
What do U.S. presidents say about Chairman Mao? Eisenhower: It's difficult to deal with, and the intimidation threats don't use the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy's affirmation! The first U.S. president To meet the great Chinese man, U.S. President Richard Nixon!

author:Purple Star Weichen

"Weapons are an important factor in war, but they are not decisive factors, and the decisive factor is that people are not things."

------ Mao Zedong's "On Protracted War"

There are only two military works in China that are listed as required books by the US Military Academy at West Point, one is Sun Wu's "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and the other is "On Protracted War" written by our great Chairman Mao.

Chairman Mao was not only an excellent military man, but also a great proletarian revolutionary, a great Marxist, a thinker, a calligrapher, a poet; and the founder of the Communist Party of China, the People's Republic of China, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army. All the people of the Chinese know that without Chairman Mao there would be no new China!

What do U.S. presidents say about Chairman Mao? Eisenhower: It's difficult to deal with, and the intimidation threats don't use the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy's affirmation! The first U.S. president To meet the great Chinese man, U.S. President Richard Nixon!

On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao announced to the world at Tiananmen Square in Beijing that the People's Republic of China had been founded, and the people of Chinese stood up. As China's greatest leader, Chairman Mao's contribution to China is known to all Chinese.

It was Chairman Mao who led the proletarian revolutionaries to lead China out of the chaos of war and onto the socialist road with unswerving conviction and indomitable spirit. Chairman Mao used his life to write a new era of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Chairman Mao opened up a new era in which the people are the masters of their own affairs, and it is precisely because of revolutionary leaders like Chairman Mao that the Chinese people can have a new dignity, and it is also because of the continuous efforts of these revolutionary leaders that China has laid the foundation for its status as a great power in the world.

Chairman Mao's thoughts and deeds affected the people of Chinese, and the people of Chinese will never forget him; not only did Chairman Mao's thoughts and deeds also affect many people in the world, and these people greatly admired and admired Chairman Mao. There are some foreign heads of state and international celebrities, so let's see what those foreign heads of state say about the great Chairman Mao. What kind of story is there?

What do U.S. presidents say about Chairman Mao? Eisenhower: It's difficult to deal with, and the intimidation threats don't use the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy's affirmation! The first U.S. president To meet the great Chinese man, U.S. President Richard Nixon!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower's evaluation. </h1>

On November 2, 1957, Chairman Mao led a Chinese delegation to Moscow by special plane, and this visit to the Soviet Union was mainly invited to participate in the "Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the October Revolution."

During this period, Chairman Mao and Khrushchev had many talks, in which Khrushchev said to Chairman Mao: "Eisenhower is preparing to launch a nuclear war, and the targets are the Soviet Union and China. Khrushchev was obviously a little timid at the time, after all, his current opponent was Eisenhower, one of the few presidents in the United States who had come out of the military.

Dwight David Eisenhower, the 34th president of the United States and a five-star general, the supreme commander of the Allied forces in Europe during World War II, can be described as a lifelong warrior. For this battle-hardened general, timidity and retreat can be said to be non-existent, what he has is blood and courage. After Eisenhower became president of the United States, the first thing was to end the Korean War, but the military president was not a lover of peace, and Eisenhower vigorously promoted the Cold War plan and engaged in military competition during his tenure. Because China and the United States have just played against each other at the end of the Korean War, their attitude toward China is very unfriendly, and the degree of unfriendliness has reached the point of intimidating China with nuclear weapons.

Under Eisenhower's military competition and nuclear deterrence, the newly appointed supreme leader of the Soviet Union, Khrushchev, was obviously a little timid, after all, it was "Zhukov" who could compete with "Eisenhower" in the Soviet Union, not Khrushchev himself. So Khrushchev, after suffering from the nuclear threat of Eisenhower, was convinced that nuclear war was about to break out. After Chairman Mao was invited to the Soviet Union, Khrushchev could not wait to discuss with the great military man, hoping to gain some insights, after all, China had defeated the United States on the Korean battlefield.

What do U.S. presidents say about Chairman Mao? Eisenhower: It's difficult to deal with, and the intimidation threats don't use the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy's affirmation! The first U.S. president To meet the great Chinese man, U.S. President Richard Nixon!

After listening to Khrushchev's theory, Chairman Mao could see his fear of the United States, and you were afraid, but our great Chairman Mao was not afraid! Chairman Mao said bluntly: "I don't see anything remarkable about the atomic bomb, I see it as a paper tiger, and the main reason for determining whether a war can be won is people, not new weapons!" ”

After hearing Chairman Mao's remarks, Khrushchev was stunned, knowing that At that time, China did not have the development of the Soviet Union, did not have advanced weapons, did not have advanced heavy industry, aerospace, military, and economy were not very good, and most importantly, China did not have atomic bombs and no missiles. But that's the case, and we still believe that we can. Chinese never feared suffering! I will never be afraid, and I will not back down!

