
Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

author:History is long

On November 6, 1949, more than a month after the founding of New China, Zhou Enlai, as premier, hosted a banquet at the Zhongnanhai Qinzheng Palace to entertain Former Kuomintang peace negotiators Zhang Zhizhong, Shao Lizi, Liu Fei and other dignitaries.

Not long after the banquet began, a relatively special person came and sat down next to Zhou Enlai, and the scene was instantly embarrassed.

The person who came was no one else, but an old acquaintance of these Kuomintang dignitaries, and he was Xiong Xianghui, the secretary of Hu Zongnan, director of the Kuomintang Xi'an Appeasement Office.

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

The reason why the scene became awkward was because Xiong Xianghui's appearance made the nature of the banquet "unremarkable".

Although Zhang Zhizhong was a Kuomintang general, in April 1949, he served as a representative of the Nationalist government and went to Beiping to negotiate with the Chinese Communist Party, because the negotiations broke down, and Zhang Zhizhong accepted Zhou Enlai's persuasion to stay in Beiping, which should be regarded as an uprising.

And Xiong Xianghui, as Hu Zongnan's secretary, had not heard about his uprising, so how could he appear at such a banquet? And he sat next to Zhou Enlai.

Because Zhang Zhizhong had a big face and had interacted with Xiong Xianghui, he went forward to greet him and said, "Isn't this Old Brother Xiong?" You also revolted? ”

Many people were watching Xiong Xianghui and wanted to get the answer from his mouth, and just when Xiong Xianghui was about to speak, Zhou Enlai on the side directly explained: "He is not an uprising, he is returning to the team." ”

Listening to this sentence, the people present were not surprised, "returning to the team" means that Xiong Xianghui is a Communist Party, and it is necessary to know that Hu Zongnan is the anti-communist vanguard under Chiang Kai-shek... They couldn't really think about it.

Seeing that the participants did not believe it, Zhou Enlai said with a solemn expression: "Today, I want to announce a secret to everyone..."

Everyone also became serious, only to hear Zhou Enlai point to Xiong Xianghui and say, "He joined the Communist Party of China in 1936, and we sent him to Hu Zongnan." ”

When they heard that Xiong Xianghui had infiltrated Hu Zongnan's side in 1936, everyone was even more stunned.

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Liu Fei, a high-ranking official who had served as the deputy chief of staff of the Kuomintang Ministry of National Defense, had personally participated in Hu Zongnan's operational plan to attack Yan'an, and he immediately realized: "I really can't imagine that Hu Zongnan lost the battle. ”

Zhou Enlai said triumphantly: "Before Chiang Kai-shek's operational orders were issued to the commander, Chairman Mao saw it first. ”

As one of Chiang Kai-shek's most trusted generals, Hu Zongnan did almost nothing during the entire War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the main reason being that Chiang Kai-shek placed him around Yan'an, and after years of planning, it was so that one day he could blitz Yan'an and destroy the command center of the Chinese Communists' armed forces.

However, during the Liberation War, Hu Zongnan was like a waste, and did not set off any waves in the northwest battlefield, originally everyone thought that Hu Zongnan could not do it, but now I know that it was a red agent like Xiong Xianghui around.

After the banquet, Zhang Zhizhong wrote a letter to Chiang Kai-shek, letting Him know where he had lost, writing: "In the past, I only knew that the Kuomintang was not an opponent of the Communist Party militarily and politically, and today I know that the Kuomintang is far from being an opponent of the Communist Party in terms of intelligence. How can Hu Zongnan not lose the battle, and how can the World of the Kuomintang not be lost? ”

At that time, the whole country had not yet been liberated, Hu Zongnan was retreating into Sichuan with his army, and stimulated by Zhang Zhizhong's letter, Chiang Kai-shek asked Hu Zongnan to commit suicide on December 9.

It can be seen from this that Xiong Xianghui caused so much damage to the Kuomintang that chairman Mao once praised Xiong Xianghui and said: "One person can top several divisions." ”

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Hu Zongnan

So, what kind of legendary history does Xiong Xianghui have, who can lurk deep within the Kuomintang, be trusted by Hu Zongnan, and pass on intelligence to the CPC Central Committee?

