
Pokémon Pomeranian among pet dogs,

author:Pet self-media

German Pomeranian (Pomeranian), alias: Pomeranian, because of its appearance like a small squirrel, it is commonly known as a squirrel dog, is one of the world's famous play and companion dogs.

Pomeranians are outgoing, intelligent and lively, making them ideal for breeding in the city. In addition to being used as companion dogs, a high degree of intelligence and extraordinary vigilance also enable them to take on other heavy responsibilities, well-trained Pomeranians can be used as hearing dogs, can also be trained as search dogs and rescue dogs, petite Pomeranians are of great use in earthquake-stricken areas, they can also be trained as treatment dogs to hospitals to comfort the elderly or patients.

Pokémon Pomeranian among pet dogs,

1【FCI International Standard】

Historical synopsis

The German Fox Dog is a descendant of the Stone Age "Peat Dog", "Canis familiarispalustris Rüthimeyer" and later the Fox Dog of the Lake Lifers; the German Fox Dog is the oldest dog breed in Central Europe. Countless dog breeds have since been spawned. In non-German-speaking countries, the fluffy wolfhound is called the hairy lion dog, and the toy fox dog is called the Pomeranian.

Overall appearance

The fox dog's beautiful coat is charming, and the bottom coat is rich and supports the outer coat. It gives a special impression of being strong, with ornamental hairs (neck hairs) around the neck like a mane, and a tail that is rich in hair and is clearly lifted over the back. The head is fox-like, the eyes are alert, the ears are small and pointed, and the distance is close, giving the fox dog a unique, naughty appearance.

Important proportions

The ratio between shoulder height and body length is 1:1.

Behavioral disposition

German fox dogs are usually focused, lively and very loyal to their owners. Extremely easy to domesticate. Distrust of living people and lack of hunting instincts make it the ideal caretaker dog in a family or farm. This dog is not timid or aggressive. Its most prominent features are weather-free, energetic and long lifespan.


Cranial: From the top, the fox dog's head is medium in size, the posterior part is the widest, and the tip of the nose is wedge-shaped and thinner.

Frontal segment: more obvious, but not obtrusive.


Nose: The nose is round, small and black, and the nose of a brown fox dog is black brown.

Muzzle: The muzzle is not too long and is in proportion to the skull. (In the fluffy sharp-billed wolfhound/lion dog, large fox dog, and medium-sized fox dog, the ratio of muzzle length to skull length is about 2:3, and in mini fox dogs and toy fox dogs this ratio is about 2:4).

Lips: The lips are not exaggerated, clinging to the jaws, and do not form any folds at the corners of the mouth. The lips of the brown fox dog are brown, and all other colors are black.

Jaw/Tooth: The jaws develop normally, and the 42 teeth are completely sheared and bitten, in line with the rules of the dog's teeth, that is, the upper and lower teeth are percussed, and the jaws are square. In small fox dogs and toy fox dogs, the absence of premolars is allowed. In all German fox dogs, pincer bites are also acceptable.

Cheeks: slightly rounded, not prominent.

Eyes: Medium-sized, elongated, slightly oblique, deep. The eyelids are black in various shades, and the eyelids of brown fox dogs are dark brown.

Ear: The position of the small ear is high, relatively close to each other, triangular, pointed, upright, hard at the tip.


Medium in length, wide, slightly arched, no drooping flesh in the throat, thick in the coat, rich in coat forming a large neck hair.


Top line: The dorsal line starts with the upright tip of the ear and merges with the short, straight back to form a soft curve. It is covered with a thick, broom-like tail that covers part of its back, perfecting its appearance.

Shoulder Boom/Back: The high shoulder bump slowly falls and joins the shortest possible, straight, sturdy back.

Waist: The joint is short, wide and strong.

Hips: wide, short, not flabby.

Thorax: Chest depth, natural dilation, well-developed chest.

Ventral line: the chest extends as far back as possible; the abdomen is only slightly folded upwards.


High position, medium length. Extend upwards, curl forward on the back, the roots straight. Fit snugly against the back and covered with very dense hair. Double curls at the tip of the tail are also acceptable.



Overview: Straight, quite wide at the front.

Shoulders: The shoulder blades are long and naturally sloping posteriorly. The shoulders are muscular and have a solid connection to the chest.

