
The earliest "War and Peace" in Chinese literature - "Shijing Feng Dongshan"

author:A castle of one stone
The earliest "War and Peace" in Chinese literature - "Shijing Feng Dongshan"

The earliest "War and Peace" in Chinese literature - "Shijing Feng Dongshan"

I wandered to the east, and I did not return. I'm from the East, zero rain. I am returning to the east, and my heart is sad.

Make a robe, don't do it. The scorpion is in the mulberry field. Dunpie sleeps alone, also under the car.

I wandered to the east, and I did not return. I'm from the East, zero rain. The truth of the fruit is also applied to Yu.

Evi is in the room, and the mantis is in the house. Machi Deer Farm, Sparkling Night. Fearless also, Iko Wai also.

I wandered to the east, and I did not return. I'm from the East, zero rain. The stork chirps in the mound, and the woman sighs in the room.

Sprinkle the dome, I will be enlisted. There is a bitter melon, and the boil is in the chestnut salary. Self is gone, three years now.

I wandered to the east, and I did not return. I'm from the East, zero rain. Cang Geng Yu Fei, shining its feathers.

The son of Yu Gui, the emperor refuted his horse. Kiss its wisps, ninety of its rituals. Its new Kong Jia, its old as it is?


The earliest "War and Peace" in Chinese literature - "Shijing Feng Dongshan"


The poem of "Dongshan" is probably one hundred and sixty poems of "National Wind", the least controversial one, and the "Preface to Mao's Poems" says: "Zhou Gongdong Crusade also." Zhou Gong went on a crusade and returned in three years. Lau guishi, the doctor Miyuki, pretends to be a poem. This means that Zhou Gong went on a three-year crusade to the east, returned victoriously, comforted the soldiers, and composed "Dongshan". It was made by Zhou Dafu, who accompanied the army on the Eastern Crusade. It is also said that it is Zhou Gongzuo.

The earliest "War and Peace" in Chinese literature - "Shijing Feng Dongshan"


1. "I": The word "I" at the beginning of the poem is the most unique in the entire history of Chinese literature, which touches on the poetic subtlety of the innermost, as if it is the only person walking on the road, expressing his chest between heaven and earth. At the same time, this "I" word extends the poetic extension to everyone, and the unique resonance between heaven and earth and a heart resonates, so that the inner feeling of life shows the boundless dignity and sets off the magnificence of life. After the Spring and Autumn Period, the "I" personal will and the independent will of life generated in the hair of emotions have been constantly bound and bound by ethical, moral and political ropes in China's history, and they have struggled to survive in the increasingly suffocating, worrying and mourning.

2. Cú: Towards, to.

3. Dongshan: The Mountain of the Orient, as the Zhou Dynasty said, refers to the area south of mount Tai in shandong to the sea to the sea. Yan Cang (1) "Poetry Collection": "The three prisons are in the east of Zhou, the Duke of Zhou is from the west to the east to conquer it, and the army will be solid according to the mountain, so it is said to be the east mountain." "Dongshan also refers to the land of the Zhou Gong's Eastern Crusade. Mencius: "Confucius ascended the Eastern Mountains and Xiao Lu." "Here Dongshan specifically refers to Guimeng Mountain (the second highest peak in Shandong) east of present-day Pingyi County, Shandong, and it is also possible that the Zhou Gongdong Expedition was mainly stationed under the Eastern Mountains of the Yanguo.

4. 慆 (慆)慆: "Mao Chuan": "Yan Jiuye." Ma Ruichen's "General Interpretation of Mao's Poetry": "慆 and Tao are the same, and Tao and Yougu are common in the same voice." Yo-yo, Kuya. The Analects: "The he whoever is a thief is also in the world." "Chu Ci Seven Sayings": "The years are gushing and the days are far away." Emperor Wen of Wei's poem: "It is like the poem of Dongshan, leisurely and sad." ”

5. Zero: Fall also. 濛: Meaning the same, dark, damp. Rain, refers to light rain, light rain. Fan Chuyi (2) "Poetry Supplement" said: "Dongshan refers to the ground, and he is worried about it for a long time, since the East is happy about its return, and zero rain remembers its time, so every chapter says it." Yan Yue said: "Don't live in a place where you have lived for a long time, or forget each other." As for the return of the heart has moved, but the action has not arrived, the feeling of longing is the most tangible, so the feeling of being on the way is to comfort it. ”

6. I return to the east, and my heart is sad: Zheng Zhi: "I often know that I will return to the east, and my heart will be sad in the west." Dai Jun'en's "Reading the Wind And Imagining Commentary": "Suddenly turning to the West sorrow, the situation is endless." Chen Jiyun's "Reading the Wind Hypothesis Supplement": "The east returns to the west, the joy is turned to the extreme, and the tears are stained." ”

