
Is a photo of a political change planted on the "PS Gate" cixi's favorite minister "innocent"?

author:Grandpa Baylor talks about history

As cixi's most hated reformist figure, all the so-called "Kang party" with whom she interacted, Empress Dowager Cixi wanted to get rid of them quickly. Just as Kang Youwei was using fake photos overseas to fool around, some people in China took his photos with one of Cixi's favorite courtiers, P, and put on the hat of "secretly messing with the party." With this photograph, his political opponents managed to drive him out of the political arena.

Is a photo of a political change planted on the "PS Gate" cixi's favorite minister "innocent"?

Kang Youwei

In today's developed PS technology, many people have agreed that there is no truth in the picture, and seeing is not necessarily true. With the blessing of new technology, it is not difficult to generate a fake image entirely by computer. Even back in the days when photography was first invented, fake photographs were not uncommon for some special purposes. A famous PS photograph in the late Qing Dynasty was once widely used as evidence by people who did not distinguish between authenticity and falsity, which was a group photo of Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and the Guangxu Emperor. This "photograph" was first published in the Beichen Pictorial Magazine compiled and printed by the Beiping Morning Post in the 1930s, and the photograph was accompanied by a text annotation: "At that time, photography was first introduced to China, and its skills were already considerable. The three people in the picture, the middle is the Sunqing Guangxu Emperor, the left Kang Youwei, and the right Liang Qichao, the situation of the monarch and the subject at that time can be seen in this image. It is rumored that Kang Youwei was abroad and repeatedly used this photo to show off to the outside world to prove his relationship with the Guangxu Emperor. The reason why it was only published in China after Kang Youwei's death, Presumably Kang also knows that this photo cannot withstand scrutiny. Various archival sources show that Kang Youwei only met Guangxu once in his life, on June 16B, 1898, in the Summer Palace, and no photographs were arranged that day; as for Liang Qichao, he was never summoned by Guangxu in his lifetime. How can there be a group photo of three people together?

Is a photo of a political change planted on the "PS Gate" cixi's favorite minister "innocent"?

Kang Youwei's purpose in forging this photo is obvious, although he and the Guangxu Emperor only have one side of the relationship, but this does not prevent him from fictitious relationship with the emperor and inflating his value and selling his reputation. As cixi's most hated reformist figure, all the so-called "Kang party" with whom she interacted, Empress Dowager Cixi wanted to get rid of them quickly. Perhaps Kang Youwei did not know that when he was using fake photos overseas to fool around, some people in China put his photos together with one of Cixi's favorite courtiers, P, and labeled him a "secret disorder party". With this photo, his political enemies successfully expelled him from the political age of Weikou O, the unjust leader who fell on the "PS Gate", that is, Cen Chunxuan, who was then known as "Southern Cen and Northern Yuan" with Yuan Shikai.

Is a photo of a political change planted on the "PS Gate" cixi's favorite minister "innocent"?

Actively participate in the restoration of the law

Cen Chunxuan, ziyunjie, a native of Xilin, Guangxi, was born in a family of official eunuchs. Cen Chunjie's father was Cen Yuying, who belonged to the so-called "Tongzhi Zhongxing" famous courtiers with Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, Zhang Zhidong, and others. Cen Yuying fought for many years and was the governor of Yungui. Cen Chunyuan's younger brother Cen Chunmo was also appointed as the Inspector of Hunan at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and was one door and three overseers, which can be described as a momentary prosperity. Cen Chunyuan was born into a famous family, and the spring breeze was proud, Guangxu five years (1879), donated to the government; Guangxu "one year (1885) in the middle of the person; Guangxu fifteen years (1889) Cen Yuying died, Cen Chunyanyin as a candidate for the Wupin Jingtang; Guangxu eighteen years (1892) supplemented the Guanglu Temple Shaoqing. He moved to the Shaoqing of the Taibu Temple, and the Zhengqing of the Dali Temple, thus officially entering the official field.

