
68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

author:Pomegranate Institute
68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

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Let's turn back the time to the brilliant time at the end of the 90s of the 20th century, when the Chinese film and television industry was in a golden age. In those days, winning the title of "National Actor" meant that you had reached the pinnacle of your career.

There is such an outstanding actor, he is Chen Baoguo, with his superb acting skills and incomparable love for his artistic career, he won the warm applause and crazy pursuit of the audience, and became the hottest first-line superstar at that time.

Whenever the film and television works starring Chen Baoguo are released, a frenzy of movie-watching has been set off all over the country. The audience was amazed by his wonderful performance, and all of them admired his talent.

Fans even braved the wind and rain or the scorching sun, just to be able to see Chen Baoguo's demeanor with their own eyes. In those days, Chen Baoguo was undoubtedly the darling of the film and television industry, and no matter where he went, there would be a large group of loyal fans who were eagerly waiting for his autograph and group photo.

68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

His career as an actor can be described as in full swing, and his schedule is full. Chen Baoguo often has to go back and forth between the crew and commercial performances, and the stars are shining brightly.

Even when you return late at night, there are always avid fans waiting downstairs, earnestly asking for a photo or autograph. In the face of the enthusiasm of these die-hard fans, Chen Baoguo never showed any arrogance or indifference, and always maintained an elegant and noble gentlemanly demeanor.

However, what is less known is how much hard work and sweat Chen Baoguo put into perfectly interpreting each role at the peak of his career. Every time he takes on a new role, he conducts in-depth research on the character's life experience, personality traits, inner world and other aspects, and sometimes even needs to spend all night immersed in the vast amount of material and carefully study the script.

In order to create a good character, he can enter the state of that character anytime and anywhere, regardless of time and place.

68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

In order to portray the character vividly, Chen Baoguo always goes all out when he puts himself into the role. He has made many jaw-dropping sacrifices in order to match the character's physical characteristics.

Once, Chen Baoguo played a terminally ill character in a TV series. In order to show the patient's haggard state, in just three months, he successfully lost nearly 20 pounds, and his physical condition almost collapsed.

When the crew witnessed Chen Baoguo's serious self-consumption, they all stepped forward to admonish him not to continue to destroy his body like this, but Chen Baoguo only smiled indifferently, and his eyes elaborated firmly: "In order to be able to play this role to the fullest, it is natural to suffer a little pain."

In addition to strictly controlling his diet to achieve weight loss, Chen Baoguo devoted himself to the shaping of the role outside the set. Even when resting at home, he always maintains the emotional and personality characteristics of the character, and never easily changes his outfit or relieves the heavy burden of the role.

68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

Once, his wife came across him at home imitating a patient's movements in the mirror, and she was shocked by the sight.

The most shocking time was when Chen Baoguo jumped into the icy water without hesitation in order to shoot a drowning scene, but before the producer had time to call a stop, he was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

After waking up from the hospital bed, the frail Chen Baoguo was severely reprimanded by the doctor, but he did not show any regrets, but confessed to his wife: "I feel extremely lucky to have such an opportunity to experience the predicament of the character in depth."

However, on the road to pursuing the pinnacle of his acting career, Chen Baoguo also fell into a low point in his life for a time.

68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

At that time, Chen Baoguo was already over half a hundred years old, and compared with the young students around him, his age could almost be called the level of an "old aunt". He was undoubtedly the most visible feature of the school.

In the early days, Chen Baoguo was full of anticipation to return to being a student, carrying a heavy schoolbag between the classroom and the library, facing complicated lecture notes or reference books, trying to absorb knowledge.

However, good times are always short-lived, and as time went on, Chen Baoguo gradually found it difficult to fully integrate into the rhythm of his students' lives. In class, he is always unconsciously distracted, and his attention cannot be focused on boring theoretical knowledge for a long time.

