
After the central enterprises entered the ownership of the Taiji Group, Li Yangchun continued to serve as the chairman of the board, and Yu Min served as the general manager

author:Upstream News

Taiji Group, a central enterprise Sinopharm Group, successfully completed the transition.

On May 19, 2021, Chongqing Taiji Industry (Group) Co., Ltd. (Taiji Group 600129) held the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in Chongqing, and elected the 10th Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of the Company.

On the same day, the company held the first meeting of the tenth board of directors and the first meeting of the tenth board of supervisors, elected Li Yangchun as the chairman of the board, hired Yu Min as the general manager, and elected Wang Yongquan as the chairman of the board of supervisors.

Industry insiders pointed out that the new team of Taiji Group, in the context of the combination of new and old, has maintained the basic stability of the original core team.

A new management team is out

After the central enterprises entered the ownership of the Taiji Group, Li Yangchun continued to serve as the chairman of the board, and Yu Min served as the general manager

△ Li Yangchun, chairman of Taiji Group

At 2:00 p.m. on May 19, the 2020 annual shareholders' meeting of Taiji Group was held on time in the conference room 1201 of Taiji Group, No. 18 Hengshan East Road, Yubei District, Chongqing, and the "Proposal on the Election of the Board of Directors of the Company" and the "Proposal on the Election of the Board of Supervisors of the Company" were deliberated and passed, and the tenth board of directors and the board of supervisors of the company were elected.

Li Yangchun, Yang Shanhua, Wang Xiaochun, Yu Min, Li Zejun, Chen Zhongyou, Yang Binghua, Wang Zhan, Zhao Dongji and Zhang Zhongxi were elected as non-independent directors of the 10th board of directors of the company.

Li Yangchun is the chairman, party secretary and general manager of Taiji Limited, the ninth chairman of Taiji Group, Zhang Zhongxi is currently the chief accountant of Taiji Limited, Li Zejun and Chen Zhongyou are from Fuling State-owned Assets, and the remaining 6 non-independent directors are from Sinopharm Group and its subsidiaries.

The general meeting elected Ms. Shen Ling, Ms. Tian Weixing, He Hongtao, Yu Tongsheng and Xiong Shaoxi as independent directors of the 10th Board of Directors of the Company.

After that, Taiji Group held the first meeting of the tenth board of directors and elected Li Yangchun as the chairman of the tenth board of directors of the company, and the term of office was from the date of deliberation and approval of the board of directors to the expiration of the tenth board of directors, that is, on May 18, 2024.

Upon the nomination of Li Yangchun, chairman of the board of directors of the company, the board of directors appointed Yu Min as the general manager of the company and Ms. Jiang Qian as the secretary of the board of directors of the company.

Upon the nomination of Yu Min, the general manager of the company, the board of directors appointed Yuan Yonghong as the executive deputy general manager of the company, Liu Zunyi as the financial director of the company, and Ms. Cui Haiyan, Luo Shisui, Ms. Zhang Mingrui, Tan Liwen, Ms. Jiang Qian, Zhang Zhongxi, Chen Kang and Yu Zongbin as the deputy general managers of the company.

The chairman and general manager are a combination of old and new

After the central enterprises entered the ownership of the Taiji Group, Li Yangchun continued to serve as the chairman of the board, and Yu Min served as the general manager

△ Yu Min, director and general manager of Taiji Group

Upstream News Chongqing Business Daily reporter learned that the chairman and general manager of the tenth Taiji Group are a combination of new and old.

Li Yangchun, male, born in 1963, is a member of the Communist Party of China, a senior economist, and a master's degree in business administration from Asia (Macau) International Open University. Li Yangchun entered Chongqing Tongjunge Pharmaceutical Factory in 1986 and Sichuan Fuling Pharmaceutical Factory in 1989, successively serving as assistant to the chief of the supply and marketing section of Sichuan Fuling Pharmaceutical Factory, manager of the sales department, general manager of Taiji Group Co., Ltd. (Taiji Limited) South Company, general manager of Taiji Limited Sales Corporation, and deputy general manager of Taiji Limited.

Li Yangchun has won the titles of "Fuling Top Ten Outstanding Youth" and "Outstanding Entrepreneur of Chongqing Municipality", and as one of the main responsible persons of the comprehensive and systematic marketing management project, he has won the "First Prize of National Management Achievements" issued by the former State Economic and Trade Commission. He is currently the chairman, party secretary and general manager of Taiji Limited, and the chairman of Taiji Group. He continues to serve as the chairman of Taiji Group.

