
GEODIS GEODIS Asia Pacific is certified as an "Investors In People Investor" certification


GEODIS operates in 12 countries and territories in the Asia-Pacific region and has been awarded the Investors in People (IIP) certification for its efforts in recent years. As an international standard for workforce management, IIP certification upholds the concept of sustainable high performance based on people and affirms GEODIS' commitment to caring for and supporting employee development.

GEODIS GEODIS Asia Pacific is certified as an "Investors In People Investor" certification

SINGAPORE, June 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- GEODIS has achieved IIP certification in Australia, Bangladesh, Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

GEODIS GEODIS Asia Pacific is certified as an "Investors In People Investor" certification

GEODIS celebrates its "Investors In People" certification in Hong Kong (top left), Chinese mainland (bottom left) and Australia (right).

IIP certification has a detailed structure consisting of nine key performance indicators, a standard that has been implemented for more than 30 years and is recognized in 66 countries and territories around the world. Certified companies must achieve a set level of performance in three well-defined areas of leadership, support, and improvement in workforce management.

Anne Tan, Geodiss's Director of Human Resources for Asia Pacific, explains: "The IIP KPRs dovetail well with our own company's seven 'Golden Rules' and 'Leadership Principles'. It is vital to involve our employees in performance management and empower them to lead and motivate everyone. In addition, as each employee's abilities are actively developed, their potential is fully realized, creating a culture that encourages innovation and continuous improvement, which drives sustainable success. We see IIP certification as an independent measure that proves the success of our guiding principles. ”

To obtain and maintain IIP certification, the core is to establish clear and credible goals. GEODIS GEODIS' "Ambition 2023" strategy is supported by a structured transformation plan. Implemented since 2019 and led and supported by board members in Asia Pacific, the Transformation Plan provides a 5-year growth and growth blueprint for the company's diverse functions and business areas to achieve its goal of accelerating growth.

Onno Boots, Regional President and CEO of GEODIS ASIA Pacific, said: "Geodis GEODIS is undergoing a journey of transformational growth in The Asia Pacific region. Embracing innovation and operating flexibly within teams and regions in a constantly and rapidly changing environment will be key to increasing GEODIS market share and market relevance. For example, the recently launched "Manage!" program supports leaders through training, fully demonstrates GEODIS's corporate style of investing in manpower, and reserves resources for a growing team to meet its challenges. In addition, GEODIS develops detailed personal development plans for employees at all levels to support all employees in their career development. The aim is to attract young people, retain talent, put them into their work with enthusiasm during the changing period of the logistics industry, and provide them with a stable job as a multinational company. ”

In order to receive the IIP honor, GEODIS GEODIS has launched a series of initiatives, such as:

Establishing an "Employee Engagement Core" group tasked with reviewing performance outcomes, dissecting root causes, and making recommendations does coincide with one of the nine key indicators of IIP certification, "Empowering and Increasing Employee Engagement." The IIP commented: "New employee participation in focus groups clearly indicates that leaders want to increase employee motivation and engagement", "It is a good practice to involve employees in the development of the company's action plan based on the results of the Employee Engagement Survey (EES), and at the same time, through a feedback process, volunteers are included in the Employee Engagement Core Group." ”

The Cross-Sectoral Work Rotation Program for Southeast Asian countries is an initiative that meets the requirements of "structured work" in the IIP 'Support' indicator. The IIP commented: "This proven practice empowers employees to acquire more skills and competencies. The expansion of the scope of work and the improvement of requirements provide employees with a broader career development space. ”

All GEODIS GEODIS teams in Asia Pacific completed the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green Belt training and EES planning process in line with the IIP's "Deliver Continuous Improvement" metrics. The IIP commented: "LSS is potentially transformative in terms of cost savings and efficiency gains, as well as in attracting and growing employees."

"As the country with the largest number of employees in the Asia-Pacific region, GEODIS China is proud to receive the Silver Award for IIP certification in 2021. Creating an efficient and highly satisfied team is the primary goal of the entire GEODIS Group and we will continue to lead and support our employees to achieve higher goals together. Mr. Ivan SIEW, General Manager of GEODIS China, said.

<b>Countries and regions</b>

<b>Date of certification</b>

<b>Certification expiration date</b>


February 2021

December 2023


March 2021

<b>Chinese mainland</b>

<b>Hong Kong</b>





<b>Viet Nam</b>


January 2024


April 2021

November 2023

<b>New Zealand</b>