7. Dress: "The Biography of the Collected Poems": "The Clothes of the Peaceful Residence." He Zhuo (3): "'Making other clothes', the military can not enter the country, so those who return should not make clothes." Ma Ruichen's "General Explanation of Mao's Poetry": "Covering the clothes he wears on the way back is not a military uniform." ”

8. Don't do it: Shi Tong. Ma Ruichen's "General Explanation of Mao's Poetry": "Joy is not a matter of war. "Row, array. Pieces: Pins. The Collected Poems, "Such as 箸, titled, there are knots in the item, to stop the language also." "In ancient marches, horses held small bamboo sticks in their mouths, and bamboo sticks were tied to the horse's neck with ropes to control the horse's silence. Moving together is a gesture of war. Now that there is no war, he embarks on the way home, showing the situation of the sergeant's physical and mental freedom and relaxation.

9. Yuān :Larvae curled up and squirmed. Ma Ruichen's "Mao Shi Chuan Notes": "Mao Chuan: Grasshoppers, Butterflies, Mulberry Worms." "Zheng Zhi": "The grasshopper is special." "Word Forest": "Worms, insects also, moving also." Or as a cockroach. Man's solitary behavior is known as a cockroach, and the insect's solitary behavior is called a worm. Therefore, the poem is based on the solitude of the xingren. "Mantis (zhú): Insects resemble Shu. Shu is a common word for Shu. "Shuowen Jiezi": "Shu, Aoi worm also." Luo Yan "Erya Wing": "Although it is a worm, it does not eat mulberry." "The place where Aoi grows is also the land of mulberry wilderness.

10. 烝 (zhēng): "The Tale of Mao: 烝同窴. "Zheng Zhi": "Long in Sangye, like a laborer." The ancients sounded and filled in the same. "Ma Ruichen pressed," Gu Wen Ji Tong Yan, And Zeng Zhiyin borrowed. "烝 should be a borrowed word of Zeng. Zeng, Naiye. is a mood word. Echoes the following "Dun".

11. Tun: A Biography of a Collection of Poems: "The appearance of being alone and unswerving." "Here is the word of excitement. The misery and desolation under the wheels of overnight accommodation experienced by the three years of crusade in my heart are aroused by the mournful arias and the ups and downs of the mood.

12. Fruit 臝 (luǒ): Erya: "Fruit, Luር Lou also." Guo Pu's note: "The people of Jinqi call it melon." Xu Ding of the Qing Dynasty recorded in detail in the "Illustration of Mao's Poems and Famous Objects": "The building is like a melon, the leaf shape is two or two phases, vine, blue-black, June Hua, July fruit, such as melon petals, is also round, where there is." Seedlings are born in March and April, vine leaves are introduced, there are fine hairs in the righteousness, flowering in July, light yellow, fruit under the flowers, big as a fist, raw green, ripe in September, red yellow, there is a perfect circle, there is a sharp and elderly, the root name is white medicine. Xu Shen's "Explanation of The Words of the Text": "The fruit on the wood, the underground is the fruit." Cover this grass vine, attached to the wood, so it got the name. Its roots are powdered, white as snow, commonly known as smallpox pollen, and are used permanently in prescription medicine. "Lilou root contains "smallpox protein" and a variety of amino acids, smallpox pollen can make baked cakes, pancakes, but also to make noodles, the taste is luscious. In traditional Chinese medicine, smallpox pollen protein is used to make injections, which are used to induce pregnancy and treat malignant moles. The fruit and seeds have the effect of moisturizing the lungs and dissolving phlegm and slippery intestines. Young fruits can be sauced or pickled, and the seeds are pressed for oil and used to be used to light lamps. 臝, naked variant.

13. Shi (yì): Spread. YU: Eaves. Generally refers to houses, spaces. "The truth of the fruit is also applied to Yu", referring to a bunch of chestnut fruit climbing and hanging under the eaves, wild vines covered with tiles, vines invading the windows, no one old house, a desolate. Ming Dynasty Zhong Yu commented on this sentence: "It is strange to enter this sentence for no reason." "With an unspoken meaning, time and space are expanded into infinity, and nostalgia and longing climb to infinity." The thoughts that seem to flash in my mind have the magic of ancient echoes.

