
Rare plants, herbal treasures palm ginseng

author:Pearl of Qinba
Rare plants, herbal treasures palm ginseng

Palm ginseng, also known as bergamot ginseng, is named because of the shape of the root like the palm of the hand, a perennial herb that grows at an altitude of 2000-2800 meters under the birch forest and fir forest belt, and is a valuable medicinal material. It has the effect of tonifying kidneys and nourishing qi, moisturizing the lungs, solidifying the health, and strengthening the body, and is known as the immortal grass. It has the effect of tonifying and strengthening, eliminating stasis, and the main treatment is not enough to accumulate blood and bruises. It can also treat boils and other symptoms.

Hand ginseng, aka: Yin Yang Grass. It is a perennial herb growing 30 to 80 cm tall. Tubers are 4 to 6 lobes, thick like palms, usually 2, white at first birth, yellowish white later. The stem is erect with a pale brown leaf sheath at the base. The stems are 4 to 7 leaves, oblong lanceolate, the base holds the stem, and the apex is gradually pointed.

Rare plants, herbal treasures palm ginseng

Panicle-like inflorescences are apical, 6 to 15 cm long; flowers are mostly pink or reddish purple, bracts are oval lanceolate, the outer flowers are oblong-ovate, the central flower is concave, the lateral flowers are curved downwards, the inner flower is 2, broadly ovate, oblique; the lip lobes are equal in length and width, rhomboid, three shallow lobes, the lobes are nearly ovate and blunt, the central lobes are longer; the spacing is usually sickle-like, slender, 1.3 to 1.8 cm long; the ovary is very twisted, about 8 mm long. The capsule is oblong, sessile, and about 10 mm long; the seeds are small. Flowering period is from June to July. The fruiting period is from July to August. It grows in woodland meadows, river valleys and shrublands. It is distributed in northeast, north China, northwest China and Sichuan.

Rare plants, herbal treasures palm ginseng

It is a perennial herb measuring 20 to 50 cm tall. The roots are thick, usually 4 to 6 palms, shaped like palms, white at the beginning, then yellow, and the top of the whiskers. The stems are erect and have 5 to 7 leaves. The leaves are alternate, oblong or lanceolate, sheathed at the base and tapered upwards, with the uppermost leaves nearly scaly, dark green above and pale green below. Spike-like inflorescences are apical, dense flowers, purplish-red, triangular or nearly diamond-shaped with triangular or nearly diamond-shaped lobes, 3 lobes at the apex, and shorter than the ovary. Capsule, oblong, pointed apex. It grows in alpine meadows or moist and fertile areas of forest edges.

Rare plants, herbal treasures palm ginseng

Palm ginseng, root into the medicine, sweet taste, flat sex. Into the lungs, spleen, stomach meridians.

Palm ginseng has the functions of tonifying kidneys and nourishing qi, moisturizing the lungs, calming the nerves and increasing wisdom, nourishing and strengthening, eliminating stasis and stopping bleeding, rationalizing qi and relieving pain, detoxifying, and has the name of immortal grass.

After the main treatment of physical weakness, fatigue and emaciation, neurasthenia, lung weakness cough, impotence, blood loss, prolonged diarrhea, vaginal discharge, bruises, hematoma and pain, less milk, chronic hepatitis, etc. The usual amount of internal use is 5-15 grams, decoction, grinding or soaking wine; external fresh products are appropriate, mashed.


1. Weak body, neurasthenia, impotence, long diarrhea after treatment, palm ginseng, ginseng, yellow essence 15 grams each, stewed meat. You can also use 15 grams of palm ginseng alone and fry in water. Or use palm ginseng 15 grams, white wine 500 grams, after 7 days of soaking the medicine with wine, drink alcohol, 1 cup each time, take 2 times a day.

2, cure cough and asthma: palm ginseng 10 grams, lilies, jujube 20 grams each, fried, divided into 2 times before meals.

3. Cure bruises; palm ginseng 15 grams, water frying or cannon wine internal. Or mash it with fresh products and apply it to the affected area.

4. Cure long-term diarrhea, blood loss, vaginal discharge: palm ginseng 15 grams, water decoction; or the end of the study, 4 grams each time, moldy days to take 2 times.

5. Cure boils: palm ginseng appropriate amount, grind into a fine vinegar into a paste, apply externally to the affected area.

Rare plants, herbal treasures palm ginseng

Legend has it that ginseng first grew in Taibai Mountain, was found and escaped overnight, the medicine king Sun Simiao led people to chase to Changbai Mountain, ordered it to be caught upside down and tied hands to bring back, back to Taibai Mountain but only two broken hands, that is, the root of the palm now. Palm ginseng is a rare herb that is now rare in the wild due to over-mining.

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