
Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

author:Director of Entertainment

In the past August, the first "Jinxuan Award" winner list was freshly released, Chen Baoguo, Chen Daoming, Zhang Guoli and other ten male actors jointly won the title of national outstanding TV drama actors, with the announcement of the award, many netizens have spoken that the award-winning actors are elected by strength, which is deserved.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Chen Baoguo won the title of outstanding actor)

Speaking of the most powerful actor with the most acting skills in China today, there is one person whose name has to be mentioned, he is Chen Baoguo.

Whether it is playing an imperial general or a worker and peasant, Chen Baoguo's ability to shape different characters can be called the pinnacle, and after his interpretation, these roles have become vivid and vivid, and he himself has become an absolute guarantee of the ratings and reputation of film and television works.

01. From grassroots workers to new students in Chinese opera, Chen Baoguo's life was changed overnight

Chen Baoguo was born in Beijing in the mid-1950s, his parents were low-level workers, and the family's conditions were not rich since he was a child, in order to reduce the economic burden on the family, Chen Baoguo went out to work early to make money.

Because he did not go to college and did not have a high degree, Chen Baoguo could only go to the factory as a grassroots worker, and the daily work content was boring and repetitive, and the days were spent in a muddy nightmare.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Photo of Chen Baoguo himself)

For Chen Baoguo at that time, being a worker was not the ideal occupation in his heart at all, especially after working for a while, Chen Baoguo was more determined to change his own situation, just at this time, the Central Academy of Drama launched the enrollment registration work for the society, Chen Baoguo after learning the news was like grasping a life-saving straw, he quickly submitted the application form.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Group photo of Chen Baoguo and his mentor Liang Bolong)

At that time, the assessment criteria for the admission of new students in Chinese opera were completely different from those now, at that time, in addition to the talent show, the candidate's family background and whether they had work experience were also reviewed, if the family background was clean and had a certain work experience, then the possibility of the candidate being admitted would be very large.

For Chen Baoguo, he meets the requirements of both family background and work experience, but he does not have a talent show that he can do, whether it is singing and dancing or poetry recitation, he is not good at it.

But fortunately, the chinese opera examiner at the time, Professor Liang Bolong, at a glance in the crowd, took a look at Chen Baoguo, he thought that Chen Baoguo's facial features would be very competitive on the screen in the future, and he was a rare plastic talent, so under the appreciation of his mentor Professor Liang Bolong, Chen Baoguo became a new student in the Department of Chinese Opera Performance as he wished.

After entering the Chinese opera as desired, Chen Baoguo seemed to open the door to a new world, full of curiosity and expectation for the upcoming life, at this time he would not think that he would meet the love of his life in the Chinese opera.

02, Chen Baoguo fell in love with The Shandong girl Zhao Kui'e, and played a "small means" for the beauty of the return

In the undergraduate class of the Chinese Opera Acting Department where Chen Baoguo is located, the proportion of men and women is seriously imbalanced, there are nearly 20 male students but only 6 female students, in such a situation, Chen Baoguo can still hold the beautiful people as desired it is not easy, so who is the female classmate who makes Chen Baoguo fascinated? She was Chen Baoguo's later wife, Zhao Kui'e.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Group photo of Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e)

Zhao Kui'e, a native of Yantai, Shandong Province, has shown a high artistic talent since she was a child, and at the age of 18, she received both chinese opera and Shangju art colleges, and after some consideration, she finally chose Chinese opera, and thus became Chen Baoguo's classmate.

When she was young, Zhao Kui'e was white and beautiful, her figure was well-proportioned, and she still had a pair of iconic beautiful braids, which was the goddess in the minds of many male students in the class, but the reason why Chen Baoguo really made up her mind to pursue Zhao Kui'e had to start from when the two were arranged to the same drama group.

At that time, Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e were assigned by the teacher to the performance group of the drama "Before the Thunderstorm", which was also the first time that the two had close contact with each other, Zhao Kui'e played a soldier in this play, and the role required her to wear a military hat and not show extra hair.

But in the rehearsal process, a pair of long braids of Zhao Kui'e always slipped out of the hat, and after several consecutive slippages, Zhao Kui'e directly picked up a pair of scissors and cut off a pair of her beautiful braids in front of everyone on the spot.

