
"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

author:Figure anglers

In the African grassland, there is a small animal, a small body, wearing a "small white hat" on the head, its motto is "a word is not compatible with the fight", even the steppe lion is not afraid. People call him "Flathead Brother" and say that his life has either been spent in fighting or on the road to fighting. Among the native ornamental fish in China, there is also the so-called "flat-headed brother" in the fish - it is the Chinese fighting fish.

Chinese fighting fish are aggressive by nature, can actively attack and bite any kind of fish in the same fish tank, and also fight each other. From the small ditch to the rice fields, ponds, rivers, and spent his life in fighting.

As a native fish in China, Chinese fighting fish is very hot and sought after in the ornamental fish industry, and it is even more famous in foreign countries, known as "Chinese paradise fish", why do foreign aquarists like Chinese fighting fish? Should be inseparable from the nature of fighting fish, foreigners can not imagine that this small fish has such a personality, they also noticed that the breeding method of Chinese fighting fish is also very interesting, it is actually a nest breeding, because the general ornamental fish is oviparous and oviparous is more common, but the breeding method of Chinese fighting fish is more interesting. In the breeding period, the male fighting fish will first spend half a day to make a bubble nest, that is, spit out a large number of unbroken bubbles. Bringing together female eggs is a breeding method that many small ornamental fish do not have, and it is also one of the pleasures of fish fighting enthusiasts. During the breeding process, the male fish will circle around the female fish, intimately.

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Chinese Fighting Fish

Frank Schaefer, a well-known German ornamental fish expert, commented on the forktail fighting fish in the book "The Complete Book of Lost Gills": "The earliest tropical ornamental fish, and one of the most beautiful fish species to date." "In the eyes of foreign aquarists, the Chinese fighting fish is one of the most popular ornamental fish species, known as the paradise fish.

Next, let's learn about Chinese fighting fish.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > first, know the Chinese fighting fish</h1>

Chinese fighting fish referred to as "National Bucket", the scientific name is Gaiban Bucket Fish, generally refers to the forktail bucket fish, but more than this, foreigners call it paradise fish, commonly known as earth goldfish, Peng Pi Po, rabbit fish and so on. Different places are called differently, such as the Longyan area is called "Wu Peng" and "Three Spots". The Yangjiang area is called "frequent fart", the Chaoshan area is called "Sha Man", the Guangxi region is called "Bodhisattva Fish", Guangdong is called "Pang Pi Po" and "Peng Pi Cha", and the southern Zhejiang region is called "Zhongban Fish". There are also places called "Tang Frequency" and "Burning Fish".

Chinese fighting fish is a small Chinese native fish of the genus Perciformes, Climbing Perch, Silk-footed Perch, Fighting Fish subfamily, and Fighting Fish. Distributed in the freshwater basins of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other places in southern China, the colors are gorgeous. There are also bucket fish distributed in the yellow river basin and northeast region in the north, called round-tailed bucket fish, and the color is not as beautiful as the fork-tailed bucket fish in the south. Ornamental fish in tropical and subtropical regions are mostly brightly colored.

The Chinese bucket fish has a rectangular body and flattened sides. The cleft is small and tilts upwards. The dorsal and fins are long and symmetrically positioned up and down. The outer first fin of the ventral fin is elongated into a filament, as is the case with all silk-footed bass. There are blue spots on the posterior edge of the fin cap. The body of the fish is russet. There are more than 10 blue-black stripes on the side of the body, and the stripes are slightly reddish between the stripes. The gill cap has a green round spot on the posterior margin, surrounded by yellow edges, and the iris of the orbit is red with golden yellow trims around it. It is cute and a master of mosquito control, which can remove pests from rice fields. Both Chinese fighting fish and mosquito-eating fish are small fish that eat mosquito larvae, but Chinese fighting fish are native fish and mosquito-eating fish are invasive fish.

