival the following year, the Japanese army once again invaded Ningwu from Shenchi. Forty days later, the 120th Division of our Eighth Route Army recaptured the county town for the second time. In September of the same year, the Japanese army invaded Ningwu three times. In August 1945, most of the Japanese army withdrew to Chengxian County. In September, Yan Xishan sent Wang Weiji and Wang Chenglai to Ningwu to be surrendered. (Ningwu County CPPCC Bao Xijie)

  Chengxian County

  At the end of September 1937, Fanzhi and DaiXian were lost one after another, and Yan Xishan decided to fight the Japanese army at Xinkou, but ordered wang Jingguo of the 19th Army and Jiang Yuzhen of the 196th Brigade to refuse to defend Chengxian and Yuanping respectively. On October 1, the Japanese army moved south from Dai County and attacked the county seat and the town of Yuanping respectively. Wang Jingguo's troops fought bitterly with the enemy for seven days, and the regimental commander Liu Liangxiang and Shi Chengwen and nearly half of the officers and men were killed. On the morning of the eighth day, they withdrew from Chengxian County, and more than 3,000 wounded were transferred to the town of Yuanping. After Jiang Yuzhen completed the task of defending the city for seven days, he was ordered to hold it for three more days. After the Japanese army broke the city, the officers and men of the Jiang Brigade engaged in street battles with the enemy, fighting for each courtyard by courtyard, and most of the more than 4,000 officers and men were killed. After completing the mission, the remaining hundreds of people broke out in the morning of the eleventh day, and Brigadier Jiang was shot and martyred. The Japanese army killed more than 2,500 residents and wounded soldiers in Chengxian County, and more than 3,000 people in Yuanping. On August 26, 1945 (the nineteenth day of the seventh lunar month), Yan Xishan sent personnel to take over the puppet regime, with Wang Chongwen as the county magistrate. (Former Ping County CPPCC)

  Note: The county is now renamed Yuanping City, the municipal government is located in Yuanping, and the former Chengxian City is now called Chengyang Town.

  Pingding County

  Before October 27, 1937, Feng Jie, the governor of Pingding County, and his public servants abandoned the city and fled. The defenders also retreated west after blowing up the Yangquan Wudu Railway Bridge. On the twenty-ninth day (the twenty-sixth day of the ninth lunar month), the vanguard of the Japanese army entered the city of Pingding. At about 9 o'clock the next day, the Japanese army marched into the county seat. On the 30th, Yangquan was occupied.

  After the Japanese army entered the city, Zhou Hengyi first came forward to handle the maintenance of the meeting. He was killed by the Japanese army, and the local gentleman Song Rumei (号逸仙) succeeded him as the maintenance president. At the beginning of the following year, the maintenance committee was changed to the Pingding County Office.

  In August 1945, the Japanese army surrendered, and Yan Xishan sent Jiao Guangsan to take over as the county magistrate. (Zhang Yijie)

  Shouyang County

  On October 12, 1937 (the ninth day of the ninth lunar month), Japanese aircraft began to bomb Shouyang City, and on the 30th occupied the county seat. In early September 1945, Yan Xishan sent Yang Xiangsheng and others to take over the county government. (Compiled by Jin Shanggong)

  Xiyang County

  On October 30, 1937, a company of about 2,000 people of the 109th Division of the Japanese Army entered Jiulongguan in Xiyang from Jingxing County, Hebei Province, and stayed overnight in Songshuyan and other villages. On November 1, it arrived in Dongyetou. On the evening of November 2, the city of Xiyang was occupied. When the Japanese army invaded Xiyang City, it was hit hard by the Eighth Route Army. On October 25, the Political Department of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the 771st Regiment of the 386th Brigade entered Dongyetou, and Wang Xinting, director of the Organization Department of the Political Department, held a cadre mobilization meeting to help the local government establish the "Xiyang County General Mobilization Committee" and enter a state of anti-Japanese war readiness. On October 30, Commander-in-Chief Zhu De led the headquarters of the Eighteenth Group Army into The Village of Poti in Xiyang County, the 115th Division and the 129th Division reached the area around the town of Zhanshang, and on October 31, the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division assembled in the area of Wangjiashan Duhai Village north of Xiyang City. On November 1, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Peng Dehuai arrived at The Town of Zhanshang, and on November 3 he met Commander-in-Chief Zhu in Mafang Town.