Chen Baoguo, who was standing on the sidelines at the time, was shocked by Zhao Kui'e's move, and it was also from this time that Chen Baoguo began to like Zhao Kui'e, who had a straightforward and generous personality.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Zhao Kui'e in her youth)

After a period of contact, Chen Baoguo could no longer suppress the waves in his heart, and he decided to confess his heart to Zhao Kui'e. In order to be able to successfully chase Zhao Kui'e, Chen Baoguo also played a careful eye, he showed the other male classmates in the class one by one in advance that Zhao Kui'e was the object he wanted to pursue.

The implication is to let everyone not rob with him, after doing this step Chen Baoguo began his own road of love, at that time Chen Baoguo did not know that Zhao Kui'e's heart actually had a good feeling for him, the two are a lover and an intention, so under Chen Baoguo's initiative, the two officially confirmed the relationship shortly after.

According to the chinese opera school rules at that time, students are not allowed to fall in love, so Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e can only talk secretly, although the process is a bit hard, but the feelings of the two are getting deeper and deeper day by day, and the two have not delayed their studies because of love, but they encourage each other to pursue greater progress in performance learning.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Group photo of Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e 1)

Soon four years of college life is coming to an end, Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e, a campus couple, have also come to a fork in the road in life, Chen Baoguo was admitted to the China Children's Art Theater after graduating from Chinese opera, and became a contracted actor.

And Zhao Kui'e was retained by the Chinese opera school to continue her studies because of her excellent grades, although the two went to different development paths, but the relationship did not end there, the two continued to fall in love and cherished the time spent together more than before.

03, Chen Baoguo used his acting skills to conquer the audience and harvest the double harvest of career love

After joining the theater, Chen Baoguo successively starred in the drama "Newsboy" and the movie "Dadu River", but unfortunately these two works did not arouse too much splash at the time, and the market response was also very flat, which made Chen Baoguo's acting career fall into difficulties, just when Chen Baoguo was feeling confused about his future, the god of fate opened a new door for him.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Stills from "Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple")

At that time, CCTV was preparing to shoot a new drama called "Red Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple", which recruited the famous director Wang Fulin to direct.

Because of the strong strength of the producer behind the play, the actor of the male number one in the play has naturally become the "fragrant food" that everyone is scrambling for, and what everyone did not expect is that the last lucky person is Actually Chen Baoguo, who has just turned 26, and it is the director Wang Fulin who is responsible for setting Chen Baoguo to play the male number one, Wang Fulin believes that Chen Baoguo's appearance and temperament are very in line with the requirements of the role in the play, so Chen Baoguo ushered in an important turning point in his acting career.

In the "Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple" drama, the male number one played by Chen Baoguo is a rebellious young man who is wild and uninhibited on the surface but has a heavy heart, in order to play this hard-won role, Chen Baoguo has made a lot of efforts, he is the first person to arrive on the set every day, and then make full preparations for the scene to be filmed that day, even when he is resting in the middle, Chen Baoguo does not forget to seriously ask the director for filming experience and skills.

After the drama was officially broadcast, it quickly set off a nationwide ratings frenzy, and Chen Baoguo became popular because of it, winning the Golden Eagle Award for Outstanding Actor in one fell swoop, becoming the hottest young actor at that time.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e)

After the career ushered in a turnaround, the first thing Chen Baoguo did was to marry his girlfriend Zhao Kui'e, who had been in love for many years, to marry home, in fact, as early as the two of them graduated from Chinese opera, Chen Baoguo had the idea of getting married, but at that time his career did not have any improvement, he felt that he was not yet capable of bringing happiness to Zhao Kui'e, so after becoming famous and popular with "Red Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple", Chen Baoguo proposed to his girlfriend Zhao Kui'e in the first time, and the two officially entered the marriage hall.

In the second year after The marriage of Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e, the son Chen Yue was born at the end of the month, and the arrival of the son not only made Chen Baoguo feel the joy of becoming a new father, but also made him more motivated in his career. At that time, Chen Baoguo was handsome, tall and handsome, and he could have easily taken the idol route, but he had to take the relatively difficult route of strength, insisting on using acting skills to conquer the audience, rather than relying on appearance to mix in the entertainment circle.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Stills from "The Whip")

After the birth of his son, Chen Baoguo's first transformation work was the movie "Divine Whip".