Tang Yongbin described as a teenager cen Chunxuan in "New Conversations", "conceited to the door of the first place, indispensable, golden knot, chariot and horse Yingmen", known as the "three evils" of the Beijing master (the other two are Gong Zhen's son Ruiwan [and Lao Naixuan's son Lao Zi Qiao)." Although he was stubborn when he was young, Cen Chundi also had a strong personality. When the Sino-Japanese War broke out in 1894, Cen Chunxuan played the chapter "Self-help to Serve former enemies". After the signing of the Treaty of Maguan, Cen Chunyuan was very indignant and resigned his official post and went into hiding.

After the rise of the Restoration Movement, Cen Chunquan quickly accepted and threw himself into it. In 1895, he joined the "Strong Society" in Shanghai, and in 1897, he co-founded the Guangxi Guilin Sacred Society with Kang Youwei and other reformers. In 1898, Cen Chunxuan was summoned by the Guangxu Emperor as a cloth cloth. During the summons, he vigorously advocated the change of law, "The country's situation is in danger, and it is impossible to survive unless it strives to strengthen itself." If you want to strengthen yourself, you must first develop learning, train troops, talk about the rule of officials, and believe in rewards and punishments, and naike has help.", he also bluntly said that "the current emperor has his name in vain, but must not exercise his power", and his decisive and blunt words have won the emperor's appreciation. In August 1898, Cen Chunxuan advocated complete layoffs, prompting the Guangxu Emperor to issue an edict on the dismissal of officials, which was one of the biggest measures in the reform and reform law, and Cen Chunxuan was also promoted by the Guangxu Emperor to be the envoy of Guangdong. In terms of political disposition, Cen Chunxuan showed his fierce nature, "Every time Chunquan goes to a province, he will be vigorously entangled, and all the upper and lower levels will lose their color." He acted vigorously in his term of office as a political envoy in Guangdong, starting with rectifying the administration of officials, opening up the situation of Guangdong's restoration, and gaining the name of "Clean and Straight". Cen Chunxuan was later summoned to Beijing, fang xing arrived in Wuhan, and was told to be appointed as a political envoy in Gansu.

Because Cen Chunxuan was very active in the law change activities, he was also implicated after the coup d'état, thanks to Rong Lu's dismissal in front of the empress dowager, he was spared. Cen was transferred to Gansu, named Pingqian, but in fact it was secretly surrendered. Gansu's desert is poor and incomparable with the rich Guangdong. Unlike Yuan Shikai's scenery after the coup d'état, Cen Chunxuan was relegated to the northwest and could only wait for the time to move.

Gengzi escorted Cixi's favored subjects

Is a photo of a political change planted on the "PS Gate" cixi's favorite minister "innocent"?

Half a year later, the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China, Tianjin fell, Beijing fell, empress dowager Xi and Emperor Guangxu fled west and ordered the divisions of the qin kings of the provinces to go north. At this moment, most of the civilian officials and military generals in various places adopted a wandering and wait-and-see attitude, but Cen Chunxuan, who was far away in Gansu, had no hesitation and immediately led his troops to go after receiving the edict. On the way, despite being blocked by Wei Guangxi, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, Cen still led a group of his troops to the location of Empress Dowager Cixi to provide assistance, this group of troops was only a few dozen people, and took the road to the desert of Gansu's desert Gobi and Desert, "and it is necessary for the natives to lead the way, and to another person to lead the way, to be able to advance." (Cen Chunxuan's "Le Zhai Manhua") Finally, "day and night galloped", rushed to Beijing, and then escorted xi hunting.

