
Wu Xiaobo has lost everyone, you know: gold has gold underpinnings! Sand has sand value

author:Brother Badou

Wu Xiaobo's elite remarks exploded and became a lost one! Wu Xiaobo is too inflated, overwhelmed, lost himself, and lost the most basic common sense: when he is hungry, he should eat, not talk!

And farmers don't farm, Wu Xiaobo, what do you eat? In Wu Xiaobo's remarks, of course, the peasants are not elites, but useless people?

In fact, are farmers really useless people?

"I think most people are useless people. I'm a pretty elitist, and I don't think the world needs so many people to think about so many questions at the same time...". These few words of Wu Xiaobo not only aroused fierce criticism of Wu Xiaobo himself, but also aroused heated discussion on the issue of elites.

Some netizens pursued Wu Xiaobo, believing that what he said was true is not unreasonable, and people just can't accept it emotionally. There is nothing wrong with Wu Xiaobo's words, most people are rabble-rousers, following the tide in the course of history. The question now is what kind of people are considered elite? What kind of elites do we need?

Teacher Tong Dahuan's definition of elite is more accurate, that is, the outstanding thinkers, scientists, entrepreneurs who lead the human world are considered elites, and by this standard, there are few domestic ones who meet the requirements. The status quo is that the rights elite does what they want, and the rights of the masses are not guaranteed, making the masses "useless people" with only resource attributes in their hands.

Some netizens do not agree with Wu Xiaobo's views. Mainly Wu Xiaobo feels that he belongs to the kind of useful elites, which makes me hehe. To be honest, his two-and-a-half hanging level is not less than Rui Chenggang. If you have money, you will swell! Which sub-elite is this?

Whether what Wu Xiaobo said was true or not, as long as he said it, his brain would have been broken! Is Wu Xiaobo very good? I think I'm awesome.

Wu Xiaobo and the like are no elites, but they are just rich leeks!

I don't agree with Wu Xiaobo's remarks, the elite can't live without ordinary people working to provide goods and services, right? Without cleaners, no one cleans up the city garbage. Without nannies and part-time workers, these elites would have to do housework every day. Without couriers, elites can't send things. Every work in society is useful and indispensable to the functioning of society.

What is an elite, I think, with deep theory, professional knowledge, practical work and the heart to serve the public can be called the elite. In particular, the heart is the first priority. So with the right intentions everyone can become an elite.

The true elite, with endless compassion and love for the toiling and numbness of the masses, thus undertaking a greater enlightenment mission and responsibility for society is by no means standing on the chain of contempt for some power, wealth, or reputation of learning, commanding, talking nonsense... Be careful in words and deeds, at least for the true elite, the minimum cultivation requirements!

The word elite should be a positive word from the literal understanding, but now it has been stigmatized like public knowledge, and elite has become synonymous with exquisite egoism.

In the elite concept of Western intellectuals, the existence of the real world and the spiritual world is relatively independent; in the pseudo-elite concept of Wu Xiaobo and the like, the spiritual world exists to serve the real world, and it is very troublesome for everyone to have a spiritual world.

Elites are also superficial, by chance, just a momentum. However, we cannot study deeply and think broadly about ourselves, and superficiality is inevitable. It is a pity that it is not a pity, because the creation of people, people are watching the heavens, and no one can hide.

If our modern society is still subordinate to the survival of the fittest, why should we say that history is a higher creature in a progressive society and a progressive human being? Aren't elites also created by some kind of rule? Can only the elite be the standard and meaning that is ultimately recognized?

Both the elite and the masses are fish, and for fish, only the memory of pain and pain is their own.

Wu Xiaobo's problem is that he despises the non-elite as an elite, and Wu Xiaobo misunderstands elitism.

The real elite does not look down on the masses, but looks down on the masses.

Locke begins his treatise on government by mentioning the innate freedom of mankind and refuting the transcendence of the monarchy.

Elitism is more about emphasizing its own responsibility, the responsibility to lead the mind and lead the people forward, rather than the contempt for the people from above.

The reason why the European and American sages of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were called enlightened was that they were not only satisfied with being their own elites, but also personally participated in the enlightenment of the people and broadened the wisdom of the people.

The elite can worry about the populism and ignorance of the people, but the elite cannot despise the populist and stupid people;

Elites can disdain the clamor of the crowd, but they cannot ignore the power of the gangster.

The elite is not proud to be above the people, but to enhance the wisdom of the people.

Only from an economic point of view, such as northern Europe, the balance of national welfare is not simply achieved by high taxes and high welfare, but greatly improves the quality of education for all and balances the vocational ability of the whole people to achieve social fairness and justice.

Otherwise, how can a white-collar worker from an Internet factory in the north, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, and a young person who dropped out of school in a poor area faced by President Zhang Guimei, achieve equality in life? (Zhang Guimei's method is to change the fate of girls by elevating them to the level of university education)

If, under the premise that there is not much difference in the level of the elite, one society, the elite and the bottom are separated by a hundred and eighteen thousand miles, and the other social elite and the bottom are relatively flattened, so who is more progressive and has more potential in the two societies? Isn't it clear at a glance?

Wu Xiaobo was complacent about being in the elite class, forgetting the responsibility of a real elite in society, and it was strange not to be scolded.

In addition, what is an elite, I and Wu Xiaobo do not agree with each other, in a sense he is just a rich man, not the so-called elite as I understand it.

"Wu Xiaobo's problem is that he said inappropriate things on inappropriate occasions." For wu Xiaobo's recruitment of this matter to himself, this sentence said by some netizens is summed up very well. Everyone was sinking, and suddenly one of them said on his toes: My depraved posture is like a bird, much more beautiful than most of you!

Isn't this looking for a pump?!

However, in terms of history and reality, it is not anachronism, but a mistake. There are cases where people are useless, but not many. It's just that the mechanism and form of action are different. Wu Xiaobo's view is a kind of vision of the future situation, whether it will appear or not, it may not be. There is such a danger for humanity if it fails to develop a common vision and put it into action.

We may be more inclined to elitism, but this does not negate the masses, whose role is to elect the elite. Wu Xiaobo is too inflated, lost himself, can not find his own suitable position, his views are spurned, you know: gold has gold underpinnings! Sand has sand value!

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