After that conversation, Chairman Mao, as the supreme leader of the People's Republic of China, made a public speech on the remarks of US President Dwight Eisenhower, chairman Mao said: "The atomic bomb is nothing more than a paper tiger, and it will be broken when it is stabbed!" It is this sentence that speaks of the majesty of the Chinese and has also caused a great sensation in the world.

After this, U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower also heard Chairman Mao's speech, which amazed Eisenhower, who said to his subordinates: "The power of the atomic bomb is on the launcher, and if it is flown out, it will have no deterrent power at all." ”

Eisenhower's assessment of Chairman Mao was:

"Mao Zedong was a very difficult opponent, and intimidation and threats had no effect on Mao Zedong at all!"

What do U.S. presidents say about Chairman Mao? Eisenhower: It's difficult to deal with, and the intimidation threats don't use the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy's affirmation! The first U.S. president To meet the great Chinese man, U.S. President Richard Nixon!

I can see from the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower that Chairman Mao's pattern and thinking are very outstanding. For the Chinese battlefield of World War II, Chairman Mao's strategy and command played a decisive role in determining victory. As an outstanding military man, Chairman Mao had no less iron blood and courage than Eisenhower.

Chairman Mao was not afraid of the Nuclear Deterrence of the United States because he knew that after the end of World War II, the whole world was in a state of recovery, and if a nuclear war was launched at this time, it would only destroy the earth. As the capitalist-in-charge of the United States, the search for stable development is more eager than any other country, and this kind of thing has not escaped Chairman Mao's eyes, and it is precisely this way that Chairman Mao said that the atomic bomb is a paper tiger.

It is precisely because China has chairman Mao, the great leader, that the United States does not dare to threaten China wantonly, and this also gives China the opportunity for peaceful development!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" > John F. Kennedy's affirmation! </h1>

On July 20, 1965, Li Zongren, the main commander of the Battle of Taierzhuang, and his wife, Ms. Guo Dejie, returned to their homeland. Accompanied by Zhou Enlai, Li Zongren and his party were received by Chairman Mao. After years of separation, we saw each other again, but now we have changed our appearance.

Li Zongren and Chairman Mao had very friendly talks, during which Li Zongren talked about the president of the United States, and when talking about the current president, John F. Kennedy, Li Zongren said:

"On U.S. President John F. Kennedy's desk, there's always a book, and that's the Selected Works of Chairman Mao."

What do U.S. presidents say about Chairman Mao? Eisenhower: It's difficult to deal with, and the intimidation threats don't use the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy's affirmation! The first U.S. president To meet the great Chinese man, U.S. President Richard Nixon!

John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was the famous assassinated President of the United States. As the most popular and popular U.S. president of the United States at that time, the United States under his leadership has developed and changed rapidly. The United States has not only established economic superiority, but also strengthened its military development.

It was precisely because of John F. Kennedy's decision that the United States and the Soviet Union gained an absolute advantage in the contest. It is such a great president in the eyes of the American people who has a very high opinion of Chairman Mao. In 1961, shortly after taking office, John F. Kennedy ordered the U.S. military to study Chairman Mao's On Protracted War. This shows how great Chairman Mao's influence in the world is.

After reading Mao Zedong's writings, Kennedy summed up Chairman Mao's thoughts in one sentence, that is, "Investigation is not enough to make decisions, conditions are not enough to act!" This sentence deeply affected John F. Kennedy, and Chairman Mao's thought was always thought of during the re-election.

It was precisely under the guidance of Chairman Mao's thought that John F. Kennedy realistically assessed the national strength of the United States at that time and seriously analyzed the national conditions of the United States. The center of America's development was placed on technology and the economy, rather than the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

It was John F. Kennedy's pragmatic strategic transformation that set the United States apart in this Cold War with the Soviet Union, and the influence of Mao Zedong Thought had already transcended national borders.

What do U.S. presidents say about Chairman Mao? Eisenhower: It's difficult to deal with, and the intimidation threats don't use the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy's affirmation! The first U.S. president To meet the great Chinese man, U.S. President Richard Nixon!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27" > the first U.S. president Nixon to meet the great Chinese man! </h1>

Nixon had been John F. Kennedy's main rival, but the pair had one thing in common for China, namely, great admiration for China's leaders, especially Chairman Mao.

On February 21, 1972, as the 37th president of the United States, Nixon decided to take a look at this mysterious giant of the East, the People's Republic of China. Nixon was the first U.S. president to come to China. At 11:30, the US president's "Air Force One" officially landed at Beijing International Airport. Just three hours after landing, Nixon met with Chairman Mao. In the historical data, we can see that the exchange between Chairman Mao and Nixon was very pleasant.

