
How does bush see China's return to the United Nations?

author:Huaizuo Xulang

The author of this article: Hu Xinmin, authorized the original release of this number

How does bush see China's return to the United Nations?

2021 marks the 50th anniversary of China's return to the United Nations. On October 25, 1971, at the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the proposal to "restore all the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations" (i.e., the "two Arab" proposals) was adopted by an overwhelming majority. Immediately, a "tornado" blew up at the venue. Bush Sr., then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, later the 41st president of the United States, after exhausting himself and unsuccessfully coercing and inducing votes, said helplessly: "This is a turning point in the history of the United Nations, and the anti-Western bloc defeated the United States for the first time when the prestige of the United States was in danger." When the results of the vote were announced, representatives of some countries actually danced in the hallways of the venue. For them, Taiwan is not what they want to target, and attacking Uncle Sam is their true intention. (George. Bush's Autobiography, World Knowledge Press, January 1990, pp. 100-101

China is already a "nuclear power and a cosmic power"

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was founded. China is a founding member of the United Nations and a permanent member of the Security Council. According to internationally recognized principles, after the founding of New China, the new Chinese Government should appoint representatives to participate in the work of the United Nations General Assembly and its related organs and expel the representatives of the Kuomintang authorities in Taiwan who can no longer represent the Chinese people from the United Nations. But because of U.S. manipulation, China was excluded from the United Nations for 22 years.

It should be noted that for a long time after the establishment of the United Nations, it was basically dominated by the United States. The reason for this is mainly because of the 51 founding members of the United Nations, most of which are Western countries led by the United States and their followers. The only members of the socialist camp at that time were the Soviet Union (including Belarus and Ukraine with a total of three seats), the Czech Republic and Poland, and a total of 5. Therefore, at that time, all the resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly must have been nodded by the United States. This is also the fundamental reason why China's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was crowned as an "aggressor" by the UNITED Nations resolution.

After the founding of New China, the US Government adopted a hostile policy toward New China. Those American politicians also explained that it was out of "love" for the Chinese people, so that Chinese the people could live a free life without the rule of an authoritarian regime. For example, after returning to the United States in August 1949, Stuart, who claimed to love China, continued to make remarks full of hatred for the new China. In his memoirs published in 1954, he wrote: "The Nationalist government [referring to the Chiang Kai-shek regime that fled to Taiwan---cited note) is something to be relied upon, and they will persist in resisting communism." "the Chinese people are a nation that is struggling for freedom, and they have become victims of this force---." "We cannot and will not tolerate the conquest of Taiwan by the Communist Party of the Mainland," and "We should unswervingly and continue to oppose any effort and avenue to help the Communist Government enter the United Nations." (Stuart Redden, Fifty Years in China: From Missionary to Ambassador: Memoirs of Stuart Redden, Oriental Publishing Center, May 2012, pp. 210, 213, 214). Stuart's memoir also includes Hu Shizuo's Introduction. Hu Shi writes (the collapse of Chiang Kai-shek's regime due to the ineffectiveness of U.S. aid) "Both Dr. Situ and I believe that at least the U.S. government can remedy it by continuing to refuse to recognize communist regimes at the United Nations." (See page 7 of the book)

Chairman Mao unswervingly adhered to his principles and made unremitting efforts to promote the restoration of China's legitimate seat in the United Nations. Under Chairman Mao's personal decision-making, New China has continuously made world-renowned achievements in both strengthening its own strength and making friends. Since the late 1950s, the U.S. government has finally had to face up to the rise of New China.

On July 15, 1971, Albania, Algeria and 23 other countries proposed to "restore the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the Organization of the United Nations" (the "two Arabs" proposal). In the attached explanatory memorandum, Article 7 specifically emphasizes that China is already a "nuclear power and a cosmic power" and therefore "it is accepted that no major international problem can be resolved without the participation of this country".

