
Continuous report 4 Rights protection owners accused of infringement and their accounts frozen? Legal rights or retaliation?

author:Purple Cow News

The A3 edition of this newspaper on September 10, the A5 edition on September 16, and the A12 edition on September 22 continuously tracked and reported on the misappropriation of 4.08 million yuan of government demolition compensation in Nanjing Hongshan Mercure Community.

On the evening of September 26, the owner of the rights protection contacted this reporter and reported that his bank account was frozen by the court.

Yangzi Evening News Network/Purple Cow News reporter Song Nanfei Dong Wanyu

Rights protection owners: On September 6, the public security filed a case for investigation, and on September 26, the bank account was frozen

Mr. Zhu, the owner of the rights protection of the Hongshan Mercure Community in Xuanwu District, Nanjing, told reporters that on the evening of September 26, his WeChat change account and bank account were frozen by the Nanjing Xuanwu District People's Court, but he had not received any notice before. On the morning of the 27th, Mr. Zhu contacted the relevant staff of the Xuanwu District Court, and the staff said: Zhou Bing sued for his reputation infringement and applied for litigation property preservation, and the court's mediation failed and was transferred to the trial procedure. Mr. Zhu asked the judge: "I have never received the prosecution materials, let alone anyone contacting me for mediation." The judge surnamed Qian said: "This case is definitely not possible to mediate, it has been transferred to the trial procedure, please contact the trial judge." ”

Regarding the misappropriation and misappropriation of the demolition funds of the Hongshan Mercure Community, Mr. Zhu, the owner of the rights protection, provided a case filing notice to reporters, which reads that on September 6, 2021, the Nanjing Xuanwu District Public Security Bureau filed a case against Zhou Bing for suspected misappropriation of funds. At the same time, Mr. Zhu told reporters that he also contacted the office of the People's Congress of Xuanwu District, Nanjing, and the staff said that they had approved the public security organs to take compulsory measures against Zhou Bing, but could not provide supporting materials to the outside world.

Continuous report 4 Rights protection owners accused of infringement and their accounts frozen? Legal rights or retaliation?

Notice of filing of the case of Zhou Bing v. Rights Defender Mr. Zhu, the owner of the right to reputation

On the evening of the 26th, Mr. Zhu also provided a WeChat screenshot to reporters, which showed that the case of the dispute between Zhou Bing and Mr. Zhu on the right to reputation on September 9 had been accepted by the Xuanwu Court and transferred to the First Civil Court for trial.

Continuous report 4 Rights protection owners accused of infringement and their accounts frozen? Legal rights or retaliation?

Notice of case filing against Zhou Bing

Owner: Zhou Bing's crime of embezzlement and embezzlement of the owner's collective assets is conclusive, why is he still at large?

Continuous report 4 Rights protection owners accused of infringement and their accounts frozen? Legal rights or retaliation?

Accounts of the industry committee published by Zhou Bing

According to the A5 edition of this newspaper on September 16, Zhou Bing explained the use of the large amount of funds in the account of the industry committee and stated that it had been returned. On September 18, he explained the main expenditure of the accounts of the property committee to the 36 owners present in the community conference room of Hongshan Park. However, the owner said on the spot that Zhou Bing, as the director of the industry committee, paid 1.08 million yuan in "management fees" to his "Tongzhou Culture media company" and embezzled the public funds of the industry committee for "charity", and was already suspected of embezzlement.

On the 27th, some owners of the community further revealed to reporters that when Zhou Bing sold his property, he transferred the public parking spaces shared by the owners to the buyers free of charge, and collected parking fees in the name of Tongzhou Culture Media Company, took 3 parking spaces for a long time, and encroached on the public garage to build illegal construction.

Continuous report 4 Rights protection owners accused of infringement and their accounts frozen? Legal rights or retaliation?

Zhou Bing transferred the public parking spaces shared by the owners to the buyers free of charge, and collected parking fees in the name of Tongzhou Culture media Company, and took the 3 parking spaces for himself for a long time

Mr. Zhu reminded reporters that the accounts announced by Zhou Bing to the owner on the 18th included a "litigation rights protection fee" of up to 87,700 yuan. Many property owners have expressed the right to know what lawsuits have taken place in the community in recent years. What is the cost breakdown? The reporter's investigation learned that on September 18, the day Zhou Bing announced the accounts to the owner, the public security organs had taken measures to release him and his co-defendants on guarantee pending further investigation.

Continuous report 4 Rights protection owners accused of infringement and their accounts frozen? Legal rights or retaliation?

The account of the activist owner is frozen

Zhou Bing has so far refused to hand over the official seal and account book of the industry committee, and the re-election cannot be promoted

Continuous report 4 Rights protection owners accused of infringement and their accounts frozen? Legal rights or retaliation?

Notice of the Hongshan Park Community on the Change of The Industry Committee

The reporter learned from some rights protection owners and communities that on August 23, 2021, 20% of the owners of Hongshan Mercure jointly applied for "convening a owners' meeting to re-elect the industry committee", and the application was submitted to the Zhou Bing Industry Committee according to the process. Zhou Bing replied to the owners on August 30: "The signature is not true", so he did not agree to hold a general meeting of the owners. Subsequently, the street community determined that the signature was true after an investigation. On September 21, the Hongshan Community Neighborhood Committee issued an announcement notifying the owners of the community to sign up for the re-election team of the owners' committee.

Continuous report 4 Rights protection owners accused of infringement and their accounts frozen? Legal rights or retaliation?

The rights defense team filed a letter with the owner

On the 22nd, the staff of the Hongshan Street Property Office and some owners told this reporter on the phone: The 3 members of the industry committee reported in the first article of this newspaper officially went to the street property office on the same day to make a factual statement and signed a resignation application. It is not as Zhou Bing said before: "The members of the industry committee who resigned were coerced by the underworld personnel." ”

On September 18, after Zhou Bing briefly announced the account expenditure to the owner, he has not handed over the official seal and financial information of the industry committee to the street.

Lawyer's statement: How to deal with the deadlock? The Government and the judiciary should take the initiative

On the above-mentioned related issues, the reporter continued to interview lawyer Ma Guanglu, a law firm of Jiangsu Xingao. Lawyer Ma said that although Zhou Bing did not disclose the payment details of the bank account of the property committee to the owner, from the existing evidence, his behavior has been suspected of embezzlement of funds and embezzlement of office. In addition, according to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development's "Guiding Rules for Owners' Meetings and Owners' Committees" and "Nanjing Municipal Residential Property Management Regulations", Zhou Bing has lost his qualification as a member of the industry committee. Although the public security organs have filed a case and investigated the suspected misappropriation, it does not affect the owner's exercise of the right to know the financial expenditure of the property committee and the right to return to the illegal misappropriation of property.

Under the existing deadlock, the relevant government departments and public security organs should collect the official seal and financial information of the industry committee in accordance with the law, investigate and issue conclusions as soon as possible, and announce the progress to avoid further expansion and intensification of contradictions between community owners.

The owner's contradiction and follow-up treatment caused by the 4.08 million yuan demolition compensation of Nanjing Hongshan Mercure Community will be further concerned by this newspaper.

Proofread by Faye Wong

Source: Purple Cow News