
The Yiyang site in Hunan province unearthed a proclamation of the succession of Qin II, which revealed the secrets of the three Qin dynasties

author:History Decryption Workshop

Near the site of Rabbit Mountain in Yiyang, Hunan, archaeologists have discovered a special bamboo jane, which is a proclamation issued after Qin II succeeded to the throne, which reveals three historical secrets for us. What's going on here? If you want to know, let Xiaobian reveal the secret for you:

The Yiyang site in Hunan province unearthed a proclamation of the succession of Qin II, which revealed the secrets of the three Qin dynasties

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The Rabbit Mountain site is located in the Tiepuling Community of Sanliqiao, Heshan District, Yiyang City, Hunan Province, which was originally a project development site, but cultural sites and monuments were accidentally discovered during construction, so it was forced to stop the project for archaeological excavations. During the excavation of the Rabbit Mountain site, archaeologists found 14 ancient wells and a large number of cultural relics of cultural value, and determined that the place should be the ancient county ya territory.

The Yiyang site in Hunan province unearthed a proclamation of the succession of Qin II, which revealed the secrets of the three Qin dynasties

In addition to a large number of masonry, clay pots and other artifacts, among the cultural relics excavated at the Rabbit Mountain site, there is a cultural relic that is quite surprising, it is a yao engraved with the words "The Age of Zhang Chu", which obviously opens a new window for experts to visit the Zhang Chu regime. What is even more gratifying is that the Rabbit Mountain site has unearthed more than 5,000 pieces of Jian Mu, which are dated from the Warring States, Qin, Han, and Sun Wu periods, becoming a major archaeological discovery in Hunan and even the whole country in 2013.

According to archaeologists, among the many excavated bamboo janes, there is one piece of bamboo jane that is most worth studying, which is the Qin II enthronement message bamboo jane. The bamboo is 23 cm long, 24 cm wide, 0.2 cm thick and weighs 10.8 g. The bamboo is placed in the center, the degree of damage is small, and the handwriting on it is faintly recognizable. Archaeologists interpreted its contents through advanced restoration techniques. Its original text reads: "The emperor of the lost world, all of whom are terrified and sad, have been appointed to the will, and now the sect officials and the emperors are in charge of the emperors, and those who have great merit are enlightened, and those who are ordered to be removed and determined are to be destroyed." The first year and the beginning of the Qianshou, as far as the sin of exile is lifted, and now it has been laid down, and the decay will be thrown into the world (positive)

The Yiyang site in Hunan province unearthed a proclamation of the succession of Qin II, which revealed the secrets of the three Qin dynasties

Officials and Qianshou, who have already acted, have been assigned to the Qianshou by county, and there is no need to harshly impeach the county officials with details, and they are urgently needed. In the first year of the first year, the first month of October was at noon, and the fifth noon of November was at the shoufu. ”

Translated as: Since the death of the First Emperor, everyone in the world has been heartbroken, and The Emperor (Qin II) has honored the will, inherited the legacy of his ancestors, ruled the world with the virtue of Daming, and tried his best to become a Wise Emperor. After he ascended the throne, all prisoners in the world will be released from the crime of exile, and they will seriously rectify the government and carry out economic reforms, and strive to enable the people of the world to live and work in peace and contentment, so as not to be exploited by harsh officials.

The Yiyang site in Hunan province unearthed a proclamation of the succession of Qin II, which revealed the secrets of the three Qin dynasties

Archaeologists believe that the excavation of the qin ii succession proclamation not only provided rich materials for future generations to study the state system of the Qin state, but also broke the embarrassing situation of relying only on the historical book "Shi Ji" in the field of studying the Qin state. At the same time, it also reveals three important secrets for us, and let's talk about the three secrets hidden by Qin II's succession to the throne:

The Yiyang site in Hunan province unearthed a proclamation of the succession of Qin II, which revealed the secrets of the three Qin dynasties

Secret 1: Qin II's succession is legitimate

In many historical sources, Qin II is described as a lustful, lazy monarch, and even his own throne does not have legitimacy. According to the history books, the reason why Qin II was able to become emperor was entirely due to the conspiracy between Li Si and Zhao Gao, who not only tampered with the edict privately, but also forced the princes Fu Su and Meng Tian to commit suicide, and finally successfully helped Qin II succeed to the throne. However, the content of the proclamation of Qin II's succession shows that the source of Qin II's throne is bright and upright, and it is a reasonable transfer of imperial power based on the content of Qin Shi Huang's own will, there is no controversy or illegality, and the credibility of historical records and rumors in the jianghu is extremely low.

The Yiyang site in Hunan province unearthed a proclamation of the succession of Qin II, which revealed the secrets of the three Qin dynasties

Secret 2: Qin II once pardoned the world

The main meaning mentioned in the text is to release the sins of the prisoners in the world, and also to grant amnesty to the world. "Amnesty for the world" is a grace performed after the ancient kings ascended the throne, celebrations and other major state celebrations, aimed at pardoning all prisoners who have committed minor sins, so that the state can avoid mass killing during the celebration period, but also make the prisoners reborn and make them grateful to the country.

After Qin II ascended the throne, he also granted different degrees of pardon to prisoners in prison, which fully demonstrated his own importance to the throne and also showed his ambition to reach the peak of power for the first time.

The Yiyang site in Hunan province unearthed a proclamation of the succession of Qin II, which revealed the secrets of the three Qin dynasties

Secret Three: Strictly rectify the bureaucracy and make the laws strict

As we all know, the Qin Dynasty has always ruled the country with severe punishment, and the rise of the Qin State depends on the promotion of the ideas of the Legalists, and the successive monarchs of the Qin Dynasty have also tasted special sweetness from the Legalists' theories, so future generations of monarchs have always regarded the Legalists as the true ideology, and the oppression of the people is also relatively strong.

After Qin II succeeded to the throne, he believed that the rule of officials must be strictly rectified, not only can not harm the people, but also to carry out ideological education for officials, so that the people will not be oppressed by bureaucrats, and small officials will not be harshly reprimanded for minor mistakes, which reflects Qin II's original intention of expansively exercising kindness.

The Yiyang site in Hunan province unearthed a proclamation of the succession of Qin II, which revealed the secrets of the three Qin dynasties

It is no exaggeration to say that the excavation of Zhu Jian, the proclamation of Qin II, is of great significance, not only restoring the truth of history for us, but also letting us know the policies implemented during the Qin II period, and it is not an exaggeration to call it "a major discovery in the archaeological community".

Reference: Report on the Archaeological Discovery of Rabbit Mountain, published by Hunan Institute of Archaeology by Li Zhengqi

Wen xiucai, editor-in-chief of Wenlan Hairun Studio, written by: Special history writer: Changshan Zhao Zi worm

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