Upper arm: The upper arm is about the same length as the shoulder blade and is angled at 90 degrees.

Elbows: The elbow joints are strong, clinging to the chest and neither valgus nor inward.

Forearm: Medium, stable, straight, and straight compared to length. The posterior side of the forearm is well-groomed.

Metacarpal bone (phylaxis): Strong, moderately length anterior ymus stands at an angle of 20 degrees to the vertical plane.

Forefoot: The forefoot is as small, rounded and compact as possible, hence the name cat's foot, with natural arches in the toes. The toenails and soles are black in various shades, but the corresponding parts of the brown dog are dark brown.

Posterior torso:

Overview: The posterior body muscles are very developed, and the flying joints are covered with rich coats. The hind legs stand straight and parallel to each other.

Thighs and calves: Large, calf length is about equal.

Posterior knee joint: strong, appropriately angled, neither valgus nor varus.

Metatarsal (flying joint): Medium in length, very strong and perpendicular to the ground.

Hind feet: The hind feet are as small, compact and naturally arched as possible, hence the name cat's foot. The soles of the feet are rough. The color of the toenails and foot pads should be as black as possible.

Gait gait capacity

The German Fox Dog moves straight forward, well driven, and the movements are coherent and elastic.


The skin is close to the body without any wrinkles.


Coat: The German Fox Dog has a double coat: the upper coat is long, straight, erect, and the bottom coat is short, thick, and cotton-like. The head, ears, front and back legs, and feet are covered with short, thick (velvety, soft) hairs. The rest of the body has a long, rich coat. Not curled, wavy or rope-like, and not separated on the back. The neck and shoulders are covered with coarse mane. The back of the front legs is well-groomed. The hind legs are richly decorated from the hips to the flying joints. The tail is like a broomstick.


Toy Fox Dog/Pomeranian: Black, Brown, White, Orange, Dark Grey, Other Colors.

Dimension weight

Shoulder height:

Toy Fox Dog/Pomeranian 20 cm +/- 2 cm

Weight: Each German Fox Dog should have a weight that is in harmony with its dimensions.


Any deviation from the above points is considered a defect, the extent of which is strictly proportional to its rank and its impact on the health and welfare of the dog.

Critical defects

Physical defects.

The head is too flat; the apple head is obvious.

Flesh-colored nose, eyelids and lips.

l Fluffy WolfHound/Lion Dog, Large Fox Dog and Medium Fox Dog lack teeth.

l The gait is defective.

The dark gray fox dog lacks typical features on the face.

Disqualification defects

Aggressive or excessively shy.

Dogs with significant physical deformities or behavioral disorders are considered disqualified

l Fontanelle is incomplete.

l Protruding upper jaw or protruding lower jaw.

l Pteros or valgus.

Ears half-erect.

Except for white fox dogs, there are obvious white patches.

l There is a marble color factor in any color.


Male dogs have two distinctly normal testicles that are completely placed in the scrotum.

Only dogs with normal physical function, healthy clinical manifestations and typical breed structure can only be used for breeding

Pokémon Pomeranian among pet dogs,

2【Origin History】

Variety source

The Pomeranian dog takes its name from Pomerania, a place name in northeastern Germany, and was bred by the brave and warlike Prussian people, so it is generally believed that its origin is Germany. But looking back at the past, even if it is billions of years, it is still undeniable that in the long years, the Pomeranian and the Spice dog are similar in blood, living in the cold Arctic Circle area, for the Norwegian elk hound, the Arctic fox dog hybrid.

Pokémon Pomeranian among pet dogs,

Pomeranian (5) In the 19th century, this dog was often seen on tugboats on the Rhine. It became a Schipper in Belgium, a Keith in the Netherlands, and later spread throughout Europe. The French called it Lulu, the Italians called it Volpino, the British called it Pomerania, and the Russians called it Lyca. In the 18th century, the Austrian composer Mozart had a pet Pomeranian dog. When he composed the Requiem, the dog faithfully accompanied him. When the composer dies. As the only mourner, the dog has been following the music master's spirit to the slum cemetery.

In 1870, the Pomeranian was recognized as a fox at the British Kennel Club.

