
Hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of miles of detours, the great destruction of the Qin army, what is the military level of Xin Lingjun?

author:Map Emperor

In 248 BC, Lü Buwei, the xiangguo of the State of Qin, sent his beloved general Meng Xiao (孟骜) to lead a large army to attack the State of Zhao.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of miles of detours, the great destruction of the Qin army, what is the military level of Xin Lingjun?

The Mongol army conquered Jinyang, which had been recaptured a few years earlier, and thirty-seven cities within the taiyuan county of Yuci (present-day southeast of Taiyuan, Shanxi), Xincheng (present-day southern Shuo County, Shanxi), and Wolf Meng (present-day northern Taiyuan, Shanxi).

Not only that, the Qin army Wang Gongbu also captured Shangdang County of the State of Zhao, and most of the entire Southern Taihang Mountain Passage was occupied by the State of Qin.

Within two years, Meng Xiao captured thirty-seven cities in the Zhao kingdom, two cities in the Wei state, and two cities in Korea, for a total of forty-one cities.

If you follow the rhythm of MengXiao, after ten years, the Three Jins will all perish. In the face of the aggressive offensive of the Qin army, King Xiang of Zhao was determined to fight back. Zhao Guolian po and Le Cheng were gone, there were no generals in the army, and King Zhao remembered Xin Lingjun.

Since the Xinling Emperor Wei Wujie had been stealing a charm to save Zhao more than ten years ago, he had not dared to return to Wei in the Zhao Kingdom. At that time, King Xiaocheng of Zhao took the arm of Xin Lingjun and stepped into the main hall of the Zhao King's Palace together, and also sealed five cities to make food for Xin Lingjun.

Now more than ten years later, King Xiang of Zhao used the Xinling Jun Wei Wujie, and the above generals sealed the Xin Ling Jun, making the general Pang Yan a deputy, and raising the Zhao army of 100,000 to resist Qin.

Ten years after the Battle of Handan, Xin Lingjun led the army for the second time, and he ordered his disciples to go to the various princely states to move reinforcements.

The King of Wei sent people to hold the Seal of the State of Wei, accompanied by a cart of gold coins, to the State of Zhao to welcome the Lingjun as a general. The army prepared by the King of Wei for Xin Lingjun was also 100,000 people, and Xin Lingjun received the Wei army on the banks of the Zhangshui River, and the two armies of Zhao and Wei merged, and 200,000 xiongshi were enough to resist the Mengxiao army.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of miles of detours, the great destruction of the Qin army, what is the military level of Xin Lingjun?

Figure- Xin Ling Junhe broke through Qin

Soon after the Xinling Emperor commanded the army, good news followed, and the three kingdoms of Yan, Han, and Chu all admired Xinling's use of troops like gods, heard that he was a general, and sent a general to lead the troops to Wei to listen to his moderation.

A few years ago, Zhao Guolian Po and Le Cheng took turns to defeat the Yan army, conquered a large area of territory of the Yan state, and forced the Yan state to sign an alliance under the city, so the Yan state would follow the Zhao state to participate in this joint venture.

The armies sent by the three kingdoms of Yan, Han, and Chu were all commanded by the leading generals, with the State of Yan as the General Canal, the Republic of Korea as the Infant Of Gongsun, and the State of Chu as Jingyang.

The armies of the five countries totaled more than 400,000, with joint camps of more than 100 miles, the flags covered the sun, and the army was at its peak, stationed on the border of Zhao and Wei.

In the qin state, Lü Buwei had great trust in Mengxiao, and of course, he was also infected by Mengxiao's achievements in the past few years. He mobilized all the forces of the Qin state to reinforce Mengxiao, and the Mengxiao army also reached more than 300,000.

The Mengxiao army left Hangu Pass and marched east along the Yellow River, all the way to the warships and infantry, and it was also stormy and mighty.

Behind the Hangu Pass, the general Wang Gong had 100,000 troops in Huashan, responsible for transporting grain and grass to the large army in the front, and could also increase the number of troops at any time.

Meng Xiao's battle record in the previous few years was almost to see who destroyed whom, and this time he did not pay attention to the combined column army, and continued to march east along the Yellow River to the junction of Han and Wei, encountering the combined column army, and the two sides built a fort to confront each other.