In this play, Chen Baoguo challenged the villain role for the first time, he played a blind eye of the little Glass Flower, according to the requirements of the script, the blind eye of the Glass Flower must look like the glass after being ground, because at that time there was no such prop as contact lenses in China, which made the makeup artist of the crew feel very nervous, and no matter how the makeup artist could not meet the requirements of the script, at this time Chen Baoguo thought of a way, he found a button and grinded the button into a thin piece , and then put it in your own eyes.

Although the shape of the "glass flower" finally met the requirements of the script, but Chen Baoguo's eyes suffered greatly, under the wear of the button, the eye was covered with red blood every day, and the eyesight also fell rapidly, in this case, Chen Baoguo still insisted on shooting the whole play, and by the end of the shooting, Chen Baoguo's eye had formed a permanent injury, and could no longer return to its previous state of vision.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Group photo of Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e 3)

Many years later, when Chen Baoguo recalled this filming experience again in the show, the host asked him if he regretted what he did at that time, and Chen Baoguo said very frankly that he never regretted it, because he did it because there was a need at that time, even if he came again, he would still make the same choice.

Although Chen Baoguo made great sacrifices in the play "Divine Whip", this play did not harvest the expected market effect after its release, and it also missed major film awards, but even so, Chen Baoguo was still determined to continue to take the route of strength.

After "Divine Whip", Chen Baoguo starred in the movie "Old Shop", in this play he was responsible for playing Yang Mingquan, the big treasurer of Quanjude, this play mainly tells the tragic story of Yang Mingquan from the founding of Quanjude to the unfortunate family, although it is the first time to play the role of a businessman type, Chen Baoguo still won the recognition of the audience and the industry with his superb acting skills, and also made his transformation path finally on the right track.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e in their youth)

Soon after, Chen Baoguo starred in the historical theme drama "Beiyang Water Division", in which he was responsible for playing the male number one Deng Shichang, it is worth mentioning that the two male actors who played Chen Baoguo in this play are Ge You and Chen Daoming, and the three powerful actors played on the same stage, the degree of excitement naturally goes without saying much, especially as the male number one Chen Baoguo performed perfectly, leaving an extremely deep impression on the audience.

A year later, the movie "Fragrant Soul Girl" found Chen Baoguo to invite him to play the male number one Chen Zhongzhong, and the female number one who played with Chen Baoguo was played by Sichengova, and the two were lovers in the play, and later the film won a very important Golden Bear Award, becoming the biggest winner in the mainland movie at that time. For Chen Baoguo and Sichen Gaowa, the fate of the two cooperation has just begun, and in the future they will cooperate in the classic work in the history of domestic TV dramas - "The Gate of the Big House".

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Stills from "Wu Zetian")

After successfully playing different types of roles such as gangsters, businessmen, and national heroes, Chen Baoguo was appreciated by the famous director Chen Jialin and was invited to play the role of Tang Gaozong in the costume historical drama "Wu Zetian". The heroine of this play Wu Zetian is played by Liu Xiaoqing, who was popular all over the country at that time, as we all know, Liu Xiaoqing's love history is very rich, she and her ex-husband Chen Guojun are in love because of the drama, but during the filming of "Wu Zetian", Chen Baoguo and Liu Xiaoqing have always maintained a safe distance, and there has never been any gossip news, and later this drama has become the most popular TV series of the year after its release, and Chen Baoguo's fame has risen to a new height.

What Chen Baoguo did not expect was that he successfully escaped the emotional scandal with Liu Xiaoqing, but he could not escape the divorce rumors with his wife Zhao Kui'e.

04. Chen Baoguo was rumored by the media to be "married", and the "Big Mansion Gate" starring him became a classic

In the same year, Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e husband and wife starred in the urban emotional drama "Our Father and Our Mother", and the two played a divorced couple in the play, perhaps because the acting skills of both were too good, resulting in the media releasing news that the two were divorced not long after the broadcast of this play. In order to break the rumors of divorce, Chen Baoguo took his wife Zhao Kui'e and his son Chen Yuemei to take a family portrait together, and personally sent the family portrait to the major media, smashing the false rumors from the outside world with practical actions.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Group photo of Chen Baoguo's family of three)

In the following five years, Chen Baoguo has successively starred in film and television works such as "Xiaojing Hutong", "Red Rock", "One Hand To Support Two Families" and other film and television works, he is frequently active in front of the screen, and his popularity has remained high, until the classic TV series "The Gate of the Big Mansion" was born, which made Chen Baoguo's acting career completely reach its peak.