In contrast, in the past, he was in the state of memorizing lines on the shooting site, but he did it with ease. Sometimes when the bell rang for the end of class, Chen Baoguo was still immersed in a trance, and it was not until the classmates around him left in twos and threes that he suddenly came back to his senses.

68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

Returning to that cramped dormitory, Chen Baoguo was even more unable to bring up his interest in the review course. Living far away, he rarely gets to be visited by relatives and friends. He was often alone, sitting at his desk in frustration looking at his open textbooks, his mind wandering into memories of his past film and television career.

Eventually, the chilling ending happened: Chen Baoguo's performance in an important midterm exam was dismal, and he was deeply aware that it might be too early for him to return to school as he entered middle age.

Therefore, before the school could consider taking further steps against his poor academic performance, Chen Baoguo resolutely decided to drop out, officially ending his short and regretful student career.

From that day on, Chen Baoguo's life began to take a turn for the worse. What was once fine clothes and fine food is now only shabby clothes and decadent faces. He had to travel from place to place, looking for work, and eke out his livelihood by doing odd jobs.

68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

However, once the economic situation is in trouble and there is a shortage of funds, this former person who has been in the limelight can only helplessly take to the streets, like a helpless homeless man, numbly stretching out his hands to beg for pedestrians.

Chen Baoguo's brilliant achievements in the first half of his life have now become a lingering shadow when he wanders the streets and alleys. Whenever a passer-by walked past him and recognized the glory and aura he once had, he couldn't help but laugh out loud, laughing at his desolation and desolation today.

What's worse is that some former colleagues in the film and television industry will also pass by with malice, and when they see such a humble and pitiful scene, most of them are either cold bystanders or secretly gloating.

There are even a few people who, out of a cruel desire for abuse, have intensified their efforts to humiliate Chen Baoguo as a pleasure for mocking others. For example, some people will pretend to misunderstand and walk up to ask for an autograph and group photo, and when Chen Baoguo stretches out his hands with joy, they suddenly tell him that you are not the actor of yesteryear, and then quickly turn away.

68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

Once, a young man passing by forgot to adjust his mobile phone to vibrate or silent mode, and Chen Baoguo had just walked in front of him when he heard the piercing ringtone of his mobile phone, which was actually playing a hit song satirizing beggars.

The lyrics in the song pierced Chen Baoguo's heart deeply, and he couldn't help but exclaim, "What happened?" My brother has become so depressed! At that moment, Chen Baoguo really felt embarrassed, he lowered his head, turned away in a gloomy manner, and silently suffered the indescribable huge contrast between the glory of the past and the collapse of today.

However, what broke Chen Baoguo's heart the most was undoubtedly the betrayal and betrayal of him by those fans who once admired him incomparably and were loyal. When Chen Baoguo was penniless, living on the streets, begging for a living, his only spiritual support was the fans who loved him deeply.

He was naïve to think that even if life is in trouble now, there will always be someone who will miss his past and give him a helping hand.

68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

However, what Chen Baoguo never expected was that it was precisely those most fanatical fans who had now become the ones who hurt him the most. In the fan base, there is always a small group of people whose love for idols has gone beyond the scope of reason and transformed into a state of almost obsession.

For these people, idols must always maintain their image as flawless, and as long as the idol shows the slightest "humanization", they will lash out like a volcano and let out endless invective.

Chen Baoguo has been insulted and beaten many times by such fanatical fans. Once, while he was begging on the side of the road, a middle-aged man who claimed to be his loyal fan suddenly rushed forward, grabbed him by the hair, and angrily asked him why he was so spoiling his image.

Chen Baoguo was so frightened that he hurriedly defended himself out of helplessness, but the man's face was like ashes, and he gave him a resounding slap mercilessly.

68-year-old "national-level actor" Chen Baoguo was actually ruined in this matter?

Chen Baoguo, who was beaten and bruised all over his body, sat weakly on the ground, looking at the back of the angry person who rushed away, his eyes were full of despair.

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