
Jun Zhengping: Insulting the "Ice Sculpture Company", where is the conscience?

author:Red Star News

In the Battle of Chosin Lake, 3 companies adhered to the glory and mission of the volunteer soldiers in the extreme cold, generously dedicated their lives, except for 2 people, all of them turned into crystal ice sculptures and stood on their positions. The people call it the "Ice Sculpture Company", which is a respect and remembrance of their fight for the country, and also a reverence for the spirit of the volunteer army that regards the mission honor above all else.

Today, the "Ice Sculpture Company" has become an indelible symbol in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, as well as a symbol of the volunteer army's defense of the interests of the motherland and the people, and the dignity of the country and the nation. "Heroes are the most shining coordinates of the nation", heroes and martyrs are not to be ridiculed! Don't stigmatize! Can't be insulted! We must not allow those who maliciously denigrate the heroes to act recklessly and do whatever they want. (@Jun Zhengping)

Jun Zhengping: Insulting the "Ice Sculpture Company", where is the conscience?

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