At the critical moment when it was difficult to protect, she was escorted by such a loyal minister as Cen Chunxuan and was able to arrive in Xi'an safely, and Empress Xi was quite touched. There are historical records: "The empress dowager ran away in a hurry, and the panic was very special, and she was in the spring, and her heart was slightly at ease." Chun Xuan diligently protected the subordinates, stayed overnight to break the temple, Chun Xuan huan knife outside the temple all night, the empress dowager suddenly exclaimed in her dream, and Chun Xuan said loudly: 'Chen Chun Xuan is here to protect Chun Xuan in the midst of danger, to DaXian, the empress dowager deeply felt it, and wept: 'If you restore the country, you will not dare to forget virtue'. On the other hand, Cen Chunkun also established a very close relationship with Li Lianying, Cixi's most beloved eunuch, with the convenience of approaching along the way, calling him "Old Uncle". Because of Cen Chunquan's dedication and the "old uncle's" side care, Cen Chunxuan has since become Cixi's favorite courtier, and his name is very important. Cixi almost regarded him as a firefighter of the imperial court. In May of the 28th year of Guangxu (1902), Cen Chunqi was appointed as the governor of Guangdong, but failed to make the trip, and was transferred to the governor of Sichuan in the face of the Sichuan Brotherhood Uprising. When Sichuan had just been pacified, bandits in Guangxi revolted, and in March of the twenty-ninth year (1903), he was transferred to the governor of Liangguang to supervise the military affairs of Guangxi. Hu Sijing, a contemporary, once commented: "Yuan Shikai and Cen Chunquan are both favored by the empress. The favor of Shi Kai, changed by Peng Shu. The pet of spring extinguishing, escorted by Gengzi. They all rise up with afflictions, and although there are foreign words, they cannot be separated.

After experiencing Wu Shu and Gengzi, Cen Chunxuan and Yuan Shikai continued to seek opportunities for further development in their careers. Yuan Shikai's power was based on the new army; and although Cen Chunxuan was appreciated by Cixi for defending Cixi among Gengzi, he had not yet entered the central government, but also remained in Liangguang. With the gradual progress of the two people's careers, the contradictions are gradually revealed.

A bomb flew from the sky

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Cen Chundi was known as the "governor of the liver and gallbladder" and "official slaughter", and often participated in the impeachment of incompetent subordinates and corrupt officials, which made him make many enemies and caused all kinds of dissatisfaction in Yuan Shikai's clique. In particular, during his four years as governor of Liangguang, he participated in the dismissal of more than 1,400 civil and military officials. Although Yuan Shikai was also one of the few capable ministers of the late Qing Dynasty, he attached himself to the greedy and faint military aircraft department leader Prince Yixun of Qing, the prince of Qing, in order to develop the Beiyang power. Many of the corrupt officials whom Cen Chunxuan impeached were related to Yi Xun, such as Cen Chunxuan's reporting that Yi Xun's friend and Yuan Shikai's relative Zhou Fu (Zhou Rongyao) had embezzled tariffs, and believed that when he was serving as an envoy to Guangdong, he found out about it, and it was only because of Yi Xun's protection that he could be safe and sound. Thus causing uneasiness and dissatisfaction among the Yi and Yuan groups.

Cen Yuan's head-to-head confrontation began with the reform of the official system in the New Deal at the end of the Qing Dynasty, when Yuan Shikai, who was then the governor of the prefecture, and the Prince of Qing, Yi Xun, formed a responsible cabinet, and Ding Yixun was appointed as the prime minister to take power. Cen Chunxuan and the military chancellor Qu Hongji both presented themselves as clean and honest factions, and were extremely indignant at Yuan and Yi's means of exaggerating their forces by excluding dissidents, and wrote to Empress Dowager Chen about Yuan's ambitions, and eventually Cixi denied the new official system plan and forced Yuan Shikai to hand over the military power of four of the six towns in Beiyang. Yi Yuan's wishful thinking failed, and their strength was weakened, and they were in the same water and fire with Cen Qu from then on. Subsequently, Yi and Yuan conspired to squeeze Cen Chunquan out of the post of Viceroy of Liangguang and become the Viceroy of Yungui, who was succeeded by Yuan Shikai's in-laws Zhou Fu. Shortly after Cen Chunyan stepped down from liangguang, Yuan Shikai immediately sent someone to inquire about Cen Chunxuan's reimbursement accounts in the process of the Western Expedition in an attempt to find Cen Chunxuan's faults, and the result was "nothing was found and abolished." However, in the end, this matter still reached the ears of Cen Chunxuan, who delayed his arrival in Yunnan again and again, and also pretended to stay in Shanghai on the grounds of illness, waiting for the political situation and waiting for an opportunity to retaliate. Soon, Yuan Shikai lost in the government and politics, and asked himself to go to his own post. Cen Chunxuan believed that the time had come, and on March 21, the thirty-third year of Guangxu (1907), he suddenly went from Hankou to Shangjing to see Cixi.