As Zhang Zhizhong said, Xiong Xianghui is really a talent, not only looks good, but also studies very well, in 1936, at the age of 17, he was admitted to the Chinese Department of Tsinghua University, no matter when, this is a proper academic bully.

During his time at the school, he actively participated in social activities and accepted advanced ideas, so he became acquainted with Jiang Nanxiang, the head of the party organization of Tsinghua University, and secretly joined the CCP under the introduction of Jiang Nanxiang.

When the 129 Movement broke out, Xiong Xianghui was the backbone of the student movement, and in 1937, when Xiong Xianghui returned home to visit his relatives during the summer vacation, the Lugou Bridge Incident broke out.

Originally, Xiong Xianghui wanted to report back to the school, but the school had been evacuated, and Xiong Xianghui also lost contact with the organization, until one day he saw in the newspaper that Tsinghua, Peking University, and Nankai had established temporary universities and opened in Changsha on November 1.

Soon here, Xiong Xianghui met Guo Jian'en, a member of the Tsinghua Party organization, when Nanjing had fallen, Xiong Xianghui applied to the party organization through Guo Jian'en to go to Yan'an to participate in the War of Resistance.

Soon, Guo Jian'en conveyed to Xiong Xianghui the instructions of his superiors: The superiors designated you not to expose the face of the party members, sign up for the Hunan Youth Field Service Corps, and "serve" in the south of Huzong of the Kuomintang First Army.

Xiong Xianghui immediately realized that this was the party organization that arranged for him to break into the enemy's interior, which was not the job he wanted, so he was reluctant at first, but Guo Jian'en told him that the Youth Field Service Corps would pass through Wuhan, and he could go to the Eighth Route Army office to find Jiang Nanxiang.

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

So Xiong Xianghui set out, and soon arrived in Wuhan, where he was received by Hu Zongnan, who met Hu Zongnan for the first time, and later commented on Hu Zongnan in his memoirs "My Intelligence and Diplomatic Career": "Short in stature and reserved in expression."

At that time, Hu Zongnan asked everyone a lot of questions, in order to get Hu Zongnan's "favor", when Hu Zongnan named Xiong Xianghui, Xiong Xianghui deliberately did not stand up, but raised his right hand and said: "I am."

Hu Zongnan was slightly stunned, and then asked: "Why did Mr. Xiong come to this army?" ”

Xiong Xianghui replied solemnly, "Join the revolution!" ”

At that time, the word revolution could be said to be linked to the Communist Party, and it was a very sensitive word, and this answer made Hu Zongnan stunned again, and then said: "Mr. Xiong came to this army to participate in the revolution? ”

Xiong Xianghui said unhurriedly: "The first sentence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's will is 'Yu devoted himself to the National Revolution for forty years', your army is the first army of the National Revolution, and it is of course to join the revolution when you come to your army. ”

Xiong Xianghui's words made Hu Zongnan feel a little interesting, so he asked: "What is revolution?" ”

Xiong Xianghui also righteously said: "The revolutionary task originally proposed by Mr. Zhongshan was to 'expel the Tartars and restore China'; now to 'expel the Tartars' we must resist Japan, and to resist Japan is revolution!" ”

Hu Zongnan also asked: "What is the point of opposing the anti-Japanese resistance if you are unwilling to resist Japan?" ”

Xiong Xianghui immediately replied: "What actively resists Japan is the real revolution, what is passively resisting Japan is the fake revolution, and what opposes the anti-Japanese resistance is the counter-revolution." ”

Hu Zongnan nodded, very satisfied with Xiong Xianghui's answer, and then asked: "What should we do about counter-revolutionaries?" ”

Xiong Xianghui said fiercely, "Kill!"

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Being able to explain the word "revolution" so thoroughly in such a short period of time also made Hu Zongnan's eyes light up, so he drew several circles on the roll call, and Xiong Xianghui knew that he had successfully attracted Hu Zongnan's attention.

After dinner, someone came to Xiong Xianghui and asked him to go to see Hu Zongnan, and later Xiong Xianghui became Hu Zongnan's secretary and learned that when Hu Zongnan interviewed people, he had a habit of drawing a circle on his name when he was satisfied, and when Hu Zongnan was interviewed before, he drew at most three circles for people, and drawing four circles for Xiong Xianghui was indeed four.

