
Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

author:Mystery says official

The Indian boy Anand met with us again, this time telling us that 2021 could be worse than 2020, and of course he didn't deny it all, maybe in some way it would get better. At the same time, it also emphasizes that the two crises that are closest to us, india's current epidemic is out of control, is only the beginning, and the more terrible disaster is happening in May.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

Hello everyone I am mysterious, the current situation in India can be said to be very chaotic, in the face of the shortage of oxygen cylinders, the continuous mutation of the virus, in the original sluggish situation, and ushered in the outbreak of the new crown virus, is undoubtedly worse. Anand found from his astrology that India is currently facing two major crises, and that they are also issues that the world should pay attention to. The first crisis was the use of vaccines, which Anand believed must be "artificially intervened", in layman's terms, "close to nature". If you can hope that everyone should minimize the treatment of drugs, but go out and walk around more and breathe more fresh air. If human beings stay away from natural remedies, there will be more and more trouble. So it's time to go back to the most primitive treatments. At the same time, Anand also gave examples of the different approaches of China and the United States to the epidemic, the United States only vaccinated, but the results were not ideal, and China began to turn to Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is what he called the traditional ancient therapy.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

The mystery should be added here, because Anand's view is somewhat one-sided, the outbreak of the epidemic in the United States has a lot to do with the overall control system, and it is the way to take vaccines that can help the United States curb the spread of the epidemic. The epidemic situation in our country tends to be stable, mainly due to the strict measures of the state, the active cooperation of the people, the combination of modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, and vaccination is an indispensable step. Rather than relying on traditional Chinese medicine alone to contain the epidemic.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

In fact, there is a reason why Anand said this, he wants to introduce his own unique treatment "Ayurveda", Anand believes that India should take this approach to make the epidemic effectively controlled. "Ayurveda" is not medicine, but to let the Indians go out and walk around more, breathe fresh air, and don't close the doors and windows and go anywhere. If you want to respect nature, you need to expose your body to sunlight so that you can be free from bacteria.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

However, although sunlight can kill germs, the new crown virus must be destroyed in 30 minutes under a high temperature of 56 degrees, and the environment we are in can only reach about 35 degrees, which is not enough to kill this virus. It can only be said that in an open environment, if the weather is relatively hot, the survival time of the new crown virus will be relatively reduced.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

The second crisis is the "planetary union", which has already occurred as early as late 2020 and early 2021. Anand believed that when great celestial phenomena combined, something great must have happened, because Saturn and Jupiter would meet about once every twenty years, and there would be a rare coincidence every four hundred years. Just like the current epidemic in India, Anand feels that there is still a way to save it, and he can use the herbal remedies of India to start detoxifying from the body.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

(Anand's prediction for 2021)

First, Anand believes that if the combination of the virus strain and the vaccine continues to be combined in 2021, it may bring unknown harm, and the immunity of people around the world will also decline.

Although there will be many unknown things in 2021, it will begin to improve in 2022, and the overall direction will be good.

The third is the specific point in time when things happen, the first is the 26th of May, there will be a sign of economic recovery, but the virus will not disappear, because human beings themselves have been treated with drugs, not natural methods. But that's just a bad start, with a third wave likely to peak in September or October.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

(Anand's proposal for 2021)

The first economic aspect suggests that one can invest in gold, agricultural land, financial assets.

Second, the lifestyle advice does not advocate that people hide in their apartments, but to go out and get in close contact with nature, he believes that in a small space, it will increase the continuous spread of the epidemic.

In general, Anand's ideas are too extreme, and human beings walking into nature will not play any role in controlling the epidemic, and there will be many unknown dangers. Especially in india's current situation, blindly seeking superstitious natural remedies will eventually make more people lose their lives.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

Anand's method of reckoning is mainly to use "celestial phenomena to say things", in fact, in ancient times, we also used celestial phenomena to calculate future events. The ancients called Jupiter "Year Star" and Saturn "Town Star". Successive dynasties and dynasties will have special celestial overseers to record and observe the changes in the heavens.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

In ancient times, if Saturn and Jupiter appeared at the same time, people would think that there would be civil strife or famine in the country. For example, the Book of Heavenly Officials records that "Saturn and Muhe are civil strife and hunger, and the Lord should not be used for war, and defeat." The Jingzhou Zhan records that "if the two stars are united, their state has soldiers, and they are re-established as princes, and those who have virtue prosper, and those who have no virtue die." "In both of the years recorded in history, there have indeed been wars and disasters. At this time, there will definitely be some people who say, in this way, Anand's statement is very reliable?

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

Unfortunately, the above historical records can only reflect the feudal ideology and concepts of the ancients, because they pay attention to the unity of heaven and man, that is, "in the heavens into the image, in the people into the luck." It is highly likely that there was a war in this year, and the ancients recorded it in the form of celestial signs, in order to warn future generations. For the combination of Saturn and Jupiter, there is actually another way to interpret it, Saturn is the largest and most massive planet in the solar system, it can protect the earth from other small comets, people will also call it "auspicious star".

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

Therefore, some people will also think that the combination of Saturn and Jupiter indicates that this future world will develop in a beautiful direction, no matter which aspect, it will usher in a big breakthrough. That is, human beings will start a new journey of luck. We can also take it as a good expectation for the future, from Anand's point of view alone, from last year to the present, he predicted the occurrence of the catastrophe, in fact, we have all survived safely. After all, Anand was a minor child, and in addition to astrology, India's own faith was also reflected in him. So our prediction of Anand should be a story, there is no need to believe him.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

Mystery believes that using celestial phenomena to judge future changes is too inconsistent with the current scientific concept, because the current combination of Saturn and Jupiter is only a "rare astronomical" phenomenon. The times are progressing, our thinking must also follow the progress, "take its essence, go to its dross" is the concept of thought that we should have, as for the continuous changes in the planets of the universe, it is only a change in the pattern of the universe, if you really want to say that it has an impact on human beings, it may be only minimal.

Anand's latest prediction of 2021 that the loss of control of the epidemic in India is only a precursor, is what he said reliable?

In any case, "practice is the only criterion for testing the truth", in fact, our country has proved to everyone that scientific concepts and rigorous deployment can resist the invasion of the virus, and if we believe in nothingness, I am afraid that we will not have a stable life now.

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