Although the United States knows that its attempt to obstruct China's restoration of its legitimate seat in the United Nations is coming to an end, it has calculated and tried to delay. On October 25, 1971, when the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly voted to approve the "two Arabs" proposal, Chairman Mao was even surprised, and he said humorously: "I still have some superstitions about that baton of the United States." ”

On October 26, UN Secretary-General U Thant telephoned the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Government to formally inform the 26th session of the UN General Assembly of the resolution to restore all the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the UN, and invited the Chinese Government to send a delegation to the current SESSION of the UN General Assembly.

On the morning of November 15, 1971, a Chinese delegation, headed by Vice Foreign Minister Qiao Guanhua, stepped into the United Nations Conference Hall. Amid warm applause, the Chinese delegation took a seat at the conference table. At this time, a foreign reporter asked Qiao Guanhua if he could talk about his mood at the moment. Qiao Guanhua replied, "This should have been the case long ago!" Very painful! After saying that, he looked up and laughed.

This smile, forever on the lens of the reporter, this "eternal moment" won the reporter the World Press Photo Award. The New York Times published a feature article titled "Joe's Laughter." This laugh also became a highlight moment in China's diplomatic history.

From "Corridor Diplomacy" to "Corridor Encounters"

The October 28, 1971 issue of the New York Times article "Nixon Laments the Cheers of delegates" pointed out that nixon expressed fierce anger when the "two Arabs" proposal was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. This is not just a defeat against the United States, because after all, he has long expected that "it will always fail", and the "amazing demonstration" of the "undisguised carnival" displayed by the victors (referring to the "two Arab" sponsors) has forced him to lament. You know, for such victors, the United States used to be "very generous" to them (that is, often provided "American aid").

The United States had mixed feelings about the Chinese delegation coming to attend the UN General Assembly. At the session of the General Assembly, it lost miserably and lost face. However, on the other hand, China's national strength and international status are not what they used to be, and the presence of the Chinese delegation to New York to attend the UN General Assembly has also added favorable factors to its acceleration of the establishment of new relations with China.

President Bush Sr. took office to the United Nations as Ambassador in early March 1971. However, in October of that year, he tasted failure. As Ambassador of the United States, he has done everything in his power to try to keep the Taiwan side seated in the United Nations. Bush's efforts, however, failed. While he was "extremely disappointed", he had to admit: "No one can shy away from the fact — although this may be unpleasant — that the result of the vote just now does indeed represent the views of the majority of The States Members of the United Nations." ”

Bush understands that dealing with the Chinese delegation is inevitable. China's seat has been restored, Sino-US relations have begun to thaw, President Nixon is about to visit China, and Americans are bound to return to reality. The American nation is inherently the most affordable nation. Although he does not have diplomatic relations with China, he must find ways to reach out to Chinese representatives at the United Nations. How can you be able to talk without feeling embarrassed? Bush thought about it and finally decided to ask Korley, director of the United Nations Protocol Department, for help. After some planning, a "corridor encounter" was designed.

At 10 a.m. on 15 November, the Chinese delegation, accompanied by Kole, walked along a predetermined route to the United Nations Conference Hall. At this time, Bush "happened" to be on the phone at a table in the corridor outside the conference hall. As the Chinese delegation approached, Coleay took two steps forward and introduced Bush to Qiao Guanhua, the head of the delegation. Bush pretended to meet the Chinese delegation and immediately held out his hand to Qiao Guanhua and said, "Hello, Mr. Regiment Leader!" Qiao Guanhua smiled, shook Bush's outstretched hand, and said, "Hello, Mr. Ambassador!" The short two-sentence greeting made Bush, who had desperately tried his best to obstruct China's restoration of the United Nations seat, feel a sense of relief in his heart.

Ironically, just before October 25, Bush Sr. used the corridor to spare no effort to canvass for votes from diplomats from all over the world. "As U.S. ambassador, I have worked hard to engage in corridor diplomacy to keep Taiwan in its seat at the United Nations as part of the so-called 'dual representation' program." (George. Bush's Autobiography, World Knowledge Press, January 1990, p. 100

Qiao Guanhua "settles accounts" with the United States and Japan

On the evening of October 26, 1971, Chairman Mao summoned Zhou Enlai and others to a meeting in Zhongnanhai to study and immediately organize a delegation to attend the 26th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Chairman Mao personally appointed Qiao Guanhua as the head of the delegation and said: This time you are not going to file a complaint, but to uphold justice, to increase the morale of the people of the world, to destroy the prestige of the superpowers, and to shout solidarity with countries that oppose foreign interference, aggression, and control. Chairman Mao also talked about the contents that should be included in this speech, the first of which is to settle accounts; if we have not been allowed to enter the United Nations for so many years, Chinese people and the people of the world have a sense of anger. Mainly the United States, followed by Japan, point out their names, no, no.

