
Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

author:Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area
Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss
Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

Autumn is a season of sentimentality, and sympathetic poets always express their sorrows in autumn. "Dew is white from tonight, and the moon is hometown Ming." "The moon is falling and the frost is full of frost, and the river maple fishing fire is sad to sleep." "Wanli is a frequent guest in the autumn of sorrow, and has been on the stage alone for more than a hundred years." "I wanted to say that I would like to take a break, but I said that it was a cool autumn." ...... However, the mood is different, but autumn is a different look. "Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely, and I have said that autumn is better than spring." Indeed, autumn is also a splendid season, a harvest season, maple leaves, reeds white, red fruits, yellow rice, colorful, beautiful.

The flowers and grasses of the Hundred Grass Garden are also moistened by the autumn rain, rejuvenated and rejuvenated. Plants of the Asteraceae, Platycodonaceae, Bitter Moss Family, Juju Family, Begonia Family, and Tateshina Family have opened their smiles and written their own chapters in the autumn wind, making autumn more colorful.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

Photo by Ding Huajiao

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

Phylloscopidae (Gesneriaceae)

In recent years, there have been new species releases in the family Bitterspring, and in 2018 alone, 20 new species have been published in China, and the number of genera and species is constantly being refreshed. According to statistics, as of January 2019, China's bitter mosses have soared to 719 species, 277 species more than the 442 species recorded in the English version of the Flora of China. There are many species in the family Gris that are endemic to China, mostly distributed in Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong and other provinces with warm climates.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

Characteristics of bryophytes: perennial herb or small shrub, mostly on rock walls. Leaf basal, or paraphyletic or rotational on the stem. Polyumbelis or inflorescence, bract 2, flower amphoteric, symmetrical on both sides, corolla bell-shaped or tubular, 5-lobed or 2-lip-shaped. Calyx barrel-shaped, 5 lobes. Stamens are usually 4, 2 strong.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

Briggsia mihieri

Genus Oleander in the family Gris

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

The coarse barrel moss of leather leaf is a small cute with a very high appearance. Because the bottom of the corolla tube is expanded, its buds are like small penguins with their stomachs, and they are like the cow's head in cartoons, which is very interesting.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss
Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

When it blooms, it is very stunning, like a group of fairies dancing in purple skirts, and the skirts are flying and pouring out sentient beings.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

It is a perennial herb with no stem and all basal leaves. The leaves are leathery, narrowly inverted ovate, inverted or oval, 1–10 cm long and 1–6 cm wide, with wavy teeth at the edges, glabrous on both sides, inconspicuous veins, and shield-like petioles.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

The flower leaf has 1-7 solitary leaf axils, the inflorescence stem is 4.5-11 cm long, often with 1 flower, and 2-4 flowers are rare. The corolla is thickly barreled, swollen underneath, bluish-purple or fuchsia-red, sparsely hairy or nearly hairless on the outside, and light brown markings on the inner mask. Calyx 5 lobes to near the base, lobes oblong narrow lanceolate. The capsules are inverted lanceolate in shape and 3.4-7 cm long.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

It is found in southern Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangxi, and is born on wet rocks. Whole herbs are medicated to treat bruises. It's just that such a beautiful flower, how can you be willing to use it as medicine?

Hanging stone moss (Lysionotus pauciflorus)

Genus Lycaenidae

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

Hanging lichen is a small epiphytic evergreen shrub that grows on shady rock cliffs or trees with stems 5–30 cm long. Also known as the stone hanging orchid, because it grows on the rock, it hangs down like a hanging orchid. Some hanging stone moss is attached to the trunk of a large tree, which is quite difficult to pick, and the ancients used heavy tools to constantly pound the tree and make it fall, so it was also named "Thousand Hammers".

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

The flowers of the hanging stone moss are small and delicate, the corolla is white with lilac stripes, and when the flowers bloom, they are like trumpets, playing melodious music in the quiet forest.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

The leaves are densely packed at the end of the branches, and the lower parts are 3-4 parolasiac. The leaves are leathery, varying in shape, linear, linear inverted lanceolate, narrow oblong or inverted ovate oblong, with a few teeth or small teeth above the middle of the edge, sometimes near the full margin, and glabrous on both sides.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

The polyflorescence is apical and has 1-3 flowers. The bracts are lanceolate linear and 1-2 mm long. Calyx 5 lobes up to the base, narrow triangle or linear triangle. The capsules are linear, 6-9 cm long, a bit like the pods of mung beans.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

Fruit of Hanging Stone Moss (Photo by Liu Xiang, China Plant Image Library)

Hanging stone moss whole plant into the medicine, has clear heat and dampness, expectorant cough, anti-accumulation pain, blood circulation and other effects, the main treatment of cough, bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, pediatric chancre, bruises, menstrual irregularities and so on.

Grass recognition | Bittersweets: Coarse-barreled lichen & Hanging stone moss

Hanging stone moss was originally more common in the wild, but because of its multiple medicinal effects, it has been "favored" by many people, and now it is becoming more and more rare. "Grass and trees have their own hearts, why ask for beauty to fold", if you need medicine, and go to the pharmacy to buy it, put wild plants a way to live, let them go alone!

Source: Hangzhou Botanical Garden

Editor: Chen Zhihua Fan Yuhan

Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area

WeChat: westlake_china

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