The first to break the deadlock was Xin Lingjun, who ordered Wei Qing to command the Wei Division and Jingyang to command the Chu Division, with nearly 200,000 people, to build a company of fortifications, falsely plant the banner of Xin Lingjun, and hold the wall without fighting, in order to resist the Mongol army.

Xin Lingjun himself, commanding more than 200,000 troops of the three kingdoms of Zhao, Han, and Yan, sped west along the southern foothills of the Taihang Mountains. The army carried only three days of dry food, without any extra weight, and no one knew what they were going to do at the time.

Soon Meng Xiao knew about the action of the combined column army, which was roughly divided into two routes, one way to stay in Jianbi without fighting, and the other way along the South Taihang Mountains to the west, suspected of going north of the Yellow River to attack Yewang and other important towns, but the city was high and wide, and it was not necessary to take care of it for the time being.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of miles of detours, the great destruction of the Qin army, what is the military level of Xin Lingjun?

Now Meng Xiao encountered a problem, the Qin army's grain and grass were transported through the Yellow River through Weishui, that is to say, the main force of the Qin army was not suitable for staying away from the Yellow River, so it was impossible to pursue the Xinling Junbu. And these combined columns in front of them were firm and unbeaten, and Meng Xiao soon experienced the taste of a dilemma.

At the beginning of this war, Meng Xiao was led by the nose by Xin Lingjun.

The three kingdoms army commanded by Xin Lingjun did not attack through the king of the wilderness and Wu Sui, and reached Hedong County through the shortest passage of the Taihang Mountains, "2 Xuan Guanxing".

Surprisingly, Xin Lingjun's army did not attack Anyi in Hedong County, but further west to the east bank of the Yellow River, and then along the Yellow River south to the confluence of the Weishui and Yellow Rivers. Then cut down wood for boats, control this important area, and cut off the supply of grain and grass for the Qin army.

The main reason why they went so far to cut off the grain and grass of the Qin army was to prevent the Mengxiao army from coming to the rescue, and at the same time bypassing the Hangu Pass, the soldiers cut off the supply of grain and grass for the Qin army without bloodshed.

Xin Lingjun's true purpose finally surfaced, but unfortunately, the opponent Meng Xiao did not understand the strategic deployment of Xin Lingjun until this time.

In this area, the combined column army quickly intercepted some of the grain and grass of the Qin army, achieving the purpose of feeding the war with war.

Wang Gong, the general of the Qin army who was in charge of transporting grain and grass, was stationed in the yin and Jin cities at this time, overseeing the logistics of the transportation of grain and grass.

In this unfavorable situation, Wang Gong reacted quickly, ordering the whole army to stop transporting grain and grass from the waterway, and all sides were unable to stand out, waiting for the Mengxiao army to return to help.

However, one of the things that Wang Gong was most worried about was that he was fiercely caught by Xin Lingjun. Not far from Yinjin City, at the foot of Mount Hua, there is a granary of the Qin State, which is usually used to supply the military food of the Hangu Guan defenders, which is one of the several large granaries of the Qin State.

There were more than a dozen grain depots in huashan's granary, and since the war had already begun in the front, it was not only for HanguGuan to supply grain, but also to one of the main grain supply points for the Mengxiao army.

During this time, the Qin army intensively transferred grain and grass from various places, and the grain and grass in various places had filled more than a dozen grain depots in Mount Hua, and even the air-dried beef, pickled vegetables, and other military food prepared for the knighted generals had long been prepared, and they were piled up in ventilated and dry warehouses everywhere.

Each grain depot looks like a small castle, the protective fences, trenches, and suspension bridges around the grain depot are fully equipped, and the watchtowers and arrow towers are built according to certain rules, and there is a sentry every twenty steps, and the most important thing is that every hundred steps, there is a huge urn filled with clear water for fire extinguishing emergency in case of fire accident.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of miles of detours, the great destruction of the Qin army, what is the military level of Xin Lingjun?

The Qin army's Huashan granary, because it was within The Hangu Pass, had almost never been threatened head-on, but the Qin people's protection of the Huashan granary was still very good. Not only did the defense of the granary itself do a good job, but the nearby Yinjin City would also garrison tens of thousands of Qin troops on weekdays, and one of their tasks was to protect the Granary of Mount Hua.