If the performance lineup of "The Gate of the Great Mansion" is put to the present, I am afraid that no investor can afford such a high remuneration fee, and the big names who play soy sauce in this play cannot be counted at all, including Li Xuejian, Chen Kaige, Jiang Wen, Zhang Yimou, Tranquility and dozens of other well-known film and television people, and the luxury of the performance lineup can be described as breathtaking.

In such a large-scale production work, Chen Baoguo, as the actor of the male number one Bai Jingqi, needs to play from youth to old age, and the age span is as long as half a century, which is a big challenge for any actor, but for Chen Baoguo, a challenge means that there will be a breakthrough.

So he poured all his attention on the character shaping, speculated on all aspects of the characters, and finally presented a flesh-and-blood "Bai Jingqi" for the audience.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Stills from "The Gate of the Mansion")

"Big Mansion Gate" since the broadcast of the ratings quickly to the top, has become the most popular TV drama work of the year, until now is still the audience as an irreplaceable classic, with the "Big Mansion Gate" fire after the fire, Chen Baoguo completely laid an important position in the mainland showbiz circle of first-line male actors, his acting skills are also recognized by the outside world.

It is worth mentioning that during the filming of "The Gate of the Mansion", Chen Baoguo's father was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital, Zhao Kui'e in order not to distract Chen Baoguo from taking on the heavy responsibility of taking care of her father-in-law alone, every day is the family and the hospital at both ends, during that time she lost a lot of weight, became unusually haggard, it can be said that it is precisely because of this xiannai help behind the backing, Chen Baoguo can develop his acting career without scruples, of course, Chen Baoguo has also been using practical actions to repay his wife's sincere efforts.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Chen Baoguo publicly confessed to his wife)

At the Feitian Awards ceremony held in 2015, Chen Baoguo, who took the stage to receive the award, changed his previous low-key style to confess to his wife Zhao Kui'e on the spot, and he said loudly: "Kui'e, I love you." ”

When Chen Baoguo said these five words, his voice was choked, and his face was also full of affection, this scene touched many people, and also made Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e and his wife become the focus of media pursuit, but for Chen Baoguo at that time, he just wanted to express his love and gratitude for his wife at the most important moment of his life, without any other purpose.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Stills from "The Old Tavern")

In the 2018 broadcast of the period drama "The Old Tavern", the 62-year-old Chen Baoguo once again provoked The beam to star in the male number one Chen Huaihai, he portrayed Chen Huaihai's humorous humor, resourcefulness and righteousness and other character characteristics into three points, with superb acting skills once again conquered the national audience, and finally defeated Sun Honglei, Huang Lei and other young actors to successfully include the Magnolia Award.

05. More than 40 years after his debut, Chen Baoguo's strength and character coexist, and he has become an "evergreen tree" in the entertainment industry.

From his debut to the present, Chen Baoguo has achieved a grand slam of three TV drama awards, and has been rated as a national first-class actor, becoming a rare powerful actor in the mainland showbiz circle, enjoying a very high status and influence in the circle.

Chen Baoguo, who is now 65 years old, is still active in front of the screen, maintaining the output frequency of two to three works every year, as for Chen Baoguo's standard of receiving plays, it has never changed, that is, the script must be brilliant, must be able to impress himself, otherwise he will not star in the highest salary.

Chen Baoguo's "turbulent years", and the only woman he deeply loved

(Chen Baoguo himself)

In addition to maintaining the original intention and hard work in the career, Chen Baoguo is also the same single-mindedness and dedication to marriage and family, and he and his wife Zhao Kui'e have gone through nearly 40 years hand in hand.

During this period, Chen Baoguo has never had an emotional scandal with any of the opposite sex, even in the face of some young and beautiful actressEs Chen Baoguo is also sitting still, compared to those male actors who are often scandal-ridden, Chen Baoguo is definitely a good man in the entertainment industry, and he is also worthy of the four words of "virtue and art".

In today's entertainment industry, star "overturning accidents" occur frequently, in the final analysis, it is the inevitable result of "moral mismatch", as a public figure must lead by example, in addition to doing their own work, they should pay more attention to their own words and deeds, if you only want to get the audience's love and respect through the management of people, then in the end it will only be a bamboo basket to hit the water empty.

Whether it is a star or an ordinary person, character is far more important than ability and talent, and character is the bottom line that we should stick to the most.

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