
China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable


This is probably the most adventurous planning I've had in my 9 years in the industry, asking a bunch of old supermodels to interpret the fashion of the moment. I don't know if the invitees agree, and I don't know what their status will be at the scene. But when the lights came on, all doubts were shattered by their mighty light. They are the goldenest generation of supermodels in China, no matter when, there is no substitute.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

Chen Juanhong

"Today's innings is really not easy, thank you very much"

"Don't give me an outline, just ask." Chen Juanhong sat down happily and accepted my interview. Frankly speaking, she was the one who surprised me the most of the three that day, originally thought to be the coldest and the longest off the stage, when Xu broke the first shutter, everyone on the scene exploded, and she shone in front of the camera like a godfather. I've never seen any subject act so "arrogant" in front of a camera, in response to the title of her autobiography, "Born a Chen Juanhong."

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

Looking back now, what was your truest impression of your time on the catwalk?

The most real feeling is that it is difficult to be a professional model, I entered the industry in the early 1990s, when the public did not understand the professional modeling industry, they felt that you were different, and people asked you how you were so tall and quickly said that they were athletes. At that time, the performance was not called a fashion show, it was called a fashion art performance, a set of clothes could be performed for several years, the steps and movements were taught by the dance teacher, and now it seems that you must feel very dramatic.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

At that time, it was not as developed as information as it is today, through what channels did you understand fashion?

I won the model contest in the early 1990s, which gave me a lot of opportunities to work abroad, and at that time, domestic fashion information was really scarce, basically taking advantage of the time to go abroad to see as much as possible and learn more, so that I could quickly enrich myself. Returning home is to shoot a lot of magazine blockbusters and learn about fashion trends.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

Generation after generation of young Chinese models have gone to the international stage, have you paid special attention to them over the years?

I really feel envious of them, now the market is so good and so diverse, I myself have been engaged in the excavation and training of young models over the years, in order to make these children better, I am willing to be a stepping stone to pave the way.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

Tell us about your recent situation, shall we?

In addition to continuing to engage in some education and training work, the most important thing is to put the comfort and health of family life first. When I was young, the rhythm was too fast, now the state is not the same, you see today I and the old horse are very excited to meet, when I was young in this market competition and are very cool, there is a little competition between each other, every time the work is a hello on each other rushed to run, to this age today to see a special kindness, feel a lifetime so come.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

What do you think of the current fashion trends?

I quite like these sporty funky things now, I am also willing to wear relaxed sneakers or something, which may also be related to my husband's influence, haha.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

Ma Yanli

"I haven't made this kind of film in a long time, you have to make me find a feeling"

Ma Yanli walked into the dressing room dressed in white, her thin and toned figure was no different from that of twenty years ago, and how much effort it took to maintain such a good state was probably the only one she knew best in her own heart. In the powder room, the staff methodically modeled for her, she took care of the daily affairs of her brand with her assistant while wearing makeup, asked her if she worked hard, she said of course, but at the same time she was particularly happy.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

At that time, I felt busy, too busy, rushing two or three cities a day to work, and there was no concept that I was red, anyway, I knew that more and more people came to work.

Mainly through some designers I came into contact with at work, I already had China International Fashion Week at that time, and there were many foreign brands coming to China to show, and in the process of work, I would understand the fashion they brought and the information they wanted to convey through fashion. Looking back today, I witnessed the development of fashion in China, and I really feel very emotional.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

Of course, I'm really happy for them now. Among the younger generation, I like Liu Wen the most, this child is particularly pure, professional and grateful, and knows how to cherish everything he has gained. I was doing a press conference last year, and she recorded a long video for me to say that I was particularly touched.

I started doing my first fashion show in 1998, mainly to see how far I can do in the design field, and then in 2002 I started to do my own brand until today, I have added a lot of product lines, and the current state is hard and happy. I'm a person who especially likes to try new things, like today's shooting I really have too long too long to shoot, I just told the photographer that you have to wait for me to find the feeling, but I think the process is particularly good, this day in my life because of this unusual experience has added beautiful colors, how good.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

I am not willing to follow the trend of people, I like the classic, I like white shirts the most to this day, my own brand this year also promotes the white shirt series, I think this way to wear sexy and pure, basically wear a ring watch or something accessories can be.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

Jiang Peilin

"You guys are so bold, I haven't worked in ten years."

Knocking down Jiang Peilin is arguably the most adventurous and surprising part of the shoot, saying that the adventure is because she has only given birth to her third child for two months, and said on the phone that she has become fat to the peak of her life. The surprise was that she was so thin that everyone who saw her in person was shocked to drop their jaws. On the day of the shooting, she brought her five-year-old son with her, and the boss who had never seen her mother's makeup looked at her completely blindfolded in the monitor, and at that moment I suddenly realized that letting him know that his mother was once one of the most beautiful models in China was probably the biggest meaning for children that day.

I said you may not believe it, I am now like a memory loss, I can't remember the 8 years on the catwalk, my life is very full and full. In those 8 years, I knew that I was very lucky, in the case of not learning professional courses, I came out red, all the way smooth, especially in the next few years, I felt a little embarrassed to do it again, because all the performances said that Jiang Peilin was not used for interviews, Jiang Peilin was not used to try on, and Jiang Peilin only needed to catch up with the performance before the performance. I decided to leave in 2007 because I felt that all this was too easy for me to come without challenge, so I chose to go abroad. Of course, I am also particularly grateful for all this experience, those years were the most vigorous development of Chinese fashion, not only me, like Li Dongtian, Feng Hai, Juanzi these people are also just beginning to emerge, I remembered that we were in the Beijing Puppet Theater on the edge of the two studios, on the one hand is Feng Hai and the other is Juanzi, I and Dongtian two sheds upside down all night shooting, out of a lot of works at that time, to say nostalgia, this feeling is the most nostalgic for me.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

At that time, I saved a computer by myself, specifically looking for the information of the most popular supermodel Giselle Bündchen at that time, saving all the pictures of her that I could find at that time and pasting three large books, learning her steps and posture, and now I still keep it, and I have the opportunity to show it to you.

In fact, I have not deliberately paid attention to this industry since I retired, but you know that the information is too developed now, and it seems that it is impossible not to pay attention to it.

China's goldenest generation of supermodels, the light is irreplaceable

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