Wang Gong believed that Xin Lingjun might not have known the importance of Huashan granary to the Qin army, and therefore might not attack Huashan granary. Xin Lingjun quickly commanded the combined column army and tore apart the little luck of Wang Gong.

In fact, the combined column army commanded by Xin Lingjun traveled thousands of miles, and it was directed at the granary of Mount Hua. According to the orders of Xin Lingjun, it was the Zhao general Pang Yan who went to Mount Hua to intercept grain, while the other horses ambushed on the road from Yin jin to Mount Hua.

Pang Yan was a veteran general of the Zhao Kingdom, a general who was even older than Lian Po, and it was reassuring that Xin Lingjun had entrusted the most important task to the old general.

Pang Yan commanded a 60,000-strong Zhao army and arrived at the Granary of Mount Hua of the Qin Army. The entire granary of the Qin defenders was probably only about 10,000 people, and they were scattered in various grain depots, and the military strength of the two sides of the attack and defense was completely unequal.

On the first night of his arrival at Mount Hua, Pang Yan took advantage of the darkness to shoot the butter-stained rocket at the first grain depot, while attacking the grain depot on all sides.

The more than a thousand Qin troops in the grain depot not only had to put out fires, but also resisted the siege of tens of thousands of Zhao troops, and the whole army was exhausted in a single tea kung fu.

Pang Yan ordered some of the dry food that was easy to carry, so he ordered the entire granary to be burned, and soon the grain depot was on fire, and smoke was raging everywhere.

In the darkness of the night, at the head of the Yin and Jin City, Wang Gong looked in the direction of the granary of Mount Hua, and the fire that soared into the sky had already reflected half of the sky, and his heart was anxious.

The next morning, Wang Gong, who had not slept all night, received a report from the reconnaissance that the Combined Column army had only burned down one grain depot, and the remaining ten or so grain depots were still in the hands of the Qin army.

This news is definitely a big positive for the Qin people. Wang Gong immediately sent people to the Mengxiao camp thousands of miles away, asking Mengxiao to send troops back to help, so as to join the column with his own east and west.

Wang Gong's idea is the safest approach, but if Meng Xiao returns to help, there are also some practical problems.

Our junior high school physics textbook has such a classic question: If the speed of the boat is 40 km / h, and the speed of the current is 30 km / h, then what is the speed of sailing down the river and sailing against the current?

Answer: The speed of down-current sailing is 70 km/h, and the speed of counter-current sailing is 10 km/h.

This classic question tells us that if Meng Xiao takes the water route, the speed of returning to reinforcements against the current is one-seventh the speed of the troops entering the river! Maybe it only took two or three days for Meng Xiao to go east by boat, but if he took the boat to help, it would definitely be ten days later.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of miles of detours, the great destruction of the Qin army, what is the military level of Xin Lingjun?

According to this, if Meng Xiao really had no remorse to return to help, he could only take the land route, so that he could reach Mount Hua in four or five days at the earliest.

However, Meng Xiao had too many situations that he did not understand, he did not know which army the commander of the Combined Column Army, Xin Lingjun, was in, and he did not know whether the Combined Column Army had moved the tiger away from the mountain and wanted to attack himself from behind. In short, Meng Xiao did not make up his mind to return to Huashan.

The next night, Pang Yan repeated the old trick and burned down a qin army grain depot.

The fire was raging, and the grain depot was shining like daylight, and Wang Gong, who was standing at the head of the Yin jin city, broke out and scolded: "Thief, thief his mother's..."

Burn one on the first night, burn one on the second night, and according to this rhythm, in more than ten days, the Huashan granary of the Qin Army will be burned to ashes.

Wang Gong, a veteran who has always acted steadily, can't care less about it, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and preferring to go to the tiger mountains. Wang Gong gathered more than 80,000 people, divided into four teams, and rushed to the aid of Mount Hua.

Waiting for the 80,000 Qin army was the encirclement of the 80,000 Han army and the 80,000 Yan army, and the dense rain of arrows like flying locusts spilled out towards the Qin soldiers and soldiers who were holding torches in their hands.