When they met again, Hu Zongnan had already reconnoitred Xiong Xianghui's identity, and this time asked Xiong Xianghui why he participated in the student movement, and Xiong Xianghui explained to the day, which made Hu Zongnan very satisfied, thinking that Xiong Xianghui was an admirer of Sun Yat-sen.

So he decided to recruit him into his army, and even invited Xiong Xianghui's father to dinner the next day.

After eating, Xiong Xianghui went to the Hankou Eighth Route Army Office to report the situation to Jiang Nanxiang, and it happened that the person on duty that day was Xiong Xianghui's classmate Yu Guangyuan, who told Xiong Xianghui that Jiang Nanxiang was not there, but Xiong Xianghui said that there was something important to report.

So Yu Guangyuan reported the matter to Dong Biwu, who soon received Xiong Xianghui, and was very happy to hear Xiong Xianghui say that Hu Zongnan intended to recruit him into his command.

Since Xiong Xianghui's entry into southern Hu zong was an accidental event, and whether this matter could be accomplished in the end was unknown, Dong Biwu, who had rich underground work, told Xiong Xianghui to leave the Eighth Route Army office immediately, and not to wait for Jiang Nanxiang, and not to rush to contact the party organization after that, and in the future, the party organization would send people to find out where Hu Zongnan was stationed and try to contact him.

And repeatedly warned Xiong Xianghui: "No matter how long this time is, we must be patient, we must be willing to be 'idle chess and cold', conceal the identity of party members, do not develop party members, do not participate in the leadership work of the service group, maintain the political mask of not left or right, patriotic progress, adapt to the environment, flow together and not conform to pollution, out of the sludge without staining, dare to do and be good at improvisation..."

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Dong Biwu

At the time of separation, Dong Biwu said in a serious tone: "You have won the trust of Hu Zongnan and have a good start, but don't imagine that it will be smooth sailing, the place you go to may become the Dragon Pond Tiger Cave, Enlai and I will send you eight words 'Do not enter the Tiger's Den, get the tiger!'" ’”

In this way, Xiong Xianghui quietly continued to work in the service group, making a "idle chess piece", and in May 1938, after the outbreak of the all-out War of Resistance, Hu Zongnan's identity in the Kuomintang also rose, and he urgently needed his own think tank team.

Soon he thought of Xiong Xianghui, so he arranged for him to study at the Kuomintang Central Army Officer School, and when he was about to leave, Hu Zongnan specially gave Xiong Xianghui a Swiss watch to express his expectations for him.

In March 1939, Hu Zongnan, who had been promoted to the commander of the Seventeenth Army of the Kuomintang, had four armies under his command, and in the early stage of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he first tried the bull knife, which was greatly appreciated by Chiang Kai-shek, and his power expanded rapidly, known as "the first person under the Son of Heaven".

When Xiong Xianghui's study period expired and he was preparing to graduate, leaders from all walks of life in Xi'an, the party, government, and army, came to attend, while Hu Zongnan designated Xiong Xianghui as the representative of the graduates and went to give a speech.

Xiong Xianghui was originally a student of Tsinghua University, and had a profound foundation in revolutionary theory, so he quickly drew up a speech, and the whole process was enthusiastically completed, which triggered warm applause from the people present, and Hu Zongnan was even more satisfied.

After the graduation ceremony, Hu Zongnan found Xiong Xianghui and said that the situation was much bigger than in the past, and he needed the help of someone who knew both politics and military affairs, and he chose for a long time, and finally thought that Xiong Xianghui was the most suitable, so he asked him if he was willing to be his aide-de-camp and confidential secretary.

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Being able to break into Hu Zongnan's side and obtain intelligence for the party organization was Xiong Xianghui's task all along, but at this time, he said that he could not obey his orders.

Hu Zongnan was proud of the spring breeze at that time, and no matter who the Kuomintang political circles wanted to give three points of thin noodles, they did not expect to touch the soft nail here with Xiong Xianghui, and immediately asked the reason.

