
Zhang Hu, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial PARTY Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, went to Yangxi County to investigate

author:Yangjiang Political Science and Law

On August 11, Zhang Hu, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, went to Yangxi County to conduct research and study, emphasizing the need to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech "July 1st", implement the spirit of the 14th Plenary Session of the 12th Provincial Party Committee, accelerate the pace of high-quality development in Yangxi, and make Yangxi contributions to Guangdong's march to the forefront of the country in the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

Zhang Hu, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial PARTY Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, went to Yangxi County to investigate
Zhang Hu, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial PARTY Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, went to Yangxi County to investigate

Accompanied by Li Shuihua, executive deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee, Chen Chunsheng, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Justice, Yang Qinggan, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Li Zelin, deputy secretary of the Municipal CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, and Sun Bo, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee and secretary of the County CPC Committee, Zhang Hu went deep into Yangxi Education City, yangxi County Bureau of Letters and Visits, The Tangcun Village Committee of Zhiyan Town, the Yangxi County Market Supervision Bureau, and the Digital Yangxi Operation Command Center to investigate and investigate, and presided over a forum to learn more about Yangxi's economic and social development, resolution of social contradictions and disputes, rural revitalization, and administrative law enforcement of the "two platforms" pilot. Digital Yangxi, key project construction, social governance and other work carried out.

Zhang Hu, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial PARTY Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, went to Yangxi County to investigate
Zhang Hu, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial PARTY Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, went to Yangxi County to investigate

At the subsequent forum, Sun Bo gave a briefing on the economic and social development of Yangxi and the relevant work of the provincial leaders in contacting Yangxi at designated points.

In recent years, Yangxi County has thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implemented the work of designated contact between provincial leaders, conscientiously implemented the development requirements of the municipal party committee around the "two positions" and the construction of "three systems", closely followed the key work tasks, accurately grasped the results, the economy maintained a strong upward momentum, the construction of "one district and five parks" burst into vitality, the rural revitalization work accelerated, the epidemic prevention and control system was continuously consolidated, and the situation of safe production maintained a steady development trend. The education and rectification of the political and legal contingent has achieved results, the construction of digital Yangxi has been steadily advanced, and the "two platforms" of administrative law enforcement have been deeply promoted and applied. With the strong support of the province and the city, the breakthrough was made item by item around the "Yangxi County Fixed-point Contact Work Task List And Ledger", and staged results were achieved. In addition, it also actively explores the pilot work of the development model of "mine-land co-ordination, mine-before-land", strives to find a new way of comprehensive development of building stone and coordinated development of industrial parks, and strives to provide the province with replicable innovation cases and Yangxi experience.

Zhang Hu spoke highly of the practical results achieved by Yangxi's economic and social development and affirmed Yangxi's achievements in the work of linking points with designated points.

He stressed that Yangxi County should deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st" and continuously improve the political, ideological and operational consciousness of doing a good job in all work. It is necessary to take the study, publicity, and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important "July 1st" speech as the top priority and primary political task at present and for a period in the future, as the core content of the study and education of party history, meticulously organize and carefully implement it, effectively unify thoughts and actions with the spirit of the general secretary's important speech, transform the study results into practical actions for Yangxi County to escort a new journey and build a new era of meritorious service, and promote Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era to take root and bear fruitful results in Yangxi.

Zhang Hu stressed

It is necessary to conscientiously grasp the implementation of the important spirit of the fourteenth plenary session of the twelfth session of the provincial party committee and make Yangxi contributions to guangdong's realization of the mission and tasks entrusted by the general secretary. It is necessary to find the correct positioning, unswervingly dock and integrate into the construction of the "dual zone" and the two cooperation zones, seize the development opportunity, strengthen the soft and hard connectivity, accept the radiation drive, undertake industrial transfer, solidly promote reform and innovation in the fields of education, medical care, and health, accelerate the construction of major projects, and vigorously grasp the key work of county industrial upgrading, urban quality improvement, rural revitalization strategy, social grassroots governance, and comprehensive deepening of reform, so as to provide important support for Guangdong to build a world-class coastal economic belt and build a "one nuclear, one belt and one region". It is necessary to comprehensively promote the construction of "one district and five parks" and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of responsibilities and resolutely complete the hard tasks of national, provincial, and municipal assessments.

It is necessary to do a good job in the work of fixed-point contact, especially the implementation of the work account matters, and continue to promote the economic and social development of Yangxi to a new level. The county party committee and county government should take the initiative to improve the internal working mechanism, establish a clear work account, and do a good job of tracking and supervision. It is necessary to strengthen the docking with provinces and cities and actively strive for support and help. It is necessary to regularly analyze and judge the progress of the work, and the Provincial Housing and Construction Department should regularly convene the relevant departments directly under the provincial government to hold consultations and solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the work in a timely manner.

It is necessary to adhere to the overall development and security, and prudently do a good job in epidemic prevention and control and maintain social stability. It is necessary to strengthen bottom-line thinking, learn lessons from domestic and provincial epidemic emergencies and safety production accidents, build a solid barrier to the safety and stability of the overall social situation, and create a good environment for the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" to start a good situation and make a good start. We must always tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, adhere to the epidemic prevention and control as the first task of economic and social development, strictly implement the upgraded version of the prevention and control guidelines, and build an iron wall of "external prevention of import and internal prevention of proliferation". It is necessary to draw lessons from one example and three, consolidate responsibilities, set high standards and strict requirements for the implementation of safe production and disaster prevention and mitigation work in detail, strengthen flood prevention and typhoon prevention work in accordance with the five hundred percent requirements, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of major and extraordinarily serious safety accidents. It is necessary to further strengthen the investigation and resolution of unstable factors, deepen the resolution of contradictions and disputes at the grass-roots level, and strictly prevent the occurrence of personal extreme cases. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and solidly promote the implementation of the deployment and application of the "two platforms" of administrative law enforcement. At the same time, it is necessary to continuously consolidate and expand the results of the education and rectification of the political and legal contingent, adhere to the party's absolute leadership over the political and legal contingent, and provide a strong guarantee for building a higher level of peace and security in Yangxi and yangxi under the rule of law.

Li Zelin said

The next step will be to resolutely implement the responsibility for fixed-point contact work, strengthen the organization and coordination mechanism, refine the account list for implementation, optimize the information submission for implementation, do a good job in the "six stability" work, implement the "six guarantees" work, and show responsibility in the big war examination. Further implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, transform the learning results into a new driving force for the development of Yangjiang, adhere to the overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, grasp safe production and disaster prevention and mitigation work by example, resolutely prevent the occurrence of major and extraordinarily serious safety accidents, continuously consolidate and expand the educational achievements of the political and legal team, continue to strengthen the construction of the political and legal team, and make greater contributions to promoting Guangdong's new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country in the forefront of the country and creating new glory.

Huang Jiaxin, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, Xie Guoxiong, director of the standing committee of the county people's congress, and Weng Wenxing, chairman of the county CPPCC committee, accompanied the investigation.

Source: Yangxi MicroPay

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