
Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

author:Keiko loves Kishi

Meteorites are the remnants of a meteor landing on the earth, a meteor streaked through, the surrounding area is as bright as day, after a loud noise, the night returns to silence. The next day someone found a black stone in the place where the meteor landed, with craters and molten lines on the stone, and generally magnetic, this meteorite is called witness meteorite, relatively more credible and more valuable. At present, the most expensive meteorite in the world is the Heibao Green Meteorite, with a gram price of more than 40,000 yuan. The meteorite weighs 2750 grams, was originally included in the pocket of a Beijing collector for 40 million yuan, and now experts estimate that it has been valued at hundreds of millions of yuan, so why is this meteorite so valuable? Are all meteorites valuable?

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?


The current research of the Black Treasure Green Meteorite is not derived from the moon or Mars, the specific planet from which planet is still uncertain, the most critical or the world is only this piece, so it is very valuable for research. But not all meteorites are valuable, for example, the confirmed sightings of Martian meteorites and lunar meteorites are currently at an international price of around 30,000 yuan. The general desert meteorite, the degree of weathering is too high, almost not much different from the rocks on the earth, so almost no one cares.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

The legendary Black Treasure Green Meteorite

In fact, many scientists and experts have rationally presented their own views on meteorites. For example, Zhu Jin, director of the Beijing Planetarium, said: The greatest value of meteorites is the value of scientific research, it is not like jade and gold have appreciation value and collection value, the so-called collection value and commercial use of meteorites are very strange, and they are completely hyped out of the concept.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

Iron meteorite profile

International media research shows that the price of international meteorites has risen all the way in recent years, which is inseparable from the increasing number of rich people in China. Many of China's rich new generation do not care whether meteorites have research value or not, and spend thousands of dollars to buy meteorites. It not only raised the price of international meteorites, but also caused the meteorite market to be flooded with fakes. In particular, there are more meteorite fakes in China, and many people have lost trust in the domestic meteorite market and turned to buy meteorites abroad. Ironically, many meteorites in the world have entered the international market from China through various channels.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

Iron meteorites

But from the perspective of its constituent elements, meteorites are no different from ores on Earth. Therefore, many people are not interested in meteorites, and the transaction of the so-called sky-high meteorite is only when a melon eater masses. So what is the difference between meteorites and ordinary stones? First of all, looking at the appearance, meteorites in the process of falling to the earth, the high temperature combustion caused by friction makes the sharp edges and corners of its surface disappear, so it is mostly rounded.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

Iron meteorites of Argentina

Second, the appearance generally has erosion pits. Most meteorite surfaces also have long strips of airprints, which are formed after the material with some low melting points has shed.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

The Agapalik meteorite in Greenland weighs about 20 tons

Density difference, general iron meteorite, because of the iron nickel content and density is larger. Although the general stony iron meteorite contains less iron and nickel, it is also denser than ordinary stone. Only stony meteorites are close to ordinary ores on Earth, but after years of weathering, stony meteorites are like Earth rocks, with little value, not even meteorites.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

The American Willamut meteorite weighs about 15.5 tons.

Magnetism, because of the reasons for containing iron nickel, iron meteorites and stone iron meteorites have a certain degree of magnetism, which can be verified with magnets. But not all magnetic stones are meteorites, and many iron ore are also highly magnetic.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

The Baku Bilito meteorite in Mexico weighs about 22 tons

Chondrites, most meteorites are chondrites. A large number of millimeter-sized circular silicate spheres, or chondrites, can be seen on its fresh section, and only about 10% of meteorites are not chondrites.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?


The world's heaviest meteorite, the Khobar meteorite, weighs 60 tons, has a surface area of more than 6.5 square meters, contains 84% iron and 16% nickel, and was discovered by a farmer in 1920 in Namibia's farmland. The meteorite that fell on March 8, 1976 in Jilin, China, weighs 1770kg, which belongs to the ordinary chondrite meteorite and is also the largest meteorite in China.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

Khobar meteorite

Friends who like to read martial arts novels know that the weapons made of extraterrestrial divine iron are extremely sharp and powerful. For example, Yang Guo's Xuan Iron Heavy Sword, as well as the Dragon Slayer Sword and the Heavenly Sword. So is this really the case? Until the Warring States period, China's iron smelting technology was not mature enough, because the furnace temperature was too low, and only wrought iron and pig iron could be produced. These are okay for making farm tools, but they are not sharp enough to make weapons. It just so happened that some farmers found the Heavenly Descending Iron, and when they used it, it was indeed a god iron, and the weapon was unusually sharp. In fact, the principle is that these extraterrestrial divine irons have been melted by high temperatures when they fly in space, which is equivalent to the steel refined in the current high-temperature furnace, that is, tough and sharp, do you say that it can be used to make weapons? The ancients honestly did not deceive themselves. Therefore, the creativity of many martial arts authors of Xuantie weapons is not imaginary, but is based on The xuantie records.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

Leaning on the Heavenly Sword

Meteorites were also extremely precious in ancient times, especially before the Han Dynasty. One is that the stock is too small, and the other is that it is not easy to carry, mainly used to make blades for the commander's weapons. At present, China has found that there are four pieces of Xuan Iron used in the weapons of the Shang Dynasty, but these four weapons are not used by small soldiers, they are all weapons of the general level, and the most important thing is that the divine iron is only used on the blade of the weapon. It can be seen how precious meteoric iron was at that time. In the Han Dynasty, blacksmiths explored the charcoal blasting technology and entered the era of high-temperature iron smelting, and at the same time they explored the hundred steelmaking technology, and the weapons they built at this time were even better than the xuan iron weapons. Coupled with the easy availability of materials, the gentetsu weapon gradually faded out of people's vision and lost its legendary color.

Are meteorites worthless, or are they worth a fortune?

Dragon Slayer Sword

For modern times, the value of meteorites is more reflected in scientific research. I also have some suspicious meteorites in my hands, too lazy to identify, I agree that meteorites have no collection and ornamental value, what do you think about this? I am a stone idiot Keiko, carry forward the jade stone culture in our country, if you like my article, please pay attention to it.