In this encirclement battle, the Koreans performed remarkablely, and they were inseparable from the Qin army, which was less numerous than their own. The Yan army was not satisfactory, and the number of people was superior, but it was broken through by a Qin army and directly attacked the granary of Mount Hua.

At this moment, the 40,000 Zhao army commanded by Xin Lingjun arrived and once again blocked more Qin troops to break through, and the thousands of Qin people who had just broken through had Their own 60,000 Zhao troops to serve.

The war killed all night, the Qin army was defeated, more than 50,000 troops were folded, Wang Gong fled to Yinjin under the desperate escort of his generals, because of the late festival and fear, he no longer led the army to fight.

Subsequently, Xin Lingjun regrouped, and the total losses of the combined column army also exceeded 50,000, of which the Yan army suffered the most serious losses.

According to Xin Lingjun's plan, the battle was less than halfway through, and the combined column army now had to return to meet the main force of the Qin army in Mengxiao.

The combined column still did not take Hangu Pass, but returned along the original road, but this time after crossing the "2 Xuan Pass", it no longer walked along the southern foothills of the Taihang Mountains, but crossed the Yellow River south and then turned east.

Xin Lingjun's intention was very clear, that is, to cut off the Qin army's communications on the Yellow River, and to close the door and beat the dogs with the Mengxiao army, which had cut off grain and grass.

Meng Xiao, who had been constantly responding to all changes, was already in a completely passive state at this time, and if he did not act again, I was afraid that it would cause tragic results when xin lingjun completed the encirclement.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, thousands of miles of detours, the great destruction of the Qin army, what is the military level of Xin Lingjun?

Meng Xiao selected tens of thousands of old and weak soldiers from the army, built the banner of "Great General Meng", and continued to hold the Wei and Chu armies. Then drive the elite as far as possible, rush away, and reflexively come to fight with the Xin Lingjun.

This was a real decisive battle, Xin Lingjun commanded the troops of the Three Kingdoms, and in the face of the slightly smaller number of Qin troops on his side, the numerical superiority disappeared in an instant.

The armies of the four countries fought on the south bank of the Yellow River, stirring up a mess, from dawn to darkness, if it were not for the bad night, hundreds of thousands of troops would continue to fight.

When the war is fought in this way, there is no strategy or tactics to speak of, and the fight is a fearless, a "brave" word! At this time, the Qin army demonstrated their superiority in fighting encounters, and the combined column army showed weakness.

If it comes to playing grand strategy, Xin Lingjun is definitely one of the few good hands, even in this kind of fierce battle situation, Xin Lingjun can still achieve "three cups of Turannuo, five Yue is light", he ordered the Wei general Wei Qing, the Chu general Jingyang to attack the old and weak troops of the Qin army.

The Wei and Chu armies took orders and forcefully attacked the old and weak camps of the Qin camp, and after breaking through the camp, they even ignored the small soldiers who had already surrendered, and killed the Qin people when they saw them, so that the old and weak people of the Qin army risked their lives and fled one by one.

Subsequently, the Wei and Chu armies sent tens of thousands of reinforcements to Xin Lingjun, and under the two attacks, Meng Xiao lined up to reorganize the army and horses, and organized the retreat in an orderly manner.

The Five Kingdoms Combined Column pursued all the way until the remnants of the Qin army all retreated into Hangu Pass and closed the door. The combined column army pursued to Hangu Pass, and after a month of glory before the pass, the Xinling Junfang was only a class teacher.

In this battle, Meng Xiao lost nearly 100,000 horses, Wang Gong lost more than 50,000 people, the grain ships were lost, and the Qin army suffered a major defeat. In the next few years, before the death of Xin Lingjun, Lü Buwei did not dare to launch an offensive against the Three Jins.

King An of Wei heard that Lingjun had broken the Qin army, returned with great joy, and went out of the city thirty miles to greet him.

The brothers have been separated for ten years, and today they meet, and the sorrows and joys are intertwined, but they drive back to the DPRK. On the reward of merit and deeds, worship Wei Wujie as the superior, give the five cities, and the political affairs of the country are all decided by the Xin LingJun. He also pardoned Zhu Hai for the crime of killing Jin, and used him as a partial general.

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