
Spanish journalist exposes Western smear on China What Spanish journalist Garcia's profile says

author:Strait Net

Javier Garcia, head of the China correspondent station of the internationally renowned news agency Efe News Agency in Spain, posted 14 tweets on Twitter on the 28th, exposing the long-term manipulation of speech by western media to smear China. He was deeply disappointed and tired of this, and even decided to make a complete "break".

"In a few days I will give up more than 30 years of journalism, at least temporarily. This tiresome anti-China information war has almost exhausted my journalistic career ideals. Garcia wrote.

Garcia is a veteran international journalist who has worked for the world's largest Spanish-language news agency, Efe, for more than 20 years, having worked as a journalist and bureau chief in Palestine, Venezuela and Germany. In 2018, he was appointed head of the China Press Station.

Garcia "complained" in a series of tweets that reports of manipulative speech and smearing China happened almost every day. In his view, most of the foreign media's China-related reports have a strong prejudice, and no matter what happens in China, they will "accept all the statements of the US State Department or the US media" and act as a "microphone."

He said that if anyone dared to point out the problem, even if they remained neutral, they would be labeled "bribed by the Chinese government" and even worse slandered. If they "have to" report on China's remarkable achievements — such as the amazing afforestation and lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty , they also have to add a "twist" to the acid: "But what price will China have to pay for this?" ”

Garcia satirized that the Western media always preached the so-called "freedom of the press", but when it was used to report on China, it became a routine of "opposing China whenever it happened", and they would only "say exactly the same thing" and "cannot leave the established script".

"Instead of continuing to provoke and provoke confrontation in China, we should strive to understand China and learn the positive significance of the Chinese model, just as China learns from the successful experience of the West and puts it into practice." Garcia wrote.

That's what Garcia thought and did. After working in China for more than three years, Garcia has reported on what he sees as the real China – he tells without prejudice about the "isolation of love" in China's anti-epidemic work; he records examples of targeted poverty alleviation in Tibetan areas; he visits the cotton fields in Xinjiang and debunks lies about "forced labor" fabricated by Western media.

A stone stirs up a thousand layers of waves. Garcia's tweet quickly triggered a lot of heated discussions among industry insiders and netizens.

José Antonio Vera, manager of Spain's fourth-largest newspaper, Rico Reason and former president of Efe, believes that Garcia's abandonment of his career as a journalist because of disappointment is no small matter. "We cannot ignore it, especially because he resigned against this repulsive anti-China information war provoked by the 'Anglo-Saxon media.'"

Sully Fuentes, president of the Ibero-American Journalists Association in Spain, believes that the duty of a journalist is to report the truth. "Sadly, the road to journalism is still so bumpy to this day."

Cesar Alcalá, head of the Spanish digital media Maresme Digital Magazine, believes that ignorance and arrogance create prejudice and that "we should not smear China, but should try to understand China".

Javier Gutierrez Nogales, the EFE correspondent in Jerusalem, tweeted garcia: "Hopefully this is just a short pause before you recharge your batteries and start again." ”

Juan Antonio Fernandez, director of the Information Department of the Cuban Foreign Ministry, retweeted Garcia's tweet and commented: "This tells us what is the ethics of journalists." Good luck to his successor. ”

Source: Xinhua Net

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