In 1900, the Pomeranian Club was established in New York, USA, and the first exhibition was held in 1911.

Early Canadian expeditions were thrilled to discover this small fox dog with a large amount of wolf blood.

In the 19th century, the Pomeranian was very popular in Europe and was a favorite of royalty and celebrities. Their striking appearance has attracted the attention of artists, and in many paintings there are Pomeranians. The famous German illustrator of mythological stories, A. Ludwig Rickett, painted it. The famous Austrian composer Mozart was also a Pomeranian fan. In 1888, Queen Victoria once fell in love with a white Pomeranian on a visit to Florence, Italy, and brought it back to England. The Queen's move has undoubtedly greatly boosted the popularity of Pomeranians.

In fact, the early Pomeranians were larger, and some of them were said to have reached 13. 6 kg, in order to reduce its size, the British used many other dog breeds to mix with smaller Pomeranians. Queen Victoria favored the small Pomeranian and at the same time, she also promoted the miniaturization of the Pomeranian.

Modern Pomeranians are petite and perfect for breeding in the city. In addition to being used as companion dogs, a high degree of intelligence and extraordinary alertness enable them to take on heavy responsibilities.

Cultivate history

If you want to know the mainstream system of modern Pomeranians, then you must first know the Hadori Pomeranian. The Hadori Pomeranian, also referred to as the British Pomeranian, originated in the United Kingdom and is named after the "Hadori" kennel founded by the "Queen of the English Pomeranian" - "Lady Decker" who is unanimously recognized by the world's Pomeranian enthusiasts. By 1979, the kennel had bred a total of 106 champion dogs from the All-England Pomeranian Dog Show, making it the kennel with the largest number of champion dogs bred by any dog breeder in the UK.

The pedigree of hadori Kennel was laid in 1958 by the breeding of a super-century dog. In the 1960s, 70% of the British Pomeranian Champion was a straight-child group of the Pomeranian, while in the 1980s, 80% of the Champion was its descendant. Therefore, when choosing a breeding dog in the UNITED Kingdom and around the world, Pomeranian breeders must find out whether their modern ancestor dog has the pedigree of this super famous dog from Hadori Kennel, and if it does not have its pedigree, it is more undesirable.

The Hadori Pomeranian has always been praised as a treasure among Pomeranians, and even if the quality of its breeding offspring is slightly inferior, it can be called the best or best of the Pomeranians.

Pokémon Pomeranian among pet dogs,

3【Purchase Principle】

The first impression of the dog as a whole should be beautiful, the proportions between the various parts should be roughly coordinated; the face should have a fox-like expression, but at the same time have the characteristics of an innocent and lively personality. The male dog should have a "fierce" appearance and show a domineering demeanor; the female dog should have a "sweet" appearance, showing everyone's beautiful temperament. The forehead of the dog should be looked at from the side, to be a little protruding, but the forehead must be high; the distance between the two ears should be close, the inner eye distance should be wide, and the ears and eyes are two parallel vertical lines for the best; the eye shape is medium in size, almond-shaped, and the eyeball color is better to be dark, but the eyeballs must not be significantly raised, otherwise it is like the Beijing dog.

The skull of a dog is neither flat nor "apple-shaped". It should be fox-shaped, and the forehead segment should not be too deep, and the skull should not be too large, if then it will become a typical small pine lion dog; the skull should not be too small, if then it will become a chihuahua dog.

The outer layer of the dog's hair should be hard and corrugated, and the inner layer of hair should be dense; the flying joint should be short, the front ankle joint should be soft, the back torso depth should be sufficient, the dorsal line should be short, the tail root should be straight and high, and it should naturally roll up close to the coat and go directly to the ear; the upward degree must be good, that is, the higher the better.

The dog's mouth should not be too large, the nose should be small, slightly pointed; the neck should be short, the chest should be wide, the jaw should be thin, and if the jaw part is too developed, it is not enough to be called a superior product. There is also an important feature that is often overlooked is that this kind of dog must not only have a static beauty of standing posture and behavior, but also have dynamic beauty, that is, the motor nerves of the dog must be developed, the smooth walking like a swan when walking normally, and the ballet dancer is moving forward with the force of the toes when running fast, and there must be no "drumming" shape.

Pokémon Pomeranian among pet dogs,

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