14. Yi Wei: A wei, also known as a rat woman, Lu Jie's "Mao Shi Grass, Wood, Birds, Beasts, Insects and Fish Thin": "Born in the soil under the urn under the wall roots, like a white fish." Ma Ruichen's "General Explanation of Mao's Poetry": "The Compendium of Materia Medica refers to the land turtle, and the "Famous Doctor's Catalogue" refers to the earth turtle. "Tujing Materia Medica": "Rat woman, a negative crab, mostly in the wet place and the soil, often provoke the back of the rat, so the name rat negative, mistakenly become a woman, the so-called wet worm also." Multi-legged, its color is like a worm, and the back has horizontal stripes. ”

15. Xiāo shāo): Lu Jie's Maoshi Grass, Wood, Birds, Animals, Insects, and FishEs: "Crickets, the name is long, as small as a spider and long in the foot, and likes to tie the web." When people touch it, they stretch their front and back feet, such as grass, so that people are not suspected of being insects, as the name is long. Also known as Xizi, a long-legged, Jingzhou Hanoi people call the joy of the mother, this worm comes, dressed in human clothes, when there are relatives and guests, there is Joy also. Ma Ruichen's "Mao Shi Chuan Notes": "Now there is a kind, very thin, about only a few points, and the length of the foot is four or five points, called crickets in ancient times, also known as Xizi." "Nowadays, it is commonly known as the long-legged spider and the spider.

16. Machiki (tǐng tuǎn): A clearing with signs of animal trampling. "Explanation of The Words": "Tian Jian is located in the town." "Commentary": "畽, 本 also made 疃 (音屯, referring to the village). "Pi Ya" said: "Yan Machi Qi Lin Yu Zhongye." "In the wasteland and houses next to the mountains and forests, there are often traces of birds, animals and deer. Therefore, the deer farm.

17. Yi (yì) 燿: "Mao Chuan": "燐也." Burn, fireworks also. "Phosphorus. "Explanation of Words": "Yi, Shengguang." Oh, Iruya. "Indicates the indeterminate, glittering appearance." Cui Bao's "Ancient and Modern Notes": "Fireworks, one YiYi, one Burnt." "Curfew: The Look of Phosphorus Fire Change." Supper, night. Line, flow. Zhang Hua's "Inspirational Poems" of the Jin Dynasty has a poem "Sparkling Evening Stream". The above six sentences, Qing Hu Bicheng commented on "bleak situation, extremely sad (Yu Zhi traditional)", which corresponds to the word "Huai" at the end of the poem.

18. Fearless, Yi Kehuaiye: Niu Yunzhen's "Poetry": "Fearless, just say it is fearsome." The meaning is reversed, and the self-questioning and self-answering make Tongjie dance. A nostalgic word, in which the implicit waiting and sighing, let the true feelings sharply appear. The desolation of a long absence and the joy of the imminent meeting intersected in the heart for a while. It's a mix of tastes.

19. Stork: Water bird, shaped like a crane. Lu Jieshu: "Big like a crane, long neck, red beak, white body, black tail wings." The "Tujing Materia Medica" records in more detail: "The head has no dan, the neck has no bird belt, the body is like a crane, and it is not good at whimpering, but it is also sung with its beak, and there are also two kinds: white stork and black stork." "Both the white stork and the black stork are large waders with beautiful shapes, and the eastern white stork is very rare today and is listed as a national first-class protected animal." Such a beautiful big bird, the Zhou Dynasty should be common. Dié: The height of the earth. Quicksand River Interpretation: "Termite nest tsuka." Mencius said: "Qin Mountain is to Gao Yuan." "Refers to mounds. The stork birds sing in the high post, which is related to the later sentence "the woman sighs in the room", which shows the depth and distance of acacia.

20. Sprinkle the Dome: The Tale of Mao: The Dome, The Poor, the Pores; the Suffocation, the Plug. In "July", there is a saying of "suffocated smoked rats". Here the dome refers to the houses of ordinary people. Yuan Liu Jin's "Interpretation of the Book of Poetry": "If it rains, then the cave will be a prophet, so the ants will come out." And the stork eats it, and it sings on it. The "Poetry Examination" says: "The nest knows the wind, and the nest knows the rain." Therefore, long and happy. 'The wife of the walker also thinks of her husband's toil, and sighs at home. So he sprinkled the dome and waited for it to return. And his husband's trip has suddenly arrived. ”

21. 聿 (yù): A mood word with the meaning of the will. Yang Zhen'an Yun: A "Nie" word descends from the sky. "I march to the end" continues the previous sentence, the husband's return is like an arrow, the wife's ardent expectation, and at the same time flow through poetry. False words evoke affection, and the middle suddenly sandwiches the real scene of "there is Dun Gua bitter, and the heat is in the chestnut salary", the emotion changes, and the poetry changes the god.