Cen Chunxuan arrived in Beijing without authorization, and Cixi not only did not blame, but also emotionally reminisced with him, and even "did not feel the tears of the human history of 20 countries". Cen Chunkun took the opportunity to clarify his intentions and rebuked Yi Xun: "In recent years, pro-nobles have gained power and bribed public officials, so that Chinese and foreign countries have followed suit, and Ji Gang has swept the ground, all of which have been corrupted by Prince Qing and misled the country, quoting villains", and earnestly stated the stakes, "If this person does not go, why should Ji Gang rectify it?" With his deep feelings, he also expressed his loyalty to Empress Xi again, expressing his willingness to stay in Beijing and act as a housekeeper for the empress dowager and the emperor, monitoring and guarding against reckless behavior. Cixi was deeply touched, so she let Cen Chunxuan stay in the Beijing Division and appointed Shangshu of the Ministry of Posts and Communications.

The Shiren Sun Baoxuan believed in the Book of Records that Cen Chun's entry into Beijing was "a living bomb that flew out of the sky for no reason, so that the political circles changed and the hundred officials were shaken." At that time, Yuan Shikai "long coveted the benefits of the three bureaus of railways, investment promotion, and telegraph", and installed his own cronies in all departments of the Central Committee. Two days after Cen was appointed by the Ministry of Posts and Communications, he did not formally take up his post, but immediately impeached Zhu Baokui, who was then a waiter in the Ministry of Posts and Communications and a close confidant of Yuan Shikai, on the grounds that when he was handling the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, he colluded with outsiders to swallow Ding Cheng's money. At the same time, due to the "Yang Cuixi case", Yi Kan's son Zai Zhen and Yuan Shikai's general Duan Zhigui were impeached by Yushi Zhao Qilin and Zhao Binglin. In the face of cen chunxuan and other people's various participation, Yi Jing and the actual controller behind yuan shikai were embarrassed.

Yuan Shikai's Jedi strikes back

Is a photo of a political change planted on the "PS Gate" cixi's favorite minister "innocent"?

The impeachment of Cen Chunxuan and others not only completely frustrated Yuan Shikai's idea of a responsible cabinet, but also made Yuan Shikai's predicament of reducing power as the Qing court began to strengthen the centralization of power, for example, the central government set up the War Department to uniformly administer the new army, which damaged Yuan Shikai's power in the new army, and the establishment of the Ministry of Posts and Communications made him give up some of the control he had in the past in railways, shipping, telegraphs, postal services, etc., and the Shangshu of the Ministry of Posts and Communications was still held by Cen Chunxuan. Therefore, Yuan Shikai's unhappiness can be seen.

Yi and Yuan became angry and set up a ruse to drive Cen Chundi out of Beijing. After Cen was appointed shangshu of the Ministry of Posts and Communications, he was also suspected by Cixi because he often saw people who had a lot of intersection with him. Yi Yi also played by secret, cen as "Kang Liang's dead party, not credible". In addition, they also instructed the governor of Liangguang, Zhou Fu, to report that bandits in Guangdong were spreading, and that Cen could not be pacified, and then Yi Yi proposed that Cen be the governor of Liangguang. Cixi did not know the truth, fell into the trap of Yi and Yuan, and changed his position to Cen as the governor of Liangguang. Cen Chunxuan was expelled from Beijing in less than 25 days on the postal site. This party struggle within the ruling clique of the Qing Dynasty, the so-called "Ding Wei political tide".

