
Mini Hedgehog – The smallest hedgehog in the world, about the size of a goose egg

author:The sound and color of the image of the animal

Many of the world's animal families have petite miniature members, even the hedgehog family, which also has a very small miniature hedgehog.

How small is the mini hedgehog? Generally, after adulthood, the weight is only 10 cm long and 300 grams, and the size is about the same as a goose egg (the weight of the general goose egg is 225 grams to 280 grams).

Mini Hedgehog – The smallest hedgehog in the world, about the size of a goose egg

Although mini hedgehogs may seem so weak, they live in the dangerous deserts of northern Africa and in the arid and rainy wastelands. In order to survive, mini hedgehogs have evolved a very powerful stomach, and various insects or small invertebrates are their favorite delicacies. If a bird accidentally crashes into the ambush circle of a mini hedgehog, it can be said to be a big meal.

Mini Hedgehog – The smallest hedgehog in the world, about the size of a goose egg

However, the feeding ability of mini hedgehogs is not very good after all, so most of the time they can only rely on earthworms in the soil and various insects that move slowly among the grass. Fortunately, their own food intake is not large, even if there is a shortage of food, they can maintain their normal physical functions.

Mini Hedgehog – The smallest hedgehog in the world, about the size of a goose egg

Mini hedgehogs are mainly active at night, and the cover of night can give them more security. The cold night air in the desert wasteland also makes the hunting activity of mini hedgehogs easier, because this small thing is not afraid of cold, and the thick hedgehog skin can play a good role in keeping warm. At the same time, it also has a good effect in controlling water loss, so lack of water and food will not threaten the life of mini hedgehogs.

Mini Hedgehog – The smallest hedgehog in the world, about the size of a goose egg

During the coldest season in the North African desert, mini hedgehogs also hibernate like bears and frogs, or the term "dormant" is more appropriate. Because they dormant for a short time, usually only about thirty days. During these thirty coldest days, dormant hedgehogs can rely on the fat stored in their bodies to maintain their body's circulation needs, and they will not return to the lake until the weather is warmer.

Mini Hedgehog – The smallest hedgehog in the world, about the size of a goose egg

There is a great deal of randomness in the breeding of mini hedgehogs, sometimes pregnant female hedgehogs can only give birth to one cub, but sometimes they can give birth to six or seven cubs. However, the number of cubs born is not necessarily a good thing, and in most cases hedgehog parents are not able to raise all hedgehog cubs. It is best to give birth to two or three so that these young lives do not die halfway through.

Hedgehog pups grow fast (usually very small animal pups develop faster), and it only takes three weeks for the spines on their bodies to harden and gain the passive skill "anti-armor damage". After eight weeks, the hedgehog cubs are equipped to hunt and survive independently. Although they are small, the spikes on their bodies are enough to keep them safe in the wild.

Mini Hedgehog – The smallest hedgehog in the world, about the size of a goose egg

Wallface thought:

Nowadays, mini hedgehogs have become one of the most popular pets on the market, and the sale of mini hedgehogs in North Africa has even formed an industry, and there are many farms specializing in raising mini hedgehogs for sale. Fortunately, the mini hedgehog does not have much meat on it, and although it has become a plaything, it has not been reduced to food to be slaughtered.

There are about twenty-seven thousand species on Earth that are dying out each year, and perhaps it will be difficult for us to stop all of this. But for each and every one of us, starting with ourselves, respecting life is the best thing we can do.

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