22. There is Dungua bitter: melon, Chinese melon cultivation has a long history, a wide variety of types, fruit shape, color, size and taste vary according to the variety, but most of them are introduced from abroad after the Han Dynasty foreign communication, the melon mentioned in the previous Literature of the Han Dynasty basically refers to melon. Mao Chuan: "Peel the melon for the sake of the pineapple." Qu Lizai: "Whoever cuts a melon for the Son of Heaven, the scarf is wrapped in silk." Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Cutting melons and melon sacrifices refers to fruit melons." "Fruit melon is a melon, also called melon, sweet melon." Qing Duolong'a's Mao Shi Duozhi Volume VII: "There is no melon in ancient times, and the melon in the poem is a melon." Melons taste bitter when raw, and sweet when ripe. Try to balance the whole poem, sang has a cockroach, a solid face, Zhou Gongdonggui is in the summer moon, the melon is not ripe, and it is the current scene. "There are melon seeds unearthed from 4,000 years ago in Qianshan, Wushan, Zhejiang, China. Melons are mainly eaten raw, and can be dried when dried, and pickled in pineapples. In sacrificial activities, melons are also important sacrificial fruits. Melon seeds are found in the stomach of the mawangdui female corpse, and the Qi Min Zhi Shu calls the melon a small melon to distinguish it from the winter melon (also known as the big melon). Later generations called bitter melon, the "Book of Poetry" era did not exist, until the Ming Dynasty Zheng He went to the West, bitter melon was introduced to China.

Dun, regimental body. A few bitter raw melon eggs hang from the chestnut salary in front of the house. The wound of separation, the bitterness of the melon, is the bitterness of the human heart. But in this bitterness there is the sweet comfort of the imminent reunion. People in the world, separation is bitter, gathering is sweet, thinking in bitterness is sweet, and loneliness in sweetness is bitterness. This bittersweet sorrow and joy surged in the chest, and the mood naturally surged with the sigh of "self is gone, in this three years", poetic dazed, as if in a different world.

23. Cang geng: Bird name, Mao Chuan: "Away from the yellow." Dialect: "Yellow Oriole." "Cang Geng appears 3 times in the Book of Poetry. Yellow oriole is also known as yellow bird and yellow warbler. The yellow bird is also known as the yellow bird, the yellow bird appears 5 times in the Book of Poetry, and it is still controversial whether cang geng and yellow bird both refer to the yellow bird. Most scholars of the past believe that Canggeng refers to the yellow oriole and the yellow bird refers to the yellow bird. After the Six Dynasties, the yellow bird in the poem refers to the yellow oriole. The Canggeng of "July" and "Dongshan" in the Book of Poetry refers to the ancient marriage ceremony and is a symbol of marriage. In "Xiao Ya Out of the Car", Cang Geng is a symbol of phenological change and a symbol of spring. In the Ming Dynasty, Cang Geng was a motif on the imperial dress of eight civilian officials, which refers to the virtue of not being jealous of officials.

24. Imperial Refutation: "Mao Chuan": "Huang Bai Yue Huang, Lu Bai Yue Refutation." "Sayings": "Mule, red horse black hipster tail also." "Refers to the scene of the triumphant warriors, and the relatives and lovers come forward to lead the horses to greet each other."

25. Pro: This refers to the woman's mother. Lí: "Mao Chuan": "缡, the woman's 袆也." Mother ordinates the daughter, and gives the knot. Ninety of its instruments, many words and many instruments. "Gyrene, the clothes belt also." Broom, scarf. Ma Shi pressed: "Dialects: Jianghuai between the two is called the Yuan. "Sayings": 袆, cover your knees. A large scarf that covers your knees in front of your clothes. The knee covering of a man is called a pleat, and the knee covering of a woman is called a braid. According to the "Etiquette and Inner Rules", "the woman sets a curtain on the right side of the door" for the day of the daughter's first birth. The Book of Rites and Rituals of the Priesthood of the Priesthood of the Emperor "Mother Shi Gong Jie Jie Zhi According to the Scene of the Book of Poetry of The Liusha River: "On the eve of the new marriage, the mother wore a knee covering for her, reminding her to observe chastity after marriage. ”

26. Ninety: There is a great deal of etiquette. Read the Book of Rites: "Nine rituals, ten rituals." "You know how many rituals there are. These two sentences say that the return of the Crusade is not a family, and it is through triumph that a beautiful marriage has been formed in time.

27. Its: The mood words, seemingly meaningless, are deeply involved in the rhythm and rhythm of the poem. New: Refers to the bride. KONG: Very. Jia: The appearance of goodness and beauty. Old: Old. Three years later, the returning soldier imagined on the road whether his wife was now getting old. Qian Zhongshu's "Pipe Cone Chapter" interprets "Its new Kong Jia, its old as it is?" "The second sentence is written in the hearts of the people: 'When I was newly married, I had a very good hobby, I had a long time of talking, and I didn't know that the old feelings had not changed?' 'It is the concern that his wife loves to move away, and her body is sparse and her heart is also reverie, and she is no longer good, which is the so-called 'closer to homesickness' ear. The reunion of the three years of separation is hidden in the three words "such as how", not to say and have said, not exhausted. Chen Jiyun's "Reading the Wind Hypothesis Supplement" said: "The ending can only be achieved between the Han and Wei Le mansions." Niu Yunzhen commented at the end: "A stroke of convergence and closure, containing endless." ”

