
What kind of man was Moses, who was worshipped by the Israelites as a man of God? Around 1500 B.C., the Israelites lived in the heat of being enslaved by the Egyptians. But the nation of Israel did not decline as a result of hard work, but was physically strong and well-fed.

author:The subset of scriptures is short and long

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > around 1500 BC, the Israelites lived in the depths of enslavement by the Egyptians. But the nation of Israel did not decline as a result of hard work, but was physically strong and well-fed. </h1>

The king of Egypt was alarmed by this, fearing that one day his land would be filled with Israelites, threatening his rule. So he ordered the killing of all the newborn baby Israelite boys, the year moses were born.

Moses had a sister who loved him very much, and before the Egyptian patrol arrived, she put him in a straw box and hid him in a reed by the river.

The princess of Egypt went to the river to play and found Moses in the box. She saw the crying baby and her heart was filled with pity. So he took the baby home, thought he was an adopted son, and named him Moses, which means I pulled him out of the water.

What kind of man was Moses, who was worshipped by the Israelites as a man of God? Around 1500 B.C., the Israelites lived in the heat of being enslaved by the Egyptians. But the nation of Israel did not decline as a result of hard work, but was physically strong and well-fed.

Moses was clever and clever from an early age, and his memory of the law and knowledge of astronomical geography was particularly gifted. Soon he became the most knowledgeable man in Egypt. The prince of Egypt was very jealous of this, and he regarded Moses as a "thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh", often using various methods to make Moses difficult. Although Moses had a rich material life, his spiritual life was very painful.

By chance, the Egyptian prince learned the secret that Moses was not an Egyptian royal but only a slave of Israel, and he excitedly announced the news to the entire palace, while also telling Moses in a mocking tone.

Moses was so sad in his heart that he looked at his kind adoptive mother, and then at the slaves who had been whipped with whips, and suddenly filled with indignation, he rushed out of the royal family and stoned the slave owners who were whipping them.

Looking at the dead slave owner, Moses knew that his royal life was over, and he would be greeted by harsh criminal law. In a panic, Moses threw down the stone and fled into the wilderness.

In Midian Moses met the kind priest Yethro. Yethro admired Moses' talent and boldness, married him, and betrothed his daughter to him. A year later his wife bore Moses a son.

What kind of man was Moses, who was worshipped by the Israelites as a man of God? Around 1500 B.C., the Israelites lived in the heat of being enslaved by the Egyptians. But the nation of Israel did not decline as a result of hard work, but was physically strong and well-fed.

Remembering the circumcision of his ancestor Isaac, Moses circumcised his own son, just to remember his own people who were still suffering. This practice of circumcision is still prevalent in Israel to this day.

Although the life of the rice shop is poor, it is plain and happy. Moses enjoyed this happiness from his heart, but he was always thinking of his fellow countrymen who were suffering in Egypt. He wanted to save his countrymen, but he was reluctant to give up his wife and children, and this painful entanglement lasted in his heart for 40 years.

One day, 40 years later, a magical dream suddenly strengthened Moses' faith. Moses took up his cane, entrusted his wife and children to his father-in-law, and set out on the road to Egypt.

At the royal palace in Egypt, Moses told everyone in detail how his ancestors saved the Egyptians and how they could live a stable life. He also denounced the ungrateful egyptians of today and oppressed the descendants of their benefactors. And assert that such an act would be punished by heaven. Moses tongue-in-cheek and silenced the Egyptian strategists.

After that, perhaps coincidentally, the Egyptians really encountered hail that had not been encountered in a hundred years, and then encountered the great plague that had not been encountered in a hundred years. The only son of the king of Egypt was also killed in the plague.

Pharaoh was frightened and drove away the Israelites in a panic. However, the fickle man immediately repented and sent his entire army to hunt down and kill the Israelites.

The army chased after the Red Sea region and looked like it was about to catch up with the Israelites. But at this time the waters of the Red Sea rose, sweeping away all the soldiers of the army.

What kind of man was Moses, who was worshipped by the Israelites as a man of God? Around 1500 B.C., the Israelites lived in the heat of being enslaved by the Egyptians. But the nation of Israel did not decline as a result of hard work, but was physically strong and well-fed.

Moses was famous among the Israelites. All thought it was Moses who had given them freedom. And thank God.

However, there is still a long way to go to reach the rich land of Canaan. And in the wilderness, they are also facing water shortages and food shortages. Moses was a learned man who led the people to the meadows that were rich in manna, and found the breeding ground of the pigeons, ensuring the supply of meat for the people.

What is more difficult to solve than food, however, is the problem of the human heart. The new year's wilderness life made the Israelites feel scattered. Some of them clamored to return to Egypt, some became deserters, and some chose a depraved life of fighting and fighting.

Moses suddenly thought of the importance of the law, there are no rules and no circles, and if a people wants to be stable for a long time, it must have a certain law. So he went to Mount Sinai alone and meditated on the wall. After 40 days of painstaking contemplation, he came up with ten commandments and a complete law that ranged from neighborhood coexistence to army rectification. This law, also known as the Law of Moses, was the earliest law in Israel.

What kind of man was Moses, who was worshipped by the Israelites as a man of God? Around 1500 B.C., the Israelites lived in the heat of being enslaved by the Egyptians. But the nation of Israel did not decline as a result of hard work, but was physically strong and well-fed.

Under the rule of the law, the Israelites gradually became disciplined and well-trained. They broke through the big and small difficulties and went straight to the treasure land of Canaan.

When Moses was 120 years old, the people of Israel still hadn't reached their ideal destination. The elderly Moses, climbing the highest mount Nebo, stood at the top of the mountain and looked far away at the land of his dreams, and in a happy anticipation, Moses slowly closed his eyes and gently fell down.

What kind of man was Moses, who was worshipped by the Israelites as a man of God? Around 1500 B.C., the Israelites lived in the heat of being enslaved by the Egyptians. But the nation of Israel did not decline as a result of hard work, but was physically strong and well-fed.

Two years later, with Moses' last wishes, Joshua led the entire nation of Israel into the land of Canaan.

Moses' life was difficult, and many times he endured everyone's complaints alone. He has unlimited love for his nation and a firm belief in ideals, and these spirits are worth learning from us modern people.

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