Xiong Xianghui said that he had participated in the student movement at Tsinghua, and some people suspected that he was a Communist Party, and now that he had suddenly placed himself in such an important position, I was afraid that some people would gossip and that his inability to do things was on the one hand, and he was worried that it would be unfavorable to Mr. Hu.

Hu Zongnan still thought what the reason was, and immediately expressed his position and said: "I fully understand your situation, I have always been suspicious of people, no doubt about the use of people, the decision I made, who dares to say no?" ”

This one took retreat as an advance, wanted to get away with it, and finally let Hu Zongnan "lure the wolf into the room", laying the groundwork for himself to fall from the peak to the trough.

The reason why Hu Zongnan fell in love with Xiong Xianghui at the first meeting was mainly because Xiong Xianghui's reaction ability was fast, the conversation was logical, and he could grasp the idea.

With the rise of Hu Zongnan's status, he often had to speak in some public places, and he recruited Xiong Xianghui to be a confidential secretary, that is, to ask Xiong Xianghui to write a speech for himself, especially the short and concise and provocative rhetoric that Hu Zongnan liked the most.

After Xiong Xianghui became Hu Zongnan's secretary, Xiong Xianghui, a "cold son of idle chess", immediately played his role.

Xiong Xianghui, on the other hand, is already a big shot, and one shot is all a big deal.

On May 26, 1943, Chiang Kai-shek decided to take advantage of the dissolution of the Comintern to launch the third anti-communist upsurge and secretly telegraphed Hu Zongnan, who had already been promoted to deputy commander of the Eighth Theater: "Your unit should take the opportunity to blitz Yan'an and capture the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region in one fell swoop, with the deadline for completing the deployment and the operation to be absolutely confidential." ”

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Hu Zongnan had been waiting for this day for a long time, and soon secretly ordered 5 armies and a total of more than 20 divisions to prepare to launch an attack on Yan'an at any time, while the Chinese Communists' armed forces in northern Shaanxi at that time were only the 359 brigade and the guards and local troops of the head organ, and once Hu Zongnan launched an attack, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although Hu Zongnan's secrecy work was well done, and how to conceal it from Xiong Xianghui, Xiong Xianghui judged that Hu Zongnan might launch an attack on Yan'an based on Hu Zongnan's large-scale deployment of troops.

On July 3, 1943, xiong Xianghui, after obtaining Hu Zongnan's plan to "blitz Yan'an", immediately relayed the information to Yan'an in a timely manner through the underground radio station set up by the Eighth Route Army's office in Xi'an.

Mao Zedong was deeply shocked when he saw Xiong Xianghui's secret telegram, but he quickly calmed down, although Yan'an was very dangerous at that time in the case of a strong enemy and a weak enemy, Xiong Xianghui's telegram gave the Party Central Committee a long enough time to deal with it.

Mao Zedong quickly adopted three contingency measures, first of all, to quickly spread the news of Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Zongnan's blitzkrieg on Yan'an to the outside world, with the intention of using the strength of the international and domestic united fronts to stop the Kuomintang from launching a civil war; second, to order the border areas to mobilize urgently and prepare to return Hu Zongnan's attack by force; and finally, to ask Zhou Enlai to rush to Xi'an and directly negotiate with Hu Zongnan.

The next day, Mao Zedong sent an urgent telegram to Dong Biwu in Chongqing, informing him of the upcoming military operation launched by Hu Zongnan and asking Dong Biwu to do everything possible to exert pressure on Chiang Kai-shek.

The Liberation Daily in Yan'an directly and in detail gave a detailed account of Hu Zongnan's deployment of troops, and Zhu De also sent a telegram to Hu Zongnan: At this time when the people of the whole country are resisting Japan, we should unite with the outside world, and if we insist on sabotaging the great cause of the War of Resistance, we may put the country and the nation in difficulty!

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle


This series of actions made the Kuomintang authorities and Hu Zongnan very embarrassed, and the ambassadors of Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union called Chiang Kai-shek one after another to ask him not to make trouble at this juncture.

After receiving the telegram from Zhu De, Hu Zongnan read it twice in a row, and then let Xiong Xianghui read it again, before he accepted that the secret "blitzkrieg Yan'an" plan of action had been exposed, and all his plans were in vain.