The earliest "War and Peace" in Chinese literature - "Shijing Feng Dongshan"

【Plant Archives】

1. Fruit, that is, Chestnut, cucurbitaceae is a perennial vine with cylindrical roots, thick and thick, rich in starch, light yellowish brown. The stem is thick , multi-branched , with longitudinal ridges and grooves , and is white stretched with soft hairs. The leaf profile is nearly round, 3–7 cm in diameter, and generally has 3–7 shallow or medium lobes. Tendrils 2-5 forks. Hermaphroditic, the male flowers are several clusters of total peduncle upper part, the female flowers are solitary. The corolla is white, and the petal lobes are finely split into fringes at the apex. 3 stamens, anthers in an S-shaped shape. The fruit is nearly spherical, ripe orange,8–10 cm in diameter, with a smooth epidermis. It is found in the basins of North China to the Yangtze River. In addition to being wild in nature, it is also widely cultivated.

2. The Sutra of Verses refers to melons alone, which refers to melons, which are annual creeping or climbing vine herbs of the cucumber genus of the cucurbitaceae family. The stems and branches are edged and covered with short bristles. The leaves are nearly round or kidney-shaped, between 8-15 cm in diameter, generally with 3-7 shallow lobes, covered with soft hairs on both sides, and serrated margins. Tendrils do not fork. Hermaphroditic plants, male flowers several clusters, female flowers single, corolla yellow, lobes ovate round, about 2 cm long; stamens 3, anther S-shaped, fruit shape and color vary depending on the variety. It is found in tropical to temperate regions around the world.

The earliest "War and Peace" in Chinese literature - "Shijing Feng Dongshan"

The poem "Dongshan", in terms of structure, can be used as a solemn specimen of classical Chinese literature. Even for the creation of modern literature as a reference, "Dongshan" is a unique and free and light open narrative in stories and situations, and it is also a masterpiece of classic and epic category.

In one hundred and sixty "National Winds", it is one of the few works that present the whole and the individual to the reader at the same time, not only promoting the changes of the country and society, but also accurately describing the natural materiality, personal destiny and the confusion of the times. Reading the whole picture of the poem "Dongshan", we can understand how history reflects the individual and how the individual is embedded in history in Chinese history. This intertextual relationship between history and the individual (5) is not only the three-dimensional and multidimensional narrative specialty of modern Western literature, but also an excellent model for the intertextuality of the fate of the state and the individual in the source of classical Chinese literature. Niu Yunzhen commented on "Dongshan", which is similar to the intertextual characteristics of "Dongshan": "The things that are emotional are not related to the soldiers, but the comfort of the soldiers is the best." The matter of insects, birds, fruits and vegetables is not related to love, but it is the best to write about love. (Here love, refers to the love between men and women,"

Reading the background and poetry of "Dongshan" will make people think of Tolstoy's magnificent masterpiece "War and Peace" from time to time. War and peace were originally the two wheels that supported the rolling forward of human civilization, and they were also the fate of human history that was difficult to get rid of - through war, the greedy desire in the blood was released to regurgitate its own development; through peace, the curiosity of exploration and creation was released to prove the value of self-existence.

The volume of the poem "Dongshan" seems to be small, entering the interpretation of the poetic realm, the world of poetry, the transformation of time and space, the picture of the wind, material movement, heartbeat, and emotion flickering in the human heart, from time to time like a grass over the wind, invisibly generating a force of urging, the world of the poetry is not clear, and at each time node, the details of the heart and consciousness are surprised by the melody and rhythm, which can always lead the reader into the turbulent rush and tumbling impact of the historical river.

"Dongshan" has a detailed outline of the characters and events, but the emergence of such a story does not allow people to see the clear outline of the changes in characters and events. The soldier who nestled under the wheel of war, with a weary face, sank into sleep, like André, who stood on the battlefield of Russia and France, and was startled by the artillery fire that flew overhead from time to time; the young woman who sighed in front of the window and swept the halls, the joy and sorrow in her eyes for the return of her husband, and the sensitive and stubborn Natasha were generating some kind of heavy and profound correspondence.

"Dongshan" can make people imagine a picture of the Chinese version of "War and Peace" that will not be exhibited, and it calls on Chinese writers again and again to awaken an imaginative fairy bird perched on the top of a treetop of the tree of time from the dream, spread its wings and soar, to create outstanding works that belong to China alone, and can breathe with the world and the fate of mankind.

"Dongshan" is filled with drizzle throughout, and the rain is reflecting the great changes and dangers of current events. A person's choice between responsibilities between home and country is even more tearing people's hearts. Rain is dotted with heavy heaven and earth, affecting the hearts of people who are constantly changing. Raindrops knock on everything, and the fog on the way home is long. Poetry is born with the rain, showing infinite sorrow and giving birth to more stretches. But the poetic mood is so empty that there is no clear joy and sorrow.

