
The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

author:Liaoning No. 1 released
The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!
The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!
The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

Don't forget the smoke that once went up, and the alarm bell sounded in my heart. On the special day of the 90th anniversary of the "918" incident, the Liaoning Yingkou Free Trade Zone welcomed a special guest, and the party members and cadres listened to a special party lesson, which pushed the study and education of party history to a climax.

More than 40 people attended the event, including the Fourth Circuit Guidance Group for the Study and Education of Party History of the Municipal Party Committee, the Yingkou Municipal Archives and History Management Center, members of the leading body of the free trade zone, party building and co-construction units, as well as representatives of the organs, state-owned enterprises, stationed institutions and non-public enterprises of the free trade zone.

The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

The event was presided over by Tan Ying, director of the Party and Mass Work Department of the Free Trade Zone.

The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

Liu Yubin: Son of General Liu Yalou, founding general, former chief of staff of the Fourth Field Army, and first commander of the Air Force.

The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

At the event, Liu Yubin spoke with deep affection in the form of memoirs about the Anti-Japanese War such as the September 18 Incident and the Lugou Bridge Incident, and the revolutionary memories and little-known stories of the liberation wars such as the Liaoshen Campaign, the Huaihai Campaign, and the Pingjin Campaign, vividly reproducing the original intention and mission of General Liu Yalou and other communists of the older generation to "seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation."

The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!
The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!
The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!
The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

Looking back on the past, every ups and downs of the story and every frame of delicately portrayed emotions have allowed the party members and cadres in the free trade zone to get spiritual baptism and harvest more strength to move forward. Everyone expressed that they would make greater contributions to the high-level opening up and high-quality development of the free trade zone, the high-tech zone and the comprehensive insurance zone, and to the revitalization of Yingkou, Liaoning and even the northeast.

The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!
The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

At the event, Han Xiaodong, director of the Yingkou Municipal Archives and History Management Center, presented to Liu Yubin a photocopy of the manuscript of the telegram on the liberation of Yingkou that was drafted by Chairman Mao Zedong himself in October 1948 and written to Liu Yalou.

Listen to their live experiences together...

The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

[Zhao Duo, secretary of the Party Branch of the Financial and Financial Joint Party of the Free Trade Zone and director of the Financial Services Bureau], "Through the narration of Mr. Liu Yubin, the magnificent and thick history was more vividly displayed in front of my eyes. In several places, such as when I talked about the Battle of Jinzhou, I was also very excited when I listened, and the spirit of the revolutionary ancestors who loved the party and the country, bowed down, and dedicated their lives to the revolutionary cause also infected and touched me. On the special day of the 90th anniversary of the '918' incident, we remember the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, encouraging us not to forget our original intention to follow the party, work hard in a down-to-earth manner, and promote the construction of the free trade zone to a new level. ”

The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

[Wang Long, secretary of the party branch and deputy director of the customer service center of the State Grid Yingkou Power Supply Company], "Thank you very much to Elder Liu for giving us this profound party lesson on this special day. Knowing shame and then being brave, my generation should be self-reliant. Through his in-depth explanation of the fighting life and great and glorious deeds of Siye and his revolutionary predecessor, General Liu Yalou, Elder Liu made us deeply feel the arduous spirit of struggle of the revolutionary predecessors and strengthened the belief in not forgetting the national shame. As electric power workers, we should learn from history, conscientiously practice the service tenet of 'people's electricity industry for the people', and continue the red gene in the service of the free trade zone and the city's enterprises." ”

The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

[Yingkou Comprehensive Free Trade Zone Bonded Logistics Group Co., Ltd. Party Branch Preparatory Party Member Lv Yingying] "Thank you very much to Mr. Liu Lao for bringing us such a vivid speech today, as if it took us back to that era, aroused our deep patriotic feelings and admiration for the revolution of our ancestors. The Tashan War, which Elder Liu talked about, and the spirit of the Communist Party of China in not accepting defeat, made us more firmly believe in the state and believe in the party. There is faith in the heart and strength in the feet! Only by stabilizing the rudder of the mind and replenishing the calcium of the spirit can the seeds of faith be rooted in the heart and the red gene flow in the blood. ”

The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

Lin Tianmeng, an active member of the Party at the Yingkou Area Taxation Bureau of the China (Liaoning) Pilot Free Trade Zone, said: "Today is the ninetieth anniversary of the '918 Incident,' and we often say that today's happy life is not easy to come by, and the revolutionary martyrs have laid the foundation for us with their blood and lives, and now it is our turn to develop and build. As a tax cadre, whether it is in the front line of tax reduction and fee reduction, or the forefront of helping enterprises resume work and production, I will be down-to-earth, do every job well, serve every taxpayer, and effectively contribute to building a business brand of 'immediate operation and self-operation' in the free trade zone and optimizing the business environment of Yingkou. ”

The son of Liu Yalou, the founding general and the first commander of the Air Force, gave a party lesson!

[Liu Yang, procurement supervisor of Yingkou Tiancheng Fire Fighting Equipment Co., Ltd. and an active member of the party] Through this party lesson, I understood that it was a qualitative leap from an ordinary worker to a member of the Chinese Communist Party. I want to set an example with practical actions, actively draw closer to the party organizations, and strive to join the glorious and great collective of the Communist Party of China at an early date. In the future work, I will always follow the footsteps of the party, unite around the party, demand myself with higher standards, help enterprises solve difficult problems and blockages, and help enterprises become bigger and stronger. ”

The party class was hosted by the Party Working Committee of Yingkou Free Trade Zone, and hosted by the Party Committee of the Free Trade Zone Enterprise and the Party Branch of Yingkou Forging Machine Tool Co., Ltd.

Source: "Yingkou Free Trade Zone" WeChat public account

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