Cen was ostracized, shocked and angry, and shouted: "The imperial court employs people like this!" If there is today, then why did we move me to Dian and Shu at that time? Immediately folded, the sick did not want to go to the post. Cen wanted to meet the two palaces to save, but was also hurriedly sent by Cixi with three words and two words, Cen knew that the capital was no longer a place to stay, and he was unwilling to bear the anger to go to Guangdong, only in the name of recuperation, temporarily living in Shanghai. The day after Cen Chundi arrived in Shanghai, he learned of the news that his important ally Zhai Hongji had been dismissed from his post and investigated, and Cen deeply felt that "the situation in the DPRK had changed greatly." In order to completely eliminate the troubles, Yi and Yuan once again fell into the well for Cen. On July 8, Yushi Chen Qinggui sang Cen "repeatedly failed to go, arrogant and illegal, which is rare for more than 200 years." In order to overthrow Cen Chunxuan, Yuan Shikai and others released a big move, Yi Dong and Yuan Shikai secretly gave a plan, let people take a single photo of Kang Youwei and Cen Chunkun, split and compound, make a juxtaposition, and re-shoot a picture of empress Dowager Jincheng, this trick really worked, seeing that the enemy of heaven and his confidants stood side by side, Cixi's inner shock and resentment could be imagined, so he made up his mind to throw Cen Chunxuan out of the political stage.

The above account of Yi Xun and Yuan Shikai using fake photos to frame Cen Chunxuan can be found in Chen Gan's "Secret Record of Xiang Zhai". Cen Chundi himself confirmed that he had incurred political framing for his fake photos, but his account was quite different from Chen Ganyi's. According to Cen Chunxuan's statement in "Le Zhai Man pen", Yuan Shikai sent people to secretly find a photo of him alone, and then took a group photo with Kang and Liang to form a three-person photo. In the photo, Cen stands side by side with Kang and Liang, talking and laughing. The background of the photo is in front of the Shanghai Times Museum. Yuan Shikai then secretly presented it to the empress.

Who exactly did the fake photo come from?

Liu Chengyu has a different account in the "Miscellaneous Memories of Shi Zai Tang", when Cen Chunquan was the governor of Liangguang, as soon as he took office, he went to the party to raid dozens of officials and rich merchants, scaring the rich merchants in Guangzhou into fleeing. The officials and rich merchants who remained in Guangzhou conspired to drive Cen Chunxuan away, but worried that Cixi's favor cen Chunxuan was difficult to shake, he offered a huge reward to recruit people who could make a strange strategy to drive Cen Chunxuan away. Chen Shaobai, a Guangdong Xinhui man who was then the president of the Hong Kong branch of the League, took advantage of Cixi's hatred of Kang and Liang and the contradictions between him and Yuan Shikai to co-produce the four statues of Cen Chunxuan, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, and Mai Menghua (Kang Youwei's son-in-law), sold the photos in Shanghai, Tianjin, Beijing, and even Hong Kong and Nanyang, and bribed reporters from newspapers in Beijing and Shanghai to publish them. Chen Shaobai introduced the composite photos to the palace through Yuan Shikai and let the empress dowager see them.