  In the early morning of November 2, the 771st Regiment of the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division ambushed the troops in fengju and the 772nd regiment in the area of Gongjiazhuang. At about seven o'clock, the Japanese army entered the village of Huangyadi from the southern boundary capital village, encountered our outpost troops, and was annihilated by me.

  After the fall of Xiyang, a pseudo-county office was established, and Lan Lin of Pingding County was appointed as the governor. The Japanese army killed more than 14,000 of our cadres and masses in eight years.

  In August 1945, the Xiyang Independent Battalion and other county armed groups surrounded Xiyang City. On August 21 (the fourteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar), the Japanese army, under the pursuit of our armed forces, arrived late in Pingding County, and Xiyang was liberated. (Xiyang County Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)

  XinXian County

  On the evening of November 2, 1937 (the 30th day of the ninth lunar month), the Xinkou defenders took the initiative to withdraw south, and the Battle of Xinkou ended. The next morning, the Japanese army invaded the territory of Xinxian County in three ways: the middle route was Jiehepu and Xinkou to the south; The west route is Baishui and Qicun to the south, and the east route is Liligou through Baicun, Fuhuzhuang, and Gaocun. On the fourth day, the Japanese army entered the county seat. Some members of the former Chamber of Commerce organized vigilante meetings. Since then, the county seat of Xinxian and the villages along the railway have fallen into the hands of the enemy. In February 1938, the pseudo-county office was established, and Michika was appointed as the governor. On September 1, 1945 (the 25th day of the seventh lunar month), the Jin Sui Army replenished a regiment into Xin, and the whole county was recovered. (Li Wenlin)

  Yuci County

  On November 4, 1937, the 20th Division of the Japanese Army invaded Yuci, and the county governor Chen Hongbin and others evacuated in advance. The Sichuan army encountered the Japanese army at the town of Mingqian, with more than 2,000 casualties. After the japanese surrender in 1945, the Second Sub-district of Taihang sent people to Yuci, and the anti-Japanese county government set up a surrender committee headed by Wang Ze, and Gao Zeng led the masses into the city to publicize the news of victory. On September 15 (the tenth day of the eighth lunar month), Yan Jun took over the county seat of Yuci. (Yuci Municipal Cppcc Municipal Committee Cultural and Historical Office)

  Taigu County

  On November 3, 1937 (the first day of the tenth lunar month), Japanese aircraft flew low and strafed near taigu Castle. On the fifth day, when the sound of artillery was heard, liu Yu, the county magistrate, fled to Xi'an with the county seal and more than 2,000 yuan of public funds. At this time, a battalion of Zhu Huaibing's Ninety-fourth Division was defending the city. Wu Shimin's 169th Division and other units of Zhu Huaibing's division built fortifications along the Uma River Bridge, west of the Mingxian School, the railway station, and the Nancheng Trench. At about 10 o'clock on the seventh day (the fifth day of the tenth lunar month), the Japanese Chuan'an Corps attacked from north to south and drove to the Uma River Bridge, where it was intercepted by the defenders. The defenders were forced to withdraw to Taigu Castle under strafing aircraft fire and heavy artillery fire. At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the army climbed the city wall with a soft rope in the southeast corner of the city and entered the city. Some of the defenders in the city withdrew to the area around Nanshan. On the eighth day, Meng Xingrang, Dai Quanbin and others carried white flags to the east gate of the city to meet the second group of Japanese troops. Twelve days later, a large number of Japanese troops marched into Taigu. During the seven-day defensive battle, I killed eighteen Japanese soldiers under Kuixing Andi, and one Japanese soldier at the mouth of Renxiangkou in the city. After the Japanese army entered the city, they killed more than 320 innocent people.