Hu Zongnan, who was very angry at the time, immediately asked Xiong Xianghui two questions: "Who leaked the secret?" Is this battle still being fought? ”

At present, this situation has made it difficult for Hu Zongnan to ride the tiger, because the Communist Party's wanton campaign has become well known to everyone, and the Yan'an side has certainly made preparations, and now it is rash to attack, and if the Japanese army is repeatedly allowed to take advantage of the situation, it will certainly be blamed by the entire anti-fascist front.

Xiong Xianghui calmly replied: "It should be found out who leaked the secret, maybe there are Communist spies mixed in, do not check clearly, it is not easy to explain to the committee." ”

At this time, Hu Zongnan had no idea at all, so he had to ask Xiong Xianghui how to check?

Xiong Xianghui believes that all personnel who know about the operation should be secretly investigated, but should not be publicized, so as not to let the people who leaked the information escape.

Soon, Hu Zongnan found Liu Dajun, the investor in charge of intelligence work, and put him in charge of the matter, on the other hand, Hu Zongnan held a meeting of senior staff members that night to discuss whether he could continue to attack Yan'an.

At that time, many people believed that it was better to fight now than to fight things that should be fought sooner or later, after all, the deployment had been completed, and even if the Yan'an side was prepared, it was completely able to take Yan'an with the advantages of the Kuomintang in the northwest.

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

From a strategic point of view, if such a secret battle plan is leaked, it will already be a failure, and to fight again is to destroy the entire anti-fascist front, and this responsibility is not something that Chief Hu can afford.

The senior staff officers present actively offered suggestions and suggestions, and Hu Zongnan's head grew bigger, in fact, in his heart, he was already inclined to give up the attack, but he thought of digging up the leakers through this meeting.

However, looking at everyone's speeches, he really couldn't see who had leaked the news, so he had to announce the end of the sneak attack plan at the meeting.

Chiang Kai-shek soon sent a telegram to Hu Zongnan, asking him to immediately halt his plans to attack Yan'an, but he was to dig up the leakers.

But where do you go to find the leakers? Hu Zongnan was clueless and could not touch it, it just so happened that Liu Dajun reported to Hu Zongnan and found the clue of the leak.

One was Zhang Difei, director of the Xi'an Labor Training Department, who held a meeting at which they asked the CPC to dissolve with the Comintern; the other was a reporter from the Kuomintang Central News Agency who openly telephoned Mao Zedong to disband the CPC and abolish the division of the border areas while the Comintern was dissolved.

Originally, they all stood in the perspective of the Kuomintang and put pressure on the CCP, and they all thought that anti-communism could be wrong.

WanWan did not expect that because they first shouted the slogan of "dissolving the CCP", Hu Zongnan grasped the handle, that is, you leaked the intelligence, and soon Hu Zongnan arrested them in prison for interrogation.

Soon, Zhou Enlai arrived in Xi'an and was warmly received by Hu Zongnan, at which Hu Zongnan also sent Xiong Xianghui as his close representative to be responsible for each task of picking up Zhou Enlai.

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Zhou Enlai knew early on that Xiong Xianghui was a communist affair, but he had never seen it, and the two men shook hands ceremonially at the banquet, and Xiong Xianghui alertly said to Zhou Enlai in English: "Please be careful, beware of getting drunk." ”

When Zhou Enlai left, he looked for an opportunity to have a brief secret conversation with Xiong Xianghui, who held Xiong Xianghui's hand and said, "In the past few years, you have worked hard. ”

Xiong Xianghui had mixed feelings and could not help but shed tears, while Zhou Enlai encouraged Xiong Xianghui: We must be loyal to the party and cunning to the enemy; we must do something and not do something; we should grasp the big and not let go of the small; pay attention to strategic trends, and mainly focus on defending the party Central Committee.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Hu Zongnan was promoted again and became a veritable "King of the Northwest" in the Kuomintang, and in order to cultivate his own forces, Hu Zongnan decided to select a group of college students from among his trusted cadres, and he sponsored and funded him to study in the United States.

Xiong Xianghui was already a student of Tsinghua University before joining the army, and this time he was naturally selected, in March 1947, Xiong Xianghui, after completing his new marriage, planned to take the "US President's Steamship Company" to San Francisco.

