
After the "Hu Ge Gu Tianle Insects" paper came out of the circle, the author responded to the question

author:Red Star News

"Floating by morality", "Floating without knowing what to ask for"

"Xunzi" said that it "did not drink or eat", Jin Guo Yigong's "Guangzhi" said that it was "born in the water", and Jin Gehong's "Baopuzi Inner Chapter" said that "the land of the ephemeral Xiao submerged spring"

Tang Kong Yingda's "Mao Shi Zhengyi" describes "like a beetle, with horns", and Song Dai Dong's "Six Books" also thinks that "ephemera cover feather insects, suspected to be night moths"

"Pitching up to the smoke waves, the ephemera send this body."

"Cloth robe grass resume the world, the city and the clouds"


If you only look at these, you probably can't guess that this is a published paper on new insect species, and there are more than 10 ancient citations like this, and there are only more than 10 sources in the article.

Recently, this paper "out of the circle" in another way, known by more netizens outside the industry - the paper named the insect collected in Ganzi, Sichuan Province, "Hugu fork", the author explained: "This species is named to pay tribute to the famous actors Mr. Hu Ge and Mr. Gu Tianle, in order to thank them for their contributions to environmental protection and basic education in the mountainous areas of western China." ”

After the "Hu Ge Gu Tianle Insects" paper came out of the circle, the author responded to the question

↑ "Hugu fork" adult worm.

However, people in the insect research community pay more attention to the wording and details of the paper, and their attitude is certainly not recognized. In the exchange with the Red Star News reporter, the first author of the article bluntly said that the huge traffic surprised them, he also noticed the comments, the reason why this writing has its own considerations, but also in the "learning of the grandfather".

Hu Ge + Gu Tianle An academic paper out of the circle

Recently, an academic paper entitled "A new species of the genus Pliatus in Sichuan Province, China (Pterabodera: Plificinidae)" has attracted attention from inside and outside the industry. This is a paper on new species of insects published in the journal World Ecology. According to the article, this new insect species was collected in Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park in Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province.

After the "Hu Ge Gu Tianle Insects" paper came out of the circle, the author responded to the question

Screenshot of the paper.

Why does an academic article go out of the circle and attract the attention of netizens? The reason is that this new insect species was named "Nemoura hugekootinlokorum Wang & Meng, sp. nov." by the author, of which "Hu" comes from the film and television star Hu Ge, and "Gu" is Gu Tianle. Because of the reason for this naming, many concerned netizens joked that even bugs have become handsome.

Why is it named? The author explains in the paper:

[Gu Tianle and Hu Ge's low-key participation in charity and the humble mentality of self-esteem are certainly admirable; however, the national idols' promotion of their own good deeds and righteous deeds can also play a positive guiding role. Some entertainers actively participate in public welfare activities, but they are criticized by extremist onlookers as "shows". There is no wisdom or foolishness in the Tao, but there is no difference between the superior and the inferior in the socialist builders. Everyone has immeasurable potential, and celebrities are just a profession that receives more attention, so why blame them for their public welfare behavior? 】

[This species is named in tribute to the famous actors Mr. Hu Ge and Mr. Koo Tin-lok to thank them for their contributions to environmental protection and basic education in the mountainous areas of western China.] 】

What do people in the industry think? There are affirmations and there are also disapprovals

The outside of the wall is lively, and the attention inside the wall is also quite a lot. An insect researcher at a northern university told Red Star News that he saw the paper, "The impact is not small." In addition to the naming of celebrities that outsiders pay attention to, insiders also pay attention to the wording and many details of this article.

The reporter noticed that many ancient texts were quoted in the writing of this article, and there were more than 10 places that only indicated the source, such as:

"Zhuangzi Shanmu" "Floating by Morality", "Zhuangzi Zaiyu" "Floating Without Knowing What to Ask for"

"The rivers and lakes are divided into two roads, and this place is Tongjin. The clouds are green and the wind and waves are silver. The pedestrian furniture is a guest, and the boat is a neighbor. Pitching up to the smoke waves, the ephemera send this body. (Tang Yanqian, "Crossing the Lake")

"Cloth Robe Grass Resumes the End of the World, Chaoshi and Yunxia" (Yuan Pengzhi Zhongji "Minghe Yuyin" Volume IV "Liu Ziqing")

The aforementioned insect researcher, who wishes to remain anonymous, bluntly stated that the author "cites scriptures and is first-rate in writing." In his opinion, a scientific and technological paper "occasionally has this form of innovation is not bad."

Zhao Li, director of the Huaxi Entomological Museum, believes that "the article cannot be faulted, and it is even quite interesting." He feels that for people outside the industry, the article can make more people pay attention to the understanding of insect taxonomy.

