
While serving the people with virtue towards the State of Wu, Yang Hu was planning to destroy the State of Wu, which was really high

author:Twenty-four Historical History

Once, Yang Hu's men caught two children on the border between the two countries, and when they inquired, it turned out that their fathers were all generals of the Wu Army. When Yang Hu knew about it, he immediately ordered the children to be sent home. Not long after, the generals of the State of Wu, Xia Xiang and Shao Jie, came with people to surrender, and the father of the two children was among them.

While serving the people with virtue towards the State of Wu, Yang Hu was planning to destroy the State of Wu, which was really high

On another occasion, the generals Chen Shang and Pan Jing of the State of Wu led troops to attack, but they lost the battle and were killed by the Jin army. Yang Hu ordered the two generals to be cleaned up with generous gifts, and when the families of the two families sent someone to collect the corpses, Yang Hu sent them back according to etiquette.

On another occasion, the Wu general Deng Xiang led his troops to attack Xiakou, and Yang Hu issued a heavy reward order, which resulted in his capture alive. Yang Hu did not hurt him, and after Haosheng appeased him, he let him go back, and Deng Xiang was very grateful for the kindness of the other party, and after returning, he led his subordinates to surrender.

For the people and soldiers of the Wu Army, Yang Hu was so benevolent and righteous, and he was also very disciplined about other objects of the Wu Kingdom. Yang Hu's army sometimes marched through the border of wu, and when there was not enough grain and grass, it would harvest the rice of wu as military food, but each time it was not taken in vain, and it would be repaid with property according to the amount of harvest.

Also, every time the Jin army hunted, Yang Hu told his subordinates that hunting was ok, but it was not allowed to cross the border line. Sometimes, some animals were injured by the Wu people, ran to the territory of the Jin kingdom and were caught, and the sheep would be sent back to the other side.

You see, Yang Hu here is the confrontation between the two armies, it is clear that the two neighbors live in harmony, although this is a way to buy people's hearts, but this way makes the Wu people very convinced, they respect Yang Hu very much, never call him by his name, but call him "Yang Gong".

For these means of Yang Qi, Wu Guoren is not clear, but Lu Kang is very clear, he often warned his subordinates, Yang Hu is to subdue people with virtue, if we are too violent, we will lose the hearts of the people, will be conquered by him without a fight, so ah, we will keep the border well, do not argue with him for some small profits.

Lu Kang and Yang Hu lived in harmony at the border, and this matter gradually reached Sun Hao's ears, and he did not understand it very much, so he sent someone to rebuke Lu Kang. Lu Kang naturally had his own reasoning, and he replied that between the two cities and two villages, we cannot fail to pay attention to morality and faithfulness, not to mention that we are a big country, and if I do not pay attention to faith, it is precisely the virtue that preaches the sheep and is harmless to him.

While serving the people with virtue towards the State of Wu, Yang Hu was planning to destroy the State of Wu, which was really high

Lu Kang said this and did the same, and he often praised Yang Hu in private, saying that he had the virtues and measurements of Le Yi and Zhuge Liang. Once, Lu Kang was sick and needed a special drug, he didn't have it in front of his eyes, yang Hu knew it, he sent someone to send him the medicine, and people around him advised Lu Kang not to eat it, in case it was poisonous, it would be trouble. Lu Kang smiled slightly, how could Yang Hu use poison to harm people! When you're done, you're done drinking.

In 276 AD, in view of Yang Hu's excellent performance in recent years, Sima Yan ordered that Yang Hu be renamed the General of Zhengnan, restoring all his positions before he was demoted, and still opening the palace with the three divisions, he could independently recruit subordinates. For these things, Yang Hu still did not pay attention to them, and what he thought about was how to destroy Wu Guo.

During these years in Jingzhou, Yang Hu had been observing and analyzing the form and terrain of the State of Wu, and he believed that if he wanted to fight against the State of Wu, he must take advantage of the favorable terrain of Yizhou in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and he had also talked about this in the secret chapter to Sima Yan before, of course, to do this kind of thing also needed suitable talents, and the selection of this talent was still a bit interesting.

At that time, in Wuguo, there was a nursery rhyme that sang like this, "A Tong Fu A Tong, the knife floats across the river, not afraid of the beasts on the shore, but afraid of the dragon in the water." At that time, people believed in this, and Yang Hu was no exception, and after he heard about it, he made a careful analysis and finally came to a conclusion, this nursery rhyme means that the success of the crusade against Wu Guo must be the water army, but to consider that the person should print the name in the nursery rhyme.

Coincidentally, at this time, The Yizhou Assassin Shi Wang Mao was recruited by the imperial court to be the Grand Si Nong because of his outstanding work. Yang Hu found that Wang Mao was a usable talent, who should be able to shoulder the heavy responsibility of crusading against Wu Guo, and there was also a point that Wang Mao's nickname was "Ah Tong", which coincided with Wu Guo's nursery rhymes. Therefore, Yang Hu gave Sima Yan a secret chapter, hoping to keep Wang Hao in Yizhou and contribute to the future of Wu's great cause.

Wang Mao is indeed a very capable person, but this person also has a very strong personality, and he is a relatively controversial figure within the Jin Dynasty. Sima Yan still attached great importance to Yang Hu's views, so he asked Wang Hao to continue to be his Yizhou Assassin History, and was made a general of Long Jun, allowing him to secretly build ships to prepare for the future rebellion against the State of Wu.

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