The new general manager of Taiji Group, Yu Min, male, born in 1973, is a member of the Communist Party of China, a bachelor's degree in marketing from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and a master's degree in business administration from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

Yu Min joined the work in 1994 and successively served as the manager of East China Region and the director of the Advertising Office of Shenzhen Sanjiu Pharmaceutical Trading Company, the director and deputy general manager of modern Chinese medicine products of Shenzhen Sanjiu Pharmaceutical Trading Company, the general manager and deputy secretary of the party committee of Ningbo Medicinal Materials Co., Ltd., the manager of the enterprise management department of Sanjiu Group, the executive deputy general manager and general manager of Shenzhen Sanjiu Modern Chinese Medicine Company, the chairman, general manager and party secretary of Jiangyin Tianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and the chairman of Jiangyin Tianjiang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic Co., Ltd. Chairman of Shanxi Guoxin Tianjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. He is currently the vice chairman of The Board of Directors and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Taiji Limited, and the general manager of Taiji Group.

The representative of Fuling State-owned Assets Supervision And Administration Is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board

The shareholders' general meeting elected Wang Yongquan, Ms. Li Ru, Wan Rongguo and Xian Ya as the supervisors of the 10th Supervisory Board of the Company, and the above-mentioned supervisors will form the 10th Supervisory Board of the Company together with Liu Chao, Zhong Hao and He Xiong, the employee representative supervisors of the Company.

At the first meeting of the 10th Supervisory Board of Taiji Group, Mr. Wang Yongquan was elected as the chairman of the 10th Supervisory Board of the Company, and the term of office was from the date of deliberation and approval of the Board of Supervisors to the expiration of the 10th Supervisory Board.

Wang Yongquan, male, born in 1963, member of the Communist Party of China, junior college, accountant. Wang Yongquan joined the work in 1980 and successively served as deputy director of the office of the Science and Technology Information Bureau of Fuling District, Sichuan Province, deputy chief of the Supervision Section and deputy chief of the Industrial Communications Section of the Finance Bureau of Fuling District of Chongqing Municipality, chief of the Bills Section and Deputy Director of the Office of the Non-tax Revenue Collection and Management Office of Fuling District of Chongqing Municipality, member of the Party Group, director of the Trade Union and deputy director of the Finance Bureau of Fuling District of Chongqing Municipality, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fuling District of Chongqing Municipality, general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Chongqing Fuling State-owned Assets Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd. (Fuling State Investment group). He is currently the chairman and secretary of the party committee of Fuling SDIC Group, a member of the fifth Fuling District Committee, and the chairman of the supervisory board of Taiji Co., Ltd.

At the scene of the shareholders' meeting, the person in charge of Taiji Group said that the new team will take advantage of the east wind of mixed reform to make Taiji Group bigger and stronger, and strive to return to the society and investors.

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Taiji Group completed the mixed reform, and the performance in the first quarter of this year was boosted

On April 15 this year, Taiji Group announced that the company received a notice from the controlling shareholder, Taiji Limited, that Taiji Limited had completed the registration procedures for the change of industry and commerce related to the capital increase, sinopharm Chinese Medicine held 66.6666% of the shares of Taiji Limited, becoming the controlling shareholder of Taiji Limited, indirectly controlling 29.82% of the issued shares of Taiji Group, and the actual controller of Taiji Group was changed from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Fuling District of Chongqing To the central enterprise China National Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., and the final controller was the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

The strategic reorganization with Sinopharm Group integrates and upgrades the industrial chain of Taiji Group to avoid disorderly competition, and at the same time injects new impetus into the development of strategic industries such as pharmaceutical research and development and pharmaceutical marketing of Taiji Group.

According to the data of Tianyancha APP, Taiji Limited was established on December 24, 1997, the legal representative Li Yangchun, registered in No. 1 Taiji Avenue, Fuling District, Chongqing, with a registered capital of 229660.1607 million yuan, China Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. accounted for 66.6666%, Chongqing Fuling State-owned Assets Investment and Operation Group accounted for 17.41704%, and Fuling District State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission accounted for 15.91636%.

Taiji Group's 2021 first quarter report shows that from January to March this year, it achieved revenue of 3.297 billion yuan, an increase of 22.91% year-on-year; net profit attributable to the mother was 24.9053 million yuan, compared with -30.8439 million yuan in the same period of the previous year, and the net profit after deducting non-profit was 34.7902 million yuan, and the basic earnings per share were 0.04 yuan.

In terms of sub-sectors, the pharmaceutical industry of Taiji Group completed operating income of 1.863 billion yuan in the first quarter, an increase of 20.29% year-on-year; pharmaceutical commercial sales revenue was 1.408 billion yuan, an increase of 27.50% year-on-year. During the reporting period, the sales of drugs such as acute branch syrup, lofenpoine extended-release tablets, small gold tablets, Tongtian oral liquid, and Taro increased significantly.

Upstream News Chongqing Business Daily Chief Reporter Liu Yong Intern Chen Xujing

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