Hu Sijing also records in the "National News and Preparation", the person who forged the photo here became Cai Naihuang of Shanghai Daotai, and in order to get closer to Yuan Shikai, in order to take a photo / In 1915, Cen Chunyu (right), the commander of the two Guangdong Protectorate Forces, and Liang Qichao, the staff officer of the capital, took a group photo. Before the Xinhai Revolution, cen Chunxi, Kang Liang and the royalist association had always had an ambiguous relationship in the museum, and found one image of Cen Chunquan and Kang Youwei, and synthesized one piece, "If the two gather to secretly discuss each other, dedicate it to Shi Kai." Another theory is that Fei Xingjian's "Cixi Transmission Letter" said that this photo played by Yuan Shikai was from the Yuan Party figure Duan Fang, and the photo figure also became a group photo of Cen Chunxuan and Liang Qichao, and the book also recorded the empress dowager's reaction after seeing the photo: "Chun Que also passed the party to bear me, and the world's affairs are really reversible!" Although, he bears me, I do not fail him, but I can allow him to retire. So the transmission of the will quasi-spring to open the lack of nourishment.

Although the details of these accounts are different, they all believe that the fake photos are true. Cen Chunxuan was transferred from Shangshu of the Ministry of Posts and Communications to the governor of Liangguang, staying in Shanghai, taking advantage of illness not to go, empress dowager Cixi did not have strict supervision of Cen, but allowed Cen to repeat the leave, which shows that at this time Empress Dowager Cixi has always been open to her. However, on the fourth day of the first month of July in the thirty-third year of Guangxu (1907), that is, two and a half months after Cen Feng was transferred to the Governor of Guangdong, the situation suddenly changed drastically. The edict issued on this day said: "Cen Chunxuan was sick before the song, and he was given a reward for leave. Now that the holidays have expired, the report has not yet begun, and the inspector has not yet recovered. The two Guangdong areas are critical, and the shortage of staff has been hanging for a long time, and Cen Chun is relieved to adjust the lack of peace of mind to show compassion. Cixi suddenly took the initiative to dismiss him from his post as governor of Yue, citing the phrase "if there is a shortage of personnel for a long time", and there must have been extremely important reasons for Empress Dowager Cixi's decision to make this decision. Presumably, it should have been Yuan Shikai who sent this photo at this time, which aroused Cixi's anger, and in addition to attacking his heart in anger, he resolutely decided to expel Cen Chun from now on.

In addition, Yi Le and Yuan Shikai also bought the Hanlin Academy's attendant Shu Yuding to cooperate from the middle and the outside, impeached Qu Hongji and Cen Chunji to marry Kang Liang, and Xi Bu "borrowed Japan to tilt the situation." Kang and Liang stayed in Japan for a long time after the coup d'état, and they had contact with both the government and the public, which Cixi naturally heard a lot, and at this time there was a saying that Cen colluded with Kang Liang, which had to make Cixi herself feel worried. The twist of The Emaciated Yuding pointed out the biggest worry in Empress Dowager Cixi's heart, just on July 20 of that year, the Incident of Japan forcing the King of Joseon to withdraw from the "Neichan" incident occurred in Korea, which undoubtedly poked at the sore spot where Cixi was coerced by foreign forces to return to Guangxu. But all these things cannot but make Cixi feel frightened and uneasy, and they must be eliminated quickly.

Is a photo of a political change planted on the "PS Gate" cixi's favorite minister "innocent"?

Is Cen Chunxuan really "innocent"?

After Cen Chunxuan's dereliction of duty, he still lived in Shanghai. In the spring of the 1919 year, the Qing court announced the policy of "nationalization of railways", which led to a wave of road protection in Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Sichuan and other provinces, with Sichuan being the most intense. In order to quell the Sichuan rebellion, on the recommendation of Sheng Xuanhuai, the Qing court decided to use Cen Chunjie, who had been idle for a long time, because of his long-standing battlefield, high prestige, and ability to control the new army and the Sichuan army transferred to Sichuan, issued an urgent edict, with Cen Chunyuan as "to handle the matter of suppression with Zhao Erfeng" and "to take a ship from Shanghai, set off immediately, without delay." At this time, although Cen Chunxuan only entered Sichuan xiang to suppress it in the name of "the governor of The Lack of Two Guangdong", in terms of prestige, the acting governor of Sichuan, Zhao Erfeng, and the minister of the Sichuan Railway, Duan Fang, were not enough to hope that Cen Chunxuan's back. Therefore, as soon as these two people heard that Cen Chundi was going to come to Sichuan to do the suppression, they were deeply afraid that their position would be replaced by Cen Chunkun, and they tried every means to obstruct it. Cen Chunxuan's attitude on the issue of the road protection movement was consistent with that of the constitutionalists at that time, opposing the nationalization of the railway, and did not immediately take up his post. During the controversy, the New Army of Wuchang revolted, and Cen Chunxuan fled back to Shanghai in a hurry during the war, and although he was ordered to be transferred to the governor of Sichuan, he was no longer able to take office. After the abdication of the Qing Emperor, Cen Chunquan remained in Shanghai. On January 1, 1912, the Republic of China was founded, and Cen Chunquan published a telegram to the prime minister in major newspapers in Shanghai, clearly siding with the revolutionary camp.

