
Zhang Cang, a famous minister of the Western Han Dynasty, how legendary is his life?

author:Calm your mind and think far away

Zhang Cang, a famous minister of the Han Dynasty, how legendary was his life? Interested readers and interesting history editors let's take a look!

Zhang Cang was a witness to the centuries-old changes from the end of the Warring States period to the Han Dynasty, and a participant in a series of major historical events in the late Qin and early Han dynasties. Because he served as a pillar of history and a ming dynasty in the Qin Dynasty, he was responsible for formulating the han dynasty audits, music laws and calendars under Xiao He, but the complicated political situation in the early Han Dynasty made him wait a long time before he sat in the position of chancellor, and became the longest-lived chancellor and the longest-serving minister in the early years of the Han Dynasty.

Zhang Cang served as the imperial historian in charge of books and canons during the Qin Dynasty, but due to his death, he joined Liu Bang's peasant army. Sadly, Zhang Cang soon fell into the predicament of being executed for his crime and execution soon after joining Liu Bang's team. However, Zhang Cang was tall and had very white skin, and Liu Bang's fellow villager Wang Ling (who served as a chancellor after Cao San's death) saved him when he saw the situation. As a result, Zhang Cang followed Liu Bang all the way to the battlefield, entering Xianyang, Entering Hanzhong, and returning to Guanzhong to serve as the Changshan Guard of Zhang Er's hometown. Zhang Cang then followed Han Xin in attacking the State of Zhao, killing the Zhao general Chen Yu, then becoming the Acting State Xiangguo to guard against border Kou, and soon becoming the Zhao State Xiangguo, successively assisting Zhang Er the King of Zhao and Zhang Ao the King of Zhao. Later, Zhang Cang was transferred to the state of Acting State, followed Liu Bang in his conquest of Zang Di, the King of Yan, made military achievements, and was given the title of Marquis of Beiping, with 1200 households. Because Zhang Cang was proficient in arithmetic, musical rhythms, and calendars, Zhang Cang began a long period of central administration and local administration.

During this period, in addition to serving as the minister of state of Huainan for fourteen years, Zhang Cang's main contributions were in statistics, auditing the accounting books of the princely states, and creating the Han Dynasty music calendar and other canonical systems. Zhang Cang first served as a financial planner for one month, and then as a chief planner as a marquis, working in Xiao He's mansion for four years, managing the accounting books handed over by the princely states.

In terms of formulating the Han Dynasty Music Law Calendar and other canonical systems, Zhang Cang continued the Qin Dynasty Calendar, continued to use October as the first year of the year to vigorously promote the Five Elements Doctrine of the Fortune of the Five Virtues, believing that the fortune of the Water Virtue in the Han Dynasty was questioned by the success of Gongsun Chen of the Lu Dynasty more than ten years later, which led to his illness for many years, and because of the improper recommendation of the person, he was dismissed from his post after Ti Qian wrote to Emperor Wen of Han, responsible for the implementation of the abolition of corporal punishment combined with the music law to formulate the Han Dynasty laws, and formulated various instruments of measurement standards, which became the norms to be followed by hundreds of workers in the world. From our current point of view, Zhang Cang can be said to have a mixed reputation in terms of personal life. Zhang Cang was extremely grateful. After becoming a high-ranking official himself, Zhang Cang served the life-saving benefactor Wang Ling as if he were his own father.

After Wang Ling's depression died, Zhang Cang, despite being a chancellor, still insisted on taking a day off every five days, first going to meet Wang Ling's wife and offering food before daring to go home. It is difficult for ordinary people to achieve such long-term perseverance, and he can be said to be a model for repaying the grace of life.

Although Zhang Cang has a long life, his private life is very controversial. Zhang Cang is an outlier among the family members, only himself and his son can grow to 8 feet tall, and the others are about 56 feet tall. His married life was very strange, he had married more than a hundred wives and concubines, and as long as he had given birth to children, he would not touch them again. In his later years, his life was even more bizarre, his teeth fell out, so he found a group of nursing mothers to specialize in feeding, so he became the first person in Chinese history to record a special cannibalism.

Zhang Cangwu could be crowned marquis and Wen could rule the country, and was also a generation of famous ministers of the Han Dynasty. However, Zhang Cang only ascended to the position of chancellor after the death of the infant, and was not as famous as Xiao He, Cao Shan, and Chen Pingren in history, but the system he set deeply affected future generations. For example, he pushed forward the fortune of the five virtues and became the doctrine of mandate of heaven for the succession of later dynasties: for example, the norms of hundreds of works he formulated have a shadow in our daily lives. Of course, his practice of eating human milk in order to live a long life is also the origin of the bad habit of breastfeeding in later generations. All in all, Zhang Cang was the planner and executor of the Han Dynasty Qin system, influencing future generations for more than two thousand years.

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