
Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

author:Agricultural Science and Technology in China

Wu Kongming, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, compiled the "Handbook for the Prevention and Control of Grassland Nightcrawler" was officially published by China Agricultural Science and Technology Press on April 9, 2020!

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?
Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

Wu Kongming

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, agricultural entomologist, currently deputy secretary of the party group of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, vice president, and secretary of the party committee of the directly subordinate organs.

Academician Wu Kongming has long been engaged in the research of agricultural pest monitoring, early warning and control technology, ecological safety and risk management technology of genetically modified plants. He has won 2 second prizes and 1 third prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. He has published more than 200 research papers in international SCI source journals such as Science and Nature. In 1998, he was awarded the special government allowance of the State Council, in 1999 he was awarded the honorary title of young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions by the Ministry of Agriculture, in 2006 he was awarded the Ninth China Youth Science and Technology Award and the National Natural Science Outstanding Youth Fund, in 2007 he was selected as a national candidate for the "New Century Millions of Talents Project", in 2010 he was awarded the honorary title of "National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker", in 2011 he was awarded the He Liang He Li Science and Technology Progress Award, and in 2012 he was awarded the Fourth China Agricultural Excellence Award.

What kind of insect is the meadow moth and where does it come from?

How is it spread? Compared to other major agricultural pests,

What are the characteristics of the meadow moth?

Which major crops are harmed?

In response to these questions, The editor interviewed Academician Wu Kongming.

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

On December 11, 2018, the grassland nightcrawler migrated from Myanmar into the Pu'er region of Yunnan, China, and by October 2019, it has spread to 26 provinces (autonomous regions and cities) in southwest, south, central, northwest and north China, becoming a major problem affecting China's food security and ecological security.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > What kind of insect is the grass moth? </h1>

The grassland moth is a totally metamorphic insect, divided into four developmental stages: eggs, larvae, pupae and adult.

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

Changes in egg color of grass moth eggs and larval hatching processes

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

Morphological characteristics of larvae of the grassland night moth in the 1st to 6th instar stages

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

Typical identifying features of grassland nightcrawler larvae

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

Identifying characteristics of female and male pupae of the grassland moth (A- female pupae; B- male pupae)

a- 7th abdominal segment;

e- Gluteal spines; f- reproductive foramen

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

Identification characteristics of female and male adults of the grassland moth

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > which major crops are harmed by the grassland moth? </h1>

The grassland nightcrawler is an omnivorous pest, and the larvae can feed on more than 350 species of plants in 76 families, including corn, sorghum, wheat, rice, sugarcane, barley, barnyard grass, early maturing grass, rye grass and red hair grass, 31 kinds of legumes such as sunflower, herb thistle, calendula, pyrethrum, safflower, garlic brahmin ginseng, small fly, ghost needle grass, peanuts, peas, alfalfa, black wattle, knife bean, beard, yellow vanilla wood and wisteria, 31 legumes, amaranth, spinach, beet, Quinoa and other 13 species of Amaranthaceae, Quinoa family of plants.

After the invasion of China, it mainly harmed plants such as corn, sugarcane, sorghum, millet, wheat, barley, peanuts, soybeans, sunflowers, curcuma, aromatherapy, ginger, arrowroot, potatoes, rapeseed, peppers and kale, as well as grasses such as imperial bamboo grass, matang, cow tendon grass and sudan grass.

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

The grass moth is a symptom of maize infestation

1. The feeding of young larvae causes translucent "window spots";

2. Elderly larvae drilling moth rhizomes to cause "dead heart seedlings";

3~4. The larvae drill the center of the moth trumpet, and the leaves are stretched and perforated in rows;

5. The larvae nibble on the filament; 6. The larva nibble on the male spike;

7. Elderly larvae drilling borer fruit spikes;

8. Elderly larvae feed on corn grains;

9. The ear of borer fruit indirectly causes panicle rot

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?
Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

The grass moth is a symptom of wheat infestation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > what are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of grassland moth? </h1>

The extent to which the population of the grassland moth occurs is affected by a variety of factors, such as ambient temperature, rainfall, host plants, natural enemies and pesticide use.


