
Talk about feelings, offer good advice, and discuss development -- Party deputies discuss the report of the congress in groups

author:Breeze Yunnan
Talk about feelings, offer good advice, and discuss development -- Party deputies discuss the report of the congress in groups

On the morning of August 30, party members and delegates attending the first party member congress of the Yunnan Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China and the Yunnan Provincial Supervision Commission discussed the report of the conference in groups.

The atmosphere in the room of each group discussion meeting was warm, and the party representatives attending the meeting spoke enthusiastically around the report, based on themselves, speaking freely, saying their feelings, expressing their hearts, offering good policies, and discussing development.

Talk about feelings, offer good advice, and discuss development -- Party deputies discuss the report of the congress in groups

The first group of party members and representatives spoke highly of the report. Everyone unanimously held that the report has a clear outline, a clear theme, a prominent focus, and a variety of bright spots, and is of a strong political, ideological, and leading nature. It not only objectively and comprehensively summed up the development achievements of the past five years, accurately and thoroughly studied the current situation, but also made arrangements for the key work in the next five years, enhanced the "contribution rate" and "recognition" of party building in organs, and embodied the idea of high-quality development and the style of seeking truth and pragmatism, which is encouraging and prompting people to forge ahead.

The deputies said one after another that they should conscientiously study, comprehend, and implement well the spirit of this congress, take the lead in setting an example and doing a good job in studying, personally practice what they preach, and set an example by exercising strict discipline. It is necessary to base ourselves on our posts, implement the main responsibilities, take party building as the guide, grasp the set goals and tasks well, and better reflect the "EMU" effect of party building in organs. It is necessary to practice the original mission of discipline inspection and supervision with firm faith and absolute loyalty, give full play to the exemplary and leading role of party members and cadres, continue to promote the upward and good of the political ecology, and promote the comprehensive development from strict party management to in-depth development.

Talk about feelings, offer good advice, and discuss development -- Party deputies discuss the report of the congress in groups

The second group of party members and deputies fully affirmed the report of the congress and held discussions on doing a good job in party building in party building organs, pinpointing the focus of party building and deep integration of business, and doing a good job in building the cadre contingent.

Chen Xuexue, a retired veteran party member, said that standing at the intersection of two hundred years of history, it is necessary to further grasp the party building work of the committee organs, overcome work challenges and difficulties, and promote the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work in the new era.

Fang Zhiming, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, member of the Provincial Supervision Commission, and director of the Organization Department, said that each generation has its own historical mission and sense of responsibility, and it is necessary to further strengthen the party building work in the organs, strengthen the building of the cadre contingent, earnestly take political construction as the command, promote the in-depth integration of party building and professional work, strictly educate and manage party members, and ensure that the party building of the party committee organs is in the forefront and sets an example.

Talk about feelings, offer good advice, and discuss development -- Party deputies discuss the report of the congress in groups

The third group of party members and deputies discussed the three reports, and the deputies seriously discussed and actively offered suggestions and suggestions in light of reality.

"My feeling is that this meeting is solemn and standardized, a very real and 'recognizable' congress, the first party member congress of the provincial discipline inspection commission and the provincial supervision commission organ after the reform of the supervision system, and can be regarded as a successful meeting that we can copy, learn from, and promote." Liu Li, director of the Fifth Supervision and Inspection Office, said, "When listening to the report today, I felt that I had pressed the 'playback button' of time, and the work mentioned was vividly remembered, and the work done by the party committee of the organ in recent years was witnessed by us, and there were also many distinctive features that aroused strong resonance. Whether it is a summary of past work, the refinement of experience, the analysis of existing problems, or the planning of the next step of work, the report is very in place. ”

"It is an honor to have the honor of participating in the first party congress of the provincial discipline inspection commission and the provincial supervision commission organ. The theme of the report is very concentrated, the characteristics are distinctive, and the achievements of party building in the organs in the past 5 years are objectively summarized, and among them, we are witnesses, witnesses, and beneficiaries. In the past few years, under the leadership of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and under the guidance and support of the party organizations at higher levels, the party committee of the organ has done a lot of work in building an iron army, promoting the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision, and building the culture of the organs. Lu Weizhi, head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department, said.

Ma Chao, a young cadre from the Laws and Regulations Office of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and the Provincial Supervision Commission, was particularly excited, saying: "Summing up the achievements is objective and realistic, not whitewashing or exaggerating; the deployment work is feasible, and it is not good to be lofty and far-reaching; the analysis of problems is to the point, and it is not concealed or evaded... That's how I felt after listening to the report today. The report summarizes the work of party building in organs in the past 5 years, and forms a powerful experience in party building in organs with the 'degree of recognition' of discipline inspection and supervision in Yunnan. ”

Talk about feelings, offer good advice, and discuss development -- Party deputies discuss the report of the congress in groups

After conscientiously listening to the "Report of the Organ Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and the Yunnan Provincial Supervision Commission of the Communist Party of China," the party members and deputies of the fourth group expressed their views one after another.

"The report summarizes very solidly, listing the achievements made in recent years with several sets of data; the report stands tall, using three 'unrelenting' to refine 5 years of work experience; the goal is clear, and the requirements for how to do the next step of work are put forward from 5 aspects." Hou Yuping, head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Provincial Science and Technology Department, said.

Ding Longwei, deputy head of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the Organization Department of the Provincial PARTY Committee, said: "The report has a high political standing, embodies Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era throughout; the outstanding achievements made, especially the outstanding units in the responsibility system for the construction of party style and clean government of the provincial party committee for 5 consecutive years, are inseparable from the strong leadership of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and the Provincial Supervision Commission, and also from the unremitting struggle of all party members; the goals put forward are combined with the actual work, are highly operable, and are very realistic." ”

"The conference is very well prepared, the atmosphere is well created, the care for cadres and workers is very good, and the grasp and arrangement of the next step of work are also in place." Tian Rongping, head of the discipline inspection and supervision group of the Provincial Civil Affairs Department, praised it.

"The two reports have made a specific summary of the work in the past 5 years, and the achievements are gratifying, the understanding is sober, the thinking is clear, and the focus is prominent." Yao Gang, deputy director of the Sixteenth Review and Investigation Office, summed up his views in four sentences.

Finally, Lu Xiaokun, director of the case trial room, concluded: "This party congress is the first party congress of the provincial discipline inspection commission and the provincial supervision commission, which is of profound significance and worth remembering for life. ”

In the group discussion, the party members and representatives of each group deliberated and discussed the list of candidates for the organ committee and the discipline inspection committee, and selected the scrutineer. (Ma Ying, Chen Xuemei, Zhang Qian, Zhang Xiaomin, Wang Yingxuan, Zhang Qi)