  On August 16, 1945, the 8th Administrative District Leading Group of Yan Xishan, together with the 37th Regiment of Chuxi Chunbu, commander-in-chief of the Northern District, entered Taigu City and took over the Japanese puppet county government on the 17th day (the ninth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar). (Yang Wenzhong, History Office of the CPPCC Taigu County)

  Taiyuan City

  From late October to early November 1937, Niangziguan and Xinkou were lost one after another, and the plaintiff was anxious. Yan Xishan decided that Fu Zuoyi, commander-in-chief of the Seventh Army and commander of the Thirty-fifth Army, would lead his troops to defend Taiyuan, while the other troops would fight in the field of Yicheng. On November 4, Yan Xishan led some military and political personnel to retreat to Jiaocheng. On the fifth day, the Japanese outpost troops advanced to the outskirts of Taiyuan. The Kuomintang troops in the field battle of Yicheng retreated south, and Fu Bu became a lone army to defend the city. On the morning of the sixth day, Japanese artillery opened fire on the city. On the seventh day, the Japanese army concentrated artillery fire on the northeast corner of the city, and the enemy and we repeatedly fought for the gaps in the city wall, and the battle was fierce. On the eighth day, the Japanese army entered the city through the northeast gap of the city wall, and that night Fu Zuoyi ordered the defenders to withdraw from Taiyuan.

  On the eve of the surrender of the Japanese army in August 1945, Yan Xishan, who had long been in collusion with the Japanese puppet state, met with Takahashi Tan, chief of staff of the Japanese North China Army, in Xiaoyi. The Japanese chieftain proposed that "the Japanese army surrender to China alone", and Yan proposed to Takahashi the use of the Japanese army's anti-communist and anti-people "deposition of force" issue. On the ninth day, Yan Xishan studied the plan to march to Taiyuan and other places, and ordered Zhao Chengshou to consult with Chengtian, commander of the First Army of the Japanese North China Dispatch Army, to prevent the Eighth Route Army from being surrendered in Taiyuan and other places. On the twelfth day, Yan Xishan ordered Chu Xichun to lead a cavalry army to Taiyuan. On the fifteenth day, the vanguard troops arrived at the town of Xiaodian, and on the same day Japan announced its unconditional surrender. On the evening of the 30th, Yan Xishan, under the protection of the Japanese army, returned to Taiyuan by train. (Fu Xuchang, CPPCC Taiyuan)

  Qingyuan County

  At about 11:00 p.m. on November 8, 1937 (the sixth day of the tenth lunar month of the lunar calendar), the Japanese army arrived at Qingyuan City from Yuci via Tonggezhan Village in Xugou County. After that, the maintenance association was established first, and then a county office was established, and Liang Chengzhe (Qingyuan Chengguanren) served as the governor of the county.

  On September 13, 1945 (the eighth day of the eighth lunar month of the lunar calendar), Li Qirui, the governor of the Japanese pseudo-county, changed his mind, saying that he had been sent by Yan Xishan, accepted the surrender of the Japanese army, and renamed the Japanese pseudo-garrison as the Aixiang Regiment. (Qingxu County Chronicle Office)

  Qi County

  On November 3, 1937 (the first day of the tenth lunar month), the Japanese army began to bomb the county seat. Kuomintang military and political personnel, including county magistrate Xing Ziming, abandoned the city and withdrew south. On November 9 (the seventh day of the tenth lunar month), the Japanese army occupied the city of Qi County, and the gentleman Qu Chuanzhi, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Wang Dianyuan, and the large merchant Shi Bu turtle formed a maintenance association, with Qu as the president, and later established a county office. Beginning on August 17, 1945, the Eighth Route Army besieged the Japanese army at the town of Zhaoyuan for three days and three nights. On behalf of the Eighth Route Army, Liu Wen, the head of the county armed engineering team and deputy station chief of the enemy engineering station, ordered the Japanese commander Annan to surrender, and Annan refused to surrender his weapons on the grounds that he had not received orders from his superiors. On the afternoon of August 17, Peng Yubin's troops of the Jin Sui Army took over the county government. (Arranged by Cao Sirong)