Temperature is the most important environmental factor affecting the growth, development, reproduction and distribution of the grassland moth. The starting temperature of the grassland moth is different in different sexes and developmental stages. The starting temperatures for eggs, larvae, pupae, egg-to-pupae and whole generation were 10.27, 11.10, 11.92, 11.34 and 9.16 °C, respectively.

Under more suitable temperature conditions (30 °C), the grassland moth can complete a generation in about 30 days, while at lower temperatures (15 °C), the development time of the larval stage can be as long as 50 to 60 days, the development period of the pupa is more than 40 days, and it takes more than 3 months to complete a generation.

Rain and wind

Rainfall can affect the population occurrence of the grassland moth. Water scarcity at the pupal stage has no direct effect on its survival rate or development rate, but neither rainfall nor irrigation is conducive to pupa survival.

Wind has a greater impact on the migration activity of adult insects. The direction of migration is mostly downwind displacement to reduce the consumption of its own energy, and the larger the wind speed, the farther away the flight distance.

Host crop

The developmental period, survival rate and reproduction of the grassland nightcrawler are closely related to the species of host plants.

natural enemies

The population occurrence of the grassland moth is also affected by natural predators in the field. At present, 206 species of parasitic natural enemies and 44 species of predatory natural enemies have been identified in the world, as well as a variety of pathogenic microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?
Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?
Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?
Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

The meadow moth is a common predator species

1. Cotton bollworm larvae of the labial-toothed wasp; 2. Macroglobus long bug; 3. White zombie fungus; 4. Fat salamander; 5. Fork-horned sharp bug; 6. Yellow-banded rhinoceros hunting bug;

7. Pincer-shaped cat spider; 8. Heterochromatic ladybird nymph

how to prevent and control <h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth? </h1>

The grassland nightcrawler research team led by Academician Wu Kongming, in view of the urgent need to resolutely win the battle against the prevention and control of grassland nightcrawler and make every effort to ensure the safety of national grain and agricultural production, focused on agricultural production, guided by industrial problems and guided the practice of grass-roots prevention and control, after more than a year of work, breakthrough progress has been made, forming a complete set of grassland night moth prevention and control technology, providing important technical support and reserves for the initial victory of the national grassland night moth prevention and control.

Artificial identification of grassland moth requires a certain degree of expertise, so combined with artificial intelligence and computer technology to build a recognition model for the eggs, larvae and adults of the grassland moth, an easy-to-use online identification system was developed, and users can take pictures with their mobile phones or directly upload images for real-time recognition.

The system's identification accuracy of eggs, larvae and adults of the grassland moth exceeds 90% (based on existing datasets).

The system is divided into two versions of WeChat Mini Program and PC Version, WeChat Mini Program needs to be used after the WeChat client is added, and the PC version can be accessed through a web browser.

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

Image recognition process of the grass moth

Access URL of mini program QR code and PC version:

For detailed usage and operation instructions, please refer to the system's online instructions.

Adult population detection methods

(1) Sex attractant monitoring and sperm nest anatomy method

Sexual pheromones secreted into the air by female insects can be recognized by males and thus complete mating behavior. The use of artificial chemical synthesis to simulate insect sex pheromones, combined with sustained release technology to make sex attractants can attract male insects, interfere with the mating and reproduction of pests.

(2) Lamp-induced monitoring and ovarian dissection methods

High-altitude monitoring lights can be used to monitor the migration activity and population dynamics of adult grassland moths. The high-altitude monitoring lamp consists of a 1000 W metal halide lamp, ballast, time and light-sensitive controller, insect collection and insecticide device.

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

Bucket trap for the grass moth

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

Sex trap settings

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

High-altitude monitoring lights are indicated and physical objects

The above is an excerpt from

Handbook for the Prevention and Control of the Grassland Nightcrawler

Video interview with Academician Wu Kongming, unveiling the mystery of the grassland moth What kind of insect is the grassland moth? What are the main crops that the grassland moth harms? What are the environmental factors that affect the occurrence of the grassland moth? How to prevent and control? What are the main monitoring techniques of the grassland night moth?

Wu Kongming | waited

Responsible editor| Yan Qingjian, Ma Weiling, Wang Siwen

Cover design | Sun Baolin

Original: Chen Ying Hou Dandan

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