But there are also many people in the industry who hold other views. "For this article, in fact, there are more complaints in the academic circles." A person working on insect research told Red Star News. Another person engaged in insect research showed reporters some of the critical voices in insect research circles. The reporter noted that some people think that the author is pretentious, and the criticism of the paper is more severe. Some critical researchers have pointed out some details in the article, such as the fact that the "襀" should be a side of the insect word, and believe that the article may be a negative textbook in the taxonomic article.

A professor who studies insects described his feelings as "strange", "one is a strange writing style, and the other is a classification paper in the journal 'World Ecology'." Further his harsh wording: "Show off the literary style, nonsense." Strictly speaking, he argues, this is not even a canonical taxonomy paper.

Zhao Li also believes that it is indeed inappropriate to publish an article on the new species of insects in "World Ecology", "The reviewer may not be an expert in the field of insects, and seriously, this species may not be a new species." This is also where he is confused: people who do classification should know where to submit articles.

In Zhao Li's view, this article is more like a scientific essay, which makes the layman feel interesting, but the insider will feel that he has said a lot of nonsense. If you post in a professional classification magazine, a lot of content will be asked to be deleted, "articles in professional classification magazines, you only need to explain that this is the new kind of reason, there is no need to express those emotions." ”

"This article can probably be said to be a performance art with scientific research as a gimmick." Zhao Li commented.

The first author of the article: Writing has its own considerations, but also to learn "grandmaster"

On February 14, a Red Star News reporter contacted Wang Junchao, the first author of the article. In the author column of the article, his unit is China Agricultural University, but Wang Junchao told reporters that he has graduated from China Agricultural University for several years, and the huge flow of this article has frightened him and related authors.

Wang Junchao introduced that this paper he deliberately wrote "too much detail", "the usual entomology paper does not need to explain so much research background." He also noticed that some people in the industry related to insect taxonomy objected to his writing style, but the reason why he wrote this way was "mainly to take into account the readers in society and avoid public misunderstandings in advance, so that he did not write so much endlessly, but let individual professionals have another perspective of misunderstanding." ”

Then, Wang Junchao mentioned an old gentleman, Hu Xianhua. The reporter retrieved that Hu Xianhua was considered the founder of Chinese plant taxonomy, and had published an article entitled "On the Improvement of Chinese Literature", standing on the standpoint of traditional Chinese culture and debating with Chen Duxiu and Hu Shi.

"The botanist Hu Xianhua is also a well-known literary scholar who has written articles and debated with Hu Shi." For the writing of his own article, Wang Junchao explained that he was "learning from the grandfather". In addition, he explained, the International ZO Convention does not mandate the full text to describe the new species in English, "as long as you write two key features in the English abstract." ”

On February 15, when Wang Junchao was contacted again, he was ready to start construction. "In the spring, I have to hurry to the mountains to find a new species, and two years later, the new seeds in the mountains may be caught by everyone."

Does naming a new species by personal name require the consent of the person concerned?

Zhao Li told the Red Star News reporter that the use of personal names to name a species has a long history, "A scholar in the United States named more than 200 species in the insect taxa he studied with his own relatives, friends and even neighbors." "Does naming a new species after someone else require the consent of the other person?" The relevant provisions do not write that the consent of the parties is required, and the namer makes his own decisions, and in most cases the parties are very happy. ”

The aforementioned professor engaged in insect research also told reporters that naming a person does not necessarily require the consent of the person concerned. Another researcher also said: "No consent is required for the parties – the parties are unwilling and have no way, and if they have been published, they cannot be changed." ”

The insect researcher of a northern university said that in general, the name of a person, especially the name of a living person, will be consulted in order to show respect, "However, most of the means that can be used for problems in general articles are to issue statements or take the initiative to retract the manuscript." ”

The Civil Code stipulates that citizens have the right to a name, and stipulates that no third party can infringe on the right to a name of another person by interfering, misappropriating or passing off. "The core is infringement." Xing Lianchao, a lawyer at Sichuan Hedi Law Firm, believes that naming new species and planets after other people's names is an international common practice, and this kind of naming is not insulting, there is no infringement, "so even if it is used, there is no infringement on the right to name of others." "But if the parties know and explicitly object," then correction should be made. ”

Liu Xiu, a lawyer at Tahota Law Firm, believes that if the full name is used, it should be judged comprehensively according to the purpose and so on. According to the Civil Code, the infringement of the right to a name should be in the same way as interference, misappropriation, counterfeiting and other methods comparable to the degree of infringement of the above-mentioned modes of conduct, "the degree of damage to the party simply naming a new species in the name of the party is not enough to meet the tort standard, but if the name is named to a species with low social evaluation, it may involve infringement of the right to a name, and even an infringement of the right to reputation." ”

Red Star News reporter Peng Liang

Edited by Peng Jiang

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After the "Hu Ge Gu Tianle Insects" paper came out of the circle, the author responded to the question

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