However, during the honeymoon of Xiong Xianghui's new marriage in Hangzhou, Hu Zongnan sent agents from the Secret Service to find Xiong Xianghui and ordered him to return to Nanjing immediately.

At that time, Xiong Xianghui did not know Hu Zongnan's intentions, and thought that his identity was exposed, so he said to his newlywed wife: "The Secrecy Bureau has targeted me, and if I can't receive my letter after five days, I will be less fierce." ”

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

When Xiong Xianghui came to Hu Zongnan's office in Nanjing, Hu Zongnan immediately began to let Xiong Xianghui pass and said to him: "It is time to fight Yan'an, after fighting this battle, you will leave again, and tomorrow you will return to Xi'an." ”

It turned out that Hu Zongnan was worried that he had left Xiong Xianghui and did not have a person to help the staff officers, and then the two of them launched a battle plan to attack Yan'an.

At that time, Hu Zongnan thought of a "seven-point politics" strategy, launching a political offensive at the same time as the military offensive, and placing the political offensive in an important position.

He believed that the literati in the Kuomintang who could help him win the political battle were none other than Xiong Xianghui, and in order to make Xiong Xianghui play better, Hu Zongnan also brought two special materials and a briefcase.

In the briefcase, one is the military operation approved by Chiang Kai-shek to attack Yan'an, and the other is the allocation of troops of the communist army in northern Shaanxi.

After Xiong Xianghui read the materials, he was shocked, the situation in Yan'an was already so dangerous.

In order to capture Yan'an in one fell swoop, Hu Zongnan's preparations were actually quite adequate, in addition to the 15 brigades of the elite Kuomintang troops commanded by Hu Zongnan, as well as Ma Bufang, Ma Hongkui, and Deng Baoshan's troops, a total of 34 brigades and 250,000 people.

On March 3, 1947, Hu Zongnan and Xiong Xianghui rushed back to Yan'an by special plane, and that night, Xiong Xianghui secretly reported Hu Zongnan's imminent attack on Yan'an and northern Shaanxi to the CPC Central Committee through the CCP's underground radio station in Xi'an.

Hu Zongnan never dreamed that the plan for the second attack on Yan'an would be leaked, and at that time, in order to keep it a secret, in the process of troop assembly, even the generals at the commander level did not know the battle plan.

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Chiang Kai-shek was worried that Hu Zongnan would not be able to complete the task, and he also specially ordered the transfer of nearly 100 aircraft from various battlefields in China to cooperate with the operation.

On March 11, seven hours after the withdrawal of the U.S. Military Observation Group in Yan'an, Nationalist aircraft launched a massive bombing campaign against Yan'an.

In fact, the CPC Central Committee had already made preparations, and Chairman Mao also held several central meetings to analyze the situation and make a determination that "we must defend and develop the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and the Northwest Liberated Region with a resolute fighting spirit."

In order to strategically cooperate with other liberated areas to fight, the CPC Central Committee decided to evacuate Yan'an, and many comrades at that time did not understand, so that the soldiers could do more to defend Yan'an.

Chairman Mao explained: "Chiang Kai-shek's Ah Q was full of spirit, and when he occupied Yan'an, he thought he was victorious, but in fact, as soon as he occupied Yan'an, he lost everything. ”

It can be said that the CPC Central Committee has enough time to think and make the wisest judgment, and xiong Xianghui is very useful even if he sends information.

On March 14, Hu Zongnan commanded the army to attack Yan'an in an all-round way, and by March 19, the PLA troops took the initiative to withdraw from Yan'an after seven days of defensive battles and the results of killing and wounding more than 5,000 Kuomintang troops.

When the Kuomintang marched into Yan'an, Yan'an was already an empty city, and after Hu Zongnan arrived in Yan'an, he asked Xiong Xianghui to accompany him to the residences of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and other CPC leaders to "visit."

In the drawer of Mao Zedong's zaoyuan residence, Hu Zongnan also found a message from Mao Zedong to him: "When Hu Zongnan went to Yan'an, he was bound to become a tiger, and he could not advance, and he could not retreat, so why not!" how! ”

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Hu Zongnan was so angry that he laughed on the spot, he couldn't figure out how he could not figure out how he had laid a net around Yan'an, and the CPC Central Committee had inserted wings?

