
Trapped in the Dadu River, why didn't Shi Dakai fly to seize the Luding Bridge? Only because you have offended the wrongdoers

author:Tao Tao reads history

In May 1863, on the banks of the mighty Dadu River, the 40,000-strong army of The Wing King Shi Dakai fell into the siege of the Qing army, and eventually the entire army was destroyed. In the face of the gushing river, Shi Da sighed with great indignation, leaving behind the famous verse "Before the great river crosses me, the river can cross". As Xiang Yu, the King of Western Chu, said, "Heaven forbid me, not the sin of war!" "Maybe in the face of the end, the hero's thoughts are the same.

Trapped in the Dadu River, why didn't Shi Dakai fly to seize the Luding Bridge? Only because you have offended the wrongdoers

However, is Shi Dakai's downfall really because "God is against him"? Decades later, when the Red Army reached the Dadu River through the Long March, in the same situation of being surrounded and blocked by the enemy army, why was it able to "fly to seize the Luding Bridge" and even escape from danger? In the author's opinion, shi Dakai's demise did have the factor of natural disasters, but "man-made disasters" are also reasons that must not be ignored.

After the Tianjing Incident, Shi Dakai was jealous of the Heavenly King Hong Xiuquan, so he led an army of 200,000 people to flee, and vowed that he would never be in Beijing. Subsequently, Shi Da turned to many provinces, but he was never able to open up the situation and never open up a stable base area. In the end, Shi Dakai's troops fought less and less, and only 40,000 people remained.

Trapped in the Dadu River, why didn't Shi Dakai fly to seize the Luding Bridge? Only because you have offended the wrongdoers

In early 1862, Shi Dakai led an army from Hubei into Sichuan, wanting to repeat Zhuge Liang's "Longzhong Pair", which was divided into Sichuan, echoing the Tianjing in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In April 1863, Shi Dakai crossed the Jinsha River, and in May reached the Dadu River. Arriving at this place, Shi Dakai suddenly found that Zidadi was a Jedi often said by soldiers, with the Dadu River in front of it, the Songlin River on the left, the Laoya Whirlpool River on the right, and the peaks overlapping in the southeast direction, and it was difficult to expand and maneuver the troops, and it was easy to be surrounded and ambushed. Therefore, Shi Dakai concluded that this place must not stay for long, and must quickly cross the Dadu River and kill Chengdu.

At that time, the situation facing Shi Dakai was not so dangerous, the Qing army Tang Yougeng had not yet reached the north bank of the Dadu River, and the nearby Yi Tusi Wang Yingyuan did not directly oppose Shi Dakai. And Shi Dakai was completely unaware that the hearts of the local Yi people directly determined the survival of Shi Dakai's department.

Trapped in the Dadu River, why didn't Shi Dakai fly to seize the Luding Bridge? Only because you have offended the wrongdoers

In order to cross the river, Shi Dakai ordered his subordinates to quickly build a raft and reward him for three days because of the birth of his young son in his spare time. During this period, Shi Dakai did not think of appeasing Wang Yingyuan at all, and directly led to the hostility of the local Yi soldiers to the Taiping Army.

Decades later, when the Red Army's Long March reached the Banks of the Dadu River, Chairman Mao visited a local 90-year-old Xiucai named Song Dashun. When Shi Dakai arrived at the Dadu River, Song Dashun had already recorded the incident. Regarding the defeat of Shi Dakai, Lao Xiucai commented:

"If Shi Dakai does not enter a desperate situation, he must not be destroyed?" That is, people are desperate, and without the Yi soldiers strangling on all sides, they cannot be destroyed. ”

Trapped in the Dadu River, why didn't Shi Dakai fly to seize the Luding Bridge? Only because you have offended the wrongdoers

Why? Judging from the terrain, although the purple land is not a place of use, it is by no means without a way. To the west you can go to Qamdo, to the south you can reach Yunnan, and to the north you can reach Kham. Even if you can't cross the Dadu River, you won't be completely annihilated. However, in order to pass through here, it is necessary to obtain the understanding and approval of the local Yi soldiers. However, Shi Dakai's negative behavior eventually offended the Yi people who occupied the geographical advantages and people. It can be said that he has offended those who should not be offended.

Sadly, however, Shi Dakai did not take the initiative to contact the Yi people, resulting in Tang You cultivating tigers in the north and wanting to withdraw south to cover the sky. When the Qing army arrived at the Dadu River and bribed the local Yi people, Shi Dakai had only one way to cross the Dadu River.

Trapped in the Dadu River, why didn't Shi Dakai fly to seize the Luding Bridge? Only because you have offended the wrongdoers

What is even more tragic is that Shi Dakai is not as popular as the Red Army, and no one has shown him a way to escape. More than 300 miles north of shi dakai's defeat, there is an iron rope bridge made during the Kangxi dynasty, and this bridge is the Luding Bridge. In other words, even if Shi Dakai wanted to "fly to seize the Luding Bridge", he did not know this place.

In this way, Shi Da kai missed the fighter and personally sent himself and his subordinates into a desperate situation. Three days after Shi Da's reward for the soldiers, the Qing army had deployed on the north bank of the river, and the river suddenly swelled. Shi Dakai organized two river crossings, but both failed due to the rapid turbulence of the river and the excessive fire of the Qing army. At this moment of crisis, the Qing army and the Yi soldiers also trapped Shi Dakai on all sides.

Trapped in the Dadu River, why didn't Shi Dakai fly to seize the Luding Bridge? Only because you have offended the wrongdoers

On June 9, Shi Dakai was forced to break through to the east, and was eventually blocked by the Lao Ya Whirlpool River. For his own failure, Shi Dakai regretted it and once said: "When he reached The Purple Land, Fang was defeated by the soldiers. "If Shi Dakai used his heart to appease the Yi soldiers, why did he send himself into a desperate situation?"

Just as the so-called "he who wins the hearts and minds of the people wins the world", although the Stone King is both wise and courageous, and the hero is a hero, he has no worries and mistakes, and has not taken the mass line. In the face of such a strong enemy as the Manchu Qing, if we cannot "love the masses and help the masses" like the Red Army, the final result will only be defeat.

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