
Wu Zhong, Ningxia: While waiting for the second round of nucleic acid testing, please ask the broad masses of people to consciously stay at home and not go out unless necessary

Source: Wuzhong Daily

A letter to the citizens of Litong District

The general public:

First, litong district to carry out large-scale nucleic acid testing is an important means to effectively find and control the source of infection, please the broad masses of the people actively respond to the government's call, treat it rationally, obey the command, and overcome the difficulties together.

Second, during the waiting period for the second round of nucleic acid testing, please ask the broad masses of people to consciously stay at home, do not go out unless necessary, regulate activities in an orderly manner in the community, actively obey the control requirements of the village (community), and wait for the announcement issued by the Litong District Epidemic Prevention and Control Command.

Third, the people who have not yet participated in nucleic acid testing should take the initiative to contact village (community) cadres, listen to the arrangements to actively cooperate with nucleic acid testing, and build barriers to epidemic prevention and control.

IV. Bear corresponding legal responsibility for those who refuse to cooperate, fail to inspect or interfere with or obstruct nucleic acid testing work, conceal, falsely report, or falsify information.

We sincerely thank the broad masses of the people for their understanding, cooperation and support. Let us work together to fight the epidemic hand in hand, prevent and treat the masses, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, and jointly win the battle of epidemic prevention and control!

Litong District of Wuzhong City responds to the new coronavirus infection pneumonia

Headquarters for epidemic work

October 26, 2021

Source: Wuzhong Litong District Response to the Novel Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic Work Headquarters

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