The warrior who followed Zhou Gong, experienced life and death, and finally embarked on the return journey at this moment, as a warrior who was tempered in the bloody rain and wind, the armor of ice and iron, the tense nerves, all these armors were all removed from the body and mind. At this time, the space coiled in the rain and fog in front of me was all disturbed by a "love" word. Full of soft intestines, together with the rain will occupy the heavens and the earth. At the beginning of the Eastern Crusade, the parting and longing were coiled in the heart, and the waves in the heart could not be calmed. Now, the course of the three-year conquest has put the obsessive heart of a small child into the vision of all things in heaven and earth, and this love thread is entangled with the heart and the heavens and the earth, as if it is the love of children, and there is a delicacy, openness and suddenness beyond the love of children, which will soothe the inner unevenness into a deeper peace.

"Dongshan" is almost every sentence good, and every sentence contains emotion. This love word is not simply a deep love, but also a deep and broad love in the cultivation and transparency of human physical. The poem is a true reflection of love, and the background is a happy understanding of the fate of the country. The separation of husband and wife always expects the happiness of coexistence, and the division of the country and the will to be complete and unified are testing and melting the relationship between the king and the people.

The background of the era of "Dongshan" is in the early years of the Zhou Dynasty. Since the Wu Dynasty, the Zhou Gongdong Expedition can be regarded as the most influential national event on the Zhou Dynasty.

The Duke of Zhou, who led the Eastern Crusade, was the half-brother of King Wu of Zhou, the founding father of the Zhou Dynasty, and one of the few great statesmen in Chinese history who could be a master of the world. After King Wu of Zhou destroyed the Shang Dynasty, the foundation of the state in the newly established Zhou Dynasty was not yet stable, and in order to show the benevolence of the new dynasty, he did not exterminate the Shang Dynasty royal family, but instead made wu Geng, the son of Wu Geng, a prince, still living in Chaoge (now Anyang, Henan), and divided the Shang land into three parts, respectively, to his brothers Guan Shuxian, Cai Shudu, and Huo Shu to monitor Wu Geng, known in history as the "Three Prisons". At the same time, the territory of the Duke of Zhou was divided into Qufu (also the seat of the largest vassal state of the Shang Dynasty at that time). The Duke of Zhou had been assisting King Wu in the court and did not go to the fiefdom to take office. King Wu fell ill and died, and his son Chengwang succeeded to the throne. At that time, King Cheng was not yet a minor (only 13 years old), and was assisted by the Duke of Zhou and the Duke of Zhao. In order to prevent the rebellion of the princes, the Duke of Zhou was regent, and the decree was issued by the Duke of Zhou.

At this time, The Duke of Zhou held the military and political power of the state, and from the merit, talent, prestige, and age, he could not help but make people suspect that the Duke of Zhou had the possibility of usurping the throne and seizing power. Rumors and embarrassment of identity, bai Juyi later wrote about the situation of Zhou Gong at that time in the third of the "Five Songs of Dialects", using the word "fear": "Zhou Gong feared the rumor day, wang Mang was humble and did not usurp the time." Xiang Xiang died in the first place, and who knows the truth or falsity of his life? Zhou Gong feared that these rumors would eventually plunge the country into disintegration and turmoil. Things turned out to be in terrible directions.

The psychological imbalance of the "Three Prisons" princes gradually made them have different feelings about the Zhou Dynasty, which aggravated the spread of rumors and the intrusion of the people's hearts.

The zhou dynasty was in turmoil within the people, and the external princely states were eager to move, and finally the bad news of the rebellion of the princes came. The Duke of Zhou made up his mind to personally march east to quell the rebellion. Before the Eastern Crusade, Zhou Gongzhao's words to the world were recorded in the Shangshu Daxuan, which was the most important battle text of the pre-Qin Dynasty. The Eastern Crusade lasted for three years, and finally killed Wu Geng and the chief conspirator Guan Shuxian, exiled Cai Shudu, degraded Shu Huo's office, and forced the State of Xiang and other States to surrender. The Zhou GongDong Crusade was of great significance to the long-term peace and stability of the Zhou Dynasty, and taking advantage of this crusade, the Zhou Dynasty completely eliminated the hidden dangers of the remnants of the Shang Dynasty to the country, and at the same time, the control of the lower reaches of the Yellow River became increasingly firm.

The Zhou Dynasty is located in the west, the eastern territory that will be divided, after the Eastern Crusade, finally returned to the embrace of the country, and the meaning of "Dongshan" is full of greeting and joy.