Chinese fighting fish has pleated gills, is not afraid of lack of oxygen in the water, is a low-oxygen resistant fish, if necessary, it can stick its small head out of the water to breathe oxygen in the air directly. At the same time, the Chinese bucket fish is one of the few ornamental fish that is resistant to low temperatures. The water temperature only needs to exceed 5 degrees Celsius to survive, which is very suitable for aquarists in the north and south, and it is very skinny, especially for new fish farmers.

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Forktail fighting fish

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, the species of Chinese fighting fish</h1>

"Chinese Fighting Fish" is a collective name for the four genera of fighting fish known in China and Southeast Asia. There are many species of Chinese fighting fish, including many new breeds, which can be divided into two types: forktail and roundtail from tail type. Generally foreigners say that the Chinese bucket fish refers specifically to the forktail bucket fish, the round tail bucket fish is produced in northern China, and the fork tail bucket fish is produced in the south. The southern forktail bucket fish is divided into three kinds, namely the red and blue fork tail bucket fish, which is commonly known as "Pu fork"; the Vietnamese black fork tail bucket fish, referred to as "Yue Black"; and the Hong Kong black fork tail bucket fish, referred to as "Hong Kong Black".

1. Forktail fighting fish

Red and blue forked tail fighting fish (pu fork)

Pu fork alias flower hand towel, Peng Pi Po, Tang Jin Pi, three spots, sand python, bodhisattva fish and so on. It is very widely distributed.

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Pu fork

Vietnamese Black Forktail Fighting Fish (Vietnamese Black)

Also known as the blue pearl bird of paradise, distributed in Vietnam and Guangxi and Vietnam border, body color mainly red type and blue type two, now the wild black is very rare, the vast majority of the aquarium market is artificial breeding varieties. The colors, brushing and tail spread are very beautiful.

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

The darker

Hong Kong Black Fork tail fighting fish (Hong Kong Black)

It is mainly distributed in the Pearl River Delta region, east to western Fujian, north to southern Jiangxi, and west to southern Guangxi. The Hong Kong black forktail bucket fish has 15 black transverse bands, some of which are intermittently distributed, the first soft fin at the end of the pectoral fin is white, the head is spotted, there are 2 to 5 narrow saddle-shaped stripes on the anterior back, and the spots on the main gill cap are dark blue.

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Minato Black

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Dark blue spots on the minato black cheek cover

2. Round-tailed fighting fish

Round-tailed Chinese bucket fish, the most beautiful of the native freshwater fish in North China. (The northern fish look too low-key) just an new home, the hair color is not good, but also today just began to show the tail, slightly revealing a gorgeous shape. He is aggressive, and it is said that putting a mirror will arouse his fighting spirit and fight with himself in the mirror to death. It is said that during the breeding season, the small fish that run around will be sucked into the mouth and spit out to a safe place

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Round-tailed fighting fish

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Round-tailed fighting fish after hair color

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > three fish similar in appearance to Chinese fighting fish</h1>

As a native fish in China, although it is thousands of miles away, it can find fish that are very close in appearance in Africa, and I personally believe that the closest thing is the African three-lake cichlid, and the mandrowel in Southeast Asia is also relatively close.


Tilapia is native to Africa, is a tropical fish, commonly known as African crucian carp, in appearance is somewhat similar to the pattern of Chinese fighting fish.

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Three Lakes cichlid

Perch, Cichlididae, snapper genus, known domestically as the Limposaurus family. Cichlids are one of the most evolutionaryly successful species in the history of world fish evolution, distributed all over the world, and the Three Lakes Cichlid in Africa is the most famous. It is a popular fish in the ornamental fish market.

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish


It is a small tropical ornamental fish in the family Silk-footed bass. Like the Chinese fighting fish, it can surface to breathe, eat miscellaneous, fierce temperament, and can be polycultured with other tropical fish with mild temperament and similar body size. It is found in the Malay Peninsula, Thailand, Indonesia and other regions.

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Thai Fighting Fish

Chinese scientific name is multicolored fighting fish, commonly known as Thai fighting fish, colorful finches fish, Siamese fighting fish, fighting fish, fighting fish. Mainly from Thailand in Southeast Asia, the males are very aggressive. It belongs to the order Perciformes, Suborder Climbing Perch, Fighting Fish Family, And Bulbophyllum. The Chinese fighting fish belongs to the genus Douyu.