During their conversation, Chairman Mao jokingly joked with Nixon: "When you were in the general election, I voted for you." They say you're right, I like right, they say the Communist Party is right. This gave Nixon a very good feeling for Chairman Mao and China, so much so that in his later memoirs it was mentioned: "Ordinary is not ordinary!" ”

On February 23, 1976, this was the second meeting between Chairman Mao and Nixon, when Nixon ended his presidency because of the Watergate scandal. Although nixon's title at this time was that of the former president of the United States. But China still gave Nixon the courtesy of head of state.

Chairman Mao was old at this time, and the conversation with Nixon lasted for an hour and a half. The attitude of the Chinese government and Chinese leaders toward Nixon was very touching to Nixon at that time.

What do U.S. presidents say about Chairman Mao? Eisenhower: It's difficult to deal with, and the intimidation threats don't use the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy's affirmation! The first U.S. president To meet the great Chinese man, U.S. President Richard Nixon!

Nixon returned to the United States after completing his second visit, but the bad news followed six months later, as the supreme leader of China and the founder of New China, Chairman Mao passed away on September 9, 1976. Nixon, who was in tears, recalled the incident with Chairman Mao and praised Chairman Mao as a very far-sighted leader.

Years later, in Nixon's memoirs, he commented on Chairman Mao: "No matter what others think of Chairman Mao, no one can deny that he was a soldier who fought until the last moment!" Nixon's assessment of Chairman Mao is watertight and true. Because Chairman Mao has been fulfilling his duties for New China from the founding of the People's Republic of China to the last moment of his life. It is precisely because of such a leader that New China has a brand-new China.

"The language is simple and peaceful, but when it comes to big events, it's often amazing!"

----- "Leaders" Nixon

This is the most pertinent evaluation of a U.S. president who has personally seen Chairman Mao and personally felt Chairman Mao. He used his two visits to China to let the American people and the people of the world know a real Chinese leader.

Not only the president of the United States, but also many admirers of Chairman Mao, including the leaders of other countries, let us look at the evaluation of Chairman Mao by the leaders of several countries!

What do U.S. presidents say about Chairman Mao? Eisenhower: It's difficult to deal with, and the intimidation threats don't use the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy's affirmation! The first U.S. president To meet the great Chinese man, U.S. President Richard Nixon!

On 19 May 1974, after the death of French President Georges Pompidou, the 48-year-old Giscard D'Estén became the new President of France, and he said this at the time of Chairman Mao's death:

"Because of Mao Zedong's death, a beacon of human thought was extinguished!"

The Prime Minister of Mauritius, after reading Chairman Mao's writings, also said:

"Mao Zedong's writings are not only the heritage of China, but also the heritage of the whole world!"

Our friendly neighbor, Pakistan's President Ali Butu, is also a big fan of Chairman Mao, who has read many of Chairman Mao's books. He has publicly stated: "Mao Zedong's thought will continue to guide the fate of peoples and nations until the sun never rises again." If his epoch-making exploits were only measured in China, it would be detrimental to the memory of this great man. ”

Venezuelan President Chávez, the "Madman of Latin America", visited China on April 9, 2009, and during his visit to China, Chávez emphasized: "I am an admirer and follower of the great helmsman Mao Zedong. ”

With the change of the times, Chairman Mao still has many fans in this world, and Mao Zedong Thought, Mao Zedong Anthology, and Mao Zedong Poetry Collection have also been widely circulated by many people, and these works have deeply influenced a generation.

What do U.S. presidents say about Chairman Mao? Eisenhower: It's difficult to deal with, and the intimidation threats don't use the evaluation of US President Dwight Eisenhower. John F. Kennedy's affirmation! The first U.S. president To meet the great Chinese man, U.S. President Richard Nixon!

In the evaluation of the leaders of various countries, we can see that Chairman Mao's influence is very great, not only on China, but also on the whole world. Chairman Mao used his personal ability and charm to show the world the integrity and value of Chinese. Let China not only win the respect of friends, but also win the respect of opponents.

"Mao Zedong Thought", after many years of time, can still be respected in the whole world, so that many countries lament the wisdom of Chinese, it is Chairman Mao's thought that has influenced the pattern of China, thus changing the pattern of the world, and it is also Mao Zedong Thought that laid the foundation for the rejuvenation of China today.

Chairman Mao used his words and deeds to make Eisenhower fear his guts and vision. Let Kennedy admire his ability and talent, let Nixon be immersed in his personal charm and become his fan. Today, 45 years after Chairman Mao's death, Mao Zedong Thought is still widely circulated, and we have officially had a leader like Chairman Mao to have a good life for us today. Whenever we encounter suffering, we can think of the spirit of our great Chairman Mao, who never gave up, never feared, and never bowed his head! He will always guide us forward! forward!

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