
He is a two-time Olympic champion, and now holds a beautiful stewardess, serving as the president of the university, and the rank of deputy department

author:Daddy talks about education

"Karma is not high and lowly, and the boy has to be safe and idle!" This poem comes from the Song Dynasty literary scholar Zhang Qi's "Northern Neighbors Sell Cakes Every Five Drums Before They Are Sold, Although the Streets Are Sold In the Cold and Fierce Wind", which means that there is no distinction between high and low occupations, what is important is that boys should pursue something, how can they spend their lives in peace?

This poem is quite meaningful to today's society, throughout the present, the college entrance examination seems to have become the only way out of "becoming a talent", as if you can't get into college, and your whole life is wasted. A thousand years ago, the ancients have long told us that there is no high or low in the profession, as long as there is a lofty ambition, can be hardworking, do anything can change life, reading can be, moving bricks can be, engaged in sports can also be.

Just in the Tokyo Olympic Games, which has been on the hot search for a while, how many of the Chinese athletes who have reached the podium have participated in the college entrance examination and are being admitted to universities? Don't still have brilliant moments.

He is a two-time Olympic champion, and now holds a beautiful stewardess, serving as the president of the university, and the rank of deputy department

Some people will say that these sports are now just like fireworks, brilliant only in a moment, after retirement, an injury, whether they can feed and clothe in the future has become a problem, and the current situation of many former Olympic champions is a vivid case. However, Yang Qian, the first gold medalist in China's Olympic Games, came from Tsinghua University, and after winning the Olympic gold medal, she won the opportunity to "protect research", and the future is bound to be promising. It can be seen that reading books has a way out.

Unfortunately, Yang Qian's case can only illustrate the importance of reading, and it is impossible to deny the necessity of "determination". After retiring, some Olympic champions are poor and destitute, and most of them covet the present when they are brilliant, do not make long-term plans, and do not set lofty ambitions. There is a rural baby in Zhejiang, who has not participated in the college entrance examination, has not been able to go to a prestigious university, he has won two Olympic gold medals, and now he not only holds a beautiful flight attendant home as a wife, but also becomes the president of the university, the official to the deputy department level. His path to success, reading is not the key, determination is.

He is a two-time Olympic champion, and now holds a beautiful stewardess, serving as the president of the university, and the rank of deputy department

This person is China's weightlifter Zhan Xugang, who was born in an ordinary peasant family in Zhejiang and almost failed to be born. The mother was accidentally pregnant, at that time, the family was preparing to renovate the house, the baby or repair the house, the two can only choose one, but the family is embarrassed, the mother also went to the hospital 3 times, or failed to make up his mind, which has the birth of Zhan Xugang.

In the fourth grade of primary school, Zhan Xugang was favored by the coach of the sports school. At that time, although the family did not have much money, the child's academic performance was not outstanding, but also unwilling to let the child go to the sports school to suffer, the coach came several times, and finally convinced the parents with a "rural to non-household registration", 11-year-old Zhan Xugang became a sports athlete and stepped into the world of weightlifting.

He is a two-time Olympic champion, and now holds a beautiful stewardess, serving as the president of the university, and the rank of deputy department

Zhan Xugang, who was not very good at reading, did not expect that the speed of "practicing weightlifting" was quite fast. It's not that he has any proud talent, but in the process of practicing, he is willing to use his brain to think and is willing to spend a lot of time practicing. Every time the coach talked about the essentials of the action, he would carefully ponder it alone, and then repeat a lot of practice carefully. When he got home, there was no sports equipment, so he used bricks, tires, and practiced in front of the mirror. At that time, the 11-year-old Zhan Xugang did not have a hukou in his heart for "changing from agriculture to Non-Agriculture", but an ideal of "wanting to go to the provincial city and wanting to go to Beijing".

He is a two-time Olympic champion, and now holds a beautiful stewardess, serving as the president of the university, and the rank of deputy department

This goal is like a nuclear reactor, so that Zhan Xugang is full of fighting spirit and motivation every day, only 3 years, he has successfully come to Hangzhou with excellent performance and outstanding results, and entered the provincial team. Six years later, he pushed open the door of the national team with the "Outstanding Young Weightlifters in Asia". In 1996, at the age of 22, he officially stepped onto the olympic stage, and in Atlanta, USA, he broke three world records in one fell swoop and won the gold medal in the men's 70 kg weightlifting category, and a rural baby has since become famous in the world.

He is a two-time Olympic champion, and now holds a beautiful stewardess, serving as the president of the university, and the rank of deputy department

However, after achieving the peak of his life and facing the glory in front of him, he was not confused by vanity and fame, and after returning home, he trained harder, and the degree of diligence and diligence made his teammates suspect that he was afraid that he was not getting a fake gold medal in Atlanta. It wasn't until 4 years later that his teammates knew that he had long since let go of his former glory and set his sights here. In 2000, the Sydney Olympic Games, the men's weightlifting 77 kg class, he won an Olympic gold medal again with a "shocking move", and thus became the first athlete in Chinese history to win two consecutive Olympic gold medals in weightlifting, and was also the only athlete in China's men's weightlifting who won two Olympic championships.

He is a two-time Olympic champion, and now holds a beautiful stewardess, serving as the president of the university, and the rank of deputy department

In 2004, he announced his retirement after failing to defend his title again at the Athens Olympics. For other athletes, retirement may be a "disaster", and he is at a loss for the road ahead, but he has not. As early as the athlete period, he had already found a way to retire and returned to his hometown to continue to work in weightlifting, so he began to be familiar with coaching, management and other matters very early. After retiring, he did not panic at all and calmly took up his post. A year later, due to his outstanding work performance, he was transferred to the director of the Department of Heavy Competition of Zhejiang Sports Vocational and Technical College. In the same year, he also harvested his love and married a beautiful flight attendant, which was simply a winner in life. Today, he is already the president of Zhejiang Sports Vocational and Technical College, and he has reached the rank of deputy department.

He is a two-time Olympic champion, and now holds a beautiful stewardess, serving as the president of the university, and the rank of deputy department

Zhan Xugang, who has not participated in the college entrance examination and attended college, has gone from the countryside to the provincial capital and the imperial capital, became an Olympic champion, and is now the president of a university at the deputy department level, relying on not "reading", but as Zhang Yun said, "There is no high and low ambition in the industry, and the boy has to seek peace and leisure!" It is precisely because he set lofty ambitions early, clarified his goals, and knew the direction of his pursuit and efforts that he has achieved the enviable success today." I hope that his story can bring a little inspiration to everyone, do not use the quality of academic performance, determine a person's future, as long as there are lofty ideals and hard work willing to fight for it, no matter what you do in the future, it will not be bad!

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