
Do you have lobster ciliates?

author:Zhou Yang younger

During this time, many lobster farmers have mentioned ciliates to me and asked me if I can kill ciliates now, and what medicine to kill?

It can be said that for so many years, ciliates have been a problem for the majority of shrimp and crab farmers and technicians, so what is ciliate? What kind of environment is prone to ciliates? How to solve the ciliate problem, is ciliate really necessary to kill?

Ciliates are single-celled organisms of the family Pouchidae, Ciliate, with oval-shaped, colorless, transparent or pale gray with a slight green color, and are covered with cilia all over the body, which are small hairy organs used for movement and food intake.

Do you have lobster ciliates?

Ciliate introduction and pictures

Ciliates are especially easy to breed and multiply in large quantities under the conditions of deteriorating aquaculture water bodies, and parasitize shrimp and crabs (at this time, the shrimp and crab bottom plates are seriously dirty), which seriously affects the growth of shrimp and crabs and brings a great burden to shrimp and crabs.

Do you have lobster ciliates?

The lobster floor is black and dirty

At this time, there must be farmers who really can't help but kill ciliates, and the shrimp and crabs are innocent, making them easy, just like fish farmers who can't help but kill them as long as they see parasites such as wheel worms, ring worms, and oblique tube worms on the microscope screen.

So how to solve ciliates? Before answering this question, I will tell a story that happened before - this is a problem that the business manager of a feed company asked me, he said that one of his farmers raised grass carp has a lot of wheel worms, take the gill filament and look at it with a microscope, a mirror can see a dozen to twenty wheel worms, no matter how to kill them, I asked him, what methods are used in addition to killing insects? His answer is that his farmers have been killing insects in addition to insecticide, and then asked me what to do, my trick to him is to improve the breeding environment in addition to killing insects, do a good job of internal clothing conditioning to make the fish increase the protective film - mucus, can not always pestle in the insecticidal this cul-de-sac can not come out. Like one of my previous articles, a little girl has a lot of lice on her head, and then keeps helping her catch lice, or uses drugs to drive away and smoke lice, is this the end of it? If helping her catch, drive away, and smoke lice can solve the fundamental problem, it is certainly not, and the most important thing is to solve the hygiene problem - washing hair.

So farming is also a truth, can just kill insects can fundamentally solve the problem? The most important thing is to solve the problem of breeding environment (external environment) and the problem of breeding objects (internal environment), then on how to solve the problem of ciliates is solved, first of all, from the breeding environment, regularly improve the substrate, water quality, can not let the breeding environment appear foul, turbid water, black, too thin and other phenomena, care for water weeds, can not because of the deterioration of the water environment lead to water weeds hanging dirty, thereby affecting its growth, and even rotten roots lead to surface, and poor breeding environment will lead to lobster body surface hanging dirty, Severe moss-like attachments (ciliates are inevitable) can seriously affect the molting cycle of lobsters, or even molting – iron-shelled shrimp.

Do you have lobster ciliates?

Evergreen moss-like attachments

Moreover, we all know that lobsters are crustacean aquatic animals, which will molt, and what we have to do in addition to improving the external environment is to promote the rhythm of lobsters through internal service conditioning, molt the shell with a certain frequency, and by the way, the shell of ciliates is molted, and then promote growth and resistance, why not.

Do you have lobster ciliates?

The bottom plate is clean and the molting is normal

Is it okay to kill with drugs? Not no, but can not fundamentally solve the problem, the above text of the example has been very vivid, no longer repeated, and insecticides have a certain risk, if you have to use, then use caution, in short, whether it is fish farming or shrimp farming, in order to fundamentally solve the parasite problem, insecticide is only one aspect, or to solve the problem from the root - improve the external environment, regulate the internal environment.

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