
What is the basis for this view that Jesus is not only Chinese, but also our ancestor?

author:Sichuan Yuan Zaiyu

Copywriting planning and producer: Yuan Zaiyu Copywriter: Li Qing

Jesus was an important figure in Christianity, not only was he a mythical figure, but there was indeed such a figure in the history of the West.

What is the basis for this view that Jesus is not only Chinese, but also our ancestor?

Although different christian denominations differ about the specific date of Jesus' birth, the differences are only within a few years. Taken together, Jesus and his people should have been born during the Han Dynasty in China (around 1 AD).

In mythology, Jesus was conceived by her mother, Mary, before she married Joseph. Joseph, who had been wearing a green hat, had planned to secretly take a break from Mary, but had not expected to meet an angel in a dream. The angel told him that Jesus was a child of God and had come to redeem the people. Joseph then accepted the child and his mother, Mary.

What is the basis for this view that Jesus is not only Chinese, but also our ancestor?

When Jesus grew up, he understood his mission and began to preach. However, he was wanted because of the worldview and values he advocated that contradicted the Roman government at the time. Around 30 A.D., he was betrayed by one of his own disciples, Judas, and eventually died on the cross. But on the third day after death was resurrected.

So where did the resurrected Jesus go? According to the myth, the resurrected Jesus found his followers and said, "I'm going to preach to more people," and then disappeared into the distance.

What is the basis for this view that Jesus is not only Chinese, but also our ancestor?

The jury has yet to be reached on where this faraway refers specifically, but a jaw-dropping point has recently been made. The view is that Jesus may have been one of the "Three Emperors and Five Emperors" in Chinese history, The Emperor, the same person. Why is there such speculation?

First, they believe that the pronunciation of the mole in ancient times was similar to the pronunciation of Jesus. From this aspect, the two seem to have some connection.

Second, according to the Classic of Mountains and Seas, He was born in Ruoshui and his territory was in Buyeo. If the water is the water of the West, Buyeo is also in the West, probably near present-day Palestine.

Third, the coincidence that Jesus died and rose again, and the life of The Emperor also has a story of death and resurrection, is thought-provoking.

The above views were put forward by a Jilin scholar, Gong Yuhai. Professor Gong graduated from the Department of Chinese of Northeast Normal University, and now the main research object is the book "Classic of Mountains and Seas" in China.

What is the basis for this view that Jesus is not only Chinese, but also our ancestor?

Although Professor Gong is a student of the department of Chinese and has been studying this book intently for the past decade, this view seems absurd to me.

First, let's talk about the pronunciation problem. If you think that there is a connection between the two by pronunciation, it is inevitable that it is a bit sloppy. And it's just a code name, he has other names. According to the "Chronicle of History", this character's surname is Ji and his name is Qianhuang. Of course, the ancients generally did not call it by its first name. However, it can also be seen from here that the "pronunciation theory" is indeed somewhat absurd.

What is the basis for this view that Jesus is not only Chinese, but also our ancestor?

Second, the author does not deny that ruoshui is the water of the West. But is the West of antiquity the same thing as the West as it is now? Let's take the word "Zhongyuan" as an example, the earliest Zhongyuan only refers to a small piece of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, and later with the expansion of the Central Plains tribes for thousands of years, today's Central Plains can refer to the whole of China.

The status nouns left by the ancients were only divided within the boundaries of the territory they knew, and the times were different and the directions were different. The same is true of buyeo. After all, there is no archaeological excavation to prove that in ancient times, China's sphere of influence was already as large as the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the basis for this view that Jesus is not only Chinese, but also our ancestor?

Let's talk about the lives of these two people somewhat similar to this. In ancient times, the people who were at least before the Xia Dynasty were people. The Xia Dynasty was around 2070 BC to 1600 BC. In this way, the mole must have been a person from many years BC. And Jesus was only born around the first year of A.D. For these two people, if the story of Jesus may be based on the story of Mo Mo, there is still some credibility. But it would be an exaggeration to say that these two people are the same person.

All in all, the author would like to say that everyone must have their own thoughts about the views or methods that are in the blind spot of their own knowledge, and they cannot easily believe them.

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