
Hubei Secretary Ying Yong: Behind the individual is the family, and returning to work is related to the livelihood of the masses

author:Beijing News

On March 16, Ying Yong, secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and commander of the Provincial COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Command, went to Xiangyang City and Suizhou City to inspect and supervise the prevention and control of the epidemic, spring ploughing preparation, and resumption of work and production.

Ying Yong stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Hubei, in accordance with the deployment of the expanded meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, maintain the vigilance against the epidemic, the requirements for prevention and control, and not relax the efforts to grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic; precise measures, make overall plans for the basic people's livelihood guarantee, economic and social development, and overall social stability, gradually restore normal medical order, living order, economic operation order and urban operation order, and strive to improve the ability and level of comprehensive social governance.

Hubei Secretary Ying Yong: Behind the individual is the family, and returning to work is related to the livelihood of the masses

With more and more low-risk areas in Hubei Province, the orderly resumption of work and production is imminent. At present, the employees of Hubei Tianyao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. have returned to work and the production capacity has recovered by more than 90%, and the production capacity of Taijing Technology Co., Ltd. in Suizhou High-tech Zone has also recovered about 70%. We should bravely inspect the production situation of enterprises, ask in detail what difficulties and problems there are; ask relevant departments to help enterprises solve problems such as employee return to work, logistics and transportation, prevention and control material guarantees, etc., and restore normal production capacity as soon as possible; hope that enterprises will implement the main responsibility of prevention and control, seize market opportunities, and further become bigger and stronger.

After listening to the reports and opinions and suggestions of the responsible comrades of Xiangyang City and Suizhou City on epidemic prevention and control, spring ploughing preparation, and resumption of work and production, Ying Yong pointed out that the current epidemic prevention and control in our province has shown a continuous positive trend, but the task of prevention and control is still arduous and heavy. We must be cautious and consistent, continue to take epidemic prevention and control as the most important task, make greater efforts in scientific prevention and control, and precise policies, work hard, grit our teeth, and persist to the end, so as to win the Hubei defense war with a comprehensive victory in the city-state defense war.

Ying Yong stressed that the complete "cleanliness" of the community and society is the key to the final victory of epidemic prevention and control. It is necessary to continue to build and make good use of a professional and efficient contingent of circulation investigations, solidly and deeply carry out investigations and investigations of circulation investigations, and find and isolate all close contacts for treatment. On the basis of "internal prevention of proliferation and external prevention of export", all localities should put "external prevention of import" in an important position, shoulder territorial responsibilities, strengthen prevention and control forces, improve work mechanisms, do a solid data and information closed loop and closed loop of investigation and treatment work, effectively guard the passage into Hubei, and effectively prevent the risk of overseas epidemic import.

Ying Yong stressed that under the premise of not relaxing the prevention and control of the epidemic, our province is gradually and orderly restoring normal medical order, living order, economic operation order and urban operation order, which not only tests the scientificity and accuracy of prevention and control work, but also tests the ability of leading cadres at all levels to grasp overall planning and respond well. In light of local realities, it is necessary to adjust the focus and methods of work according to the situation and gradually increase the overall planning of economic and social development. Promoting the safe and orderly flow of personnel is an important condition for enterprises to resume work and production, alleviate employment pressure, and promote poverty alleviation. Behind the individual is the family, and returning to work is related to the livelihood of the masses. Under the premise of doing a good job in health management and implementing prevention and control measures, it is necessary to accelerate the safe and orderly flow of personnel in the province, and at the same time, to meet the needs of labor in other provinces, and to "point-to-point, one-stop" centralized and accurate transportation of migrant workers to return to work safely. It is necessary to promote the resumption of work and production of enterprises in the division and grading, classification and time-sharing, and conditional resumption of work and production, strengthen the "six stability" measures, smooth the export channels of advantageous industries such as medical protective materials and characteristic agricultural products in our province, and overcome difficulties with enterprises. It is necessary to make overall plans for spring ploughing and agricultural production, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of agriculture, and enhance the quality and brand awareness of agricultural products. It is necessary to do everything possible to ensure the basic livelihood of the masses, show greater concern for and care for the masses in difficulty and special groups, strengthen psychological counseling and psychological intervention, and ensure the stability of the overall political and social situation.

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