On the afternoon of 15 November, after the welcome speeches delivered by the representatives of various countries, Qiao Guanhua, amid a long period of applause and cheers, boarded the podium of the United Nations General Assembly and read out the text of the speech personally approved by Chairman Mao.

On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, Qiao Guanhua first sincerely thanked many UN Member States for their unremitting and fruitful efforts to restore China's legitimate seat in the UN by upholding principles, advocating justice, and restoring China's legitimate seat in the UN. Then start "settling the account". He said: "It is only because of the obstruction of the US Government that the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations have been deprived for a long time, and the Chiang Kai-shek clique, which has long been spurned by the Chinese people, has been able to steal China's legitimate seat in the United Nations." This is gross interference in China's internal affairs and an arbitrary violation of the UN Charter. Now, this irrational situation has finally changed. ”

"On 25 October 1971, the current session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted by an overwhelming majority a resolution deciding to restore all the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China at the United Nations and to immediately expel the representatives of the Chiang Kai-shek clique from the United Nations and all its organs. This is the bankruptcy of a policy of hostility, isolation and blockade of the Chinese people. This was the failure of the plan of the United States Government, in collusion with the Sato Government of Japan, to create 'two Chinas' at the United Nations. This was the victory of Chairman Mao Zedong's revolutionary diplomatic line. This is a common victory for the people of the whole world. ”

Qiao Guanhua's speech lasted 45 minutes. As soon as the words fell silent, the hall erupted into a long-lasting applause. Many delegates once again came to the seat of the Chinese delegation and warmly congratulated them. Dozens of countries lined up in the corridor to congratulate Qiao Guanhua. Qiao Guanhua later held out his hand to the comrades of the Chinese delegation, and due to the number of handshakes, his hands appeared to be a little swollen.

Qiao Guanhua's speech was like exploding a bombshell. The New York Times published Qiao Guanhua's speech in its entirety. Reuters reported: "This speech shocked many diplomats. Delegates from the Third World applauded warmly, and representatives of the United States and the Soviet Union had gloomy faces. AFP commented: "Joe's harsh speech makes one have no doubt that neither People's China's entry into the world organization nor President Nixon's upcoming visit to China will cause Beijing to change its policy on major issues." Kyodo Editorial commented: "This speech, which demonstrates the basic policy, is one of the most important speeches in the history of the United Nations." Its significance and response will quickly spread to all parts of the planet. The speech expounded China's international policy based on Mao Zedong Thought, frankly stated China's principled position, and clearly expressed China's posture as a representative of small and medium-sized countries to challenge the monopoly of the United Nations by the superpowers. ”

It is worth mentioning that the Japanese Sato government, as an accomplice of the United States, caused strong dissatisfaction among the Japanese government and the public due to its clumsy behavior, which led to the collapse of June 1972. Kakuei Tanaka took over and quickly promoted Sino-Japanese friendship. On September 29, Tanaka signed the Sino-Japanese Joint Declaration with the Chinese government in Beijing, declaring the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries

Huang Hua, deputy head of the Chinese delegation, later wrote in his memoirs: "For the first time in the history of the United Nations, a delegation of a country was welcomed with precious meeting time of up to two and a half days, which was never before. ”

In 2019, Zhou Nan, a former vice foreign minister and first secretary of the Chinese delegation, said in an interview with reporters that November 15, 1971 was a day he would never forget. "It's a pomp and circumstance that has never been seen before in the history of the United Nations." His 10 years at the United Nations "have been 10 years of high morale and morale." "In the first two years, more than half of our work at the United Nations was negotiated." "With the rise of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Group of 77, China actively supports the struggle of third world countries for, consolidating independence and developing national economies. We have friends all over the world. ”