Those soldiers who are far away from their homes and have been fighting with the army for three years, on the journey back home from the east to the west, the mixture of sorrow and joy is really difficult to say. The joy is that after experiencing the rush of war, still surviving, the feeling of returning from hell, the adventure of wandering on the boundary of life and death, the sense of life inspired, and the sincerity that is different from ordinary people; the sad thing is the difficulty of thinking about the loved one in the heart, life is separated, and the most difficult thing to let go of is the nostalgia and lovesickness that hit the heart one night after another. Is the lover in the family still there, is the love in the heart still there, is the bride's face still the same?

The rain curtain is like a dream, and the scene is terrifying. Mr. Gu Sui said "Dongshan", taking the eight characters in the third chapter " Self is not seen, in this three years", this simple white aria words, once read, coiled in the heart, what is written is the real life, is the crystallization of the poetry soul that melts together after breaking the boundaries of rhythm and rhythm in vernacular and classical poetry, is the barrier of age and time, the most beautiful Chinese poetry that has survived, and is the true specimen of Chinese literature "words have been exhausted, meaning is infinite".

The simplicity of the poems contains the complexity of the poetry. The few moments written in "Dongshan" are the wandering of a heart between home and country, love and sorrow, thoughts and thoughts. Wandering so deeply, the soul is so worried, as if the poetic heart of ancient China is crystallizing from the lava of the heart of "poetry can worry" and forming the shape it wants.

Read through the poem, touch the pulse of the poem, and beat with the atrium of the poem. "Dongshan" was poetry in the era of the Book of Poetry, becoming the language of modern people, to a letterhead full of acacia before the long-term farewell, the letter seems to arrive before people, but the heart has already met with a lover:

I went to the east to fight and haven't been home for a long time. At this moment, he was returning from the battlefield of the Crusade, and the drizzle and fog curtains obscured the road in front of him from time to time. At the thought of Dong Gui finally being able to get together with you, the joy in my heart is really irrepressible, and I think of you alone at home, and a wave of sadness condenses in my heart. At this moment, I have taken off my leather armor and changed into a clean cloth coat, and the war horse that accompanied me from birth to death no longer needs to be rushed to the end, it is walking up and down at the moment, the steps are not hurried, and the posture of my walking is exactly the same. War raged on the lands of the East, mulberry gardens were abandoned into wilderness, and silkworms crawled on bare branches. I am like this lone silkworm, falling at night, curled up alone under the wheels of the chariot, thinking of you, homesick, tossing and turning, having trouble sleeping.

I went to the east to fight and haven't been home for a long time. At this moment, he was returning from the land of the Crusade, and the drizzle and fog curtains obscured the road in front of him from time to time. In the dream, it is common to see a desolate home, and that kind of scene makes me feel shocked: the fruit of the chestnut building hangs from the eaves, the earth turtles run around in the wet soil in the corner of the bedroom, the door head, the long-legged spiders are knotted with a patch of cobwebs, close to the mountain forest wasteland and houses, there are often birds and deer wandering, in the yard full of wild grass, fireflies phosphorescent water flows. Compared with the battlefield I was in, these scenes were not enough to be afraid, just because I missed you, missed you, and made my heart a desert.

I went to the east to fight and haven't been home for a long time. At this moment, he was returning from the land of the Crusade, and the drizzle and fog curtains covered the road from time to time. At night, listening to the side of the ear, there was no sound, and suddenly it was like hearing a white stork falling on a high post, and it was clearly chirping toward the sky, and a sound came, and your voice in the house sighed beyond the window ledge, tapping my eardrums. The news of the return of the crusade team from time to time will surely make you crazy and happy, and I imagine walking into the room that you have cleaned up and brightly, and you suddenly have tears in your eyes, and look at me with surprise and uneasiness. That kind of untrue news must make you particularly disappointed. The melon vine is wrapped around the branches of the chestnut and yellow wattle, and the melon is not ripe, and the taste is still so bitter. Think about it, it's been three years since we separated, three years, do you still miss me?

I went to the east to fight and haven't been home for a long time. At this moment, he was returning from the land of the Crusade, and the drizzle and fog curtains obscured the road in front of him from time to time. Closer and closer to home, the light yellow oriole flew in the air, and the golden feathers flickered in the sun. Seeing the triumphant warrior return, the anxious relatives rushed forward to help him hold the frightened horses, and the shadows of yellow and white horses were intertwined, which was really lively. This lively scene reminds me of our complicated etiquette, lively and noisy wedding, when you, the new clothes are delicate, shy as a virgin. I was looking for you in the crowd, are you as beautiful as you were when I went out on the expedition? No matter what you become, it is the way you are treasured in my heart.