At that time, the biggest difficulty encountered by Hu Zongnan's troops was that after the Kuomintang troops entered Yan'an, they were like blind people, not only could not find the People's Liberation Army, but also had insufficient supplies.

In order to save a little face, Hu Zongnan remembered the plan of "seven points of politics" and published on the front page of the Kuomintang Central Daily that "the Nationalist army recaptured Yan'an, and more than 10,000 communist troops were captured."

The most interesting thing is that before Hu Zongnan ordered the army to march into Yan'an, he shouted out the slogan "We must arouse the people and turn the enemy into goodwill", and as a result, the troops began to grab grain everywhere less than a week after entering Yan'an, which made the people hate it very much.

This kind of "political offensive" like a child's play soon made Chiang Kai-shek begin to disappoint Hu Zongnan, and soon the People's Liberation Army launched a counterattack.

On March 25, in a ravine near Anzhai, the People's Liberation Army annihilated more than 2,900 Nationalist defenders.

On April 12, the People's Liberation Army annihilated more than 4,700 people of the Kuomintang 135th Brigade in the Battle of the Yangma River.

On May 2, the People's Liberation Army launched an attack on the Nationalist defenders of Panlong, annihilating the main force of the Nationalist 167th Brigade and the Third General Brigade of the Shanxi Self-Defense Army, totaling more than 6,700 people.

After several battles, Hu Zongnan had begun to doubt his command ability, and when some generals were captured, they kept chanting: "There are traitors inside, and there are traitors inside..."

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Hu Zongnan was already a little discouraged at that time, so he said to Xiong Xianghui: "There is nothing here, you still have to go to the United States, tomorrow morning." ”

Early the next morning, Xiong Xianghui resigned from Hu Zongnan and went to the United States to study completely, after which Xiong Xianghui did not meet with Hu Zongnan.

In September of that year, a secret radio station of the Underground Party of the Communist Party of China in Beiping was cracked by secret agents of the Military Command, and together with a secret radio station of the Xi'an Underground Party of the Communist Party of China, the underground party members of the Communist Party of China who were lurking in the Xi'an Appeasement Office of the Kuomintang were arrested one after another.

At this time, Xiong Xianghui, like no one else, took Hu Zongnan's financial support to study in the United States, and as a student bully, he obtained a master's degree in political science the following year.

On April 21, 1949, the Million People's Liberation Army launched the Campaign to Cross the River, and the Kuomintang almost collapsed on all fronts, and the liberation of the whole country was already a matter of course.

Xiong Xianghui, who was far overseas, knew that it was time to return to China, and one day in June, Luo Qingchang led Xiong Xianghui to see Zhou Enlai, and Zhou Enlai was very happy when he saw Xiong Xianghui, tightly holding Xiong Xianghui's hand and saying: "Finally meet after victory."

Xiong Xianghui was very touched and did not expect Zhou Enlai to remember him.

Zhou En said that in 1947, Hu Zongnan attacked Yan'an, and it was precisely because of the information provided by Xiong Xianghui that the CPC Central Committee turned the danger into a disaster.

Zhou Enlai invited him to a banquet in Zhongnanhai, and the participants woke up: No wonder Hu Zongnan lost the battle

Zhou Enlai also said that in our work as intelligence agents, Li Kenong, Qian Zhuangfei, and Hu Di can be said to be the "top three masters" of the Longtan Tiger Cave, and Xiong Xianghui, Chen Zhongjing, and Shen Jian are the "last three masters" of the Longtan Tiger Den, all of which have made tremendous contributions to defending the party Central Committee.

After the founding of new China, Xiong Xianghui worked in the foreign service for a long time and often appeared as Zhou Enlai's assistant at major events

In 1971, New China regained its legitimate seat in the United Nations, and Xiong Xianghui also served as a representative of the Chinese delegation and the first Chinese ambassador to Mexico.

Most of the hidden front workers are obscure and little known, but Xiong Xianghui became the most famous hidden hero and later became the deputy director of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee.

On September 9, 2005, this outstanding red agent in the history of CCP intelligence died in Beijing, completing his legendary life at the age of 86.

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