
Yu Tao, secretary of the party group and director of the Shandong Provincial Food and Drug Administration, went to Liangshan County, Jining to investigate drug supervision and grass-roots contact points

author:Lightning News

Qilu Network Lightning News January 17 news From January 14 to 15, Yu Tao, secretary of the party group and director of the Shandong Provincial Food and Drug Administration, visited Liangshan County, Jining City, to visit and comfort the first secretary of the provincial party to help the people in need in the village, and to investigate drug supervision and grass-roots contact point work.

Yu Tao, secretary of the party group and director of the Shandong Provincial Food and Drug Administration, went to Liangshan County, Jining to investigate drug supervision and grass-roots contact points

In Jiazhuang Village and Liji Village, Shouzhangji Town, Liangshan County, where the first secretary of liangshan county was sent to help, Yu Tao visited veteran party members and the masses in difficulty. Every time she went to a household, she asked them to take good care of their health, carefully inquired about the living conditions and difficult demands of the old party members and the people in difficulty, sent them condolences such as rice flour oil and spring league, and instructed the "first secretary" and village cadres to make overall arrangements for the lives of the old party members and the people in difficulty, so that everyone could feel the care and warmth of the party organization.

Yu Tao, secretary of the party group and director of the Shandong Provincial Food and Drug Administration, went to Liangshan County, Jining to investigate drug supervision and grass-roots contact points

In the provincial first secretary to help the village party and mass service center, the three rural service center and other places, Yu Tao inspected the epidemic prevention and control monitoring checkpoints on the spot, and learned about the situation of the party branch leading the cooperative. She encouraged the first secretary of the provincial party committee and government to, under the leadership of the local party committee and government, integrate the study and implementation of the spirit of the important instructions on poverty alleviation and rural revitalization into the work of helping and supporting the village, cherish the opportunity, take root in the countryside, think of more ways and do more practical things, and use practical actions to promote the revitalization of the rural areas in the villages.

Yu Tao, secretary of the party group and director of the Shandong Provincial Food and Drug Administration, went to Liangshan County, Jining to investigate drug supervision and grass-roots contact points

When visiting pharmacies and disease vaccination sites in the open and covert, Yu Tao was very concerned about the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control policy requirements and the new crown vaccination points in grass-roots pharmacies. In pharmacies, she asked pharmacies to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures such as temperature measurement of people entering the store and registration of antipyretic drugs, and scan the code to understand the wisdom supervision of "one store and one code" for drug retail. At the disease prevention site, she learned more about the vaccine supply, vaccination, etc., carefully checked the vaccine entry and exit warehouse account, storage and transportation temperature monitoring records and batch inspection reports of the Central Inspection Institute, and inspected the vaccine storage temperature environment and the operation of cold chain equipment on the spot.

After conducting on-the-spot investigation of the Maying Market Supervision Institute, a symposium was held for soliciting opinions on grass-roots drug supervision work and democratic life, and Yu Tao listened to the opinions and suggestions of the city and county drug regulatory departments, drug production and trading enterprises, medical institutions and vaccination units.

Yu Tao, secretary of the party group and director of the Shandong Provincial Food and Drug Administration, went to Liangshan County, Jining to investigate drug supervision and grass-roots contact points

Yu Tao stressed that all units at all levels should further improve their political standing, strictly follow the deployment and requirements of the provincial party committee and provincial government, adhere to the supremacy of the people and life, establish a bottom-line thinking, and make every effort to ensure the quality and safety of drugs with extraordinary measures. It is necessary to conscientiously perform the responsibility of supervision, consolidate the main responsibility of enterprises, innovate supervision methods and methods, use more inspection methods such as "four noes and two straights" to carry out inspections, accelerate the implementation of the "two-dimensional code" system, and mobilize the masses to participate in supervision together. It is necessary to further strengthen the service to enterprises, provide policy support and technical guidance for enterprises in a timely manner, help enterprises solve difficulties in development, and comprehensively promote the high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry.

During the investigation, Yu Tao also gave a special party lesson on "Party Branch Leading Cooperatives" to the first secretaries of provinces, cities and counties stationed in Liangshan County, members of the Rural Revitalization Service Team and the Party Building Service Team, and some county rural cadres, providing support for the development and expansion of the rural collective economy and the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in Liangshan County.

Lightning News reporter Wang Shuwei reported

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