The triumphal labor army is a grand thing that a country pays attention to, and "Dongshan" does not involve public affairs at all, but it reflects the joy of triumph, the joy of family reunion, and the feelings of the military and the people on the curtain of time in a comprehensive and three-dimensional way. The magic of the brushwork of "Dongshan" and the affairs of the country, but it uses the brushwork of human feelings, writing the lovesickness of the people's hearts and grievances, but what is shown is the will of unity between the whole country.

The four paragraphs of "Dongshan" are full of thoughts, all in the sense of the people's hearts hanging between heaven and earth, every emotion, material movement, as clear as a picture, and as hazy as fog. This kind of narrative labyrinth of time and space interlacing techniques constantly awakens the temptation of beauty in the world to sensitive hearts, every place where beauty resides, full of sincere love, the solemn mystery of the world, full of understanding of changeable life, and a gentle and generous good thought, like water.

The poem of Dongshan is like a key in the Book of Poetry that opens the reason why China has become a poetic country, as long as a heart is a container of true feelings, then life is everywhere a host of beauty (6). Yang Zhishui said: "'Three hundred poems', preferably 'Dongshan'. ...... How many face-faced scribes read "Dongshan", it seems that for a while they have become 'melted' and 'leaked', which is very accessible to physical human nature. "The poems of "Dongshan" are beautiful, indulgent and perfect, and they understand the relationship between the country and the people, people and heaven and earth, poetry and sexual spirits. So much has been said about this, but it seems that there are still many things that have not been said.

A question in our minds will ask ourselves: "To anyone in the world, we will say: 'I have not seen myself, in this three years!' To whom we think, 'Its new Kongjia, its old one!' ’”

The poem is full of dialogues across time and space, and in these words, endless thoughts and aspirations are all hanging, as if they are whispering to themselves. Mr. Quicksand Explains: "The end without an ending may imply that the reunion will eventually become illusory, and the ending is unfortunate?" ”

The focus is not on the happiness or misfortune of the ending, the long rain will be sunny, and the true feelings in the chest will moisten the world. This is the "East Mountain" in my heart that travels through the drizzle.

In the whole poem, the sound of rain pouring through all things evokes how many murmurs of emotion, how many ink threads of thought awaken.

(1) Yan Cang, zi tan shu, also spelled Ming Qing, no. Hua Gu, birth and death unknown, Song Shao Wu Nakou Yan Jia Fang people. Around the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, he served as the Qing Xiang Commander of Jeonju. Yan Cang was good at writing poetry, proficient in Mao Poems, and had a deep understanding of scripture. He is the author of the Huagu Collection and the Poetry Collection.

(2) Fan Chuyi, character by zhong, Jinhua Lanxi people. In the twenty-fourth year of the Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing (1154), Jia Shuke Jinshi wrote one volume of "Poetics", fourteen volumes of "Xieyi Xinyu", and thirty volumes of "Supplementary Biography of Poetry".

(3) He Zhuo (1661-1722), zirunqian, a native of Changzhou (now Suzhou), Jiangsu. In the forty-first year (1702) of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty, he was famous for his study of the Hundred Schools of History at that time, and was good at examination. He was very accomplished in the study of evidence. He is the author of "Collected Poems and Ancient Texts", "Records of Ancient Knowledge of Ancient Languages", "Records of Daogu", "Reading Secretaries of Yimen", "Twelve Volumes of Mr. Yimen's Collected Writings", "One Volume of Yimen Inscriptions" and so on.

(4) Duolong'a, surname Shu Mulu, Manchurian Zhengbai Banner, a Tingding, Character Wenxi, Number Wenxi. There is no history. The Xiuyan Zhiluo says that he was "temperamental Gengjie, not tending to glory", hereditary classics, erudite knowledge, in the last year of the "Qianlong prosperous era", he won a place of tribute, but the official field was dark, and his career was not smooth. For most of his life, Dolonga lived a hidden life of reading and hiding "waiting for the idle creek to sit by the side of the creek, lazily asking for the mysteries", "suddenly feeling that the forest is good, idle in the strange dust" ("Idle Travel" poem). With more than ten years of reading the Han and Tang Commentaries, the twelve volumes of "Mao's Poetry and Many Knowledge" were the most influential.

(5) Intertextuality, a rhetoric commonly seen in ancient poetry, refers to two sentences or two parts of a sentence, which seem to unfold their own narratives, but in fact echo each other, interpret each other, complement each other, and the center is actually saying the same thing. The "intertextuality" in modern literary theory is a new form of literary and artistic theory, which inherits the advantages of structuralist narrative rigor, draws on the tradition of deconstructionism and postmodernism to undermine logic centrism, emphasizes the fracture and uncertainty of the text itself, and is one of the commonly used writing methods in modern literary writing.

(6) Host, an organism that provides protection and nutrition to parasites.

The earliest "War and Peace" in Chinese literature - "Shijing Feng Dongshan"
The earliest "War and Peace" in Chinese literature - "Shijing Feng Dongshan"

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