
"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" Great White Cuckoo

author:Lijiang Hotline
"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" Great White Cuckoo

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"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" Great White Cuckoo

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Plant species in Northwest Yunnan

Great white cuckoo

Rhododendron decorum

"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" Great White Cuckoo

(Rhododendron decorum)

Rhododendron decorum (scientific name: Rhododendron decorum. ): Evergreen shrub or small tree, 1-3 m tall and up to 6-7 m thin; bark grey-brown or off-white; young branches green, glabrous, old branches brown. Winter buds are apical, oval and glabrous. The leaves are thick and leathery, oblong, oblong ovate to oblong inverted ovate, dark green above and white-green below. Apical inflorescences, with 8-10 flowers, scented; the corolla is wide funnel-shaped bell-shaped, largely variable, 3-5 cm long, 5-7 cm in diameter, reddish or white. The capsules are cylindrical, yellow-green to brown, with pronounced ribs. The flowering period is from April to June, and the fruit period is from September to October.

It grows at altitudes of 1000–3300 m in shrubland or under forests. It is found in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Tibet in China, and is also found in northeastern Myanmar. This species has high horticultural value due to its beautiful flowers and cultivation.

Image source: Lijiang Alpine Botanical Garden, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Text source: Baidu Encyclopedia

"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" Great White Cuckoo
"Biodiversity Encyclopedia" Great White Cuckoo

Source/Lijiang Ecological Environment

Editor/Lei Fengjiao

Responsible editor/and crowd learning

Hotline/0888—5112277 WeChat/lijiangtv

Produced by Lijiang Radio and Television Station

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