The late Veteran Diplomat Wu Jianmin was also one of the first staff members to be sent to the United Nations. In a 2014 interview, he said: "Most developed countries established diplomatic relations with China after the restoration of their legitimate seats in the United Nations. If we do not regain our legitimate seat in the United Nations in 1971, will we be open to the world in 1978? No way. Does China have a big development today? No way. ”

By 1976, there were 113 countries that had established diplomatic relations with China, including the vast majority of countries in the world at that time. The situation of the Blockade and Embargo of Western countries against China has begun to be broken. All these created favorable conditions for China's gradual implementation of the policy of opening up to the outside world. (Ninety Years of the Communist Party of China, p. 641)

The former "aggressors" finally declared the "United Nations Army" illegitimate

Article 5 of the explanatory memorandum accompanying the "Two Arab Proposals" dated 15 July 1971 reads: "Facts have proved, and fully proved, that China sincerely desires peace and desires to coexist peacefully with all countries on the basis of the principles of respect for independence and territorial integrity, non-interference in internal affairs, equality, mutual respect, and the right of the peoples of all countries to determine their own destiny." The fact is that the international relations of the People's Republic of China are constantly evolving, and more and more countries have established diplomatic and other relations with her one by one. ”

On the evening of 26 October 1971, when Chairman Mao decided to send a delegation to the 26th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, a senior official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the time advocated not entering the United Nations immediately, but waiting for another resolution adopted by the General Assembly to remove the hat of 1951 that China was an aggressor before sending a delegation to New York. In this regard, Chairman Mao said: People in the Third World have come to you with palanquins, can you still not go? As for the "hat" issue, Chairman Mao said when he attended the 26th session of the UN General Assembly: In 1950, we were still in the "Huaguoshan era," and you (referring to Qiao Guanhua) and Wu Xiuquan went to the United Nations. Wu Xiuquan's speech at the Security Council was titled "Accusations of Armed Aggression by the United States Against China's Territory, Taiwan." An accusation is a complaint, a complaint against the "Jade Emperor." At that time, the "Jade Emperor" was full of vigor and did not take us seriously. Now it is different, the "Jade Emperor" is also going to visit the "Flower and Fruit Mountain".

New China's attitude of loving peace and opposing aggression is consistent and has been praised by the overwhelming majority of countries in the world. China's return to the United Nations itself has confirmed with practical actions the illegality of the so-called "United Nations Army" of that year. To put it more precisely, the U.S.-led "United Nations Army" is in fact an illegal and aggressive force. China's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and send troops to Korea are just actions to oppose aggression and defend peace.

In 1975, after China's return to the United Nations, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 3390, which called for the dissolution of the United Nations Command. But the United States refuses to implement this resolution, which is not led by it! July 27, 2013 marks the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement and the victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. At 13:39 p.m., the "official microblog of the United Nations" posted that the so-called "United Nations Army", which fought with the Chinese Volunteer Army for nearly three years during the Korean War, was not an international peacekeeping force controlled by the secretary-general of the agency. Rather, under the unified command of the United States. Reports on its actions in combat periods were not submitted to any United Nations body. ”

On 17 September 2018, Rosemary DiCarlo, UNDER-Secretary-General for Political Affairs of the United Nations, stated that the UN Army is not a UN entity and is not under UN orders and controls. It is not a subsidiary body of the Council nor is it funded through the United Nations budget.

In this regard, Ma Zhaoxu, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, pointed out in his speech: "Under-Secretary-General Di Carlo mentioned the so-called "United Nations Army" in his briefing, and I would like to state China's relevant position. China believes that the so-called "United Nations Army" is a product of the Cold War period, which does not live up to its name, is not legitimate, and is full of military confrontation. ”

Bush Sr. may not have imagined that his country's military would end up being dismissed as "illegitimate" under the banner of the "United Nations Army," but he really felt the turning point in the United Nations on October 25, 1971. In the words of the representatives of many Member States of the Third World at that time, "history has opened a new page", "a new era of the United Nations has arrived", and "the victory of all mankind".

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