
Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

author:How much is known in the world

Funny to say, the other day in the group talked about Pandora, the result is that this can also be leveraged...

At least half believe Pandora is a box;

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?
Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

Others believe That Pandora is a sexy big beauty

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?
Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

Pandora by the English Romantic painter Perugini

One person believes that Pandora is Ichigo's lover in Saint Seiya

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

Another person said that Pandora was clearly a virus...

There was also a girl who said that Pandora was a kind of jewelry

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

In fact, Pandora is indeed a sexy beauty in Greek mythology instead of a box, and it was Pandora who opened the box and not himself.

Pandora's box is not a box but a box that Pandora opens, like "Why is there no shark fin soup in shark fin fried rice?" The chef's name is shark fin soup."

And Pandora is not an ordinary beauty,

He is a companion of artificial intelligence.

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

The framework of this story was first recorded in the 7th century BC, in Hesiod's Genealogy of the Gods,

Later, although the story changed several times, this basic framework was basically retained.

Roughly speaking, Prometheus saw human beings as pitiful, so he stole fire from heaven and gave it to mankind.

Since then, human beings have lived a happy life of three small barbecues a day.

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

Nikolai. Sebastian. Adam's Prometheus

But this goes against the policy of the lord God Zeus, the foolish and the weak,

So Zeus wanted to bring disaster to mankind.

But Zeus was more sinister,

He did not want this catastrophe to be imposed on mankind, but for mankind to be self-inflicted.

So Zeus asked Hephaestus, the god of fire and forging, to make a cute template according to the image of the goddess;

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

John Barton's mural "The Creation of Pandora"

Because in ancient Greek mythology, in the beginning, human beings were all men, and only the divine world had goddesses. The matching of men and women is God's prerogative. Humans are all bare sticks and can only look out for Mount Olympus to solve it on their own.

So Zeus saved a false goddess, Pandora.

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

Thomas. Benjamin. Kennington's oil painting Pandora

He also let Aphrodite, the goddess of love, scent that made men crazy;

Let Athena, the goddess of wisdom, dress her, wear a headband and necklace made by Hephaestus, the goddess of fire (this is also the original creative source of the jewelry brand Pandora, the jewelry created by Vulcan)

God made Hermes teach her to speak;

In ancient Greek, Pan meant all and Dora was a gift.

The gods worked together to create this "gift",

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

Cesar. Galiot's Pandora

Zeus then ordered Hermes to bring her to Prometheus's younger brother, Epimetheus (honestly), to become his wife.

And the dowry is a golden box that cannot be opened.

The box was a translation error, but it replaced the genuine version with a false rumor.

In the earliest version it was a jar

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

Nicholas. Rainier is a painter with a heart, and he restored the jar in His Pandora.

Whether it is a jar or a box, Zeus fills the story with many disasters

The "surprise blind box" belongs to yes.

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

Alexander. Cabanell's Pandora

So the next step is to open the blind box stage.

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

John. William. Waterhouse's Pandora is a good expression of this "artificial companion" curiosity

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

In another of his "Pandora", Pandora changes her clothes and opens it again...

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

William. Adolph. Brog's Pandora's look should be opened and then closed, touching his own fluttering little chest, a look of a troubled child.

Pandora is the box? Or is it a sexy big beauty? Or an AI companion? What the hell is it?

charles. Amarpur. Lenoir's Pandora is calm.

Mainly because our understanding of Pandora's story is highly subjective and value-oriented.

Some people feel that as long as the disaster was released by Pandora, whether she did it on purpose or not, it should be the culprit. (The culprit is clearly Zeus)

This understanding is the same as many literati in Chinese history who have attributed the responsibility for the "Anshi Rebellion" to Yang Yuhuan. Xuanzong loves beauty so beauty is guilty...

This realization was later criticized by people, so Pandora gradually became a naïve look in the paintings. Because she is an unintentional disaster, there is a debt and a master, and the source of the disaster is clearly Zeus.

Besides, Pandora is so beautiful, Ms. Pan is right...

Legend has it that Athena placed the weapon against these scourges at the bottom of the box, Hope.

However, when Pandora closes the box, hope has not yet come out, so humans are often hopeless.

But I don't think that's right, because Pandora herself is hope.

The gods did not take away her fertility, her power to love, when they shaped her.

She was the first woman of humanity in Greek mythology, equivalent to Eve.

She is the mother of all,

And so human beings were able to live and breathe,

It is the endless life that makes mankind an epic of fighting disasters.

Which version of Pandora do you think is the most beautiful?

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