
Celebrate the harvest and enjoy the beautiful summer of the river! The 10th Wuhan Jiangxia Citrus Picking Festival has opened

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Huang Zhong

Photojournalist Wang Yongsheng

Correspondent Li Xin

A good year is the time when the orange, yellow, orange and green. On October 15th, the 10th Citrus Picking Festival in Jiangxia District of Wuhan City opened in The Ninggang Citrus General Farm in Jiangxia District, and many tourists braved the drizzle to experience the joy of picking in the citrus groves.

Celebrate the harvest and enjoy the beautiful summer of the river! The 10th Wuhan Jiangxia Citrus Picking Festival has opened

The scene of the opening ceremony

Right now, the citrus grove has its most beautiful time of the year. The Jimu News reporter saw at the scene that on the bank of Qinglong Mountain, the bunting flag was flying, and the signature flag of the picking festival was waving in the wind. The citrus yellow of the citrus groves hangs brilliantly on the branches, which is mouth-watering.

As the largest citrus growing area in Wuhan, Jiangxia has more than 40 years of planting history and is known as the "hometown of citrus", and the 1100 mu citrus orchard in Ninggang is an excellent choice for weekend picking and punching.

Celebrate the harvest and enjoy the beautiful summer of the river! The 10th Wuhan Jiangxia Citrus Picking Festival has opened

Tourists punch in to take photos

In recent years, on the basis of the original varieties, the Citrus General Farm has also expanded the varieties loved by the citizens such as jelly orange products "Red Beauty", Daya Mandarin Orange, Ugly Orange, etc. These varieties are second to maturity, and until the end of the year, they can all enter the orchard to pick as much as they want.

Celebrate the harvest and enjoy the beautiful summer of the river! The 10th Wuhan Jiangxia Citrus Picking Festival has opened

Harvest of citrus

Miss Liu and her friends from Wuhan heard about the opening of the Citrus Festival and came to Jiangxia with friends to breathe the fresh air of the countryside and experience the fun of hand-picking. "The traffic is convenient, the citrus is sweet, and the surrounding is the greenway and the farmhouse, which is very suitable for picking and playing." Miss Liu said.

Pick oranges qinglong mountain, leisurely see the countryside. Waving the scissors in his hand, he cut off the plump citrus from the branches, and then peeled them open into his mouth to taste, and the sweet taste was infused into the heart, which made many tourists praise one after another: "Delicious, delicious".

Celebrate the harvest and enjoy the beautiful summer of the river! The 10th Wuhan Jiangxia Citrus Picking Festival has opened

Tourists pick citrus

"Jiangxia has been holding the citrus picking festival for ten years now, and has always insisted on using citrus as a medium to promote citrus culture, making Jiangxia citrus famous in Hubei." Deng Zhong, deputy director of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Jiangxia District, Wuhan, introduced that Jiangxia will take the opportunity of holding a citrus picking festival to further enhance the brand image and influence of Jiangxia citrus, and promote the restructuring of the agricultural tourism industry and the upgrading of the level of the tourism industry. At the same time, we will give full play to the advantages of Jiangxia eco-tourism and local cultural tourism to meet the needs of urban people for suburban eco-tourism, so that tourists can enjoy the poetic rural landscape scenery while experiencing the fun of picking.

It is reported that the citrus picking festival lasts for one month, from October 15 to November 15, and the event site is the Ninggang Citrus General Field in Jiangxia District. At the entrance of each picking garden, you can also scan the code to receive consumption coupons, and the public can pick and buy citrus, and each 50 yuan consumption will be reduced by 15 yuan.

Celebrate the harvest and enjoy the beautiful summer of the river! The 10th Wuhan Jiangxia Citrus Picking Festival has opened

Tourists pick on site

The Jimu News reporter learned that there are also Ninggang Orange Red Farm, Ninggang Farmhouse Station, Orange Manxiang Farm, Yuanzhongyuan Farm, Yongjia Farm, Qinglongshan Chengxin Leisure Farm, Eat Lixiang Farm and other leisure farms around the picking garden, and the surrounding is the qinglongshan Metro Town, the terminal station of Metro Line 7, and the traffic is very convenient.

"In autumn, in addition to picking citrus, you can also pedal your bicycle to chase the wind around the mountain greenway, fish in the pond, eat roasted whole sheep and farm rice, pick farm vegetables, very suitable for weekend leisure trips!" Wu Aiping, the relevant person in charge of Orange Red Farm, introduced.

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