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >4. Why chinese fighting fish are aggressive</h1>

Many males of the species on the earth love to fight, which is determined by the habits of fighting for territory, food, mates, etc., but the Chinese fighting fish is different, even the female fighting fish love to fight. The Chinese fighting fish can really be called "small body but contains great energy". Chinese fighting fish have a strong sense of territory, so they especially love to fight, and 2 male fighting fish are put together to fight non-stop, not dead. Male fighting fish sometimes attack female fighting fish, in the breeding period of estrus male fighting fish will chase female fighting fish because of the need to reproduce, then will not attack the female fish, but at this time the female may attack the male fighting fish, because the female fighting fish in the estrus period of territorial awareness is particularly strong. There is also a fight between females in Chinese fighting fish, but not as fiercely as males.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >5</h1>

The problem of single culture or polyculture in China

Fighting fish has a strong adaptability, like to live in 26 ° C water temperature, neutral water quality, breeding Chinese fighting fish can take single culture and polyculture two forms, novices recommend single breeding, single breeding to use a glass mirror to let it practice and fight by itself, easy to get out of the state.

If you want to challenge the high difficulty, you can try polybreeding, but polyculture fighting is inevitable. You can choose to put 2 males in a tank, separated by a partition in the middle, so that they can not only not hurt each other, but also spread their fins out of anger, so that aquarists can see the most beautiful posture of the fighting fish. Fish tank choose a minimum length of 40 cm, the partition with bought acrylic, attached to something opaque material. Choose a filter, one on each side. Buy black ceramic particles to make bottom sand. Get a few small rhododendron roots to make sunken wood, get some centipede grass, iron crown and other aquatic weeds, and if it is winter, add a heating rod. Finally, a mesh lid should be added to the fish tank, because chinese fighting fish love to jump the tank.

The problem of Chinese fighting fish feeding

When the Chinese fighting fish has just entered the tank, do not feed it first, let the fighting fish adapt to the environment, and wait for a day or two before feeding. Bucket fish is an omnivorous fish, mainly artificial feed and plant bait, from time to time to feed some active food, such as widows, shrimp larvae, earthworms, red worms, etc., if conditions permit, you can go to the river to get some fleas for food. Pay attention to the feeding frequency, do not feed too much at a time, the provincial fish tank bursts algae, and the cleaning tool fish will be attacked by fighting fish.

The problem of breeding chinese fighting fish

Chinese fighting fish have a strong physique, can withstand low temperatures of 3 ° C, and can be raised without heating in winter, which is easy to raise. Breeding is also easier. When breeding, the water temperature is 28 ° C, weak acidic clean soft water, there must be floating aquatic grass, it is best to use old water, green water is also formed, water color light brown water is the best. During breeding, the male and female are placed in the tank to mate, and the female is fished out after spawning, and the male will guard the eggs in the nest until they hatch. When hatching fish eggs, special attention should be paid to ensuring water quality and water temperature. Small fish can be fed to the shrimp after swimming flat, and the remaining feed is removed in time. After growing to about 2 cm, it can be fed chopped red worms.

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Bubble Nest

"Spend your whole life in fighting": Chinese fighting fish, is the "flat-headed brother" in ornamental fish, know the Chinese fighting fish two, the chinese fighting fish species three, the Chinese fighting fish similar to the shape of the fish four, why the Chinese fighting fish is aggressive five, how to raise Chinese fighting fish

Juvenile fish

The problem of hair color in Chinese fighting fish

Chinese fighting fish in the breeding period will show a beautiful marriage color, in the fish tank to raise the national bucket to out of the state of the law color is good, pay attention to the fish tank on three sides of the dark background paper black is best, reduce the light, put more aquatic weeds, so that the hair color is better. The breeding fork is based on yellow river sand, and the natural body color of the liseb fork is yellow and blue; the black fork is used with black or dark brown coarse sand and small stones to facilitate the hair color.

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