  Jiaocheng County

  On November 2, 1937, two Japanese planes came to strafe the city and investigate the situation. On the sixth day, more than a dozen Japanese planes frantically bombed and strafed the county town and nearby villages, killing dozens of people. It was day and night, and the county magistrate Zhao Heng led the personnel of the county government bureaus to retreat in the starry night. On November 9, the county gentry and shangjia leaders Wu Pankui, Wei Chengren, Xu Ou and other fine maintenance meetings. On the tenth day, Xu Si, a member of the maintenance committee, waited at the bus station outside the North Gate, holding a Japanese flag and taking a slave face to meet the Japanese army. On the thirteenth day of the thirteenth month (the eleventh day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar), the Japanese army entered the county seat.

  In October 1943, Yan Xishan secretly sent Hao Buting as the governor of Jiaocheng County through the puppet regime. In August 1945, more than 100 Japanese troops retreated to Taiyuan, and the county seat was taken over by the Jin Sui Army (Jiaocheng County CPPCC Division Yiwen and Yan Juqian)

  Pingyao County

  On November 9, 1937 (the seventh day of the tenth lunar month), the Japanese army invaded and occupied Pingyao City, and half a month later retreated back to Qi County. On February 13, 1938 (the fourteenth day of the first lunar month), the Japanese army attacked Pingyao for the second time. The cavalry battalion of the 501st Regiment of the Seventeenth Army gao guizi and the self-defense forces faced the battle. The disparity between the enemy and us was enormous, our army suffered complete casualties, and the enemy invaded the city. After The commander of the Shi Dianjie battalion was wounded, he still used his machine gun to strafe the enemy, and finally exhausted his ammunition and pulled out his gun to commit suicide. After the Japanese army entered the city, it killed more than a thousand wounded soldiers and residents. In August 1945, after the Japanese surrendered, Pingyao was recaptured. (Li Zu, Shi Shengquan)


  On December 16, 1937 (the fourteenth day of the 11th lunar month), the remnants of the Japanese army came from Yangquan to invade and occupy the county seat. The next morning dawn followed the original road back to Yangquan. On January 9 of the following year (the eighth day of the first lunar month), the Japanese troops stationed in Yangquan occupied the county town of Lu county for the second time, cobbled together the maintenance meeting, and established a pseudo-county office.

  The Japanese surrendered in August 1945. On the twenty-fourth day, the 4th, 19th, and 34th regiments of the Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region surrounded the county seat. At dawn on the twenty-fifth day, more than 500 Japanese troops took advantage of the fog to cover up and fled, and were annihilated by our army at Yupan Mountain. The county seat of Lu county was returned to the hands of the people. (Luxian CPPCC Office)

  Xugou County

  On November 15, 1937, (the thirteenth day of the tenth lunar month), the Japanese army passed through Xugou County, and on November 22 (the twentieth day of the tenth lunar month), it entered the city and established the Maintenance Association and the county office, and Chang Yifu was appointed as the governor of the county. On August 10, 1945, Zhang Hong, commander of the 40th Division of the Yan Army, led his troops into Xugou City. On August 20, Qiao Xiao led more than 200 people from the Taifen District Advance Detachment into Xugou to take over power. The first county magistrate was Shede. (Qingxu County Zhi Office)

  Note: Xugou County is now in Qingyuan County, collectively known as Qingxu County. ■

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the county seat of Shanxi fell successively

Pictures of the Japanese pictorial attack on Taiyuan

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the county seat of Shanxi fell successively

The Japanese army entered Taiyuan from the north gate

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