Although Cen Chunquan was framed by design, there was indeed an ambiguous relationship between him and Kang Liang and the Royalist Society. In 1899, Kang Youwei established royalists overseas, and groups with royalist names appeared in Shanghai, Ningbo and other places in China. Cen Chunxuan, who was quite active during the change of law, has always had contacts with royalists. Some scholars believe that during the Gengzi period, the possibility that Cen Chun was the King of Qianliqin was to assist Guangxu in recovering power was not a figment. He went to Beijing to meet the empress dowager, and said to himself: "The subject army is temporarily recruited, but it is defensive, and does not dare to face the enemy." As a result, he was ordered to garrison Zhangjiakou to defend Against Russia. This coincided with the Southern Restoration Party's premeditation to prevent the two houses from going west. However, no matter what Cen Chunxuan's original intention was, judging the situation, he finally chose "Dai Hou" instead of "helping the emperor". (See Sang Bing's "Cen Chun and the Royalist Society Before and After King Qin of Gengzi Qin.")

Zheng Xiaoxu commented on the saying at the end of the Qing Dynasty: "Cen Chunxuan did not learn no techniques, Yuan Shikai did not learn techniques, Zhang Zhidong did not learn techniques, and Duan Fang had learned techniques." However, Cen Chunxuan seems to be "not learning and no techniques", but in fact he is quite scheming. Before and after the Ding Wei political uprising, Cen Chundi kept in touch with overseas royalists. In 1905, he acquiesced to his close aide Zhou Shanpei to meet with Liang Qichao in Hong Kong; at the end of 1906, when he was dismissed from the Guangdong Governor's stay in Shanghai, he had close contact with Kang Youwei's son-in-law Mai Menghua; on April 17B, Cen was dismissed from Beijing and returned to Guangdong, he did not go to Guangzhou, but went to Shanghai, and Liang Qichao, who was far away in Japan, received this news and returned to Shanghai from April 23 to May 5, trying to meet cen. Whether Cen and Liang met is unknown due to the secrecy of their whereabouts. But that photo was thrown by Yuan Shikai at this time. From this point of view, Cen Chunquan actually had "two hearts" for Cixi, but he was quite depressed in the hands of Yuan Shikai, a more ambitious and more scheming political enemy.

Is a photo of a political change planted on the "PS Gate" cixi's favorite minister "innocent"?

The story of this PS photo is followed up in the records. "Miscellaneous Memories of Shi Zai Tang" records that after Cen Chunxuan was secretly calculated, he also went to Beijing to engage in crisis public relations, and he found a good friend Li Lianying who had met on the escort road of King Qin. Li Lianying also played back the PS technique, because cixi was keen to cosplay into Guanyin Bodhisattva to take pictures at that time, Li Lianying forged a photo of herself posing as Wei Tuo standing behind Cixi and knelt down, saying: "Empress Dowager, when did the slaves serve Lafayette to take such a photo?" This is just a folk trick, and the photos of Cen Chunxuan and Kang Youwei in the past were this trick. Only then did Cixi know that he had wronged a good man, and Cen Chunxuan was able to take back a city.

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